3,729 research outputs found

    Study of hypersonic propulsion/airframe integration technology

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    An assessment is done of current and potential ground facilities, and analysis and flight test techniques for establishing a hypersonic propulsion/airframe integration technology base. A mach 6 cruise prototype aircraft incorporating integrated Scramjet engines was considered the baseline configuration, and the assessment focused on the aerodynamic and configuration aspects of the integration technology. The study describes the key technology milestones that must be met to permit a decision on development of a prototype vehicle, and defines risk levels for these milestones. Capabilities and limitations of analysis techniques, current and potential ground test facilities, and flight test techniques are described in terms of the milestones and risk levels

    Design and Preliminary Testing Plan of Electronegative Ion Thruster

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    Electronegative ion thrusters are a new iteration of existing gridded ion thruster technology differentiated by their ability to produce and accelerate both positive and negative ions. The primary motivations for electronegative ion thruster development include the elimination of lifetime-limiting cathodes from a thruster system and the ability to generate appreciable thrust through the acceleration of both positive or negative-charged ions. Proof-of-concept testing of the PEGASES (Plasma Propulsion with Electronegative GASES) thruster demonstrated the production of positively and negatively-charged ions (argon and sulfur hexafluoride, respectively) in an RF discharge and the subsequent acceleration of each charge species through the application of a time-varying electric field to a pair of metallic grids similar to those found in gridded ion thrusters. Leveraging the knowledge gained through experiments with the PEGASES I and II prototypes, the MINT (Marshall's Ion-ioN Thruster) is being developed to provide a platform for additional electronegative thruster proof-of-concept validation testing including direct thrust measurements. The design criteria used in designing the MINT are outlined and the planned tests that will be used to characterize the performance of the prototype are described

    Self-consistent model for ambipolar tunneling in quantum-well systems

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    We present a self-consistent approach to describe ambipolar tunneling in asymmetrical double quantum wells under steady-state excitation and extend the results to the case of tunneling from a near-surface quantum well to surface states. The results of the model compare very well with the behavior observed in photoluminescence experiments in InGaAs/InPInGaAs/InP asymmetric double quantum wells and in near-surface AlGaAs/GaAsAlGaAs/GaAs single quantum wells.Comment: 10 pages, REVTeX 3.

    Horizontal tuning for faces originates in high-level Fusiform Face Area

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    Recent work indicates that the specialization of face visual perception relies on the privileged processing of horizontal angles of facial information. This suggests that stimulus properties assumed to be fully resolved in primary visual cortex (V1; e.g., orientation) in fact determine human vision until high-level stages of processing. To address this hypothesis, the present fMRI study explored the orientation sensitivity of V1 and high-level face-specialized ventral regions such as the Occipital Face Area (OFA) and Fusiform Face Area (FFA) to different angles of face information. Participants viewed face images filtered to retain information at horizontal, vertical or oblique angles. Filtered images were viewed upright, inverted and (phase-)scrambled. FFA responded most strongly to the horizontal range of upright face information; its activation pattern reliably separated horizontal from oblique ranges, but only when faces were upright. Moreover, activation patterns induced in the right FFA and the OFA by upright and inverted faces could only be separated based on horizontal information. This indicates that the specialized processing of upright face information in the OFA and FFA essentially relies on the encoding of horizontal facial cues. This pattern was not passively inherited from V1, which was found to respond less strongly to horizontal than other orientations likely due to adaptive whitening. Moreover, we found that orientation decoding accuracy in V1 was impaired for stimuli containing no meaningful shape. By showing that primary coding in V1 is influenced by high-order stimulus structure and that high-level processing is tuned to selective ranges of primary information, the present work suggests that primary and high-level levels of the visual system interact in order to modulate the processing of certain ranges of primary information depending on their relevance with respect to the stimulus and task at hand

    Tactile perceptual learning: learning curves and transfer to the contralateral finger

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    Tactile perceptual learning has been shown to improve performance on tactile tasks, but there is no agreement about the extent of transfer to untrained skin locations. The lack of such transfer is often seen as a behavioral index of the contribution of early somatosensory brain regions. Moreover, the time course of improvements has never been described explicitly. Sixteen subjects were trained on the Ludvigh task (a tactile vernier task) on four subsequent days. On the fifth day, transfer of learning to the non-trained contralateral hand was tested. In five subjects, we explored to what extent training effects were retained approximately 1.5 years after the final training session, expecting to find long-term retention of learning effects after training. Results showed that tactile perceptual learning mainly occurred offline, between sessions. Training effects did not transfer initially, but became fully available to the untrained contralateral hand after a few additional training runs. After 1.5 years, training effects were not fully washed out and could be recuperated within a single training session. Interpreted in the light of theories of visual perceptual learning, these results suggest that tactile perceptual learning is not fundamentally different from visual perceptual learning, but might proceed at a slower pace due to procedural and task differences, thus explaining the apparent divergence in the amount of transfer and long-term retention

    Global convergence of a non-convex Douglas-Rachford iteration

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    We establish a region of convergence for the proto-typical non-convex Douglas-Rachford iteration which finds a point on the intersection of a line and a circle. Previous work on the non-convex iteration [2] was only able to establish local convergence, and was ineffective in that no explicit region of convergence could be given

    Heat and momentum transport in a multicomponent mixture far from equilibrium

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    Explicit expressions for the heat and momentum fluxes are given for a low-density multicomponent mixture in a steady state with temperature and velocity gradients. The results are obtained from a formally exact solution of the Gross-Krook model [Phys. Rev. {\bf 102}, 593 (1956)] of the Boltzmann equation for a multicomponent mixture. The transport coefficients (shear viscosity, viscometric functions, thermal conductivity and a cross coefficient measuring the heat flux orthogonal to the thermal gradient) are nonlinear functions of the velocity and temperature gradients and the parameters of the mixture (particle masses, concentrations, and force constants). The description applies for conditions arbitrarily far from equilibrium and is not restricted to any range of mass ratios, molar fractions and/or size ratios. The results show that, in general, the presence of the shear flow produces an inhibition in the transport of momentum and energy with respect to that of the Navier-Stokes regime. In the particular case of particles mechanically equivalent and in the tracer limit, previous results are recovered.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Physica

    Integrating Systems Health Management with Adaptive Controls for a Utility-Scale Wind Turbine

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    Increasing turbine up-time and reducing maintenance costs are key technology drivers for wind turbine operators. Components within wind turbines are subject to considerable stresses due to unpredictable environmental conditions resulting from rapidly changing local dynamics. Systems health management has the aim to assess the state-of-health of components within a wind turbine, to estimate remaining life, and to aid in autonomous decision-making to minimize damage. Advanced adaptive controls can provide the mechanism to enable optimized operations that also provide the enabling technology for Systems Health Management goals. The work reported herein explores the integration of condition monitoring of wind turbine blades with contingency management and adaptive controls. Results are demonstrated using a high fidelity simulator of a utility-scale wind turbine

    Dirac Relation and Renormalization Group Equations for Electric and Magnetic Fine Structure Constants

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    The quantum field theory describing electric and magnetic charges and revealing a dual symmetry was developed in the Zwanziger formalism. The renormalization group (RG) equations for both fine structure constants - electric α\alpha and magnetic α~\tilde \alpha - were obtained. It was shown that the Dirac relation is valid for the renormalized α\alpha and α~\tilde \alpha at the arbitrary scale, but these RG equations can be considered perturbatively only in the small region: 0.25<α,α~<10.25 \stackrel{<}{\sim} \alpha, \tilde \alpha \stackrel{<}{\sim} 1 with α~\tilde \alpha given by the Dirac relation: αα~\alpha {\tilde \alpha} = 1/4.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, made corrections of physics after comments from Kim Milto