416 research outputs found

    Rebeld practices and equality policies: centers, margins and possibilities

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    Num texto publicado pelo Monde Diplomatique, em janeiro de 1995, Ignacio Ramonet chamava “pensamento Ășnico” ao que era divulgado atravĂ©s de poderosos meios de difusĂŁo: a imprensa econĂłmica, o patronato, uma parte da Universidade, os cĂ­rculos de reflexĂŁo e de estudos, as escolas de gestĂŁo. Enquadrado num projeto integral de construção de um modelo das relaçÔes sociais e de classe, de realinhamento do pĂșblico e do privado, e de reconfiguração das formas de governo, o pensamento Ășnico tem como epĂ­tome uma citação de Margaret Thatcher: “[e]conomics are the method, but the object is to change the soul”[1]. Reporta-se Ă  realidade do capitalismo actual, que acentuou as desigualdades[2] , com as diferenças de classe a plasmarem-se em identidades raciais, de gĂ©nero, de nação, de religiĂŁo, de pertença geogrĂĄfica[3], nas suas justaposiçÔes e multiplicidades. Entre possibilidades perdidas e possibilidades impossĂ­veis, num tempo em que o exercĂ­cio da caridade e do assistencialismo parece ir substituindo o da partilha e da criação de noçÔes de comum, hĂĄ prĂĄticas de resistĂȘncia, legĂ­veis nos centros, nas margens, nos esconderijos e em bifurcaçÔes nĂŁo previstas. Estas prĂĄticas ilustram o papel dos agentes sociais subalternos e silenciados pela HistĂłria, que se movem, que agem, que actuam, que se dissimulam ou que se evadem.Fil: Godinho, Paula; Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Portuga

    Long Term Evolution of the Size Distribution of Portuguese Cities

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    In this paper we study the evolution of the Portuguese urban system from 1864 to 2001. We apply the rank-size model and use rank-size estimates to describe the evolution of city-size hierarchy. Non paretian behaviour of the distribution is examined by adding a quadratic term to the basic equation of the model. Our results enhance two different processes in the evolution of urban system: until the middle of the twentieth century urban growth was accompanied by population concentration in the largest cities and proliferation of small cities; afterwards growth benefits middle size cities, reinforced in the last decades by heavy population losses in the two largest cities. From the association between the characteristics and evolving pattern of city size distribution and the spatial pattern of urban growth, it appears that the non paretian behaviour of city size distribution in the last decades can be linked to the particular growth process of cities located in the proximity of the central cities of the two metropolitan areas of Portugal’s mainland. In order to obtain a better understanding of the dynamics of the Portuguese urban system we examine the movements in the ranking of cities. We also analyse the existence of spatial correlation in the process of urban hierarchy restructuring.

    The evolution of city size distribution in Portugal: 1864-2001

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    The rank-size model - which states that the size distribution of cities in a country follows a Pareto distribution - has been recognized as one of those stylised facts or amazing empirical regularities, in spatial economics. A common problem in city size distribution studies concerns the definition of “cities”, namely the consistency of those definitions over time. In this paper we use a city-proper data base which uses a consistent definition of cities from 1864 to 1991. Portugal is a country with long established national borders and whose mainland urban system shows a constant number of cities over that period. In Portugal, empirical evidence on city size distribution based on census data shows that two large cities dominate the urban system, associated with a large number of very small cities and a clear deficit of medium-size cities. In this paper we analyse the evolution of the rank size exponent and examine the effect of varying city size cut-offs on the estimated value of that exponent. Then, we study the deviations of the rank-size distribution from linearity. Finally, we explore the dynamics underlying the evolution of the urban system by examining the relationship between city growth rates and city size. Keywords: city size distribution, Zipf’s law, rank-size, urban hierarchy, urban primacy

    The evolution of city size distribution in Portugal: 1864-2001

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    The rank-size model - which states that the size distribution of cities in a country follows a Pareto distribution - has been recognized as one of those stylized facts or amazing empirical regularities, in spatial economics. A common problem in city size distribution studies concerns the definition of “cities”, namely the consistency of those definitions over time. In this paper we use a city-proper data base which uses a consistent definition of cities from 1864 to 1991. Portugal is a country with long established national borders and whose mainland urban system shows a constant number of cities over that period. In Portugal, empirical evidence on city size distribution based on census data shows that two large cities dominate the urban system, associated with a large number of very small cities and a clear deficit of medium-size cities. In this paper we analyse the evolution of the rank size exponent and examine the effect of varying city size cut-offs on the estimate value of that exponent. Then, we study the deviations of the rank-size distribution from linearity. Finally, we explore the dynamics underlying the evolution of the urban system by examining the relationship between city growth rates and city size.city size distribution, Zipf’s law, urban hierarchy, urban primacy

    Long term evolution of the size distribution of Portuguese cities

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    In this paper we study the evolution of the Portuguese urban system from 1864 to 2001. We apply the rank-size model and use rank-size estimates to describe the evolution of city-size hierarchy. NonParetian behavior of the distribution is examined by adding a quadratic term to the basic equation of the model. Our results enhance two different processes in the evolution of urban system: until the middle of the twentieth century urban growth was accompanied by population concentration in the largest cities; afterwards growth benefits middle size cities, reinforced in the last decades by heavy population losses in the two largest cities. From the association between the characteristics and evolving pattern of city size distribution and the spatial pattern of urban growth, it appears that the nonParetian behavior of city size distribution in the last decades can be linked to the particular growth process of cities located in the proximity of the central cities of the two metropolitan areas of mainland Portugal. In order to obtain a better understanding of the dynamics of the Portuguese urban system we examine the movements in the ranking of cities, through a Markov chain process. We also analyse the existence of spatial correlation in the process of urban hierarchy restructuring.Urban hierarchy, rank-size distribution, urban growth, Markov processes

    The importance of stories to promote empahty in young learners

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    This report shares an action research project that aimed to answer the question “How can stories be used as a resource in the classroom to promote empathy in young learners?”. Taking into consideration this initial question, the aims of this research were related to the use of stories in the classroom considering the stages associated to the adaption of the story and the storytelling process. Another aim was to understand which tools could be used to assess empathy trait development in students. The study took place from September to December 2019 in a 3rd grade class in a primary school in Portugal. The results highlight aspects to take into consideration when adapting and telling a story successfully in the English primary classroom, as well as a suggestion for a data collection tool to assess the empathy trait development in students.Este relatĂłrio pretende responder Ă  questĂŁo inicial “Como Ă© que as histĂłrias podem ser utilizadas como um recurso na sala de aula para promover a empatia em jovens aprendentes?”. Tendo em consideração esta questĂŁo inicial, os objetivos deste estudo estĂŁo relacionados com a utilização das histĂłrias na sala de aula, considerando o processo de adaptação da histĂłria e o ato de contar a mesma. Outro aspeto importante deste projeto, seria perceber quais seriam os instrumentos de recolha de dados mais importantes, relativamente ao desenvolvimento do traço da empatia nos aprendentes. Este estudo decorreu entre Setembro e Dezembro de 2019, numa turma de 3Âș ano, numa escola primĂĄria, em Portugal. Os resultados demonstraram diferentes e importantes aspetos a ter em conta no processo de adaptação e no ato de contar uma histĂłria de forma bem-sucedida, bem como, instrumentos de recolha de dados pertinentes para a compreensĂŁo do estado inicial de empatia nos aprendentes

    El tratado de Lisboa de 1864: la demarcaciĂłn de la frontera y las identificaciones nacionales

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    El Tratado de LĂ­mites entre España y Portugal, firmado en Lisboa en 1864, constituye un paradigma de los modernos tratados de fronteras interestatales. En este artĂ­culo en primer lugar, se aborda el estudio de los trabajos de la ComisiĂłn Mixta de LĂ­mites que se creĂł, y de sus relaciones con las poblaciones de la «raya» –nombre que se da localmente a la zona adyacente al lĂ­mite fronterizo-, para despuĂ©s pasar a analizar las negociaciones diplomĂĄticas y el texto final del Tratado. Para mostrar la relaciĂłn de la demarcaciĂłn de la frontera con los procesos de identificaciĂłn nacionales, se pone en relaciĂłn con los discursos identitarios sobre los que se asentĂł, en los que conviene distinguir tres niveles: el discurso «palaciego» de las autoridades centrales y los diplomĂĄticos implicados, el discurso tĂ©cnico y de progreso de los ingenieros y topĂłgrafos militares de la ComisiĂłn, y, finalmente, el discurso de las poblaciones locales

    o arquivo sensĂ­vel de Aurora Rodrigues e a resistĂȘncia Ă  ditadura portuguesa

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    UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020Neste artigo proponho uma reflexĂŁo a partir dos materiais produzidos e recebidos na prisĂŁo por uma prisioneira polĂ­tica maoista durante os anos finais da longa ditadura portuguesa (1926-1974). AtravĂ©s deles, com base na partilha do sensĂ­vel, segundo a proposta de Jacques RanciĂšre, acede-se ao conhecimento da experiĂȘncia de resistĂȘncia, assente nas suas memĂłrias traumĂĄticas. As memĂłrias coletivas sensĂ­veis, construtoras de sentidos de pertença, estĂŁo ligadas aos grupos, refletindo lugares sociais e perspetivas diferenciadas. MercĂȘ de conjunturas determinadas, algumas podem ultrapassar as dimensĂ”es do grupo e implantarem-se como memĂłrias da sociedade. Na linha de RanciĂšre, a partilha do sensĂ­vel, essa inscrição da ordem do mundo nas categorias do visĂ­vel e do dizĂ­vel – o que se pode ver e o que Ă© invisĂ­vel, o se ouve ou Ă© mero ruĂ­do -, Ă© interditada quando se recusa a ordem da dominação e a negação sensĂ­vel de um mundo comum. In this article I propose a reflection from the materials produced and received in prison by a Maoist political prisoner during the final years of the long Portuguese dictatorship (1926-1974). Through these materials, based on the «partage du sensible», according to Jacques RanciĂšre's proposal, we can access to knowledge of the experience of resistance, based on Aurora Rodrigues’s traumatic memories. Sensitive collective memories, which build a sense of belonging, are linked to groups, reflecting social places and different perspectives. Due to certain circumstances, some may go beyond the dimensions of the group and establish themselves as social memories. In RanciĂšre's perspective, the sharing of the sensitive, this inscription of the order of the world in the categories of what can be seen and what is invisible, what is heard or is mere noise, is prohibited when the people refuses the order of domination and the sensitive negation of a common world.publishersversionpublishe

    dos campos ao fim do trabalho no sul da Galiza

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    UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Måscaras, Mistérios e Segredos

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    MĂĄscaras, mistĂ©rios e segredos: com este mote, a partir de idiomas diversos das ciĂȘncias sociais e humanas e das artes – antropologia, histĂłria, literatura, literatura tradicional, folclorismo, etologia, teatro, histĂłria de arte – interrogĂĄmos (1) as mĂĄscaras em processo, (2) a sua associação ao modernismo portuguĂȘs – nomeadamente, a Fernando Pessoa –, (3) os segredos, mistĂ©rios e enganos, (4) os rostos, os comportamentos e a sua relação com as mĂĄscaras
