57 research outputs found

    Changes in ocean circulation and carbon storage are decoupled from air-sea CO2 fluxes

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    © The Authors, 2011. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. The definitive version was published in Biogeosciences 8 (2011): 505-513, doi:10.5194/bg-8-505-2011.The spatial distribution of the air-sea flux of carbon dioxide is a poor indicator of the underlying ocean circulation and of ocean carbon storage. The weak dependence on circulation arises because mixing-driven changes in solubility-driven and biologically-driven air-sea fluxes largely cancel out. This cancellation occurs because mixing driven increases in the poleward residual mean circulation result in more transport of both remineralized nutrients and heat from low to high latitudes. By contrast, increasing vertical mixing decreases the storage associated with both the biological and solubility pumps, as it decreases remineralized carbon storage in the deep ocean and warms the ocean as a whole.I. Marinov was supported by NOAA grant NA10OAR4310092

    Dynamics of Langmuir circulation in oceanic surface layers

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, 1994.Vita.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 344-349).by Anand Gnanadesikan.Ph.D

    Meteorological and oceanographic data collected during the ASREX 91 field experiment

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    The 1991 Acoustic Surface Reverberation Experiment (ASREX 91) took place in November and December off the coast of British Columbia. As part of this experiment, three moorings were deployed to characterize the environmental background. The moorings consisted of a meteorological/oceanographic mooring designed to measure surface meteorology, current and temperature in the upper 120 meters, and nondirectional wave parameters and two wave moorings which were instrumented with pitch-roll buoys to characterize the directional wave spectrum. This report presents results from these three moorings. The conditions seen during the experiment were extremely rough, with wind speeds at 3.4m above the water surface reaching a maximum of 22 m/s and wave heights reaching a maximum of over 10 meters. The air-sea flux of heat was strongly cooling, and the mixed layer deepened over the course of the experiment from approximately 40 to approximately 70 meters. Spectra of the temperature showed a strong semidiurnal tidal signal associated with temperature excursions of several degrees C. The velocity signal showed strong inertial oscilations with amplitudes of 30-50 cm/s. Weaker low-frequency and semidiurnal tidal signals were also seen. The waves were very strong with significant wave heights of 5-6 meters persisting for up to 2 weeks at a time. Waves were generally out of the south or the west.Funding was provided by the Ocean Acoustics Program (Code 324OA) of the Office of Naval Research under contract N00014-91-J-1891

    The transient response of the Southern Ocean to stratospheric ozone depletion

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    Abstract Recent studies have suggested that the response of the Southern Ocean to stratospheric ozone depletion is nonmonotonic in time; consisting of an initial cooling followed by a long-term warming. This result may be significant for the attribution of observed Southern Ocean temperature and sea ice trends, but the time scale and magnitude of the response is poorly constrained, with a wide spread among climate models. Furthermore, a long-lived initial cooling period has only been observed in a model with idealized geometry and lacking an explicit representation of ozone. Here the authors calculate the transient response of the Southern Ocean to a step-change in ozone in a comprehensive coupled climate model, GFDL-ESM2Mc. The Southern Ocean responds to ozone depletion with an initial cooling, lasting 25 yr, followed by a warming. The authors extend previous studies to investigate the dependence of the response on the ozone forcing as well as the regional pattern of this response. The response of the Southern Ocean relative to natural variability is shown to be largely independent of the initial state. However, the magnitude of this response is much less than that of natural variability found in the model, which limits its influence and detectability.</jats:p

    Tipping points in overturning circulation mediated by ocean mixing and the configuration and magnitude of the hydrological cycle: A simple model

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    The current configuration of the ocean overturning involves upwelling predominantly in the Southern Ocean and sinking predominantly in the Atlantic basin. The reasons for this remain unclear, as both models and paleoclimatic observations suggest that sinking can sometimes occur in the Pacific. We present a six-box model of the overturning in which temperature, salinity and low-latitude pycnocline depths are allowed to vary prognostically in both the Atlantic and Pacific. The overturning is driven by temperature, winds, and mixing and modulated by the hydrological cycle. In each basin there are three possible flow regimes, depending on whether low-latitude water flowing into northern surface boxes is transformed into dense deep water, somewhat lighter intermediate water, or light water that is returned at the surface. The resulting model combines insights from a number of previous studies and allows for nine possible global flow regimes. For the modern ocean, we find that although the interbasin atmospheric freshwater flux suppresses Pacific sinking, the equator-to-pole flux enhances it. When atmospheric temperatures are held fixed, seven possible flow regimes can be accessed by changing the amplitude and configuration of the modern hydrological cycle . North Pacific overturning can strengthen with either increases or decreases in the hydrological cycle, as well as under reversal of the interbasin freshwater flux. Tipping-point behavior of both transient and equilibrium states is modulated by parameters such as the poorly constrained lateral diffusive mixing. If hydrological cycle amplitude is varied consistently with global temperature, northern polar amplification is necessary for the Atlantic overturning to collapseComment: 38 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to Journal of Physical Oceanograph

    Meridional density gradients do not control the Atlantic overturning circulation

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    A wide body of modeling and theoretical scaling studies support the concept that changes to the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), whether forced by winds or buoyancy fluxes, can be understood in terms of a simple causative relation between the AMOC and an appropriately defined meridional density gradient (MDG). The MDG is supposed to translate directly into a meridional pressure gradient. Here two sets of experiments are performed using a modular ocean model coupled to an energy–moisture balance model in which the positive AMOC–MDG relation breaks down. In the first suite of seven model integrations it is found that increasing winds in the Southern Ocean cause an increase in overturning while the surface density difference between the equator and North Atlantic drops. In the second suite of eight model integrations the equation of state is manipulated so that the density is calculated at the model temperature plus an artificial increment ΔT that ranges from −3° to 9°C. (An increase in ΔT results in increased sensitivity of density to temperature gradients.) The AMOC in these model integrations drops as the MDG increases regardless of whether the density difference is computed at the surface or averaged over the upper ocean. Traditional scaling analysis can only produce this weaker AMOC if the scale depth decreases enough to compensate for the stronger MDG. Five estimates of the depth scale are evaluated and it is found that the changes in the AMOC can be derived from scaling analysis when using the depth of the maximum overturning circulation or estimates thereof but not from the pycnocline depth. These two depth scales are commonly assumed to be the same in theoretical models of the AMOC. It is suggested that the correlation between the MDG and AMOC breaks down in these model integrations because the depth and strength of the AMOC is influenced strongly by remote forcing such as Southern Ocean winds and Antarctic Bottom Water formation

    Using Artificial Intelligence to aid Scientific Discovery of Climate Tipping Points

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    We propose a hybrid Artificial Intelligence (AI) climate modeling approach that enables climate modelers in scientific discovery using a climate-targeted simulation methodology based on a novel combination of deep neural networks and mathematical methods for modeling dynamical systems. The simulations are grounded by a neuro-symbolic language that both enables question answering of what is learned by the AI methods and provides a means of explainability. We describe how this methodology can be applied to the discovery of climate tipping points and, in particular, the collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). We show how this methodology is able to predict AMOC collapse with a high degree of accuracy using a surrogate climate model for ocean interaction. We also show preliminary results of neuro-symbolic method performance when translating between natural language questions and symbolically learned representations. Our AI methodology shows promising early results, potentially enabling faster climate tipping point related research that would otherwise be computationally infeasible.Comment: This is the preprint of work presented at the 2022 AAAI Fall Symposium Series, Third Symposium on Knowledge-Guided ML, November 202