7 research outputs found

    15(S)-Lipoxygenase-1 associates with neutral lipid droplets in macrophage foam cells: evidence of lipid droplet metabolism

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    15(S)-lipoxygenase-1 (15-LO-1) was present in the whole-cell homogenate of an acute human monocytic leukemia cell line (THP-1). Additionally, 15-LO-1 was detected on neutral lipid droplets isolated from THP-1 foam cells. To investigate if 15-LO-1 is active on lipid droplets, we used the mouse leukemic monocytic macrophage cell line (RAW 264.7), which are stably transfected with human 15-LO-1. The RAW 15-LO-1 cells were incubated with acetylated low density lipoprotein to generate foam cells. 15(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid [15(S)-HETE], the major 15-LO-1 metabolite of arachidonic acid, was produced in the 15-LO-1 RAW but not in the mock transfected cells when incubated with arachidonic acid. Lipid droplets were isolated from the cells and incubated with arachidonic acid, and production of 15(S)-HETE was measured over 2 h. 15(S)-HETE was produced in the incubations with the lipid droplets, and this production was attenuated when the lipid droplet fraction was subjected to enzyme inactivation through heating. Efflux of 15(S)-HETE from cholesteryl ester-enriched 15-LO RAW cells, when lipid droplets are present, was significantly reduced compared with that from cells enriched with free cholesterol (lipid droplets are absent). We propose that 15-LO-1 is present and functional on cytoplasmic neutral lipid droplets in macrophage foam cells, and these droplets may act to accumulate the anti-inflammatory lipid mediator 15(S)-HETE

    Characterization and properties of preβ-HDL particles formed by ABCA1-mediated cellular lipid efflux to apoA-I*

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    The contribution of ABCA1-mediated efflux of cellular phospholipid (PL) and cholesterol to human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) to the formation of preβ1-HDL (or lipid-poor apoA-I) is not well defined. To explore this issue, we characterized the nascent HDL particles formed when lipid-free apoA-I was incubated with fibroblasts in which expression of the ABCA1 was upregulated. After a 2 h incubation, the extracellular medium contained small apoA-I/PL particles (preβ1-HDL; diameter = 7.5 ± 0.4 nm). The preβ1-HDL (or lipid-poor apoA-I) particles contained a single apoA-I molecule and three to four PL molecules and one to two cholesterol molecules. An apoA-I variant lacking the C-terminal α-helix did not form such particles when incubated with the cell, indicating that this helix is critical for the formation of lipid-poor apoA-I particles. These preβ1-HDL particles were as effective as lipid-free apoA-I molecules in mediating both the efflux of cellular lipids via ABCA1 and the formation of larger, discoidal HDL particles. In conclusion, preβ1-HDL is both a product and a substrate in the ABCA1-mediated reaction to efflux cellular PL and cholesterol to apoA-I. A monomeric apoA-I molecule associated with three to four PL molecules (i.e., lipid-poor apoA-I) has similar properties to the lipid-free apoA-I molecule