1,182 research outputs found

    On the Control of Asynchronous Automata

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    The decidability of the distributed version of the Ramadge and Wonham controller synthesis problem,where both the plant and the controllers are modeled as asynchronous automataand the controllers have causal memoryis a challenging open problem.There exist three classes of plants for which the existence of a correct controller with causal memory has been shown decidable: when the dependency graph of actions is series-parallel, when the processes are connectedly communicating and when the dependency graph of processes is a tree. We design a class of plants, called decomposable games, with a decidable controller synthesis problem.This provides a unified proof of the three existing decidability results as well as new examples of decidable plants

    Blackwell-Optimal Strategies in Priority Mean-Payoff Games

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    We examine perfect information stochastic mean-payoff games - a class of games containing as special sub-classes the usual mean-payoff games and parity games. We show that deterministic memoryless strategies that are optimal for discounted games with state-dependent discount factors close to 1 are optimal for priority mean-payoff games establishing a strong link between these two classes

    Two-Player Perfect-Information Shift-Invariant Submixing Stochastic Games Are Half-Positional

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    We consider zero-sum stochastic games with perfect information and finitely many states and actions. The payoff is computed by a payoff function which associates to each infinite sequence of states and actions a real number. We prove that if the the payoff function is both shift-invariant and submixing, then the game is half-positional, i.e. the first player has an optimal strategy which is both deterministic and stationary. This result relies on the existence of ϵ\epsilon-subgame-perfect equilibria in shift-invariant games, a second contribution of the paper

    Pushing undecidability of the isolation problem for probabilistic automata

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    This short note aims at proving that the isolation problem is undecidable for probabilistic automata with only one probabilistic transition. This problem is known to be undecidable for general probabilistic automata, without restriction on the number of probabilistic transitions. In this note, we develop a simulation technique that allows to simulate any probabilistic automaton with one having only one probabilistic transition

    Crossover from quasi-static to dense flow regime in compressed frictional granular media

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    We investigate the evolution of multi-scale mechanical properties towards the macroscopic mechanical instability in frictional granular media under multiaxial compressive loading. Spatial correlations of shear stress redistribution following nucleating contact sliding events and shear strain localization are investigated. We report growing correlation lengths associated to both shear stress and shear strain fields that diverge simultaneously as approaching the transition to a dense flow regime. This shows that the transition from quasi static to dense flow regime can be interpreted as a critical phase transition. Our results suggest that no shear band with a characteristic thickness has formed at the onset of instability

    Determinacy and Decidability of Reachability Games with Partial Observation on Both Sides

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    We prove two determinacy and decidability results about two-players stochastic reachability games with partial observation on both sides and finitely many states, signals and actions

    Deciding the value 1 problem for probabilistic leaktight automata

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    The value 1 problem is a decision problem for probabilistic automata over finite words: given a probabilistic automaton, are there words accepted with probability arbitrarily close to 1? This problem was proved undecidable recently; to overcome this, several classes of probabilistic automata of different nature were proposed, for which the value 1 problem has been shown decidable. In this paper, we introduce yet another class of probabilistic automata, called leaktight automata, which strictly subsumes all classes of probabilistic automata whose value 1 problem is known to be decidable. We prove that for leaktight automata, the value 1 problem is decidable (in fact, PSPACE-complete) by constructing a saturation algorithm based on the computation of a monoid abstracting the behaviours of the automaton. We rely on algebraic techniques developed by Simon to prove that this abstraction is complete. Furthermore, we adapt this saturation algorithm to decide whether an automaton is leaktight. Finally, we show a reduction allowing to extend our decidability results from finite words to infinite ones, implying that the value 1 problem for probabilistic leaktight parity automata is decidable

    Les MatemĂ tiques de GOOGLE: l'algorisme PageRank

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    En aquest article presentem i analitzem l'algorisme PageRank, emprat per Google en l'ordenació dels seus resultats de cerca. La seva fonamentació teòrica ens duu a interrelacionar diferents parts de la matemàtica, com la teoria de matrius no negatives, la teoria de grafs i les cadenes de Markov. Cal dir que hi ha altres algorismes de valoració de pàgines web, basats en el còmput de vectors propis, com l'algorisme HITS, el qual exposem breument al final del treball.The mathematics of Google: The PageRank algorithm. In this paper we present and analyze the PageRank algorithm, used by Google to rank its search results. We focus on the mathematical background of this algorithm, which involves nonnegative matrices, graphs and Markov chains. There are some other web ranking algorithms, based on the computation of eigenvectors, like the HITS algorithm, which we briefly explain at the end of the paper
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