141 research outputs found

    Physical education content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in secondary education

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    El objetivo principal del estudio ha sido comprobar qué manifiesta el profesorado de educación física en educación secundaria con relación al Conocimiento del contenido y al Conocimiento Pedagógico del contenido, según su formación inicial, permanente y las clases que imparte, pues este dominio supone una característica clave de los docentes. Un total de 18 profesores de EF de secundaria (lo que supone el 72% del profesorado existente; 14 hombres y cuatro mujeres) contestaron a un cuestionario, y a cuatro de ellos se les entrevistó para ampliar la información. Los resultados muestran que en la formación inicial y para nuevos contenidos predomina el interés por el conocimiento del contenido; mientras que en los contenidos que dicen dominar o que identifican, se interesan por el conocimiento pedagógico del contenido. Los resultados pueden servir para que el profesorado en ejercicio asuma una mejora en estos dos aspectos claves del conocimiento pedagógico, y la mejora de la eficacia en la enseñanza de la EF. También se señalan limitaciones del estudio en cuanto a la población y los temas abordados.The objective of the study is to examine secondary education physical education teachers’ knowledge and pedagogical knowledge of contents, depending on their initial and permanent education, as well as on the classes they teach, as the former represents a key feature for teachers. A total of 18 secondary education PE teachers (72% of the existing teachers’ workforce; 14 men and four women) answered a questionnaire. Additionally, four of them were interviewed in order to collect further information. The results show that interest in knowing the content predominates in initial education and when presenting new contents, whereas pedagogical knowledge is the focus of teachers when they claim to master a certain content. These results can be used to promote in-service teachers’ improvement in these two key aspects of pedagogical knowledge, as well as to enhance teaching efficiency in PE. Population and addressed topics may be considered as limitations of this sudy

    La enseñanza de deporte desde la perspectiva educativa

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    La enseñanza del deporte es un contenido importante sobre el cual se discute constantemente en nuestra área de conocimiento. Dentro de él son numerosos los tópicos que continuamente son abordados por profesionales de prestigio, pero también son abundantes las discrepancias. En ese sentido, pensamos que es muy necesario dejar claro la perspectiva desde la que abordamos la enseñanza: formación o rendimiento. Al tener clara la orientación que le damos a la enseñanza, seguramente las discrepancias serán menores. Nuestra apuesta es clara, el deporte se debe utilizar como un contenido de vital importancia en la formación motriz del alumnado de primaria y secundaria, a la vez que se convierte en el hábito extraescolar preferido por los escolares.Sports teaching is an important content that is debated constantly in our area of knowledge. Within it, there are many topics that are frequently discussed by prestigious professionals, but there are also numerous discrepancies. In this respect, we think that there is a great need to make clear the perspective from which we approach teaching: training or performance. By having the orientation that we provide to teaching clear, the discrepancies will surely be lower. Our commitment is clear: sport must be used as content of vital importance in motor training of primary and secondary students, as well as it becomes the preferred extracurricular habit by schoolchildren

    La enseñanza de deporte desde la perspectiva educativa

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    La enseñanza del deporte es un contenido importante sobre el cual se discute constantemente en nuestra área de conocimiento. Dentro de él son numerosos los tópicos que continuamente son abordados por profesionales de prestigio, pero también son abundantes las discrepancias. En ese sentido, pensamos que es muy necesario dejar claro la perspectiva desde la que abordamos la enseñanza: formación o rendimiento. Al tener clara la orientación que le damos a la enseñanza, seguramente las discrepancias serán menores. Nuestra apuesta es clara, el deporte se debe utilizar como un contenido de vital importancia en la formación motriz del alumnado de primaria y secundaria, a la vez que se convierte en el hábito extraescolar preferido por los escolares.Sports teaching is an important content that is debated constantly in our area of knowledge. Within it, there are many topics that are frequently discussed by prestigious professionals, but there are also numerous discrepancies. In this respect, we think that there is a great need to make clear the perspective from which we approach teaching: training or performance. By having the orientation that we provide to teaching clear, the discrepancies will surely be lower. Our commitment is clear: sport must be used as content of vital importance in motor training of primary and secondary students, as well as it becomes the preferred extracurricular habit by schoolchildren

    Factors Influencing the Training Process of Paralympic Women Athletes

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    (1) Background: Paralympic women athletes in their training process go through a series of interrelated stages which are parallel to their evolutionary development, during which a wide variety of psychological, social, and biological factors will have an impact. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors influencing the sports training process of Spanish Paralympic women athletes (social, sporting, psychological, technical–tactical factors, physical condition, as well as barriers and facilitators) who had won at least one medal (gold, silver, or bronze) in the 21st century Paralympic Games (from Sydney 2000 to Tokyo 2020). (2) Methods: The research involved 28 Spanish Paralympic women athletes who had won at least one medal at a Paralympic Games in the 21st century. An interview of 54 questions grouped into 6 dimensions (sport context, social context, psychological, technical–tactical, physical fitness, and barriers and facilitators) was used. (3) Results: Coaches, as well as families, were essential in the sport development of Paralympic athletes. In addition, most women athletes recognized that psychological aspects were of vital importance, as well as working on technical–tactical aspects and physical fitness in an integrated way. Finally, the Paralympic women athletes highlighted that they had to face numerous barriers, mainly financial challenges and issues with visibility in the media. (4) Conclusions: Athletes consider it necessary to work with specialists to control emotions, increase motivation and self-confidence, as well as to reduce stress and anxiety and manage pressure. Finally, the training process and sporting performance of Paralympic women athletes are conditioned by several barriers, including economic, social, architectural, and disability barriers. These considerations can be taken into account by the technical teams working with Paralympic women athletes, as well as by the competent bodies, to improve the sports training process of these athletes.This research was funded by the University of Huelva (EPIT 2021. Call for grants to support the integration of the gender perspective in research)

    Effects of Sport Teaching on Students' Enjoyment and Fun: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The methodology used in sport teaching influences not only the students' technical and tactical learning, but also psychological and social dimensions such as enjoyment. We aimed to analyze the effects of interventions using conventional and non-conventional sport teaching methodology on students' enjoyment/fun, through a systematic review and meta-analysis. The search was carried out following the PRISMA Statement in the databases of Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, SportDiscus, Eric and PsycInfo. A total of 1,481 documents were obtained, with the addition of 5 more which were identified in the reference lists of the articles found in the databases. Eleven articles were considered to meet the inclusion criteria. The meta-analysis yielded a moderate effect size of 0.72, and a 95% CI from 0.48 to 0.96 in favor of non-conventional teaching methods, highlighting the model of sports education. Nevertheless, the heterogeneity of the interventions was large and the quality of the evidence, according to GRADE, was very low. In conclusion, the use of non-conventional models in sport teaching with the aim of increasing the enjoyment/fun of boys and girls is advised. These suggestions could be useful for teachers and sport coaches to increase the enjoyment/fun of their trainees during sport practice

    Profile of grassroots football coaches of Spanish professional clubs

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    The aim of the study was to identify the profile and education of grassroots football coaches (working with 8-12-year olds) of Spanish professional clubs (first and second male division, and first female division), as well as the qualities and characteristics they should have. For this purpose, an ad hoc questionnaire of 57 questions was used, grouped into seven dimensions, and administered to 153 coaches. This research focuses on the socio-demographic variables as well as on the dimensions of the coach’s qualities and coach’s education. The results showed that the profile of the coach corresponded to the following: male between 20 and 30 years of age, with experience in football initiation of 4-7 years, but with a 2-year experience in coaching boys and girls aged 8-12 years, with the specific football qualification level II or Union of European Football Associations A. The coaches considered it very important to have pedagogical skills and to use coaching methods that focus on learning rather than on results in order to be a coach in these age categories. Moreover, the participants considered that the training received in the official coaching courses did not adequately qualify them to carry out the sporting and human education of boys and girls in the benjamin (under 10) and alevin (under 12) age categories. The coaches also felt that the contents of the coaching course should be adjusted to the requirements of these age groups. These considerations can help sports federations and training centres to establish strategies to improve the official training programmes for football coaches

    Making profiles in boys and girls playing basketball = Perfiles decisionales en niños y niñas de baloncesto

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    Decision-making in players of sports such as basketball is essential to the sport activity itself. For this reason, decision-making is being researched in sports from a range of approaches and angles. The focus of this study is on understanding the decision-making profiles of basketball playing boys and girls (n=63), aged between 10 and 12. They belong to a basketball school with a distinct educational philosophy and an internal competition style that favour educational values required in sports at the initial stages. A descriptive study was conducted by applying a questionnaire on decision-making styles in sports (CETD). The questionnaire results according to the three analysed parameters are as follows: perceived decisional competence, M=2.26 ± 0.2. Anxiety and feeling overwhelmed when making decisions, M=2.36 ± 0.3. Tactical learning commitment, M=3.43 ± 0.3. These results have allowed the acquisition of greater knowledge about the players being analysed in terms of their perception on how they make decisions in training and competition, thus allowing the application of certain teaching strategies, enabling them to progress in basketball skills. ----------RESUMEN---------- La toma de decisiones de los jugadores en deportes como el baloncesto, es consustancial al propio deporte. Por este motivo, la decisión es objeto de investigación en el ámbito deportivo, abordándola desde diferentes enfoques y perspectivas. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido conocer el perfil decisional de un grupo de niños y niñas que practican baloncesto (n=63), con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y 12 años. Pertenecen a una escuela de baloncesto con una marcada filosofía educativa y un tipo de competición interna favorecedora de los valores educativos necesarios para la práctica deportiva en las etapas de iniciación. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo aplicando el cuestionario de estilos al decidir en el deporte (CETD). Los resultados obtenidos según las tres dimensiones analizadas del cuestionario fueron: competencia decisional percibida, M=2.26 ± 0.2. Ansiedad y agobio al decidir, M=2.36 ± 0.3. Compromiso en el aprendizaje táctico, M=3.43 ± 0.3. Estos resultados han permitido obtener mayor conocimiento de los jugadores y jugadoras analizados en cuanto a su percepción sobre cómo deciden en el entrenamiento y la competición y, de este modo, poder aplicar determinadas estrategias didácticas que les permita progresar en el aprendizaje del baloncesto

    Buscando el deporte educativo : ¿cómo formar a los maestros?

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    La escuela, cada vez más, ha de completar su función instructiva para asumir plenamente la función educativa o formativa. La posibilidad de integrar los contenidos de la Educación Física y especialmente los de la práctica deportiva, en la formación y educación en valores de los escolares, se ha convertido en una necesidad. Por ello, intentamos reflexionar sobre la búsqueda de ese deporte educativo que tanto nos interesa y en la forma en que podemos hacerlo asequible a los profesores y profesoras en formación