115 research outputs found

    The Potential for Ambient Plasma Wave Propulsion

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    A truly robust space exploration program will need to make use of in-situ resources as much as possible to make the endeavor affordable. Most space propulsion concepts are saddled with one fundamental burden; the propellant needed to produce momentum. The most advanced propulsion systems currently in use utilize electric and/or magnetic fields to accelerate ionized propellant. However, significant planetary exploration missions in the coming decades, such as the now canceled Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter, are restricted by propellant mass and propulsion system lifetimes, using even the most optimistic projections of performance. These electric propulsion vehicles are inherently limited in flexibility at their final destination, due to propulsion system wear, propellant requirements, and the relatively low acceleration of the vehicle. A few concepts are able to utilize the environment around them to produce thrust: Solar or magnetic sails and, with certain restrictions, electrodynamic tethers. These concepts focus primarily on using the solar wind or ambient magnetic fields to generate thrust. Technically immature, quasi-propellantless alternatives lack either the sensitivity or the power to provide significant maneuvering. An additional resource to be considered is the ambient plasma and magnetic fields in solar and planetary magnetospheres. These environments, such as those around the Sun or Jupiter, have been shown to host a variety of plasma waves. Plasma wave propulsion takes advantage of an observed astrophysical and terrestrial phenomenon: Alfven waves. These are waves that propagate in the plasma and magnetic fields around and between planets and stars. The generation of Alfven waves in ambient magnetic and plasma fields to generate thrust is proposed as a truly propellantless propulsion system which may enable an entirely new matrix of exploration missions. Alfven waves are well known, transverse electromagnetic waves that propagate in magnetized plasmas at frequencies below the ion cyclotron frequency. They have been observed in both laboratory and astrophysical settings. On Earth, they are being investigated as a possible means for plasma heating, current drive, and momentum addition in magnetic confinement fusion systems. In addition, Alfven waves have been proposed as a mechanism for acceleration of the solar wind away from the sun

    Solar electric propulsion for Mars transport vehicles

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    Solar electric propulsion (SEP) is an alternative to chemical and nuclear powered propulsion systems for both piloted and unpiloted Mars transport vehicles. Photovoltaic solar cell and array technologies were evaluated as components of SEP power systems. Of the systems considered, the SEP power system composed of multijunction solar cells in an ENTECH domed fresnel concentrator array had the least array mass and area. Trip times to Mars optimized for minimum propellant mass were calculated. Additionally, a preliminary vehicle concept was designed

    Overview of Advanced Electromagnetic Propulsion Development at NASA Glenn Research Center

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    NASA Glenn Research Center s Very High Power Electric Propulsion task is sponsored by the Energetics Heritage Project. Electric propulsion technologies currently being investigated under this program include pulsed electromagnetic plasma thrusters, magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters, helicon plasma sources as well as the systems models for high power electromagnetic propulsion devices. An investigation and evaluation of pulsed electromagnetic plasma thruster performance at energy levels up to 700 Joules is underway. On-going magnetoplasmadynamic thruster experiments will investigate applied-field performance characteristics of gas-fed MPDs. Plasma characterization of helicon plasma sources will provide additional insights into the operation of this novel propulsion concept. Systems models have been developed for high power electromagnetic propulsion concepts, such as pulsed inductive thrusters and magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters to enable an evaluation of mission-optimized designs

    Gradient Field Imploding Liner Fusion Propulsion System: NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts Phase I Final Report

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    The advancement of human deep space exploration requires the continued development of energetic in-space propulsion systems, from current chemical engines to nuclear thermal rockets to future high energy concepts such as nuclear fusion. As NASA embarks on a program to develop near-term nuclear thermal propulsion, this NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Phase I activity was funded to investigate the feasibility of an innovative approach toward highly energetic pulsed fusion propulsion. Previous concept studies have proposed the conversion of fusion energy for in-space propulsion, ranging from laser-ignited fusion systems such as Gevaltig and VISTA, to the British Interplanetary Society's Daedalus concept and its more recent incarnation under Project Icarus, to steady-state spherical torus fusion systems. Recent NIAC studies have also evaluated several innovative fusion concepts, including the acceleration and compression of field reversed configuration plasmas in time-changing magnetic fields, magnetically driven liners imploding onto plasma targets, and high current z-pinch compression of material liners onto fission-fusion fuel targets. While each of these studies firmly established the potential benefits of fusion systems for interplanetary travel, they also identified significant challenges in successfully engineering such systems for spacecraft propulsion. The concept outlined in this Technical Publication (TP) builds on the lessons learned from these prior activities, approaching the quest for fusion-powered propulsion through an innovative variation of magneto-inertial fusion concepts developed for terrestrial power applications

    Hybrid-Particle-In-Cell Simulation of Backsputtered Carbon Transport in the Near-Field Plume of a Hall Thruster

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    Magnetic shielding has eliminated boron nitride erosion as the life limiting mechanism in a Hall thruster but has resulted in erosion of the front magnetic field pole pieces. Recent experiments show that the erosion of graphite pole covers, which are added to protect the magnetic field pole pieces, causes carbon to redeposit on other surfaces, such as boron nitride discharge channel and cathode keeper surfaces. As a part of the risk-reduction activities for Advanced Electric Propulsion System thruster development, this study models transport of backsputtered carbon from the graphite front pole covers and vacuum facility walls. Fluxes, energy distributions, and redeposition rates of backsputtered carbon on the anode, discharge channel, and graphite cathode keeper surfaces are predicted

    Plasma Plume Characterization of the HERMeS during a 1722-hr Wear Test Campaign

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    A 1722-hour wear test campaign of NASAs 12.5 kilowatt Hall Effect Rocket with Magnetic Shielding was completed. This wear test campaign, completed in 2016, was divided into four segments including an electrical configuration characterization test, two short duration tests, and one long wear test. During the electrical configuration characterization test, the plasma plume was examined to provide data to support the down select of the electrical configuration for further testing. During the long wear tests, the plasma plume was periodically examined for indications of changes in thruster behavior. Examination of the plasma plume data from the electrical configuration characterization test revealed a correlation between the plume properties and the presence of a conduction path through the front poles. Examination of the long wear test plasma plume data revealed that the plume characteristics remained unchanged during testing to within the measurement uncertainty

    Testing Done for Lorentz Force Accelerators and Electrodeless Propulsion Technology Development

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    The NASA Glenn Research Center is developing Lorentz force accelerators and electrodeless plasma propulsion for a wide variety of space applications. These applications range from precision control of formation-flying spacecraft to primary propulsion for very high power interplanetary spacecraft. The specific thruster technologies being addressed are pulsed plasma thrusters, magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters, and helicon-electron cyclotron resonance acceleration thrusters. The pulsed plasma thruster mounted on the Earth Observing-1 spacecraft was operated successfully in orbit in 2002. The two-axis thruster system is fully incorporated in the attitude determination and control system and is being used to automatically counteract disturbances in the pitch axis of the spacecraft. Recent on-orbit operations have focused on extended operations to add flight operation time to the total accumulated thruster life. The results of the experiments pave the way for electric propulsion applications on future Earth-imaging satellites

    Wear Trends of the HERMeS Thruster as a Function of Throttle Point

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    A series of short-duration (200 hour) wear tests were conducted with two Hall Effect Rocket with Magnetic Shielding (HERMeS) technology demonstration units (TDU). Front pole covers, cathode keeper, and discharge channel wear were characterized as a function of discharge voltage, magnetic field strength, and chamber pressure. No discharge channel erosion was observed. Inner pole cover erosion was shown to be a weak function of discharge voltage with most erosion occurring at the lowest value, 300 volts. The TDU-3 keeper electrode eroded with each operating condition, with high magnetic field yielding the greatest erosion rate. The TDU-1 keeper electrode exhibited net deposition suggesting its configuration is more consistent with meeting overall HERMeS service life requirements. Ratios of molybdenum to graphite erosion rates suggests, with high uncertainty, that the sputtering ions are originating downstream of the thruster exit plane, striking the surface with small angles of incidence

    Long Duration Wear Test of the NASA HERMeS Hall Thruster

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    The NASA Hall Effect Rocket with Magnetic Shielding (HERMeS) 12.5-kW Hall thruster is the subject of extensive technology maturation by NASA GRC (Glenn Research Center) and JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) in preparation for development into a flight propulsion system. As part of this on-going effort, a series of three wear tests have been conducted to identify erosion phenomena and the accompanying failure modes as well as to validate service-life models for magnetically-shielded thrusters. This paper presents an overview and summary of the results obtained over the first 1715 hours of the third wear test, which has the overall goal of serving as a pathfinder to identify and correct design or facility issues prior to the flight qualification campaign. Overall, negligible changes in performance and stability are observed as a function of operating time as well as relative to previous wear tests. Erosion of the inner and outer front pole covers is shown to vary by 76-300 percent as a function of discharge voltage and by up to 40 percent as a function of magnetic field strength. Shifting the cathode position upstream relative to the pole covers is shown to reduce keeper erosion rates by 84 percent, which supports this approach for mitigating the elevated keeper wear observed during previous wear tests

    Wear Trends of the HERMeS Thruster as a Function of Throttle Point

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    A series of short-duration (200 h) wear tests were conducted with two Hall Effect Rocket with Magnetic Shielding (HERMeS) technology demonstration units. Front pole covers, cathode keeper, and discharge channel wear were characterized as a function of discharge voltage, magnetic field strength, and chamber pressure. No discharge channel erosion was observed. Inner pole cover erosion was shown to be a weak function of discharge voltage with most erosion occurring at the lowest value, 300 V. The Technology Demonstration Unit (TDU) 3 keeper electrode eroded with each operating condition, with high magnetic field yielding the greatest erosion rate. The TDU-1 keeper electrode exhibited net deposition suggesting its configuration is more consistent with meeting overall HERMeS service life requirements. Ratios of molybdenum to graphite erosion rates suggests, with high uncertainty, that the sputtering ions are originating downstream of the thruster exit plane, striking the surface with small angles of incidence
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