670 research outputs found

    Enzyme activities in brown forest soils after introduction of Bacillus thuringiensis-based bioinsecticides

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    Much attention in the complex of forest pest control methods nowadays is devoted to the application of biological preparations, especially to bacterial formulations produced on the base of Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) that in addition to their high biological effectiveness against injurious insects are safe for man, homoiоtherms, beneficial insects and fish. As is known only 20-40% of sprayed preparation influences directly on pests while its 60-80% by different ways eventually penetrates into the soil. Taking into account also the fact that usage norm of commercial bacterial preparations makes up to 1-3 kg ha^-1^ and that preparation powder contains 45-100 billion viable spores g^-1^ it becomes evident that as a result of spraying huge quantity of bacterial stimulants introduces into the forest soils. In this connection a goal was set to determine the impact of some separately applied domestic insecticides of BT species (BT кб-1, BT кб-2, BT(SAR)-49, BT(SAR)-54, BT(SAR)-86, BT subsp. thuringiensis) introduced into the brown forest soils after spraying on soil enzymatic activity (invertase, urease) defining its fertility. Studies were conducted in 2010 under laboratory conditions. The results obtained indicate that in soils sprayed and non-sprayed by bioinsecticides the activities of invertase and urease undergo to changes from May to August. Maximal activities in soils were registered in June (25.641mg C~6~H~12~O~6~ g^-1^ for invertase and 12.254 mg NH~3~ g^-1^ for urease) and minimal – in May (20.643 mg C~6~H~12~O~6~ g^-1^ for invertase) and in August (9.297 mg NH~3~ g^-1^ for urease) at the average for all variants. By statistical analysis of study results it has been established that there aren’t any significant differences between indices of enzyme activities in sprayed and non-sprayed by biopesticides soils. Study results have led us to the assumption that tested insecticides don’t influence adversely on enzyme activities of brown forest soils and can be widely used in the field of plant protection

    Field-induced insulating states in a graphene superlattice

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    We report on high-field magnetotransport (B up to 35 T) on a gated superlattice based on single-layer graphene aligned on top of hexagonal boron nitride. The large-period moir\'e modulation (15 nm) enables us to access the Hofstadter spectrum in the vicinity of and above one flux quantum per superlattice unit cell (Phi/Phi_0 = 1 at B = 22 T). We thereby reveal, in addition to the spin-valley antiferromagnet at nu = 0, two insulating states developing in positive and negative effective magnetic fields from the main nu = 1 and nu = -2 quantum Hall states respectively. We investigate the field dependence of the energy gaps associated with these insulating states, which we quantify from the temperature-activated peak resistance. Referring to a simple model of local Landau quantization of third generation Dirac fermions arising at Phi/Phi_0 = 1, we describe the different microscopic origins of the insulating states and experimentally determine the energy-momentum dispersion of the emergent gapped Dirac quasi-particles


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    For a model of gasless combustion with heat loss, we use geometric s ingular perturbation theory to show existence of traveling combustion fr onts. We show that the fronts are nonlinearly stable in an appropriate sense if an Evans fun ction criterion, which can be verified numerically, is satisfied. For a solid reactant and exot hermicity parameter that is not too large, we verify numerically that the criterion is satisfi ed

    Statistical analysis of the new catalogue of CP stars

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    This talk is devoted to the statistical analysis of the new catalogue of Chemically Peculiar stars compiled from papers, where chemical abundances of those stars were given. The catalogue contains chemical abundances and physical parameters of 428 stars based on high-resolution spectroscopy data. Spearman's rank correlation test was applied for 416 CP (108 HgMn, 188 ApBp and 120 AmFm) stars and the correlation between chemical abundances and different physical parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity and rotational velocity) was checked. From dozens interesting cases we secluded four cases: the Mn peculiarities in HgMn stars, the Ca correlation with respect to effective temperature in AmFm stars, the case of helium and iron in ApBp stars. We applied also Anderson-Darling (AD) test on ApBp stars to check if multiplicity is a determinant parameter for abundance peculiarities.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 1 table; in press: proceedings of the conference "Instability Phenomena and Evolution of the Universe", Communications of Byurakan Astrophys. Obs., Vol. 65, Is. 2, Dec. 201

    On the question of detecting granulation signal in CoRoT light curves of A and B stars

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    We applied the procedure written by us to HgMn targets observed both through CoRoT astero and exo channels to check its usefulness for search of possible existence of solar-type granulation signature in their power spectrum. The point is that many articles appeared very recently considering this problem but, we did not find any paper on this issue in relation to chemically peculiar main-sequence stars. Because theoretical models based on atomic diffusion require that the atmospheres of ApBp stars have to be more stable than those of normal stars, presence or absence of granulation on their surfaces should be an interesting information for modelling. The earliest results show that our method is appropriate for analysis of data obtained through astero and exo channels. Nowadays, solar-type granulation effect most likely has not be seen within CoRoT data for the stars we considered. This issue needs further consideration