22 research outputs found

    Demokrasi dan E-Government Memetakan Perhatian Dunia Hari ini (Studi Tentang Empat Lembaga Indeksasi)

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    The development of e-government has attracted the attention of many activists and has become the new face of government in the world. E-government is seen as the best collaboration between the public sector and technology and is seen as the success of government innovation. Its role as a channel of interaction between the government and citizens, causes the implementation of e-government to be believed to be in line with the development of democratization. Today, many agencies assess the implementation of e-government. The most common, assessment is in the form of indexes. Among the indexes commonly referred to are The Global Open Data Index (GODI), The E-Government Index (EGI), The National Cyber Security Index (NCSI), and local indexation as an example is Indonesia with the Indonesian E-Government Rating (PeGI). Amid various indicators that underlie these indexes, this article asks the question, what are the main aspects that e-government activists pay attention to? Through a literature review sourced from various institutions that manage the indexes, this article concludes that e-government activists pay more attention to e-government development strategies, and at the same time become the aspect that requires the most attention

    Weakening Participation in A Chain Reaction: Facts on Two Interrelated Decentralization-based Programs

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    Abstract: The debate over whether the concept of decentralization is related to the concepts of democracy, participation, and empowerment has become a topic of interest in the scientific literature. Some scientists argue that there is a link between decentralization and democracy, while others do not. The government expects decentralization to strengthen democracy at the local level. Decentralization has enabled many countries, particularly Indonesia, to  improves democracy. Is it true that decentralization and democracy always go hand in hand? By looking at the consequences of decentralization-based programs, this article examines two programs, one of which is a continuation of the other. The two programs are management of the fish auction sites and management of fisherman’s welfare funds, revealing the continuity of community participation, which is now managed by local government. In 2020, a series of in-depth interviews were conducted with administrators of fish auction sites, administrators of fishermen's welfare funds, and fishermen in Pati Regency. The data shows that the design of decentralization has contributed to the weakening of democracy in a chain reaction.        

    Penanaman Nilai Demokrasi Pancasila sebagai Upaya Membangun Kesepemahaman dalam Melawan Aksi Teror

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    Pada perpolitikan internasional, salah satu ancaman keamanan yang menjadi agenda penuntasan bagi banyak pihak adalah kejahatan terorisme. Begitupun di Indonesia, terorisme juga menjadi ancaman. Tidak hanya pada aksi teror yang terjadi, namun juga pada jaringan terorisme yang menyebar di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Keterlibatan pemuda pada jaringan terorisme merupakan satu kondisi yang mengkhawatirkan jika tidak segera ditangani. Hal tersebut yang selanjutnya mengharuskan tenaga pendidik untuk dapat mengatasi dan juga menghindarkan lingkungan pendidikan dari paham-paham terorisme. Menindaklanjuti situasi tersebut, pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk menguatkan nilai-nilai pancasila di kalangan siswa sekolah. Metode yang diterapkan adalah pre-test, presentasi, dan post-test. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perubahan pemahaman siswa jika dilihat berdasar pretest dan post-test. Siswa yang menjadi peserta presentasi tentang nilai-nilai demokrasi pancasila berdasar pada hasil post-test menunjukkan kemampuan dalam mengidentifikasi radikalisme dan terorisme.In international politics, one of the security threats that are on the agenda for solving many parties is the crime of terrorism. Likewise in Indonesia, terrorism is also a threat. Not only on acts of terror that occur, but also on the network of terrorism that spreads amid society. The involvement of youth in terrorist networks is a worrying condition if it is not immediately addressed. This in turn requires educators to be able to overcome and also avoid the education environment from the notions of terrorism. Following up on the situation, this service is carried out to strengthen Pancasila values among school students. The method applied is a pre-test, presentation, and post-test. The results of the activity showed that there was a change in students' understanding when viewed based on the pre-test and post-test. Students who participated in the presentation on Pancasila democratic values based on the post-test results showed their ability to identify radicalism and terrorism

    Penanaman Nilai Demokrasi Pancasila sebagai Upaya Membangun Kesepemahaman dalam Melawan Aksi Teror

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    Pada perpolitikan internasional, salah satu ancaman keamanan yang menjadi agenda penuntasan bagi banyak pihak adalah kejahatan terorisme. Begitupun di Indonesia, terorisme juga menjadi ancaman. Tidak hanya pada aksi teror yang terjadi, namun juga pada jaringan terorisme yang menyebar di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Keterlibatan pemuda pada jaringan terorisme merupakan satu kondisi yang mengkhawatirkan jika tidak segera ditangani. Hal tersebut yang selanjutnya mengharuskan tenaga pendidik untuk dapat mengatasi dan juga menghindarkan lingkungan pendidikan dari paham-paham terorisme. Menindaklanjuti situasi tersebut, pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk menguatkan nilai-nilai pancasila di kalangan siswa sekolah. Metode yang diterapkan adalah pre-test, presentasi, dan post-test. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perubahan pemahaman siswa jika dilihat berdasar pretest dan post-test. Siswa yang menjadi peserta presentasi tentang nilai-nilai demokrasi pancasila berdasar pada hasil post-test menunjukkan kemampuan dalam mengidentifikasi radikalisme dan terorisme.In international politics, one of the security threats that are on the agenda for solving many parties is the crime of terrorism. Likewise in Indonesia, terrorism is also a threat. Not only on acts of terror that occur, but also on the network of terrorism that spreads amid society. The involvement of youth in terrorist networks is a worrying condition if it is not immediately addressed. This in turn requires educators to be able to overcome and also avoid the education environment from the notions of terrorism. Following up on the situation, this service is carried out to strengthen Pancasila values among school students. The method applied is a pre-test, presentation, and post-test. The results of the activity showed that there was a change in students' understanding when viewed based on the pre-test and post-test. Students who participated in the presentation on Pancasila democratic values based on the post-test results showed their ability to identify radicalism and terrorism

    Actors And Network In Policy Implementation Of Electronic ID Card (E-KTP) in Semarang City

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    Indonesia had some problems inregistering citizen. Even, more than 31 institution released citizen number. Now, they have new policy which integrated all institution in one number. It is called as Electronic ID card (E-KTP). The policy take a new condition, where many institutions must be related each others. The purpose of this research is to understand the process of transforming policy and regulation of E-KTP into detail work plan, its implementation dynamics, role and network of actors-how they communicateb and cooperate and the model of its polic

    Voting Their Conscience: Poverty, Education, Social Pressure and Vote Buying in Indonesia

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    When citizens are offered cash and gifts by candidates, they can either vote for candidates offering the money, refuse the money, or take the money and vote for whichever candidate they prefer (e.g.,"vote their conscience"). Which citizens "vote their conscience" versus the other options available to them ? This manuscript examines the effect of poverty, education and social pressure on how citizens in the Central Java city of Semarang, Indonesia react to offers of cash from politicans

    Voting Their Conscience : Poverty, Education, Social Pressure and Vote Buying in Indonesia

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    When Citizen are Offered cash and gifts by candidates, they can either vote for candidates offering the money, refuse the money, or take the money and vote for whichever candidate they prefer (e.g."Vote their conscience"). Which citizen"vote their conscience" versus the other options available to them ? This manuscript examines the effect of poverty, education and social pressure on how citizens in the Central Java city of Semarang

    Hidup dalam Stigma: Kekerasan dan Religiuitas Bejingan

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    The purpose of this study is to find out that violence and religiosity can actually run side by side where both are able to make the figure of Bejingan have a different social strata from other communities. Violence is a characteristic of Bejingan in resolving conflicts in society while religiosity as a culture that has become ingrained in the community. To provide an understanding of the life of Bejingan in the community, this article explores how Bejingan lives in a standard of violence that has become a distinctive feature and cultural religiosity adopted in the community of Pamekasan Madura Regency. the method used in this study is qualitative with a case study approach where the researcher reveals in depth related to the life of Bejingan in Pamekasan Regency. The results obtained from this research are that Bejingan has long lived in stikma where its existence is always associated with violence and crime, whereas furthermore the role of Bejingan in the sphere of society has many benefits and benefits where security, conflict between citizens and the welfare of the community are influenced by the figure of Bejingan. Furthermore, the Bejong lives in a balanced balance of religiosity and violence where life is influenced by good relations between gods by practicing worship while still maintaining self-esteem in the distinctive characteristics of the heroism possessed. The scientific contribution of this article discusses the extension of the lives of local figures who have conflicting but side-by-side characteristics. Considering that the phenomenon that describes Bejingan is a conflict between culture and religion, then how can the conflict be balanced and go hand in hand. Then further research needs to be done