132 research outputs found

    Provisional Application of the Energy Charter Treaty: A Short Analysis of Article 45

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    This paper discusses the provisional application of the ECT under Article 45, with particular attention to three major cases currently pending against the Russian Federation. It makes four main points. First, paragraphs (1) and (2) of Article 45 function independently from each other. This means that Article 45 (1) can be invoked even if no declaration has been made under Article 45 (2) - as in the case of the Russian Federation. Second, the domestic law clause in Article 45 (1) can be invoked only if the relevant domestic legal instrument existed at the time of signature and is still in force. Having signed the ECT in 1994, the Russian Federation is prevented from invoking the 1995 Federal Law on international treaties for the purpose of Article 45 (1). Third, even assuming that the 1995 Federal Law could be invoked, it is not inconsistent with the provisional application of the ECT. Finally, Article 45 is a complex but sufficiently clear provision aimed at rapidly making the ECT applicable between signatories while accommodating the needs of recalcitrant members with a view to achieving the broadest possible participation

    An Unique non-State Actor in International Law: The International Committee of the Red Cross

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    The essay discusses the unique role played by a special non State actor – the International Committee of the Red Cross (hereinafter ICRC) – in the development, implementation and enforcement of international humanitarian law. It argues that the question of international legal personality is not as uncontroversial as it is often claimed to be and that at any rate solving such a question is not absolutely necessary to understand the nature and the role of the ICRC

    Foreign Investment and Measures Adopted on Grounds of Necessity: Towards a Common Understanding

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    The paper critically examines whether common grounds on the treatment of necessity pleas could be identified in the stream of investment arbitration that followed the serious economic crisis that hit Argentina in 1999-2001

    Handle with Care: Umbrella Clauses and MFN Treatment in Investment Arbitration

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    A large number of BITs concluded by France contain quite a peculiar clause (for instance Article 10 BIT with Argentina), which has been recently the object of questionable interpretations and applications in EDF International S.A. et al. v. Argentina and Mr. Franck Charles Arif v. Moldova. Both tribunals allowed the claimants to benefit, through the MNF clause, from umbrella clauses contained in BITs with third States. It is argued that neither tribunal has rigorously interpreted the relevant provisions in the basic treaty, nor ensured compliance with the ejusdem generis principle. The legal uncertainty that surrounds these provisions is detrimental for foreign investors and States alike. Concerned States should consider taking the measures necessary to clarify, jointly or individually, the content of these provisions and of the obligations stemming from them


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    Studi confraternali: orientamenti, problemi, testimonianze

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    Il volume raccoglie interventi di studiosi italiani e stranieri miranti a offrire una panoramica di percorsi storiografici e di problematiche relativi alla storia del movimento confraternale, cosĂŹ come sono emersi nell'ambito di discipline storiche, sociali, giuridiche, letterarie e artistiche sviluppatesi nel corso del Novecento. I contributi si riferiscono al contesto storico dell'Europa occidentale, con piĂč specifico riguardo per l'Italia, nel periodo compreso fra medioevo e prima etĂ  moderna. La raccolta si articola in quattro sezioni: Individui e gruppi, che sonda l'emergere di un interesse verso le comunitĂ  confraternali all'interno di ambiti di studio come la storia dei gruppi sociali, del mondo rurale, delle donne, dei giovani; L'inquadramento giuridico e istituzionale, che affronta problemi di legittimitĂ  e di assetto istituzionale; L'economia della caritĂ , che analizza il rapporto delle confraternite con gli enti ospedalieri, le modalitĂ  amministrative dei patrimoni confraternali, le culture di governo che sottostanno a politiche assistenziali di cui le confraternite sono tramite principale; Testimonianze teatrali, musicali, artistiche, documentarie dedicata alle fonti che le confraternite hanno saputo trasmettere

    The Future of International Investment Regulation: Towards a World Investment Organisation?

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    With growth in foreign investment and in the number of companies investing in foreign countries, the application of general principles of public international law has not been deemed adequate to regulate foreign investment and there is, as yet, no comprehensive international treaty on the regulation of foreign investment. Consequently, states have resorted to bilateral investment treaties (BITs), regional trade and international investment agreements (IIAs) and free trade agreements (FTAs) to supplement and complement the regime of protection for foreign investors. In the absence of an international investment court, states hosting foreign investment or investor states have opted for investor-state dispute settlement mechanism (ISDS). This mechanism has brought about its own challenges to the international law of foreign investment due to inconsistency in the application and interpretation of the key principles of international investment law by such arbitration tribunals, and further, there is no appellate mechanism to bring about some cohesion and consistency in jurisprudence. Therefore, there are various proposals mooted by scholars to address these challenges and they range from tweaks to BITs and IIAs, the creation of an appellate mechanism and the negotiation of a multilateral treaty to proposals for reform of ISDS only. After assessing the merits and demerits of such proposals, this study goes further, arguing for the creation of a World Investment Organisation (WIO) with a standing mechanism for settlement of investment disputes in order to ensure legal certainty, predictability and the promotion of the flow of foreign investment in a sustainable and responsible manner
