172 research outputs found

    Perdas de reguladores de crescimento no algodoeiro devido à chuva

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    Plant growth regulators (PGRs) applied to cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L.) can be washed off by rainfall. It is expected that the closer the rainfall to spraying time, the higher the product loss and the higher the amount of product to be reapplied to reach the desired growth rate. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of time between rainfall and application of either mepiquat chloride or chlormequat chloride to cotton on plant growth, as well as, estimate the need for PGR reapplication. Cotton was grown in 12-L pots with soil in a greenhouse. PGRs were applied forty days after seedling emergence, when 50% of plants had one pinhead square. Rainfall was simulated 1, 2, 4, 6, or 24 h after spraying. Plant height was measured just before PGR application and then at 3-d intervals for 30 d. At harvest, the number of reproductive branches and structures were counted before dry matter phytomass determination. Both growth regulators reduced cotton dry matter yields regardless of rainfall interval. PGRs controlled excessive plant growth; however, their efficiency was reduced as the time elapsed until rainfall was shorter. Product losses were detected after all rainfall intervals, which, in field conditions would require PGR reapplication. Mepiquat chloride rates to be reapplied after rain were on average 17% higher than chlormequat chloride rates.Reguladores de crescimento aplicados às plantas de algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum L.) podem ser lavados em função da ocorrência de chuvas. Chuvas que ocorrem próximas à época de aplicação podem ocasionar elevada perda e necessidade de reaplicação dos produtos visando à taxa de crescimento desejada. Avaliou-se o efeito do intervalo de tempo entre a ocorrência de chuva simulada e a aplicação de cloreto de mepiquat e cloreto de chlormequat no algodoeiro no crescimento das plantas, além de estimar a necessidade de reaplicação dos reguladores. Plantas de algodão foram cultivadas em vasos de 12 L que permaneceram em casa de vegetação. Os reguladores de crescimento foram aplicados 40 dias após a emergência, quando 50% das plantas apresentavam botão floral. A chuva foi simulada 1, 2, 4, 6 e 24 horas após a aplicação dos reguladores. Determinou-se a altura das plantas antes da aplicação dos produtos e a cada 3 dias até o 30º dia. Na colheita, foi avaliado o número de ramos e estruturas reprodutivas, com posterior determinação da massa da matéria seca. Também foi determinado o crescimento acumulado e taxa de crescimento das plantas. Os dois reguladores reduziram a massa da matéria seca das plantas, independente do intervalo para ocorrência da chuva. O crescimento excessivo das plantas foi controlado, porém, com eficiência reduzida quanto menor o intervalo para simulação de chuva. Em todos os períodos avaliados houve perda de produtos, com necessidade de reaplicação. A taxa de reaplicação de cloreto de mepiquat para os diferentes intervalos de chuva foi, em média, 17% maior

    Qualidade fisiológica de sementes de aveia-branca em função da adubação com silício e fósforo

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    Os fertilizantes silicatados tem sido cada vez mais usados na agricultura devido a inúmeros benefícios, tais como correção da acidez de solos tropicais e efeitos positivos no desenvolvimento de gramíneas. A disponibilidade de nutrientes e a nutrição de plantas desempenham papel importante na produção de sementes e podem influenciar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de aveia-branca (Avena sativa L.). Avaliou-se a germinação de sementes e o desenvolvimento de plântulas de aveia-branca em função da adubação com silício e fósforo. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, com seis repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de 20 e 200 mg dm-3 de P2O5, aplicados na forma de superfosfato triplo, combinados com 0, 150, 300 e 450 mg dm-3 de Si na forma de silicato de potássio. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, conduzindo-se sete plantas por vaso, com capacidade para 15 L de terra. As panículas foram colhidas e debulhadas manualmente e, as sementes, armazenadas em sacos de papel em condições normais de ambiente. As sementes foram avaliadas quanto ao teor de água, massa de sementes, germinação, condutividade elétrica, comprimento e massa da matéria seca de plântulas. Sementes de aveia-branca com qualidade superior são produzidas com 20 mg dm-3 de P2O5, independente da dose de Si. Sementes com maior germinação e vigor são obtidas com 300 e 450 mg dm-3 de K2SiO3, respectivamente. Os comprimentos da raiz e total das plântulas foram inferiores nas doses de Si até 300 kg ha-1, porém a dose de fósforo somente afetou o desenvolvimento das plântulas de maneira distinta quando aplicada junto com a maior dose de silício.Silicon (Si) fertilizers have been increasingly used in agriculture due to several benefits as acidity correction in tropical soils and positive effects on the development of grasses. Nutrient availability and plant nutrition play an important role in seed production and may affect the physiological quality of white oat seeds. The present study had as objective to evaluate seed germination and seedling development of white oat (Avena sativa L.) affected by silicon and phosphorus fertilization. The experimental design was the completely randomized, analyzed as a factorial 2 x 4, with six replications. Treatments consisted of 20 and 200 mg dm-3 of P2O5, applied as triple superphosphate, combined with 0, 150, 300 and 450 mg dm-3 of Si, as potassium silicate. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse, with seven plants per 15-L pot. Panicles were harvested and threshed manually and white oat seeds were stored in paper bags under normal environmental conditions. Seeds were evaluated by moisture content, seed weight, germination, electrical conductivity, seedling length and dry matter. White oat seeds with better quality are produced with 20 mg dm-3 of P2O5 under any Si doses. Higher seed germination and vigor is obtained with 300 and 450 mg dm-3 of K2SiO3, respectively. Silicon doses decreased root and total seedling length similarly up to the dose of 300 kg ha-1 but P dose only influenced seedling development distinctively whenever applied with the higher silicon dose

    Sucessão soja/milho em função da época de semeadura

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the grain yield of soybean and corn cultivars cropped in succession, in different sowing dates. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Dourados, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, during three growing seasons, in the sowing dates: 9/15, 10/1, 10/15, and 11/1 for soybean; and 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, and 3/15 for corn. Although soybean yields are strongly affected by the crop season, sowing between late September and early October results in higher long-term yields. Planting corn in succession in mid-February provides the highest grain yield in the southern region of the state Mato Grosso do Sul; therefore, there is no need for an early soybean sowing in September, in order to ensure corn planting in January. Soybean-corn succession in which soybean is sown in early October and corn in mid-February results in higher total grain yields and reduces the climatic risk associated with these crops in the region.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade de cultivares de soja e de milho cultivadas em sucessão, em diferentes épocas de semeadura. O experimento foi realizado em Dourados, MS, durante três safras agrícolas, nas épocas de semeadura: 15/9, 1/10, 15/10 e 1/11 para a soja; e 1/2, 15/2, 1/3 e 15/3 para o milho. Mesmo que as produtividades da soja sejam fortemente afetadas pela época de colheita, a semeadura no final de setembro e no início de outubro proporcionam maiores produtividades em longo prazo. O plantio do milho em sucessão, em meados de fevereiro, proporciona a maior produtividade de grãos na região Sul do Mato Grosso do Sul; portanto, não há necessidade de se adiantar o plantio da soja para setembro com o objetivo de garantir o plantio do milho em janeiro. A sucessão soja-milho em que a soja é semeada no início de outubro e o milho em meados de fevereiro resulta em maiores produtividades totais e reduz o risco climático associado a essas culturas na região

    Soybean-corn succession according to seeding date

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade de cultivares de soja e de milho cultivadas em sucessão, em diferentes épocas de semeadura. O experimento foi realizado em Dourados, MS, durante três safras agrícolas, nas épocas de semeadura: 15/9, 1/10, 15/10 e 1/11 para a soja; e 1/2, 15/2, 1/3 e 15/3 para o milho. Mesmo que as produtividades da soja sejam fortemente afetadas pela época de colheita, a semeadura no final de setembro e no início de outubro proporcionam maiores produtividades em longo prazo. O plantio do milho em sucessão, em meados de fevereiro, proporciona a maior produtividade de grãos na região Sul do Mato Grosso do Sul; portanto, não há necessidade de se adiantar o plantio da soja para setembro com o objetivo de garantir o plantio do milho em janeiro. A sucessão soja-milho em que a soja é semeada no início de outubro e o milho em meados de fevereiro resulta em maiores produtividades totais e reduz o risco climático associado a essas culturas na região.The objective of this work was to evaluate the grain yield of soybean and corn cultivars cropped in succession, in different sowing dates. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Dourados, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, during three growing seasons, in the sowing dates: 9/15, 10/1, 10/15, and 11/1 for soybean; and 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, and 3/15 for corn. Although soybean yields are strongly affected by the crop season, sowing between late September and early October results in higher long-term yields. Planting corn in succession in mid-February provides the highest grain yield in the southern region of the state Mato Grosso do Sul; therefore, there is no need for an early soybean sowing in September, in order to ensure corn planting in January. Soybean-corn succession in which soybean is sown in early October and corn in mid-February results in higher total grain yields and reduces the climatic risk associated with these crops in the region

    One-year breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection and correlates of protection in fully vaccinated hematological patients

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    The long-term clinical efficacy of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines according to antibody response in immunosuppressed patients such as hematological patients has been little explored. A prospective multicenter registry-based cohort study conducted from December 2020 to July 2022 by the Spanish Transplant and Cell Therapy group, was used to analyze the relationship of antibody response over time after full vaccination (at 3-6 weeks, 3, 6 and 12 months) (2 doses) and of booster doses with breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection in 1551 patients with hematological disorders. At a median follow-up of 388 days after complete immunization, 266 out of 1551 (17%) developed breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection at median of 86 days (range 7-391) after full vaccination. The cumulative incidence was 18% [95% confidence interval (C.I.), 16-20%]. Multivariate analysis identified higher incidence in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (29%) and with the use of corticosteroids (24.5%), whereas female sex (15.5%) and more than 1 year after last therapy (14%) were associated with a lower incidence (p < 0.05 for all comparisons). Median antibody titers at different time points were significantly lower in breakthrough cases than in non-cases. A serological titer cut-off of 250 BAU/mL was predictive of breakthrough infection and its severity. SARS-CoV-2 infection-related mortality was encouragingly low (1.9%) in our series. Our study describes the incidence of and risk factors for COVID-19 breakthrough infections during the initial vaccination and booster doses in the 2021 to mid-2022 period. The level of antibody titers at any time after 2-dose vaccination is strongly linked with protection against both breakthrough infection and severe disease, even with the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant

    Growth regulator losses from cotton plants due to rainfall

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    Plant growth regulators (PGRs) applied to cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L.) can be washed off by rainfall. It is expected that the closer the rainfall to spraying time, the higher the product loss and the higher the amount of product to be reapplied to reach the desired growth rate. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of time between rainfall and application of either mepiquat chloride or chlormequat chloride to cotton on plant growth, as well as, estimate the need for PGR reapplication. Cotton was grown in 12-L pots with soil in a greenhouse. PGRs were applied forty days after seedling emergence, when 50% of plants had one pinhead square. Rainfall was simulated 1, 2, 4, 6, or 24 h after spraying. Plant height was measured just before PGR application and then at 3-d intervals for 30 d. At harvest, the number of reproductive branches and structures were counted before dry matter phytomass determination. Both growth regulators reduced cotton dry matter yields regardless of rainfall interval. PGRs controlled excessive plant growth; however, their efficiency was reduced as the time elapsed until rainfall was shorter. Product losses were detected after all rainfall intervals, which, in field conditions would require PGR reapplication. Mepiquat chloride rates to be reapplied after rain were on average 17% higher than chlormequat chloride rates.Reguladores de crescimento aplicados às plantas de algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum L.) podem ser lavados em função da ocorrência de chuvas. Chuvas que ocorrem próximas à época de aplicação podem ocasionar elevada perda e necessidade de reaplicação dos produtos visando à taxa de crescimento desejada. Avaliou-se o efeito do intervalo de tempo entre a ocorrência de chuva simulada e a aplicação de cloreto de mepiquat e cloreto de chlormequat no algodoeiro no crescimento das plantas, além de estimar a necessidade de reaplicação dos reguladores. Plantas de algodão foram cultivadas em vasos de 12 L que permaneceram em casa de vegetação. Os reguladores de crescimento foram aplicados 40 dias após a emergência, quando 50% das plantas apresentavam botão floral. A chuva foi simulada 1, 2, 4, 6 e 24 horas após a aplicação dos reguladores. Determinou-se a altura das plantas antes da aplicação dos produtos e a cada 3 dias até o 30º dia. Na colheita, foi avaliado o número de ramos e estruturas reprodutivas, com posterior determinação da massa da matéria seca. Também foi determinado o crescimento acumulado e taxa de crescimento das plantas. Os dois reguladores reduziram a massa da matéria seca das plantas, independente do intervalo para ocorrência da chuva. O crescimento excessivo das plantas foi controlado, porém, com eficiência reduzida quanto menor o intervalo para simulação de chuva. Em todos os períodos avaliados houve perda de produtos, com necessidade de reaplicação. A taxa de reaplicação de cloreto de mepiquat para os diferentes intervalos de chuva foi, em média, 17% maior

    Omicron SARS-CoV-2 infection management and outcomes in patients with hematologic disease and recipients of cell therapy

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    IntroductionScarce real-life data exists for COVID-19 management in hematologic disease (HD) patients in the Omicron era.PurposeTo assess the current clinical management and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection diagnosed, identify the risk factors for severe outcomes according to the HD characteristics and cell therapy procedures in a real-world setting.MethodsA retrospective observational registry led by the Spanish Transplant Group (GETH-TC) with 692 consecutive patients with HD from December 2021 to May 2023 was analyzed.ResultsNearly one-third of patients (31%) remained untreated and presented low COVID-19-related mortality (0.9%). Nirmatrelvir/ritonavir was used mainly in mild COVID-19 cases in the outpatient setting (32%) with a low mortality (1%), while treatment with remdesivir was preferentially administered in moderate-to-severe SARS-CoV-2 infection cases during hospitalization (35%) with a mortality rate of 8.6%. The hospital admission rate was 23%, while 18% developed pneumonia. COVID-19-related mortality in admitted patients was 14%. Older age, autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (SCT), chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy, corticosteroids and incomplete vaccination were factors independently associated with COVID-19 severity and significantly related with higher rates of hospital admission and pneumonia. Incomplete vaccination status, treatment with prior anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies, and comorbid cardiomyopathy were identified as independent risk factors for COVID-19 mortality.ConclusionsThe results support that, albeit to a lower extent, COVID-19 in the Omicron era remains a significant problem in HD patients. Complete vaccination (3 doses) should be prioritized in these immunocompromised patients. The identified risk factors may help to improve COVID-19 management to decrease the rate of severe disease, ICU admissions and mortality

    Medical help-seeking intentions among patients with early Alzheimer’s disease

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    BackgroundLimited information is available on the active process of seeking medical help in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) at early stages. The aim of this study was to assess the phenomenon of medical help-seeking in early AD and to identify associated factors.MethodsA multicenter, non-interventional study was conducted including patients of 50–90 years of age with prodromal or mild AD (National Institute on Aging/Alzheimer’s Association criteria), a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score ≥ 22, and a Clinical Dementia Rating-Global score (CDR-GS) of 0.5–1.0. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted.ResultsA total of 149 patients were included. Mean age (SD) was 72.3 (7.0) years, 50.3% were female, and 87.2% had a CDR-GS score of 0.5. Mean disease duration was 1.4 (1.8) years. Ninety-four (63.1%) patients sought medical help, mostly from neurologists. Patients with help-seeking intentions were mostly female (60.6%) with a CDR-GS score of 0.5 (91.5%) and had a greater awareness of diagnosis, poorer quality of life, more depressive symptoms, and a more severe perception of their condition than their counterparts. Lack of help-seeking intentions was associated with male sex (p = 0.003), fewer years of education (p = 0.005), a low awareness of diagnosis (p = 0.005), and a low emotional consequence of the condition (p = 0.016).ConclusionUnderstanding the phenomenon of active medical help-seeking may facilitate the design of specific strategies to improve the detection of cognitive impairment, especially in patients with a lower level of educational attainment and poor awareness of their condition