77 research outputs found

    Haurren aurkako sexu-abusuak gaur egungo jendartean eta hezkuntza sistemak honekiko duen jarrera

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    [EU] Gaur egun bost haurretatik batek sexu-abusuak pairatzen ditu. Errealitate hori oinarri izanik, arazoaren nondik norakoak aztertzen ditu jarraian aurkezten den lanak, adieraziz haurren aurkako sexu-abusuen gaiarekiko formakuntza eza dagoela hezkuntza arloan. Ondorioz, aurre ikusten da irakasleriaren formakuntza eza horrek gaiarekiko uste oker edota aurre-iritziak areagotzen dituela. Hori horrela, irakasleriak duen formakuntza eta uste okerren inguruko ikerketa lana abiatzen da, 31 item ezberdinez sortutako galdetegi bat abiapuntu izanik. Denetara, 156 irakaslek osaturiko lagina bildu da. Galdetegiaren emaitzetan sexu-abusuari buruzko formakuntza eza nagusitzen da, horri loturik agertuz askotariko uste oker edota aurre iritzi. Azkenik, ondorioztatzen da arazo larri baten parean egonik ere, kontzientziazio falta gailentzen dela. Guzti honek hezkuntza arloan dituen inplikazio praktikoak eztabaidatzen dira.[ES] Actualmente uno de cada cinco niños/as sufre abusos sexuales. Partiendo de esta realidad, el trabajo que se presenta a continuación analiza la naturaleza del problema, señalando la falta de formación hacia los abusos sexuales en la infancia en el ámbito educativo. En consecuencia, se observa que la falta de formación del profesorado aumenta las creencias erróneas o prejuicios sobre el tema. En este sentido, se inicia el trabajo de investigación sobre la formación y las falsas convicciones del profesorado a partir de un cuestionario generado por 31 ítems diferentes. En total se ha recogido una muestra de 156 profesores/as. Los resultados del cuestionario se centran en la falta de formación sobre el abuso sexual, a través de la aparición de diversas convicciones erróneas o prejuicios. Por último, se concluye que, a pesar de estar frente a un grave problema, prevalece la falta de concienciación. Se discuten las implicaciones prácticas de todo ello en el ámbito educativo.[EN] Currently, one in five children is sexually abused. Based on this reality, the work presented below analyses the nature of the problem, pointing out the lack of training towards sexual abuse in childhood in the educational field. Consequently, it is observed that the lack of teacher training increases erroneous beliefs or prejudices on the subject. In this sense, the research work on teacher training and false convictions is initiated based on a questionnaire generated by 31 different items. In total, a sample of 156 teachers has been collected. The results of the questionnaire focus on the lack of training on sexual abuse, through the appearance of various erroneous convictions or prejudices. Finally, it is concluded that despite being a serious problem, lack of awareness prevails. The practical implications of this in the educational field are discussed

    Ingurumen epigenetika : ingurumen faktoreek gure epigenoman eta gure ondorengoenetan duten eragina

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    Epigenetika DNA sekuentzian aldaketarik gertatu gabe, geneen adierazpenean sortzen diren aldaketa heredagarrien multzoa da. Lan honetan ingurune faktore ezberdinak aztertzen dira, gugan duten eragin epigenetikoak ezagutzeko helburuarekin. Nahiz eta guztiz ulertzen ez diren, hiru mekanismo nagusi bereizten dira; DNA metilazioa, histonen eraldaketa eta RNA ez-kodetzailea. Inguruneak gure DNA eta kromosomen egoera baldintzatzen du eta, gainera, ondorengo belaunaldietan hereda daitezken sortutako aldaketak, gametogenesian epigenomaren berrantolaketa globala gertatu arren. Lan hau burutzeko “National Center for Biotechnology Information” web-guneko PudMed datu-basetik hainbat artikulu jaso ditut. Ondoren, artikuluetan oinarrituta lau multzotan sailkatutako eragileek (dieta, eguneko aktibitatea, tabako eta alkohola, metalak eta beste konposatu kimikoak) gene eta sekuentzia errepikakor desberdinetan duten eragina aztertu dut. Bildutako informazioa, hiru tauletan jaso ditut. Ikerlari desberdinek gene eta sekuentzia errepikakorren metilazio-maila neurtzeko erabiltzen dituzten metodo desberdinak ere bildu ditut. Amaitzeko, gene eta sekuentzia errepikakorrak erkatzen dira, eta etorkizunean, ikerketetan biomarkatzeile modura erabilita eskaini ditzeketen zenbait aukera aipatzen dira. Horrela, ingurune faktoreek sortutako gaixotasun eta ondorioak hobeto kontrolatu ahal izango dira

    Obtaining preforms by additive fused deposition modelling (FDM) extrusion technology for the manufacture of high-performance composites

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    The composites industry is present in practically all industrial sectors with an annual growth rate of 5%. Its contribution to the priority "light-weighting" driver in the transport sector is key. The efficiency of the industry is made possible by the evolution of manufacturing processes that also improve the performance of the products obtained. For example, out-of-autoclave (OOA) processes can obtain high-performance composites such as those obtained by the autoclave process at lower costs. A key aspect in the development of this type of process is the preforming of continuous fibre reinforcements, which can achieve high fibre percentages while facilitating processing. Manufacturing these preforms currently requires multiple steps, equipment and tooling. TECNALIA's work developing the ADDICOMP technology, an alternative preform manufacturing method using an additive process based on Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) is detailed in this article. This development is patented by Tecnalia and was conducted in 2 phases: (a) development of continuous fibre filaments coated with polymeric material and printable by FDM and (b) fine-tuning of FDM technology to print filaments with a very high content of continuous fibre

    Aging effects on resting state networks after an emotional memory task

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    Aging is one of the primary health concerns in nowadays world, being memory decline an important worry that affects daily functioning of healthy adults. This work presents a study of this kind of decline in normal aging, by processing and analysing electroencephalographs (EEGs) of 72 healthy subjects, categorized as either young or older adults. These biosignals are first pre-processed using a customized pre-processing pipeline using the EEGLAB tool in Matlab. Once the signals have been pre-processed, two different analyses are carried out: a frequency analysis, obtaining the powers for each band of the EEG signals, and a time-frequency analysis. The data obtained from these studies is analysed using R, obtaining some important results and conclusions

    Patient Journey Mapping in human-centered design: a critical review

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    Recent studies indicate that a positive Patient eXperience (PX) leads to a faster patient recovery, greater safety and lower costs for the healthcare system. Therefore, PX design is fundamental for hospitals service delivery. The Patient Journey Map (PJM) is a healthcar-specific tool that goes beyond the static view of other Human-Centered Design (HCD) methods by illustrating the relationship between the patient and the service organization as dynamic, ubiquitous and chronological within the system. The literature suggests that the PJM tool has the potential of PX explicit understanding; however, the way of mapping it is diverse, variable and subjective depending on the investigation. This article identifies, through a systematic search, investigations that use the PJM method with a HCD approach. Then, performs a critical analysis based on eleven items that critically review: (1) the nature of mapped information; (2) the purpose of its usage; and (3) the ease of use. As a result, a standardized, structured and reproducible PJM model is proposed that combines all these variables.Una eXperiencia de Paciente (PX) positiva conlleva una recuperación del paciente más rápida, mayor seguridad y menores costos para el sistema de salud, por ello constituye un aspecto fundamental para diseñar nuevos servicios hospitalarios. El Patient Journey Map (PJM) es una herramienta específica para el sector de la salud que va más allá de la vista estática de otros métodos del diseño centrado en las personas (HCD) al ilustrar la relación entre el usuario y la organización de servicios de forma dinámica, ubicua y cronológica. La literatura sugiere que la herramienta PJM alberga potencial para la comprensión explícita de la PX. Sin embargo, la aplicación del PJM es diversa, variable y subjetiva en función del equipo de investigación. Este artículo identifica a través de una búsqueda sistemática investigaciones que emplean el método PJM, a continuación, realiza un análisis crítico en base a once ítems que evalúan: (1) la tipología de información mostrada; (2) el uso que los equipos de diseño implicados hacen de la herramienta; y (3) su facilidad de uso. Como resultado, se propone un modelo estandarizado, estructurado y reproducible del PJM que aúne todas estas variables

    Drought-exposure history increases complementarity between plant species in response to a subsequent drought

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    Growing threats from extreme climatic events and biodiversity loss have raised concerns about their interactive consequences for ecosystem functioning. Evidence suggests biodiversity can buffer ecosystem functioning during such climatic events. However, whether exposure to extreme climatic events will strengthen the biodiversity-dependent buffering effects for future generations remains elusive. We assess such transgenerational effects by exposing experimental grassland communities to eight recurrent summer droughts versus ambient conditions in the field. Seed offspring of 12 species are then subjected to a subsequent drought event in the glasshouse, grown individually, in monocultures or in 2-species mixtures. Comparing productivity between mixtures and monocultures, drought-selected plants show greater between-species complementarity than ambient-selected plants when recovering from the subsequent drought, causing stronger biodiversity effects on productivity and better recovery of drought-selected mixtures after the drought. These findings suggest exposure to recurrent climatic events can improve ecosystem responses to future events through transgenerational reinforcement of species complementarity

    Deciduous Tundra Shrubs Shift Toward More Acquisitive Light Absorption Strategy Under Climate Change Treatments

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    The effects of climate change on plants are particularly pronounced in the Arctic region. Warming relaxes the temperature and nutrients boundaries that limit tundra plant growth. Increased resource availability under future climate conditions may induce a shift from a conservative economic strategy to an acquisitive one. Following the leaf economics spectrum that hypothesizes a strategy gradient between survival, plant size and costs for the photosynthetic leaf area, light absorption of tundra plants may increase. We investigated climate change effects on light absorptance and the relationship between light absorptance (fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, FAPAR) and structural and nutritional leaf traits, performing a soil warming and surface soil fertilization experiment on two deciduous tundra shrub species. Our results show that fertilization and warming combined increase light absorptance in Arctic shrubs and that FAPAR is correlated with leaf nutrients but not with structural leaf traits. This indicates an economic strategy shift of shrubs from conservative to acquisitive induced by warming and fertilization combined. We found species‐specific differences: FAPAR was influenced by warming alone in Betula nana but not in Salix pulchra, and FAPAR was correlated with leaf phosphorus in B. nana but not in S. pulchra. We attribute this to water limitation of B. nana that generally grows in drier areas within the study site compared to S. pulchra. We conclude that FAPAR is a measure that opens up more possibilities to estimate nutritional leaf traits and nutrient cycles, plant economic strategies, and ecological feedbacks of the tundra ecosystem on broader scales

    First-in-Human, First-in-Child Trial of Autologous MSCs Carrying the Oncolytic Virus Icovir-5 in Patients with Advanced Tumors

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    We present here the results of a first-in-human, first-in-child trial for patients with relapsed/refractory solid tumors using Celyvir, an advanced therapy medicine that combines autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) carrying an oncolytic adenovirus. Celyvir was manufactured from a bone marrow aspirate and then given intravenously. Patients received weekly infusions for 6 weeks at a dose of 2 × 106 cells/kg (children) or 0.5-1 × 106 cells/kg (adults), 2 × 104 viral particles per cell. Fifteen pediatric and 19 adult patients were recruited, but 18 were screen failures, mainly because rapid disease progression before Celyvir was available. No grade 2-5 toxicities were reported. Adenoviral replication detected by PCR was found in all but 2 pediatric patient and in none of the adult ones. Absolute numbers of circulating leukocytes suffered minor changes along therapy, but some subsets showed differences comparing the pediatric versus the adult cohorts. Two patients with neuroblastoma showed disease stabilization, and one of them continued on treatment for up to 6 additional weeks. Celyvir, the combination of MSCs and oncolytic adenovirus, is safe and warrants further evaluation in a phase 2 setting. The use of MSCs may be a strategy to increase the amount of oncolytic virus administered to patients, minimizing toxicities and avoiding direct tumor injections.The trial was sponsored by Fundación de Investigacion Biomedica del Hospital Nino Jesus (EudraCT 2008-000364-16; NCT01844661). This work was funded by grants EC11/061, EC08/00094, and EC07/90591 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Fondos FEDER. M.R is supported by Asociación Pablo Ugarte, Asociación NEN, and Fundación Neuroblastoma.S

    Análise da utilização da escala Nursing Activities Score em duas UCIS Espanholas

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the discourse of health managers on aspects related to delay in tuberculosis diagnosis. This was a qualitative research study, conducted with 16 Family Health Unit managers. The empirical data were obtained through semi-structured interviews. The analysis was based on the theoretical framework of the French school of discourse analysis. According to the managers’ statements, the delay in tuberculosis diagnosis is related to patient and health service aspects. As for patient aspects, managers report fear, prejudice and lack of information as factors that may promote a delayed diagnosis. Regarding health service aspects, structural problems and lack of professional skills were reported. The discourse of managers should be considered to qualify tuberculosis control actions and to prevent delays in diagnosis.Estudio prospectivo cuyo objetivo fue analizar las diferencias en el llenado de la escala Nursing Activities Score (NAS) en dos UCIs polivalentes de dos hospitales españoles. Datos relacionados a la carga de trabajo se recogieron diariamente, mediante la escala para los pacientes internados en las unidades durante el periodo de octubre a noviembre del 2011. Se recogieron datos de 103 pacientes obteniéndose un total de 941 medidas de la escala NAS. Diferencias significativas se encontraron en los ítems: monitorización, procedimientos de higiene, movilización y posición, tareas administrativas y monitorización de la aurícula izquierda (p < 0.001). Se concluyó que el empleo de instrumentos estandarizados es fundamental para poder comparar la carga de trabajo en diferentes unidades. La escala presenta ítems con un componente de valoración subjetiva, siendo importante la unificación de criterios para poder comparar los resultados entre las distintas unidades.Estudo prospetivo cujo objetivo foi analisar as diferenças no preenchimento da escala Nursing Activities Score (NAS) em duas UTI polivalentes de dois hospitais espanhóis. Dados relativos internados nas unidades durante o período de outubro a novembro de 2011. Os dados recolhidos de 103 pacientes produziram 941 medições na escala NAS. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas nos itens: monitoramento, procedimentos de higiene, mobilização e posicionamento, atividades administrativas e monitoramento auricular à esquerda (p < 0,001). Conclui-se que o uso de instrumentos padronizados é essencial quando se compara a carga de trabalho em unidades diferentes. A escala apresenta itens com uma componente de avaliação subjetiva, sendo por isso importante a unificação de critérios para a comparação de resultados entre diferentes unidades

    A novel mutation in BRCA1 linked to breast and ovarian cancer and a genotype-phenotype correlation

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    We report a novel BRCA1 germline 4156delAA mutation detected in a 41-year-old woman with breast and ovarian cancer. Genomic DNA was obtained from peripheral blood. Standard polymerase chain reactions and direct sequencing were performed. This mutation originates a premature stop at codon 1354 of BRCA1 protein and has not been documented in any published report to the best of our knowledge. The mutation was not observed in any other family studied. Since this novel mutation was associated with both breast and ovarian cancer, the genotype-phenotype correlation was investigated in a patient base of 30 families