2,031 research outputs found
Estudio de la influencia de la deficiencia en selenio y vitamina E en listeriosis murina
En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado en el modelo experimental Murino la influencia de la deficiencia en selenio y vitamina E en la susceptibilidad a la listeriosis. Para ello se han realizado estudios de mortalidad, estableciéndose las tasas de mortalidad por vía oral con dosis únicas y repetidas, así como las dl50 por vía intravenosa. Asimismo, se ha estudiado la cinética de la infección por vía oral e intravenosa, mediante recuentos de I. Monocytogenes a partir de órganos internos y tracto digestivo; se ha comparado además, la cinética de la infección utilizando las vías de inoculación oral e intragástrica, el efecto de dosis repetidas frente a dosis únicas por vía oral, y la infección por vía oral entre los serovares 4b y 1/2a. De los distintos experimentos, se han obtenido resultados que indican una mayor susceptibilidad a la listeriosis en el caso de la citada deficiencia; que se recupera l. Monocytogenes a partir de ganglios mesentericos y submandibulares en las primeras fases de la infección, lo que sugiere distintos puntos de entrada a partir del tracto digestivo, probablemente estructuras linfoides (placas de peyer, tonsilas, etc.); y que en la listeriosis experimental parece existir una reactivación tardía, cuyo tiempo de aparición sería dependiente de la dosis y la vía de inoculación. Asimismo, se ha podido comprobar que la vía oral presenta evidentes mejoras respecto a la intragástrica a la hora de realizar estudios sobre la listeriosis; así como que la administración de una misma dosis fraccionada en varias tomas produce una mayor mortalidad que si se administra en una única toma. Finalmente, la inoculación por vía oral de los serovares 4b y 1/2a demostró que con el serovar 4b se obtienen recuentos más altos y prolongados en intestino, bazo e hígado que en el caso del serovar 1/2a
Expanding borders of communication and collaboration through the network: digital competence as a means to promote academic interculturality
Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación han permitido el establecimiento de espacios virtuales
que modifican el modo de interacción social. En este trabajo se analiza la percepción de los futuros docentes
del grado de Educación Infantil sobre el uso de redes digitales para fomentar la interculturalidad académica. Se
ha utilizado una metodología cuantitativa, basada en la aplicación de un cuestionario construido ad hoc. Entre
los resultados se resalta principalmente el uso social que los estudiantes hacen de las redes digitales por encima
del académico para la comunicación y colaboración entre iguales. Finalmente se constata que el uso de las redes digitales en la actividad docente favorece la interculturalidadInformation and Communication Technologies allow the establishment of virtual spaces that modify the way
people interacts between themselves. This paper analyzes the perception of future teachers who are studying
Preschool Education on the use of digital networks to promote academic interculturality. For this, we carry out
a quantitative methodology by applying an ad hoc questionnaire. Among the results, it is highlighted the social
use that students make of digital networks over academic use for communication and collaboration among
equals. Finally, we found that the use of digital networks in teaching bring on interculturalit
Bullying among Teens: Are Ethnicity and Race Risk Factors for Victimization? A Bibliometric Research
Bullying is a problematic situation that negatively affects thousands of children and adolescents in today’s world. The multicultural society resulting from globalization has caused different reactions throughout society. In the school context, some authors indicate that ethnicity and race are risk factors for being victims of bullying. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to analyze the scientific production on racial or ethnic bullying with the greatest impact at present, considering nine variables: Publication date, authors, organizations, countries, journals, type of document, area of research, language, and reference with more impact (cites). We conducted a bibliometric study through systematic review, documentary quantification, and data visualization techniques. We analyzed 831 documents, with a notable increase in recent years (2011–2019), highlighting the production from Dewey Cornell (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA). On the other hand, the results showed that ethnic identity constitutes a differential factor in harassment appearing, accompanied by very poor socio-economic and cultural levels favoring depressive tendencies and drug consumption in the ethnic harassed. In short, bullying has a negative impact both physically and psychologically on the victims. For this reason, we must continue to work from the school context to eradicate the situation that is affecting more and more people
Variant pathogenic prediction by locus variability: the importance of the current picture of evolution.
Accurate detection of pathogenic single nucleotide variants (SNVs) is a key challenge in whole exome and whole genome sequencing studies. To date, several in silico tools have been developed to predict deleterious variants from this type of data. However, these tools have limited power to detect new pathogenic variants, especially in non-coding regions. In this study, we evaluate the use of a new metric, the Shannon Entropy of Locus Variability (SELV), calculated as the Shannon entropy of the variant frequencies reported in genome-wide population studies at a given locus, as a new predictor of potentially pathogenic variants in non-coding nuclear and mitochondrial DNA and also in coding regions with a selective pressure other than that imposed by the genetic code, e.g splice-sites. For benchmarking, SELV was compared to predictors of pathogenicity in different genomic contexts. In nuclear non-coding DNA, SELV outperformed CDTS (AUCSELV = 0.97 in ROC curve and PR-AUCSELV = 0.96 in Precision-recall curve). For non-coding mitochondrial variants (AUCSELV = 0.98 in ROC curve and PR-AUCSELV = 1.00 in Precision-recall curve) SELV outperformed HmtVar. Moreover, SELV was compared against two state-of-the-art ensemble predictors of pathogenicity in splice-sites, ada-score, and rf-score, matching their overall performance both in ROC (AUCSELV = 0.95) and Precision-recall curves (PR-AUC = 0.97), with the advantage that SELV can be easily calculated for every position in the genome, as opposite to ada-score and rf-score. Therefore, we suggest that the information about the observed genetic variability in a locus reported from large scale population studies could improve the prioritization of SNVs in splice-sites and in non-coding regions.FSC is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación, y Universidades (MCIU)
[grant no. RTI2018-102084-B-I00]. JAE is supported by the MCIU (RTI2018-099357-BI00), Human Frontier Science Program (RGP0016/2018), CIBERFES16/10/00282 and
RED2018-102576-T. The CNIC is supported by MCIU and the Pro-CNIC Foundation
and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence [MCIU award SEV-XXX].”S
Pensamiento espacial a través del doblado del papel
Se presenta un trabajo en el que se presentarecoge una metodología de enseñanza mediante el doblado del papel para el tratamiento de la geometría en el aula
La reforma de los servicios de salud mental en la provincia de Albacete.
No debe confundirse reforma de la salud mental con reforma del hospital psiquiátrico, pero tampoco debe olvidarse que sin una transformación profunda, cualquiera que sea su ritmo, de las actuales estructuras, no es posible articular coherentemente un modelo progresista de salud mental.
La transformación de un hospital psiquiátrico es un proceso sumamente complejo y en el que se articulan factores de índole política, administrativa, asistencial y también institucional
Risk Factors for Relapse in People with Severe Mental Disorders during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicenter Retrospective Study
Background: Evidence suggests that different variables associated with the COVID-19 pandemic may increase the risk of relapse in people with Severe Mental Disorders (SMDs). However, no studies have yet looked closely at the different risk factors involved to determine their influence on the worsening of these patients’ illnesses. Objective: To analyze which variables related to the COVID-19 pandemic have increased the risk of relapse in patients with SMDs. Method: A multicenter retrospective cohort study in which data were collected from 270 patients with mental disorders who had been under follow-up in day hospitals during the year 2020. Results: The proportion of full mental health inpatient admissions was significantly higher in those who lost their employment (40.7% vs. 18.1%; p = 0.01), in those who were not receiving psychotherapy interventions (33.9% vs. 16.6%; p = 0.006), and in those who were not receiving occupational therapy (25.7% vs. 13.6%: p = 0.013). Significant associations were detected between urgent mental health consultations, the number of COVID-19 symptoms (B = 0.274; p = 0.02), and the low-income group (1.2424 vs. 0.4583; p = 0.018). Conclusions: COVID-19 symptoms and certain consequences of the pandemic, such as loss of employment, economic hardship, and loss of interventions, have brought about clinical worsening in people with SMDs. Knowledge of these factors is important for health-related decision-making in future outbreaks or pandemics
La reforma de los servicios de salud mental en la provincia de Albacete.
No debe confundirse reforma de la salud mental con reforma del hospital psiquiátrico, pero tampoco debe olvidarse que sin una transformación profunda, cualquiera que sea su ritmo, de las actuales estructuras, no es posible articular coherentemente un modelo progresista de salud mental.
La transformación de un hospital psiquiátrico es un proceso sumamente complejo y en el que se articulan factores de índole política, administrativa, asistencial y también institucional
Prevention of infectious diseases based on intelligent analysis in social networks and citizen participation
Este proyecto consiste en el desarrollo una plataforma inteligente de monitorización de enfermedades infecciosas a partir de la monitorización de redes sociales, fuentes de datos oficiales y la participación ciudadana. Esta información estará disponible para las autoridades sanitarias y gubernamentales a través de un panel de mandos personalizable para que puedan detectar zonas calientes en las que exista algún tipo de brote o focos de infección. También estará disponible un sistema de alertas para avisar a los ciudadanos cuándo se ha detectado cierto nivel de alarma en radio cercano a donde se encuentran. Este proyecto está siendo desarrollado por la empresa de Ecuador VIAMÁTICA, algunos docentes de la Universidad de Guayaquil, la empresa española DANTIA y las Universidades de Murcia y Carlos III de Madrid. La parte española del proyecto está financiada mediante una convocatoria de proyectos unilaterales del CDTI.This project consists in the development of an intelligent platform for the monitoring of infectious diseases based on: text written in natural language on social networks, official data sources and citizen participation. This information will be available to the health and governmental authorities through a customizable control panel so they can detect hot areas in which there is some type of outbreak. An alert system will also be available to notify citizens when a certain level of alarm is detected in a nearby radius of where they are. This project is being developed by VIAMÁTICA (Ecuador), the University of Guayaquil (Ecuador), DANTIA (Spain) and the Universities of Murcia and Carlos III of Madrid (Spain). The Spanish part of the project is financed through the unilateral CDTI projects call.Este trabajo está siendo financiado por el CDTI dentro del proyecto con referencia IDI-20180989 dentro de la convocatoria de proyectos unilaterales
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