13 research outputs found

    Economic evaluation of small desalination plants from brackish aquifers. Application to Campo de Cartagena (SE Spain)

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    The Campo de Cartagena (Eastern Spain) is one of Europe’s driest areas with a mean precipitation of around 300 mm. One of the main challengesin the region is to secure a reliable water supply in both quantity and quality terms, to provide a water supply and agricultural irrigation, while water desalination has become an extensively applied solution, and one of the most sustainable solutions to the water scarcity problem. As water availability is lacking and groundwater quality is poor, the agricultural sector in Campo de Cartagena has developed small private brackish groundwater desalination plants (15-20 m3/h) through already existing agricultural wells. Costs and benefits (C-B) for citrus cultivation (1 ha) in three such plants have been assessed. The results indicate that for the studied cases, current agricultural management is feasible and costs outweigh benefits, with a positive NPV and a cost/benefit ratio higher than 1. The internal rate of return is also positive and higher than 11%. The results evidence practical and theoretical implications as to how to increase water resources in areas where water is scarce by closing the loop, ensuring farmers’ profitability and encouraging private sector investments.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A 3D geological model of Campo de Cartagena, SE Spain : Hydrogeological implications

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    Knowledge and understanding of geologic basins for hydrogeologic purposes requires an accurate 3D geological architecture representation. For model building, surface and subsurface data integration with the interpretation of geophysical survey and lithologic logs is needed. A methodology to reconstruct the geometric architecture of the sedimentary basin and relationships among stratigraphic formations, as well as to define hydrostratigraphic units, has been applied to the Campo de Cartagena Neogene formations. Data analysis included seismic reflection profiles and gravimetric data from oil exploration, electric resistivity surveys and 491 lithologic logs. The 3D model obtained from a close integration of stratigraphic and geophysical data was generated through a computerbased tool. It presents a common framework and a good starting point for hydrogeologic applications

    Towed sensors and hydrodynamic model evidence the need to include submarine in coastal lagoons water balance, the Mar Menor example (SE Spain).

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    The use of radionuclide tracers to determine the submarine groundwater discharges has been used widely but in areas highly anthropized as the Mar Menor surface water tributaries can carry high concentration of Radon, making very difficult to distinguish the radionuclide origin. In this paper a combined approach was applied in the Mar Menor, a towed system was designed to enable the continuous measurement of Radon and Nitrate and a hydrodynamic model was used to establish the influence areas of the surface discharge to the lagoon. The areas were Radon was detected and was out from the area located with the model could be establish as a submarine groundwater discharge point.Peer Reviewe

    Mar Menor: una laguna singular y sensible. Evaluación científica de su estado.

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    Este libro recopila las aportaciones que equipos de investigación de la Universidad de Murcia, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Instituto Geológico-Minero de España, Universidad de Alicante, el Instituto Español de Oceanografía y otros organismos hicieron en las Jornadas Científicas del Mar Menor, celebradas en diciembre de 2014.La información recogida en este libro se estructura en dos grandes bloques, uno de Biología y Ecología del Mar Menor (capítulos 1 al 8) y otro de Condiciones fisicoquímicas e impacto de actividades humanas en la laguna (capítulos 9 al 14). El primer bloque resume buena parte de los estudios ecológicos realizados en el Mar Menor, que han servido para mejorar su conocimiento y también para cambiar antiguas asunciones sobre la naturaleza y el funcionamiento de estos ecosistemas lagunares (Capítulo 1). El segundo capítulo muestra que esta laguna alberga en zonas someras de su perímetro hábitats fundamentales para mantener y conservar tanto especies migratorias como residentes, que es necesario conocer para paliar el impacto de las actividades humanas que les afectan. En este sentido la reducción de la carga de nutrientes y contaminantes orgánicos e inorgánicos que fluyen hacia el Mar Menor puede ayudar a preservar la laguna en mejores condiciones, bien sea tratando las escorrentías (plantas de tratamiento, humedales artificiales u otras técnicas) y recuperar este agua para uso agrícola o evitar su descarga en la laguna (Capítulo 3). Estas actuaciones serán clave para la conservación de especies emblemáticas como el caballito de mar (Capítulo 4) y reducir el impacto de las proliferaciones masivas de medusas que se producen en la laguna desde 1993 (Capítulo 5). En este mismo sentido los cambios acaecidos en la laguna han favorecido la incursión de invertebrados marinos alóctonos (Capítulo 6) y han afectado a la respuesta de la dinámica poblacional de las aves acuáticas a distintas escalas (Capítulo 7). Para completar este bloque se ofrece una perspectiva histórica de la importancia que ha tenido la investigación sobre acuicultura realizada en esta laguna, que ha servido de base para su gran desarrollo actual (Capítulo 8). El segundo bloque se inicia con una evaluación del origen y evolución del Mar Menor desde el punto de vista geológico, y evidencia su vulnerabilidad ante el deterioro que puede sufrir la desaparición de la barrera de cierre y/o su colmatación (Capítulo 9). En el Capítulo 10 se describe la relevancia que tiene la interacción de los acuíferos del Campo de Cartagena con la laguna, que se produce no sólo a nivel superficial sino también subterráneo. Esta interacción permite el acceso de nutrientes a la laguna, a pesar de la cierta capacidad de depuración de los humedales que le circundan, y también de metales traza por los aportes de residuos mineros (Capítulo 11). De hecho los metales traza están presentes en los sedimentos de la laguna, y su distribución se ha caracterizado en la columna sedimentaria relacionándola con la granulometría y el contenido de materia orgánica del sedimento (Capítulo 12). Posteriormente se describe la entrada de diversos contaminantes orgánicos, incluyendo pesticidas y fármacos a través de la rambla del Albujón, y su distribución estacional en agua y sedimento de la laguna (Capítulo 13). Este segundo bloque finaliza con el Capítulo 14 en el que se describe la bioacumulación de hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos, pesticidas y fármacos en moluscos y peces del Mar Menor, así como los efectos biológicos que la carga contaminante que accede a través de la rambla del Albujón produce en los organismos que allí habitan. El libro concluye con un breve epílogo redactado por los editores de este libro.Versión del edito

    A 3D geological model of Campo de Cartagena, SE Spain : Hydrogeological implications

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    Knowledge and understanding of geologic basins for hydrogeologic purposes requires an accurate 3D geological architecture representation. For model building, surface and subsurface data integration with the interpretation of geophysical survey and lithologic logs is needed. A methodology to reconstruct the geometric architecture of the sedimentary basin and relationships among stratigraphic formations, as well as to define hydrostratigraphic units, has been applied to the Campo de Cartagena Neogene formations. Data analysis included seismic reflection profiles and gravimetric data from oil exploration, electric resistivity surveys and 491 lithologic logs. The 3D model obtained from a close integration of stratigraphic and geophysical data was generated through a computerbased tool. It presents a common framework and a good starting point for hydrogeologic applications

    Capítulo 10. Las aguas subterráneas en el Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor

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    El agua subterránea constituye un recurso natural clave para el medio ambiente y el desarrollo económico de la cuenca del río Segura, que satisface entorno al 35% de la demanda total para riego. En la cuenca del Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor, el recurso subterráneo desempeña además un papel estratégico especialmente en periodos de sequía, al amortiguar en un rango del 30-75%, las variaciones de los recursos procedentes del Trasvase Tajo-Segura. Las interrelaciones de los acuíferos del Campo de Cartagena con la laguna costera del Mar Menor y las implicaciones ambientales derivadas de su uso intensivo ha incrementado el interés científico, a la vez que emerge la necesidad de cumplir con las obligaciones legales derivadas de la Directiva Marco del Agua. En la actualidad la adopción efectiva de diferentes medidas de adaptación y mitigación encaminadas a mejorar la gestión de la cuenca y del Mar Menor precisa de Sistemas de Soporte a la Decisión basados en un mayor conocimiento hidrogeológico del acuífero multicapa y de los patrones y dinámicas de uso y consumo de agua.Postprint (published version

    Economic evaluation of small desalination plants from brackish aquifers. Application to Campo de Cartagena (SE Spain)

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    The Campo de Cartagena (Eastern Spain) is one of Europe’s driest areas with a mean precipitation of around 300 mm. One of the main challengesin the region is to secure a reliable water supply in both quantity and quality terms, to provide a water supply and agricultural irrigation, while water desalination has become an extensively applied solution, and one of the most sustainable solutions to the water scarcity problem. As water availability is lacking and groundwater quality is poor, the agricultural sector in Campo de Cartagena has developed small private brackish groundwater desalination plants (15-20 m3/h) through already existing agricultural wells. Costs and benefits (C-B) for citrus cultivation (1 ha) in three such plants have been assessed. The results indicate that for the studied cases, current agricultural management is feasible and costs outweigh benefits, with a positive NPV and a cost/benefit ratio higher than 1. The internal rate of return is also positive and higher than 11%. The results evidence practical and theoretical implications as to how to increase water resources in areas where water is scarce by closing the loop, ensuring farmers’ profitability and encouraging private sector investments.Peer Reviewe

    The role of groundwater in highly human-modified hydrosystems: a review of impacts and mitigationoptions in the Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor coastal plain (SE Spain)

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    Hydrological processes and water resources are increasingly modified by anthropogenic actions, leading to multiple pressures on the environment and related ecosystems. A better understanding of the interactions between the anthroposphere and the hydrosphere is necessary to shape more sustainable societies. The pressure of human activities on the environment is specially high along the circum-Mediterranean area due to a combination of biophysical and economic factors.The Campo the Cartagena coastal plain together with the Mar Menor lagoon is one of the most exemplary areas in this aspect. This work analyzes this system at the basin level by providing a synthesis of the state of knowledge of each hydrological compartment and the links between themPeer Reviewe

    The role of groundwater in highly human-modified hydrosystems: a review of impacts and mitigationoptions in the Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor coastal plain (SE Spain)

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    Hydrological processes and water resources are increasingly modified by anthropogenic actions, leading to multiple pressures on the environment and related ecosystems. A better understanding of the interactions between the anthroposphere and the hydrosphere is necessary to shape more sustainable societies. The pressure of human activities on the environment is specially high along the circum-Mediterranean area due to a combination of biophysical and economic factors.The Campo the Cartagena coastal plain together with the Mar Menor lagoon is one of the most exemplary areas in this aspect. This work analyzes this system at the basin level by providing a synthesis of the state of knowledge of each hydrological compartment and the links between themPeer Reviewe