4,897 research outputs found

    Optical Activity From Extra Dimension

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    Optical activity, like Faraday effect, is a rotation of the plane of polarization of propagating light in a medium and can be attributed to different sources with distinct signatures. In this note we discuss the effect of optical activity {\it{in vacuum}} due to Kaluza-Klein scalar field Ď•\phi, in the presence of an external electro-magnetic field. The astrophysical implication of this effect is indicated. We also point out the possibility of observing the same in laboratory conditions.Comment: Four Page

    Magnetic and electron transport properties of the rare-earth cobaltates, La0.7-xLnxCa0.3CoO3 (Ln = Pr, Nd, Gd and Dy) : A case of phase separation

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    Magnetic and electrical properties of four series of rare earth cobaltates of the formula La0.7-xLnxCa0.3CoO3 with Ln = Pr, Nd, Gd and Dy have been investigated. Compositions close to x = 0.0 contain large ferromagnetic clusters or domains, and show Brillouin-like behaviour of the field-cooled DC magnetization data with fairly high ferromagnetic Tc values, besides low electrical resistivities with near-zero temperature coefficients. The zero-field-cooled data generally show a non-monotonic behaviour with a peak at a temperatures slightly lower than Tc. The near x = 0.0 compositions show a prominent peak corresponding to the Tc in the AC-susceptibility data. The ferromagnetic Tc varies linearly with x or the average radius of the A-site cations, (rA). With increase in x or decrease in (rA), the magnetization value at any given temperature decreases markedly and the AC-susceptibility measurements show a prominent transition arising from small magnetic clusters with some characteristics of a spin-glass. Electrical resistivity increases with increase in x, showed a significant increase around a critical value of x or (rA), at which composition the small clusters also begin to dominate. These properties can be understood in terms of a phase separation scenario wherein large magnetic clusters give way to smaller ones with increase in x, with both types of clusters being present in certain compositions. The changes in magnetic and electrical properties occur parallely since the large ferromagnetic clusters are hole-rich and the small clusters are hole-poor. Variable-range hopping seems to occur at low temperatures in these cobaltates.Comment: 23 pages including figure

    Land Surface Reflectances from Geostationary Sensors

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    GEONEX is a processing pipeline that produces a suite of satellite land surface products using data streams from the latest geostationary (GEO) sensors including the GOES016/ABI and the Himawari-8/AHI. The suite, created collaboratively by scientists from NASA and NOAA, includes top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectances, land surface reflectances (LSRs), vegetation indices, LAI/fPAR, and other downstream products. As a key component of the GEONEX product processing, we have adapted the Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) algorithm to produce LSRs from the TOA data. Because the algorithm depends on building "stacks" of images, we first run internal geo-registration checks to ensure geo-spatial accuracy and consistency of the input (L1B) data before transferring them from the geostationary projection into a tile system in geographic grids. Scan-time is inferred from metadata and applied to calculate the sun-sensor angles for each grid cell. The MAIAC algorithm is run to detect clouds/shadows, estimate aerosol optical thickness (AOT), perform atmospheric corrections, and generate LSRs. We have processed 18-months (from 2016/04 onward) of AHI data over East Asia and Oceania at a 10-minute time step and 10-months (from 2018/01 onward) of ABI data over North and South Americas at a 15-minute time step. As a verification measure, we compare the GEONEX (AHI/ABI) surface reflectances with the standard MODIS products (MOD09GA) and the MODIS MAIAC products over pixels that have similar sun-view geometries. The results indicate general linear relationships between GEONEX and corresponding MODIS LSRs. In particular, the RMSEs between GEONEX and MOD09 data are comparable to those between MOD09 and MODIS MAIAC products, suggesting that the uncertainties of GEONEX LSRs fall into an acceptable range. However, direct comparisons of LSRs over pixels with different sun-view angles are not as straightforward and require more modeling efforts to correct the directional effects. Evaluation of such angular influences on the downstream products (e.g., vegetation indices) is also under investigation

    Spectral shape of the UV ionizing background and HeII absorption at redshifts 1.8 < z < 2.9

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    The shape of the UV ionizing background is reconstructed from optically thin metal absorption-line systems identified in spectra of HE2347-4342, Q1157+3143, and HS1700+6416 in the redshift interval 1.8 < z < 2.9. The systems are analyzed by means of the Monte Carlo Inversion method completed with the spectral shape recovering procedure. The UVB spectral shape fluctuates at 2.4 < z < 2.9 mostly due to radiative transfer processes in the clumpy IGM. At z < 1.8, the IGM becomes almost transparent both in the HI and HeII Lyman continua and the variability of the spectral shape comes from diversity of spectral indices describing the QSO/AGN intrinsic radiation. At z > 2.4, the recovered spectral shapes show intensity depression between 3 and 4 Ryd due to HeII Ly-alpha absorption in the IGM clouds (line blanketing) and continuous medium (true Gunn-Petersen effect). The mean HeII Ly-alpha opacity estimated from the depth of this depression corresponds within 1-2sigma to the values directly measured from the HI/HeII Ly-alpha forest towards the quasars studied. The observed scatter in eta = N(HeII)/N(HI) and anti-correlation between N(HI) and eta can be explained by the combined action of variable spectral softness and differences in the mean gas density between the absorbing clouds. Neither of the recovered spectral shapes show features which can be attributed to the putative input of radiation from soft sources like starburst galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Mass-losing accretion discs around supermassive black holes

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    We study the effects of outflow/wind on the gravitational stability of accretion discs around supermassive black holes using a set of analytical steady-state solutions. Mass-loss rate by the outflow from the disc is assumed to be a power-law of the radial distance and the amount of the energy and the angular momentum which are carried away by the wind are parameterized phenomenologically. We show that the mass of the first clumps at the self-gravitating radius linearly decreases with the total mass-loss rate of the outflow. Except for the case of small viscosity and high accretion rate, generally, the self-gravitating radius increases as the amount of mass-loss by the outflow increases. Our solutions show that as more angular momentum is lost by the outflow, then reduction to the mass of the first clumps is more significant.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Radio spectra and polarisation properties of radio-loud Broad Absorption Line Quasars

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    We present multi-frequency observations of a sample of 15 radio-emitting Broad Absorption Line Quasars (BAL QSOs), covering a spectral range between 74 MHz and 43 GHz. They display mostly convex radio spectra which typically peak at about 1-5 GHz (in the observer's rest-frame), flatten at MHz frequencies, probably due to synchrotron self-absorption, and become steeper at high frequencies, i.e., >~ 20 GHz. VLA 22-GHz maps (HPBW ~ 80 mas) show unresolved or very compact sources, with linear projected sizes of <= 1 kpc. About 2/3 of the sample look unpolarised or weakly polarised at 8.4 GHz, frequency in which reasonable upper limits could be obtained for polarised intensity. Statistical comparisons have been made between the spectral index distributions of samples of BAL and non-BAL QSOs, both in the observed and the rest-frame, finding steeper spectra among non-BAL QSOs. However constraining this comparison to compact sources results in no significant differences between both distributions. This comparison is consistent with BAL QSOs not being oriented along a particular line of sight. In addition, our analysis of the spectral shape, variability and polarisation properties shows that radio BAL QSOs share several properties common to young radio sources like Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) or Gigahertz-Peaked Spectrum (GPS) sources.Comment: 18 pages, 11 Postscript figures, 12 Tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Coherent state of a nonlinear oscillator and its revival dynamics

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    The coherent state of a nonlinear oscillator having a nonlinear spectrum is constructed using Gazeau Klauder formalism. The weighting distribution and the Mandel parameter are studied. Details of the revival structure arising from different time scales underlying the quadratic energy spectrum are investigated by the phase analysis of the autocorrelation function

    The Einstein-Vlasov sytem/Kinetic theory

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    The main purpose of this article is to guide the reader to theorems on global properties of solutions to the Einstein-Vlasov system. This system couples Einstein's equations to a kinetic matter model. Kinetic theory has been an important field of research during several decades where the main focus has been on nonrelativistic- and special relativistic physics, e.g. to model the dynamics of neutral gases, plasmas and Newtonian self-gravitating systems. In 1990 Rendall and Rein initiated a mathematical study of the Einstein-Vlasov system. Since then many theorems on global properties of solutions to this system have been established. The Vlasov equation describes matter phenomenologically and it should be stressed that most of the theorems presented in this article are not presently known for other such matter models (e.g. fluid models). The first part of this paper gives an introduction to kinetic theory in non-curved spacetimes and then the Einstein-Vlasov system is introduced. We believe that a good understanding of kinetic theory in non-curved spacetimes is fundamental in order to get a good comprehension of kinetic theory in general relativity.Comment: 31 pages. This article has been submitted to Living Rev. Relativity (http://www.livingreviews.org

    Gravitational collapse with tachyon field and barotropic fluid

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    A particular class of space-time, with a tachyon field, \phi, and a barotropic fluid constituting the matter content, is considered herein as a model for gravitational collapse. For simplicity, the tachyon potential is assumed to be of inverse square form i.e., V(\phi) \sim \phi^{-2}. Our purpose, by making use of the specific kinematical features of the tachyon, which are rather different from a standard scalar field, is to establish the several types of asymptotic behavior that our matter content induces. Employing a dynamical system analysis, complemented by a thorough numerical study, we find classical solutions corresponding to a naked singularity or a black hole formation. In particular, there is a subset where the fluid and tachyon participate in an interesting tracking behaviour, depending sensitively on the initial conditions for the energy densities of the tachyon field and barotropic fluid. Two other classes of solutions are present, corresponding respectively, to either a tachyon or a barotropic fluid regime. Which of these emerges as dominant, will depend on the choice of the barotropic parameter, \gamma. Furthermore, these collapsing scenarios both have as final state the formation of a black hole.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. v3: minor changes. Final version to appear in GR
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