163 research outputs found

    Purple dwarfs : New L subdwarfs from UKIDSS and SDSS

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 2.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The first L subdwarf was a discovered only ten years ago. Less than ten L subdwarfs been published in the literature to date. Metal-poor ultracool atmospheres has not been well understood. Halo mass function cross substellar limit has not been measured. We used UKIDSS and SDSS to search for L subdwarfs. We have confirmed some new L subdwarfs and are following up more candidates with ground based large telescopes. We discussed spectral features of L subdwarfs and halo brown dwarfs

    Effect of dehydration temperature on physico-chemical properties and antioxidant capacity of goldenberry (Physalis peruviana L.)

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    Consumers are health conscious in order to have a nutritious diet leading to an increase of fruits intake due to their bioactive compounds. To prolong the shelf-life of fruits, dehydration is widely used In this work, the effect of convective dehydration on physico-chemical properties, color, vitamin C, -carotene, total phenolic content (TPC), flavonoids and antioxidant capacity during dehydration of Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) fruits in the range 50-90 ºC was investigated. Chromatic parameters (L*, a*, b*) as well as Chroma and Hue angle were affected by drying temperature, which contributed to the discoloring of the fruits during this process. TPC, flavonoids and -carotene increased at 90 ºC from 321.05-356.68 mg gallic acid 100 g-1 dm, 99.25-144.29 mg quercetin equivalents 100 g-1 of dm and 722.30-783.16 mg 100 g-1 sample, respectively. The radical scavenging activity showed higher antioxidant activity at high temperatures rather than at low temperatures. Both, vitamin C content and TPC decreased as air-drying temperature decreased. A high correlation between TPC and flavonoids with antioxidant capacity of the fruits was observed. Based on these results, this fruit is a potential candidate to develop new functional products.Fil: Di Scala, Karina Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Ingeniería Química; Argentina;Fil: López, Jessica. Universidad de la Serena. Departamento de Ingeniería de Alimentos; Chile;Fil: Vega Galvez, Antonio. Universidad de la Serena. Departamento de Ingeniería de Alimentos; Chile;Fil: Torres, María José. Universidad de la Serena. Departamento de Ingeniería de Alimentos; Chile;Fil: Lemus Mondaca, Roberto. Universidad de la Serena. Departamento de Ingeniería de Alimentos; Chile;Fil: Quispe Fuentes, Issis. Universidad de la Serena. Departamento de Ingeniería de Alimentos; Chile

    The SOAR Optical Imager

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    The SOAR Optical Imager (SOI) is the commissioning instrument for the 4.2-m SOAR telescope, which is sited on Cerro Pachón, and due for first light in April 2003. It is being built at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, and is one of a suite of first-light instruments being provided by the four SOAR partners (NOAO, Brazil, University of North Carolina, Michigan State University). The instrument is designed to produce precision photometry and to fully exploit the expected superb image quality of the SOAR telescope, over a 6x6 arcmin field. Design goals include maintaining high throughput down to the atmospheric cut-off, and close reproduction of photometric passbands throughout 310-1050nm. The focal plane consists of a two-CCD mosaic of 2Kx4K Lincoln Labs CCDs, following an atmospheric dispersion corrector, focal reducer, and tip-tilt sensor. Control and data handling are within the LabVIEW-Linux environment used throughout the SOAR Project

    ISPI: the infared side port imager for the CITO 4-m telescope

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    The new operations model for the CTIO Blanco 4-m telescope will use a small suite of fixed facility instruments for imaging and spectroscopy. The Infrared Side Port Imager, ISPI, provides the infrared imaging capability. We describe the optical, mechanical, electronic, and software components of the instrument. The optical design is a refractive camera-collimator system. The cryo-mechanical packaging integrates two LN2-cooled dewars into a compact, straightline unit to fit within space constraints at the bent Cassegrain telescope focus. A HAWAII 2 2048 x 2048 HgCdTe array is operated by an SDSU II array controller. Instrument control is implemented with ArcVIEW, a proprietary LabVIEW-based software package. First light on the telescope is planned for September 2002

    The Effect of Adding Zeolite in the Feed of Chickens Cobb 500

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    [EN] The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the addition of zeolite on the feeding of Cobb 500 chickens in the productive parameters. The work was carried out in an integral farm of Ecuador, adopting the standards of biosafety and animal welfare for the breeding of poultry; no vaccines or drugs were administered. 200 chickens (1-day old) were studied for 42 days and distributed in 5 treatments, each one with 4 replicates (10 chickens per replicate, randomly selected); the treatments were: T1(control), T2(zeolite 2%), T3(zeolite 3%), T4(zeolite 4%) and T5(zeolite 5%). All of the groups were fed with BALMAR, a commercial feed (Pre-initial: 22.56% CP, 3150 Kcal/kg ME; initial: 21% CP, 3200 Kcal/kg ME; grow-out: 19.5% CP, 3250 Kcal/Kg ME), T1 included a commercial toxin trapper, for all other groups zeolite was added as a substitute for the commercial toxin trap. The variables studied were: feed and water consumption, feed conversion ratio, live weight and mortality. The data were processed with the statistical program Stat graphics Centurion XV.I, by means of ANOVA analysis. The results of this experiment showed that there were no significant statistical differences in water consumption, food intake and feed conversion when comparing the treatments with the control, although, the final weight showed statistical difference (p<0.05). The highest mortality was recorded in T1 (12.5%). It is concluded that at higher zeolite increase, better effects, thus the live weight of T5 (1638.9±46.7) was statistically similar to the control (1734.3±49.3); water and feed consumption and feed conversion rate were not affected; possibly the reduction in mortality was due to the toxins trapping action of zeoliteSanchez-Quinche, AR.; Pindo Nagua, FM.; Vargas González, ON.; Alvarez Díaz, CA.; Aguilar Galvez, LF.; Pérez Baena, I. (2017). The Effect of Adding Zeolite in the Feed of Chickens Cobb 500. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. 12(3):182-187. doi:10.3844/ajavsp.2017.182.187S18218712

    Uso del aula virtual y los logros de resultados de aprendizaje en dinámica mandibular de los estudiantes de la Universidad Continental, 2020

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación fue determinar la relación que existe entre el uso de los recursos del aula virtual y los logros de resultados de aprendizaje en dinámica mandibular de los estudiantes del IV periodo académico de la Escuela Académica Profesional de Odontología de la Universidad Continental, 2020. El estudio tiene enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo aplicado, el alcance o nivel es descriptivo correlacional, con un diseño de investigación correlacional asociativo. La muestra fue probabilística y estuvo conformada por 20 estudiantes del IV periodo académico de la Escuela Académica Profesional de Odontología de la Universidad Continental. Los instrumentos de recolección de información fueron un cuestionario para medir el uso de aula virtual en base a las actividades desarrolladas Dougiamas (2012) con 16 preguntas con respuestas en escala de Likert, un examen con 15 preguntas que miden el nivel de conocimientos en dinámica mandibular y una rúbrica de evaluación que midió las habilidades en dinámica mandibular

    Determinación de residuos de tetraciclinas en muestras de carne bovina destinadas al consumo humano

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    Determination of tetracycline residues in samples of bovine beef used for Human Consumption Resumen La presencia de residuos de antibióticos encontrados en la carne bovina destinada al consumo humano ha incrementado considerablemente en los últimos años, constituyendo un grave problema en salud pública. Para evaluar la presencia de residuos de tetraciclinas se estudió 74 muestras de carne bovina del Camal de Santa Rosa (El Oro), y se aplicó una prueba rápida de detección de tetraciclina (Smarkit). En el análisis se encontraron 24 casos positivos a la presencia de tetraciclinas en la carne representando el 32.4 % del total, y 50 casos negativos a la prueba representando el 67.6%. De los 24 casos positivos a la prueba, el 33.34% correspondían a animales cuya edad estaba entre 3 a 4 años existiendo una diferencia estadística significativa (p&lt; 0.05). Estos hallazgos confirman el incumplimiento de los tiempos de retiro en la práctica pecuaria en nuestro país. Palabras clave: antibiótico; antimicrobiano; ganado bovino; músculo; smarkit. Abstract The presence of antibiotic residues found in beef intended for human consumption has increased considerably in recent years, constituting a serious problem in public health. To evaluate the presence of tetracycline residues, 74 samples of beef from Camal de Santa Rosa (El Oro) were studied, and a rapid tetracycline detection test (Smarkit) was applied. In the analysis we found 24 cases positive to the presence of tetracyclines in the meat representing 32.4% of the total, and 50 negative cases to the test representing 67.6%. Of the 24 positive test cases, 33.34% were animals aged 3 to 4 years, with a statistically significant difference (p &lt;0.05). These findings confirm the non-fulfillment of the withdrawal times in the livestock practice in our country. Keywords: antibiotic; antimicrobial; cattle; muscle; smarkit

    Plan estratégico para la alianza de 3D Bike y Shimano periodo 2022-2025

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    El plan estratégico que se presenta a continuación es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación que propone la alianza estratégica entre las empresas 3D Bike y Shimano para los siguientes cuatro años, considerando que ambas empresas han venido operando satisfactoriamente de forma independiente. Por el lado de Shimano, es uno de los más grandes fabricantes de componentes y accesorios de bicicletas a nivel global, destacando sus sistemas de transmisión y frenos que se distinguen por su fiabilidad y durabilidad, y que se utilizan alrededor del mundo. En el caso de 3D Bike, es una empresa relativamente nueva, fabricante de bicicletas de fibra carbono con tiendas en cuatro de los cinco continentes, con una gran ventaja competitiva en innovación y calidad de los marcos de carbono, los cuales son producidos con impresoras 3D de tecnología de punta. Ambas empresas, en la búsqueda de hacer sostenible su crecimiento, han decidido establecer una alianza para generar sinergias y aprovechar las oportunidades que se presentan en el mercado de bicicletas. Al ser 3D Bike el líder en el mercado en las regiones en las que opera, se hace factible establecer una alianza estratégica con Shimano

    Gemini multiconjugate adaptive optics system review - I. Design, trade-offs and integration

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    The Gemini multiconjugate adaptive optics system (GeMS) at the Gemini South telescope in Cerro Pachón is the first sodium-based multilaser guide star (LGS) adaptive optics system. It uses five LGSs and two deformable mirrors to measure and compensate fo