844 research outputs found

    Improving nutritional status through behavioral change: lessons from Madagascar

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    This paper provides evidence of the effects of a large-scale intervention that focuses on the quality of nutritional and child care inputs during the early stages of life. The empirical strategy uses a combination of double-difference and weighting estimators in a longitudinal survey to address the purposive placement of participating communities and estimate the effect of the availability of the program at the community level on nutritional outcomes. The authors find that the program helped 0-5 year old children in the participating communities to bridge the gap in weight for age z-scores and the incidence of underweight. The program also had significant effects in protecting long-term nutritional outcomes (height for age z-scores and incidence of stunting) against an underlying negative trend in the absence of the program. Importantly, the effect of the program exhibits substantial heterogeneity: gains in nutritional outcomes are larger for more educated mothers and for villages with better infrastructure. The program enables the analysis to isolate responsiveness to information provision and disentangle the effect of knowledge in the education effect on nutritional outcomes. The results are suggestive of important complementarities among child care, maternal education, and community infrastructure

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora : 11

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    Publisher Copyright: © This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are creditedIn this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1.Peer reviewe

    Theory of Transition Temperature of Magnetic Double Perovskites

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    We formulate a theory of double perovskite coumpounds such as Sr2_2FeReO6_6 and Sr2_2FeMoO6_6 which have attracted recent attention for their possible uses as spin valves and sources of spin polarized electrons. We solve the theory in the dynamical mean field approximation to find the magnetic transition temperature TcT_c. We find that TcT_c is determined by a subtle interplay between carrier density and the Fe-Mo/Re site energy difference, and that the non-Fe same-sublattice hopping acts to reduce TcT_c. Our results suggest that presently existing materials do not optimize TcT_c

    Transcribed ultraconserved noncoding RNAs (T-UCR) are involved in Barrett's esophagus carcinogenesis.

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    Barretts esophagus (BE) involves a metaplastic replacement of native esophageal squamous epithelium (Sq) by columnar-intestinalized mucosa, and it is the main risk factor for Barrett-related adenocarcinoma (BAc). Ultra-conserved regions (UCRs) are a class non-coding sequences that are conserved in humans, mice and rats. More than 90% of UCRs are transcribed (T-UCRs) in normal tissues, and are altered at transcriptional level in tumorigenesis. To identify the T-UCR profiles that are dysregulated in Barretts mucosa transformation, microarray analysis was performed on a discovery set of 51 macro-dissected samples obtained from 14 long-segment BE patients. Results were validated in an independent series of esophageal biopsy/surgery specimens and in two murine models of Barretts esophagus (i.e. esophagogastric-duodenal anastomosis). Progression from normal to BE to adenocarcinoma was each associated with specific and mutually exclusive T-UCR signatures that included up-regulation of uc.58-, uc.202-, uc.207-, and uc.223- and down-regulation of uc.214+. A 9 T-UCR signature characterized BE versus Sq (with the down-regulation of uc.161-, uc.165-, and uc.327-, and the up-regulation of uc.153-, uc.158-, uc.206-, uc.274-, uc.472-, and uc.473-). Analogous BE-specific T-UCR profiles were shared by human and murine lesions. This study is the first demonstration of a role for T-UCRs in the transformation of Barretts mucosa

    Microplastics impair the feeding performance of a Mediterranean habitat-forming coral

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    none9siThe impact of plastic debris, and in particular of microplastics (here referred as particles smaller than 5 mm) on aquatic environments has now become a topic of raising concern. Microplastics are particularly abundant in the Mediterranean Sea, potentially exerting substantial pressures on marine organisms at different levels of organization. Ingestion of microplastics has been observed in a large number of marine species. The aim of this work is to test if microplastics produce a feeding impairment in Astroides calycularis, a shallow water, habitat-forming coral endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. Our findings suggest a lack of any avoidance mechanism allowing the polyps to discern between food items and microplastics when occurring simultaneously. Moreover, polyps spend a considerable amount of time on handling microplastic particles. As a consequence, microplastics impair the feeding efficiency in A. calycularis, since polyps may not be fully able to profit from the drifting plankton aggregations. Therefore, we suggest that microplastics can cause a reduction of fitness in A. calycularis, and presumably also in other species characterized by suspension feeding strategy.embargoed_20220123Savinelli B.; Vega Fernandez T.; Galasso N.M.; D'Anna G.; Pipitone C.; Prada F.; Zenone A.; Badalamenti F.; Musco L.Savinelli, B.; Vega Fernandez, T.; Galasso, N. M.; D'Anna, G.; Pipitone, C.; Prada, F.; Zenone, A.; Badalamenti, F.; Musco, L

    Long-Term Functional Results of a Modified Caudal-to-Cranial Approach in Laparoscopic Segmental Left Colectomy for Diverticular Disease

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    A modified caudal-to-cranial approach to perform laparoscopic left colectomy for benign diseases has been recently designed to facilitate the low-tie mesenteric dissection. A chart review has been performed including all consecutive patients with uncomplicated diverticulitis who have been treated by segmental left colectomy with a caudal-to-cranial approach. A total of 34 patients were included in the study. 21 patients were male, mean age was 54.1±11.3, and mean BMI was 26±5.5. Patients with ASA Score I were 7, with ASA II were 9, and with ASA Score III were 5. Incontinence Score (IS) resulted in an average of 5±2,2 grade of incontinence and the CS score showed an average of 10±3,2 grade of constipation. Health status, evaluated by Short Form-36 questionnaire, was demonstrated in these patients' great physical function, role, general health, and social function. The anorectal manometry performed 6 months after surgery showed a normal value in terms of the anal resting pressure (47±13 mmHg) and an increased volume to stimulate desire to defecate (197±25 ml). The length of the anal sphincter was normal compared to the reference value (37±5.4 mm). Although further studies are required to obtain definitive conclusions, our results are encouraging to propose low-tie segmental colectomy as the standard procedure for the treatment of uncomplicated diverticulitis, and our modified surgical approach could be considered useful to facilitate the surgical approach