50 research outputs found

    Estudo fitoquímico do guapê, Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels

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    Estudo fitoquímico do guapê, Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels<htm

    Conhecimento e utilização do diamino fluoreto de prata entre cirurgiões-dentistas do estado do Paraná, Brasil

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    O diamino fluoreto de prata (DFP) está inserido no contexto da Odontologia minimamente invasiva para controle e tratamento das lesões de cárie. A proposta deste estudo foi identificar o conhecimento e a utilização do DFP entre cirurgiões-dentistas do estado do Paraná, Brasil. Tratou-se de um estudo exploratório com amostragem intencional, com período de coleta entre agosto a outubro de 2021, em que 100 cirurgiões-dentistas receberam questionário via aplicativo de comunicação telefônica, contendo 22 perguntas. Os dados foram tabulados e analisados em SPSS® versão 25.0. Foram aplicados os testes t de Student e de Qui-quadrado, com nível de significância de 5%. Participaram 60 profissionais, em que 27 (45%) afirmaram utilizar o DFP. As mulheres compuseram 91,7% da amostra total e a média de tempo de formação foi de 15,9 (± 11,7) anos. Maior tempo de formação (p = 0,010) e atuação no serviço público (p = 0,020) foram associados ao uso do DFP. Mais de 40% dos respondentes não sabem qual concentração do produto apresenta melhores resultados e 77,8% o indicam apenas para crianças. Ainda, 70,4% removem tecido amolecido antes da aplicação. Quanto às vantagens do DFP, destacaram-se a ação bactericida/bacteriostática (74,1%) e a não necessidade de intervenções mais invasivas (55,6%). Houve unanimidade ao ser mencionada a questão estética como o fator que limita a indicação do DFP. Concluiu-se que o conhecimento em relação ao uso do DFP entre os cirurgiões-dentistas aqui investigados foi limitado, o que reforça a necessidade de ações de educação permanente e o desenvolvimento de protocolos de utilização do material

    As ferramentas de trabalho com famílias utilizadas pelas equipes de saúde da família de Curitiba, PR

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    This literature review study aimed to present the toolkit for working with families used by family health teams in the city of Curitiba, state of Paraná, Brazil. Initially, the work with families is conceptualized. Its central purpose is based on the understanding of subjects integrated into their context and family dynamics, being possible to observe their daily relationship and interactions. In this way, beyond the collective care, even the individual clinical attention can be structured on wider bases, with more efficient interventions on the health-disease-care process. Then, the objectives and purposes of the use of the tools (for example, Genogram, the Life Cycle of the Families, the F.I.R.O. model and the P.R.A.C.T.I.C.E. model) by multiprofessional teams of the city were characterized. It was concluded that in Curitiba, the use of the toolkit is essential as a light health technology device, as it favors the workers' approach to the people's problems in the community, enabling the collection of narrative evidences and promoting the design of robust strategies for handling health actions and services .Este estudo de revisão de literatura teve por objetivo apresentar as ferramentas de trabalho utilizadas com famílias pelas equipes de saúde da família da cidade de Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. Inicialmente, conceitua-se o trabalho com famílias, cujo propósito central está fundamentado na compreensão de sujeitos integrados ao seu contexto e dinâmica familiar, sendo possível observar o convívio e a interação entre os membros da família. Dessa forma, para além do cuidado coletivo, mesmo a atenção clínica individual pode ser estruturada em bases mais amplas, com maior resolutividade nas intervenções sobre o processo saúde-doença-cuidado. Na sequência, foram caracterizados os objetivos e as finalidades de uso das ferramentas por equipes multiprofissionais do município, tais como o Genograma ou heredograma familiar, o Ciclo de vida das famílias, o modelo F.I.R.O. e o modelo P.R.A.C.T.I.C.E. Concluiu-se que, em Curitiba, o uso das ferramentas é essencial como dispositivo no âmbito das tecnologias leves para o trabalho de cuidado em saúde das equipes de saúde. Favorece a aproximação dos trabalhadores da saúde aos problemas das pessoas na comunidade, possibilitando a coleta de evidências narrativas e a elaboração de estratégias robustas de manejo de ações e serviços em saúde

    Dental research on collective health at the Meeting of the Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica (Brazilian Society of Dental Research) : 14-year cut-off point

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    The Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Dental Research (BSDR) is among the Brazilian prominent scientific events. Since 2001, the event has a new category, so-called Dental Research on Collective Action (DRCA). Objective: To analyze the scientific production in the DRCA category, through abstracts published in the Annals of BSDR, from 2001 to 2015. Material and methods: By active online search, the abstracts published in the Annals of BSDR from the DRCA category, from 2001 to 2015, except for 2012 (n = 771) were accessed. These were then classified by an evaluator into: year of publication (14 years), subject of research (18 categories), age of the sample or living conditions (8 categories), and region of origin (5 regions). Results: The descriptive analysis showed an average rate in DRAC category, in the 14 years analyzed, of 0.03%. The years 2006 (n = 140), 2007 (n = 113), and 2008 (n = 129) included the largest numbers of abstracts, while lower values occurred in 2009 (n = 13) and 2014 (n = 17). Concerning to the subjects, health promotion prevailed in 24.3%, followed by oral health care (18.5%), and health surveillance (11.7%). In the studies including humans (66.3%), the greater involvement was with children (27.0%). The Southeast region prevailed in the presentation of abstracts, with a rate of 66.9%, while smaller representation occurred in the Midwest region (1.6%). Conclusion: The DRCA category was present in the meetings of DRCA, especially by research involving health promotion approach with meaningful participation of theSoutheast region, reflecting the potential scientific development of the region

    Epidemiological survey in oral health of the residents of the Teixeira Island, Paraná, Brazil

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    Introduction: The epidemiological surveys aim to evaluate the distribution and state determinants or events in health in given populations. Objective: To conduct an epidemiological survey on the socioeconomic condition, use of dental services, referred oral morbidity, self-perception, and oral health of inhabitants of the Teixeira Island, Paraná, Brazil. Material and methods: The studyfollowed the statements of the World Health Organization and the Brazilian National Epidemiological Survey (SB Brazil 2010). Questionnaires were applied, and in the clinical examination the following data were collected: dental trauma, edentulism, fluorosis, caries in deciduous teeth (dmft), caries in permanent teeth (DMFT), Community Periodontal Index (CPI) and Loss of Periodontal Insertion Index (LPII). The data were analyzed with Statistical Package for Social Sciences software, version 21.0, and expresses in frequency tables. Results: Of the 108 inhabitants, 90 participated in the study. The socioeconomics conditions unfavorable were: low income and low schooling. The water supplying was not fluoridated. The perception of oral problems was reported by 82.2%; 48.9% declared to have had toothache in last the six months; the reason of search for care was predominantly for curative treatments. Almost 30% of the participants declared to be unsatisfied with their oral health. The  values of DMFT and dmtf indexes were 13.9 and 1.2, respectively. The greater demand for maxillary prosthesis occurred in 39.7% of the sample, while 34.2% needed mandibular prosthesis. Conclusion: The oral diseases illnesses and need of treatment were evidenced in the sample, as well as risk factors that deserve attention of the public power.Introduction: The epidemiological surveys aim to evaluate the distribution and state determinants or events in health in given populations. Objective: To conduct an epidemiological survey on the socioeconomic condition, use of dental services, referred oral morbidity, self-perception, and oral health of inhabitants of the Teixeira Island, Paraná, Brazil. Material and methods: The studyfollowed the statements of the World Health Organization and the Brazilian National Epidemiological Survey (SB Brazil 2010). Questionnaires were applied, and in the clinical examination the following data were collected: dental trauma, edentulism, fluorosis, caries in deciduous teeth (dmft), caries in permanent teeth (DMFT), Community Periodontal Index (CPI) and Loss of Periodontal Insertion Index (LPII). The data were analyzed with Statistical Package for Social Sciences software, version 21.0, and expresses in frequency tables. Results: Of the 108 inhabitants, 90 participated in the study. The socioeconomics conditions unfavorable were: low income and low schooling. The water supplying was not fluoridated. The perception of oral problems was reported by 82.2%; 48.9% declared to have had toothache in last the six months; the reason of search for care was predominantly for curative treatments. Almost 30% of the participants declared to be unsatisfied with their oral health. The  values of DMFT and dmtf indexes were 13.9 and 1.2, respectively. The greater demand for maxillary prosthesis occurred in 39.7% of the sample, while 34.2% needed mandibular prosthesis. Conclusion: The oral diseases illnesses and need of treatment were evidenced in the sample, as well as risk factors that deserve attention of the public power

    Cognitive level, quality of life and oral health of a Prader-Willi Syndrome patient - case report with long-term follow-up / Nível cognitivo, qualidade de vida e saúde bucal de um paciente com síndrome de Prader-Willi - Relato de caso com acompanhamento de longo prazo

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    Introduction: Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare, neurobehavioral genetic disorder that alters the child's development. Concerning oral health, PWS patients present dental aspects that are not completely understood. Objectives: The aim of this case report was to describe long-term follow-up of a patient with PWS, regarding to cognitive level, overall self-perceived quality of life and oral health, sleep quality, anxiety trait, and oral condition. Methods: The information about his cognitive ability and socio-behavioral behavior was collected applying the questionnaires: Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), simplified World Health Organization Abbreviated Quality of Life survey (WHOQOL-bref), Sleep Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ), State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-T) Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14). The clinical examination was performed according to the WHO methods for oral health surveys. Index of Decayed, Missing or Filled teeth (DMFT) and other changes in mineralized tissues, such as dental fluorosis or erosion, incisor molar hypomineralization, enamel hypoplasia, bruxism, dental trauma and positioning of teeth in dental arches were also recorded. In the periodontal analysis, the visible plaque index, bleeding on probing and final diagnosis of gingivitis were performed. Data about dental occlusion and temporomandibular disorders were also noted. After data collection and clinical examination, a saliva sample was collected to assess salivary flow rate, pH and buffering capacity. Results: The analysis of the questionnaires revealed an individual satisfied with his quality of life, but very anxious. Clinical examination point to gingival inflammation located in the region of anterior teeth, maxillary and mandibular anterior tooth crowding and malocclusion. Salivary parameters were normal. Conclusion: This case report suggests that the PWS patient perceives that his quality of life is good despite his anxiety episodes. Regarding oral health, gingival inflammation and malocclusion are the main problems.

    Root Preparation of Deciduous Teeth: Efficacy of WaveOne and ProTaper Systems with and without Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare root preparation of deciduous teeth with WaveOne Large (WO) and ProTaper F4 (PT) instruments with or without passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI). Methods and Materials: Forty-eight deciduous teeth were scanned before and after root preparation and divided in four groups (n=12): WO+EDTA (WO); WO+EDTA with PUI (WOPUI); PTF+EDTA (PT); and PT+EDTA with PUI (PTPUI). Root canal enlargement by micro-computed tomography and root canal cleaning by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were analyzed. Data were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s tests to analyze the root canal volume variation, and Kruskal-Wallis followed by Friedman and Wilcoxon tests were used to evaluate the cleaning efficacy. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: No significant difference occurred in total volume between groups (P&gt;0.05). On analysis by thirds of the root canal, there was a difference in volume between WO (cervical) compared to WO and PT (apical), and PTPUI (middle and apical) (P&lt;0.05). When cleaning of the thirds within the same group was compared, there was a significant difference in all groups (P&lt;0.05). Among the groups, in the thirds, in the cervical a difference occurred (P=0.028), and the pairwise comparisons indicated statistically difference between WO and PT, and WO and PTPUI (P&lt;0.05). In the pairwise comparisons among thirds, in the groups, difrences occured in all of them when compared the cervical and apical thirds (P&lt;0.05). Conclusion: Passive ultrasonic irrigation has not improved the smear layer removal in deciduous teeth. Despite the differences in performance between WO and PT instruments, both were suitable for preparation of deciduous teeth.Keywords: Deciduous Teeth; Endodontic; Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation; Root Canal Preparation; Ultrasoni

    Knowledge of dentists on child abuse in two Brazilian southern cities Cintia

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    Introduction: The child abuse against children and teenagers is relevant and the dentist has a fundamental role in the process of identification of suspected cases. Objective: To evaluate the level of knowledge of the dentists about child/teenager abuse and the attitude towards identified cases, in the cities of Rio Negro (Paraná, Brazil) and Mafra (Santa Catarina, Brazil). Material and methods: Questionnaires were applied to 44 professionals of these cities, whopracticed in private and/or public health service. The questions covered the profile of respondents regarding gender, institution (public or private), level of education, practicing time and place. The information on abuse comprised the level of information about violence and knowledge on the compulsory notification of suspected cases. Results: Regarding the cases of abuse, 34% of the sampledealt with this situation. Almost half of respondents (47.7%) reported being able to recognize the typical lesions of child abuse, yet only 32% felt trained to do so. Only 22.7% reported having training to detect suspected cases. And 91% said they would notice the Guardian Council. About 48% confirmed they had knowledge of the legal implications in case of omission. Conclusion: Most of the dentists had insufficient knowledge about child abuse. However, the dentistsknow how to deal with such a situation. Continuing education seems to be an appropriate strategy to promote professional knowledge on the subject. It is also suggested the implementation of a national protocol to facilitate notifications and the classification of abuse types.Introduction: The child abuse against children and teenagers is relevant and the dentist has a fundamental role in the process of identification of suspected cases. Objective: To evaluate the level of knowledge of the dentists about child/teenager abuse and the attitude towards identified cases, in the cities of Rio Negro (Paraná, Brazil) and Mafra (Santa Catarina, Brazil). Material and methods: Questionnaires were applied to 44 professionals of these cities, whopracticed in private and/or public health service. The questions covered the profile of respondents regarding gender, institution (public or private), level of education, practicing time and place. The information on abuse comprised the level of information about violence and knowledge on the compulsory notification of suspected cases. Results: Regarding the cases of abuse, 34% of the sampledealt with this situation. Almost half of respondents (47.7%) reported being able to recognize the typical lesions of child abuse, yet only 32% felt trained to do so. Only 22.7% reported having training to detect suspected cases. And 91% said they would notice the Guardian Council. About 48% confirmed they had knowledge of the legal implications in case of omission. Conclusion: Most of the dentists had insufficient knowledge about child abuse. However, the dentistsknow how to deal with such a situation. Continuing education seems to be an appropriate strategy to promote professional knowledge on the subject. It is also suggested the implementation of a national protocol to facilitate notifications and the classification of abuse types

    Estilos de aprendizagem dos estudantes da disciplina de endodontia de uma universidade privada no sul do Brasil

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    The learning styles of Endodontics students from an undergraduate Dentistry course were evaluated using the Felder-Soloman Learning Styles Index. 144 students participated, from the morning and night shifts, between May and June 2016. Of these, 80.6% were female and 68.5% of the morning shift. The average age was 22.94 years and the median grade in the discipline was 6.52. The predominant styles were sensory, visual, active and sequential, respectively. The correlation between age and shift, and the intensity of each learning style had no statistically significant difference (p ˃ 0.05). Women were more sensory and men more visual (p = 0.010). In the correlation between the annual average and the styles, there was a significant difference for the sensory and the intuitive (p &lt;0.001). Most had a mixed preference between learning styles, regardless of the shift.Los estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Endodoncia de un curso de pregrado en Odontología se evaluaron utilizando el índice de estilos de aprendizaje de Felder-Soloman. Participaron 144 estudiantes, de los turnos matutino y nocturno, entre mayo y junio de 2016. De estos, el 80,6% fueron mujeres y el 68,5% del turno matutino. La edad promedio fue de 22,94 años y la nota media en la disciplina fue de 6,52. Los estilos predominantes fueron sensorial, visual, activo y secuencial, respectivamente. La correlación entre la edad y el turno, y la intensidad de cada estilo de aprendizaje no tuvo diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p ˃ 0.05). Las mujeres eran más sensoriales y los hombres más visuales (p = 0,010). En la correlación entre el promedio anual y los estilos, hubo diferencia significativa para el sensorial y el intuitivo (p &lt;0,001). La mayoría tenía una preferencia mixta entre los estilos de aprendizaje, independientemente del cambio.Foram avaliados os estilos de aprendizagem dos estudantes de Endodontia de um curso de graduação em Odontologia, por meio do Índice de Estilos de Aprendizagem de Felder-Soloman. Participaram 144 estudantes, dos turnos matutino e noturno, entre maio e junho de 2016. Destes, 80,6% eram do gênero feminino e 68,5% do turno da manhã. A média de idade foi de 22,94 anos e a mediana de notas na disciplina foi de 6,52. Os estilos predominantes foram sensorial, visual, ativo e sequencial, respectivamente. A correlação entre idade e turno, e a intensidade de cada estilo de aprendizado não tiveram diferença estatisticamente significativa (p ˃ 0,05). As mulheres foram mais sensoriais e os homens mais visuais (p = 0,010). Na correlação entre média anual e estilos, houve diferença significativa para o sensorial e o intuitivo (p &lt; 0,001). A maioria teve preferência mista entre os estilos de aprendizagem, independentemente do turno

    Fluoretação das águas de abastecimento público e cárie dentária: estudo comparativo das iniquidades encontradas no SB Brasil 2003 e 2010

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    Objetivo: Comparar os levantamentos epidemiológicos nacionais em saúde bucal (SB Brasil) de 2003 e de 2010, quanto aos fatores associados à fluoretação de águas e cárie dentária aos 12 anos de idade, evidenciando possíveis iniquidades.Materiais e métodos: Utilizaram-se dados de 57.388 habitantes dos 50 municípios coincidentes em ambos os levantamentos. Com dados do SB Brasil 2003 o ponto de corte da existência de fluoretação foi 1990 e as variáveis independentes foram de 2000; para o SB Brasil 2010, esse corte foi 2004 e as variáveis independentes foram de 2010. Foram variáveis explanatórias: macrorregião, porte populacional, Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDH-M) e acesso à água encanada. Aplicou-se o teste de Qui-Quadrado (p<0,05) para identificação de associações entre as variáveis explanatórias e os desfechos de interesse.Resultados: Macrorregiões menos favorecidas, com menos habitantes, menor IDH-M e menos acesso à água encanada, foram as que menos receberam água fluoretada ou se a receberam, isso se deu tardiamente, também com impacto no aumento da experiência de cárie dentária.Conclusão: Não houve melhoria, no período, quanto à redução de iniquidades e na relação entre fluoretação e cárie dentária.Objetivo: Comparar os levantamentos epidemiológicos nacionais em saúde bucal (SB Brasil) de 2003 e de 2010, quanto aos fatores associados à fluoretação de águas e cárie dentária aos 12 anos de idade, evidenciando possíveis iniquidades.Materiais e métodos: Utilizaram-se dados de 57.388 habitantes dos 50 municípios coincidentes em ambos os levantamentos. Com dados do SB Brasil 2003 o ponto de corte da existência de fluoretação foi 1990 e as variáveis independentes foram de 2000; para o SB Brasil 2010, esse corte foi 2004 e as variáveis independentes foram de 2010. Foram variáveis explanatórias: macrorregião, porte populacional, Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDH-M) e acesso à água encanada. Aplicou-se o teste de Qui-Quadrado (p<0,05) para identificação de associações entre as variáveis explanatórias e os desfechos de interesse.Resultados: Macrorregiões menos favorecidas, com menos habitantes, menor IDH-M e menos acesso à água encanada, foram as que menos receberam água fluoretada ou se a receberam, isso se deu tardiamente, também com impacto no aumento da experiência de cárie dentária.Conclusão: Não houve melhoria, no período, quanto à redução de iniquidades e na relação entre fluoretação e cárie dentária