1,051 research outputs found

    Modeling and analysis of pooled stepped chutes

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    We consider an application of pooled stepped chutes where the transport in each pooled step is described by the shallow--water equations. Such systems can be found for example at large dams in order to release overflowing water. We analyze the mathematical conditions coupling the flows between different chutes taken from the engineering literature. We present the solution to a Riemann problem in the large and also a well--posedness result for the coupled problem. We finally report on some numerical experiments.Comment: 17 pages, 31 figure

    Balance laws with integrable unbounded sources

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    We consider the Cauchy problem for a n×nn\times n strictly hyperbolic system of balance laws {arraycut+f(u)x=g(x,u),xR,t>0u(0,.)=uoL1BV(R;Rn),λi(u)c>0foralli{1,...,n},g(x,)C2M~(x)L1,array. \{{array}{c} u_t+f(u)_x=g(x,u), x \in \mathbb{R}, t>0 u(0,.)=u_o \in L^1 \cap BV(\mathbb{R}; \mathbb{R}^n), | \lambda_i(u)| \geq c > 0 {for all} i\in \{1,...,n\}, \|g(x,\cdot)\|_{\mathbf{C}^2}\leq \tilde M(x) \in L1, {array}. each characteristic field being genuinely nonlinear or linearly degenerate. Assuming that the L1\mathbf{L}^1 norm of g(x,)C1\|g(x,\cdot)\|_{\mathbf{C}^1} and \|u_o\|_{BV(\reali)} are small enough, we prove the existence and uniqueness of global entropy solutions of bounded total variation extending the result in [1] to unbounded (in LL^\infty) sources. Furthermore, we apply this result to the fluid flow in a pipe with discontinuous cross sectional area, showing existence and uniqueness of the underlying semigroup.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Quantifying the genetic component of the metabolic syndrome using a novel proposal score and SNP-based heritability

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    Introduction. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a complex, multifactorial disease that poses a major public health problem. MetS increases the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases (ASCVD), type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and all-cause mortality. Currently, there are a many different criteria that define MetS but the physiopathology is not completely understood both in terms of clinical progression and genetic contribution. Aims. The present work characterizes MetS components (obesity, hypertension, glucose, etc.) as one continuous phenotype and genetic components of the proposed MetS score were estimated using both family-based samples and population-based samples. Methods. In the first step, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used to select a model with the best fit. After the selection of the best factor structure and development an algorithm to calculate the score, heritability was performed in both pedigrees and SNPs/markers data. For the first sample, SOLAR (Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines) software was used to obtain the estimates. For the second sample, genetic variance components were calculated by fitting a linear mixed model (LMM) using two types of genetic relatedness matrices (Identity-By-Descend, IBD and Genome-Wide Complex Trait Analysis, GCTA), different levels of Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) pruning (0.20 – 0.80 and no LD pruning), and suggestive Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) SNPs. Results. According to the analyses, the best CFA model was the bifactor model; estimated coefficients were used to calculate the MetS score. The score showed good performance and good agreement compared to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria, the gold standard used for clinical diagnosis. With regards to the estimation of genetic variance, heritability was significant and ranged from 0.1 to 0.4 in whole samples and in all models. The heterogeneity of the results was due to the different samples and different types of matrix inputs into the LMMs. Heritability obtained using the GCTA matrix was significantly increased compared to the IBD matrix. No significant differences between family data and genetic data (markers) in Sardinia samples were observed using an LD threshold of 0.80 with no pruning. Conclusions. Evidence of complex interactions in metabolic syndrome and significant genetic contributions were obtained from these analyses. Increased knowledge of the environmental and genetic components could allow for better assessment and identification of patients with this syndrome

    The mitochondrial genome of Phallusia mammillata and Phallusia fumigata (Tunicata, Ascidiacea): high genome plasticity at intra-genus level

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    Background: Within Chordata, the subphyla Vertebrata and Cephalochordata (Iancelets) are characterized by a remarkable stability of the mitochondrial (mt) genome, with constancy of gene content and almost invariant gene order, whereas the limited mitochondrial data on the subphylum Tunicata suggest frequent and extensive gene rearrangements, observed also within ascidians of the same genus. Results: To confirm this evolutionary trend and to better understand the evolutionary dynamics of the mitochondrial genome in Tunicata Ascidiacea, we have sequenced and characterized the complete mt genome of two congeneric ascidian species, Phallusia mammillata and Phallusia fumigata (Phlebobranchiata, Ascidiidae). The two mtDNAs are surprisingly rearranged, both with respect to one another and relative to those of other tunicates and chordates, with gene rearrangements affecting both protein-coding and tRNA genes. The new data highlight the extraordinary variability of ascidian mt genome in base composition, tRNA secondary structure, tRNA gene content, and non-coding regions (number, size, sequence and location). Indeed, both Phallusia genomes lack the trnD gene, show loss/acquisition of DHU-arm in two tRNAs, and have a G+C content two-fold higher than other ascidians. Moreover, the mt genome of P. fumigata presents two identical copies of trnI, an extra tRNA gene with uncertain amino acid specificity, and four almost identical sequence regions. In addition, a truncated cytochrome b, lacking a C-terminal tail that commonly protrudes into the mt matrix, has been identified as a new mt feature probably shared by all tunicates. Conclusion: The frequent occurrence of major gene order rearrangements in ascidians both at high taxonomic level and within the same genus makes this taxon an excellent model to study the mechanisms of gene rearrangement, and renders the mt genome an invaluable phylogenetic marker to investigate molecular biodiversity and speciation events in this largely unexplored group of basal chordates

    Rebelling with Care.:Exploring open technologies for commoning healthcare

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    The publication Rebelling with Care is the result of the research and dissemination activities carried out by WeMake within the framework of DSI for Europe, a project supported by the European Commission to reinforce the network of organizations using technologies to make a positive impact on society. The DSI paradigm revolves around key concepts such as open codes and data, co-design, collaboration and social impact. Since January 2018, we have reflected upon the traction these terms could have specifically in the field of health and care practices, starting with a map of the current DSI ecosystem and an informal learning journey that has involved citizens, policy-makers, professionals and institutions. What does it mean to develop bottom-up innovation, which is community-driven and built upon the commons, in a sector that is struggling to meet the needs of a growing and aging society, that is ruled by obsolete bureaucracies, and that is limited by proprietary technologies and top-down procedures? We have tried to answer these questions through seven articles and seven practices that show in concrete terms the contours of the emerging and diverse new modalities of dealing with the health and care challenges of today by leveraging the empowering potential of digital technologies. In the context of this research, we came to define these different modalities, which often emerge from the strong personal needs of the people directly impacted by a specific condition, as “rebel practices”. This is because in the vast majority of cases, these practices simultaneously operate outside a market logic without asking for the full permission of official institutions, with the purpose of provoking them to change or filling the gap left by who do not innovate, with due care, in the fields of health and care provisions

    Cure Ribelli. Tecnologie aperte per una cura come bene comune

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    Cure Ribelli è una pubblicazione che nasce dalle attività di ricerca e disseminazione svolte da WeMake nell’ambito del progetto Digital Social Innovation for Europe, un programma supportato dalla Commissione Europea che punta a rafforzare la rete di organizzazioni che propongono l’utilizzo delle tecnologie con una prospettiva mirata all’impatto positivo sulla società. I concetti chiave del paradigma dell’innovazione sociale digitale gravitano intorno a termini quali codici e dati aperti, co-progettazione, collaborazione, impatto sociale. Dal gennaio 2018 abbiamo riflettuto e ci siamo confrontate sulla declinazione di tali concetti nell’ambito della cura e della salute a partire da una mappatura del contesto e da un percorso formativo informale che ha coinvolto cittadini, referenti politici, professionisti e istituzioni. Che cosa significa sviluppare un’innovazione dal basso guidata dalla comunità e fondata sui beni comuni, in un settore impreparato al crescente invecchiamento della popolazione, governata da burocrazie obsolete, e che è limitata da tecnologie proprietarie e procedure verticistiche? Abbiamo cercato di rispondere a queste domande attraverso sette articoli e sette pratiche progettuali che danno concretamente forma ad altri e nuovi modi di fare cura e occuparsi della salute sfruttando il potenziale emancipatorio delle tecnologie digitali. Nell’ambito di questa ricerca, abbiamo voluto definire questi altri modi “ribelli” poiché spesso nascono da forti esigenze personali delle persone direttamente interessate che, nella maggior parte dei casi, agiscono senza chiedere il permesso di mercati e istituzioni, per provocarli al fine di farli cambiare o per sopperire alle carenze di chi dovrebbe ma non innova, con cura, il settore della salute

    Evaluation of the QTc interval during lenvatinib treatment in radioiodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer: reports from the real-life clinical practice.

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    As for other tyrosine kinase inhibitors, a prolongation of ECG-recorded QTc intervals may be observed during lenvatinib treatment; a warning on this phenomenon has been stated. However, methods and frequency of ECG recordings have seldom been reported in this context. We present two cases of patients treated with lenvatinib for radioiodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer in whom the QTc interval was long monitored through a weekly 12-lead ECG registration. Overall, the maximum QTc increase above baseline was 3 and 31 ms in the first and second patient, respectively. QTc interval did not reach the toxicity value for drug withdrawal in either of the patients. These data may provide further information on cardiac safety profile of lenvatinib in a real-life practice

    The reconstructive role of TachoSil in neurosurgery

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    Hemorrhages, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistula and infections are the most challenging post-operative complications in Neurosurgery [1–5]. Fibrin sealant agents have been developed with the aim to provide efficient hemostasis and safe dural closure [3,6–14]. In this study we report our initial experience using TachoSil® (haemostatic surgical patch; Nycomed, Linz, Austria) in achieving hemostasis and CSF leakage repair during cranio-cerebral procedures [15–18]. We describe and show the unique features of this fibrin sealant, pioneered with stunning success in many surgical procedures known to be at high risk of peri- and postoperative bleeding (i.e. nephrectomies, pulmonary lobectomies, ballistic injuries, arthroplasties, coronary bypass graftings), but still not widely exploited at its best in the field of Neurosurgery