155 research outputs found

    Random Image Matching CAPTCHA System

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    Security risks is an important issues and caught the attention of researchers in the area of networks, web development, human computer interaction and software engineering. One main challenge for online systems is to identify whether the users are humans or software robots (bots). While it is natural to provide service to human users, providing service for software robots (bots) comes with many security risks and challenges. Software robots are often used by spammers to create fake online accounts, affect search engine ranking, take part in on-line polls, send out spam or simply waste the resources of the server. In this paper we introduce a visual CAPTCHA technique that is based on generating random images by the computer, theuser is then asked to match a feature point between two images (i.e. solve the correspondence problem as defined by the researchers in the computer vision area). The relationship between the two images is based on a randomly generated homography transformation function. The main advantage of our approach compared to other visual CAPTCHA techniques is that we eliminate the need for a database of images while retaining ease of use

    A comparison between google cloud service and icloud

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    © 2019 IEEE. The availability of high speed networks and low cost storage devices and computer in addition to the adoption of Service-Oriented-Architecture has opened the door to Cloud Storage Services by many providers. During the recent couple of years, more companies are moving towards cloud storage due to the many reasons such as: scalable on demand disk storage space, backup and data replication and the ability to share and access data from anywhere and anytime. The main objective of the paper is to compare different kinds of Cloud storage service providers. It starts by offering a brief introduction to cloud storage followed by an outline of the general history of cloud services and then moves on to the specific history of two major cloud services: iCloud and Google cloud platform. Furthermore, the various features of the two cloud services are explored and a comparison is made between them

    Descriptive Epidemiological study of COVID-19 in Maghreb and European countries

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    An outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) has spread quickly world wide. We performed a descriptive epidemiological study of COVID-19 in Mediterranean North African countries and South European countries. Cases data were collected through May 3, 2020 from WHO. Data analysis included: 1) geo-temporal analysis of viral spread in 6 countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Spain, France and Italy), 2) epidemiological curve construction, 3)mortality and cured rates, 4) study  factors that led to differences of the spread of the virus in these 6 countries, and 5) comparison between Morocco and three European countries. The number of infected cases between North African and Southern European countries were different, which might be related to restriction conditions, age, geographic location, and lifestyle. We observed that The COVID-19 epidemic has spread very quickly in Southern European compared to North African countrie

    Vaginal birth after caesarean section in a woman with twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence

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    Twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence results from aberrant and asymmetrical twinning. It is a rare but serious complication of monozygotic twin pregnancies. It is characterized by a normally formed fetus that shows features of heart failure, and an acardiac twin. A 26-year-old pregnant woman, gravida 6, para 5, with mono-chorionic di-amniotic twin pregnancy at her 20th week of gestation, was diagnosed with TRAP sequence. Both the pump twin and the acardiac co-twin did not display any cardiac activity. Termination of pregnancy was accomplished by a successful vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC) following five prior cesarean sections. Proper and early diagnosis of TRAP sequence can aid in treatment selection and pump twin salvage. Induction of labor by both misoprostol and intracervical balloon catheter showed to be safe and effective in a woman with a uterine scar resulting from five prior cesarean sections

    Conocimientos sobre el uso pesticidas y el consumo de frutas y legumbres en agricultores y consumidores en la provincia de Nador, Marruecos. Resultados de una encuesta.

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    Introduction: Pesticides are increasingly used in agriculture to protect crops against diseases, insect pests, weeds, etc. Pesticides leave residues and chemical active material, which can affect the health of consumers. Several epidemiological studies have demonstrated a link between pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables and disease infestations in humans and problems related to sterility, allergies, and even carcinogenic diseases. Consumer awareness and the application of strict legislation about the application of pesticides in agriculture remain as a good alternative to face this issue. Methods: This survey was carried out in the region of Nador, North-East of Morocco. It is a quantitative study of a representative sample made up of 100 consumers and 50 farmers in relation to fruit and vegetables and the use of pesticides. Results: Most consumers are not aware of the danger of pesticides and residues in fruits and vegetables. In addition, the survey revealed that potato, tomato, apples, and bananas are the most consumed. These foods are usually characterized by a high rate of application of pesticides and with a higher rate of pesticides residues. In addition, surveys carried out in farmers, revealed that they consider the economic and agronomic interest of the application of these pesticides without considering the residual effects on health. Moreover, a high rate of sterility was observed among these surveyed farmers (31%). Conclusions: The consumers are less aware of the danger of pesticides. The choices of farmers are only accentuated on the aspect of economic use of these products and not on the health and environment.Introducción: Los pesticidas se usan cada vez más en la agricultura para proteger los cultivos contra enfermedades, plagas de insectos, malezas, etc. Varios estudios epidemiológicos han demostrado una relación directa entre los residuos de plaguicidas en frutas y verduras y la contracción de enfermedades en humanos, siendo las más frecuentes las asociadas con problemas relacionados con la esterilidad, las alergias e incluso las enfermedades carcinogénicas. La concientización del consumidor y la aplicación de una legislación estricta sobre la aplicación de pesticidas en la agricultura siguen siendo una buena alternativa para enfrentar este problema. Metodología: Esta encuesta se llevó a cabo en la región de Nador, al noreste de Marruecos. Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo de una muestra representativa formada por 100 consumidores y 50 agricultores, en relación con las frutas y hortalizas y el uso de plaguicidas. Resultados: La mayoría de los consumidores no son conscientes del peligro de los pesticidas y residuos en frutas y verduras. Además, la encuesta reveló que la papa, el tomate, la manzana y el plátano son los más consumidos. Estos alimentos suelen caracterizarse por una alta tasa de aplicación de plaguicidas y con una mayor tasa de residuos. Además, las encuestas realizadas a los agricultores revelaron que estos últimos tienen en cuenta el interés económico y agronómico de la aplicación de estos plaguicidas, pero no sus efectos residuales sobre la salud. Asimismo, se observó un alto nivel de esterilidad entre estos agricultores encuestados (31%). Conclusiones: Los consumidores son menos concienciados respecto al peligro de estos plaguicidas. Las opciones de los agricultores sólo se acentúan en el aspecto del uso económico de estos productos y no en la salud y el medio ambiente

    Prenatal diagnosis of fetal lymphangiomas and outcome in all trimester: case series and literature review

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    Lymphangiomas “cystic hygromas" is a lymphatic malformation that can develop in a variety of locations on a developing fetus, most commonly in the neck, axilla, abdominal wall, mediastinal, inguinal, and retroperitoneal regions. Fetal aneuploidy, hydrops fetalis, structural abnormalities, and intrauterine fetal mortality have all been linked to lymphangiomas. We report case series of cystic hygroma in all trimester with there Obstetric outcomes which ultrasound imaging was used to identify these cases

    Single-step treatment of gall bladder and bile duct stones: A combined endoscopic–laparoscopic technique

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    AbstractIntroductionThe advent of endoscopic techniques changed surgery in many regards. In the management of cholelithiasis; laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is today the treatment of choice. This has created a dilemma in the management of choledocholithiasis. Today a number of options exist, including endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES) before LC in patients with suspected common bile duct (CBD) stones, laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (LCBDE) by the transcystic approach or laparoscopic choledocotomy, open CBD exploration and postoperative ERCP. A major concern regarding both pre- and postoperative extraction of CBD stones (CBDS) by the ERCP is the risk of development of pancreatitis, also more than 10% of the preoperative ERCP is normal. More recently the alternative technique of combined LC with intraoperative ERCP and ES is emerging in an attempt to manage cholecysto-choledocholithiasis in a single-step procedure.ObjectivesThe aim of this work was to assess the treatment of common bile duct stones (CBDS) in a one-stage operation by laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) and intraoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (LC+IO-ERCP) and endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES).Patients and methodsThis study was carried out on 45 patients with gall bladder stones and with suspected or confirmed CBDS at the Gastrointestinal Surgery Unit in the Main Alexandria University Hospital. They were treated by a single-step procedure combining LC and IO-ERCP. Laparoscopic intraoperative cholangiography (IOC) was carried out to confirm the presence of CBDS. A soft-tipped guide-wire was passed through the cystic duct and papilla into the duodenum. A papillotome was inserted endoscopically over the guide-wire. Endoscopic sphincterotomy was performed and the stones were extracted with a retrieval balloon or with a Dormia basket. The surgical operating time, surgical success rate, postoperative complications, retained CBDS, and postoperative length of hospital stay were assessed.ResultsThere were 30 females and 15 males. Their mean age was 45.07+11.3 years (ranging from 27 to 65years). Twenty-seven patients had confirmed CBDS by preoperative ultrasound (US) and/or MRCP. Eighteen patients were suspected for CBDS on clinical, laboratory and/or US basis. Conversion to open cholecystectomy occurred in one case due to severe adhesions at the Calot's triangle. IOC revealed the presence of CBDS in 36 patients. IO-ERCP with ES was performed successfully in 33 patients and stones were extracted endoscopically. Passage of the guide-wire through the papilla failed in three patients. Cholecystectomy was completed laparoscopically in 44 patients. The mean operative time was 119+14.4min (ranging from 100 to 150min). Minor postoperative complications occurred in 15 patients. No postoperative complications related to the procedure, i.e., pancreatitis, bleeding, perforation, were encountered. Patients regained their bowel motion on the next day and were discharged after a mean hospital stay of 2.55+0.89 days. None of the patients presented on the postoperative follow-up with symptoms, signs, laboratory or radiological evidence of retained CBDS. The mean duration of the postoperative follow-up was 9+4.07 months (ranging from 3 to14 months).ConclusionThe current study suggests that LC+IO-ERCP for the management of cholecysto-choledocholithiasis is a safe and aneffective technique with a low rate of post-ERCP pancreatitis. It offers another alternative for surgeons especially those who do not practice LCBDE to treat patients in a single setting. However, additional studies with larger patient populations are needed keeping in mind that the limiting characteristic is the proximity and availability of the endoscopic settings

    Pulmonary function tests in ulcerative colitis

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    Background: Pulmonary impairment in patients suffering ulcerative colitis (UC) has been suggested by several investigators using standard pulmonary function tests (PFTs). This changes in pulmonary function associated with minimal respiratory symptoms have been documented, especially in patients with active disease. The aim of this prospective study was to determine airway resistance and lung volumes in patients with UC who have no respiratory symptoms in comparisons to a healthy control group. Materials and Methods: We evaluated a total of 30 patients with UC by means of spirometry, body plethysmography, and impulse oscillometry. The patients were not complaining of any pulmonary symptoms and did not present any history of previous respiratory diseases. As controls we examined 30 healthy subjects matched for gender, age, and smoking status. The relationship between PFT, lung volume, and airway resistance; and the activity, localization, and duration of the UC disease were analyzed. Results: There was a significant difference between airway resistances (kPa/L/s) measured by body plethysmography in patients with UC and those of the controls (R5hz; 0.60 +/- 0.44 vs. 0.39 +/- 0.13; P 0.05). Conclusion: Despite the lack of pulmonary symptoms, increased airway resistance was found in UC patients. We also have not found correlation between PFT, lung volume and airway resistance values and scoring of UC activity

    Prokaryotic diversity in stream sediments affected by acid mine drainage

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    The microbial communities in mining impacted areas rely on a variety of mechanisms to survive in such extreme environments. In this work, a meta-taxonomic approach using 16S rRNA gene sequences was used to investigate the prokaryotic diversity of sediment samples from water bodies affected by acid mine drainage at the Sao Domingos mining area in the south of Portugal. Samples were collected in summer and winter from the most contaminated sites from where the water flows downstream to the freshwater of Chanca's river reservoir. The prokaryotic diversity on water bodies' sediments allowed us to distinguish the highly contaminated sites (pH approximate to 2) from sites with intermediate levels of contamination (pH approximate to 3-6.5), and from sites without contamination (pH approximate to 7.5). The abundances of acidophiles of generaAcidiphilium, Acidibacter, Acidobacterium and Acidocellain the sediments were correlated with the level of acid mine drainage contamination. The two first genera were among the 30 most abundant prokaryotes in all contaminated samples, including one (SS2w), where the contamination was very diluted, thereby emphasizing the impact that such type of pollution can have in the microbial communities of sediments. In addition, the high abundances of archaeal taxa from classThermoplasmataand of bacteria from family RCP1-48 in the sediments from the most contaminated site corroborate their importance in such ecosystems and a putative role in the generation of acid mine drainage.Portuguese national funds from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [UIDB/04326/2020]FCTPortuguese Foundation for Science and TechnologyEuropean Commission [29251]Algarve's Regional Operational Program (CRESC Algarve 2020), through Portugal 2020European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)European CommissionEuropean Regional Development Fund ERDFEuropean Commission [0483_PROBIOMA_5_E]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative Effects of Different Situated-Learning Translation Training Practices on Students' Legal Translation Quality, Critical Thinking, and Problem-solving Strategies (Research Article)

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    Situated-learning translation training approach has been proven to be an efficacious translation training approach in cultivating translators' long-life learning, translation competence as well as translator competence. However, previous studies have mainly delved into the effect of simply one single trend of this modern translation training model on student translators' competencies and sub-competencies and have not compared the effects of different situated-learning trends. To fill this gap, this mixed-methods study was set out to explore the comparative effects of cognitive-apprenticeship (CA), simulated project-based (SPB), and integrative (I) training methods on students' legal translation quality (TQ), their critical thinking ability (CTA), as well as employed problem-solving strategies (PSS). To this end, 71 undergraduate translation students were assigned to three experimental groups of CA, SPB, and I. The quantitative phase involved a quasi-experimental, pretest-treatment-posttest design and the qualitative phase was established on the grounded theory method. Data analysis results indicated that CA and I groups outperformed their counterparts in most subscales of TQ and CTA. The results of the thematic analysis of TAP data also showed that the largest variety of linguistic and non-linguistic PSS was respectively used by G3 and G2