6,345 research outputs found

    Beneath the Red Curtain: Intentions and Motivations Behind an Authoritarian Regime\u27s Move Toward Democracy

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    Although Mao Zedong stated that people\u27s democracy was the surest way to maintain the Chinese Communist Party\u27s popular base, the idea of implementing elections at the village level was unheard of during the Mao era. The post-Mao era, however, has brought monumental changes in China\u27s political, economic, and social structures. These changes have increased rural instability among China\u27s peasants who consist of nearly 75% of China\u27s total population. Indeed some of the most profound changes and instructive lessons in China\u27s contemporary history have come from the countryside

    The formation of supermassive black holes in the first galaxies

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    We discuss the formation of supermassive black holes in the early universe, and how to probe their subsequent evolution with the upcoming mm/sub-mm telescope ALMA. We first focus on the chemical and radiative conditions for black hole formation, in particular considering radiation trapping and molecular dissociation effects. We then turn our attention towards the magnetic properties in the halos where the first black holes form, and show that the presence of turbulence may lead to a magnetic dynamo, which could support the black hole formation process by providing an efficient means of transporting the angular momentum. We finally focus on observable properties of high-redshift black holes with respect to ALMA, and discuss how to distinguish between chemistry driven by the starburst and chemistry driven by X-rays from the black hole.Comment: Contribution to AIP conference proceedings "First Stars and Galaxies: Challenges in the Next Decade". 4 pages, 3 figure

    The universe dynamics in the tachyon cosmology with non-minimal coupling to matter

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    Recently, the tachyon cosmology has been represented as dark energy model to support the current acceleration of the universe without phantom crossing. In this paper, we study the dynamics of the tachyon cosmology in which the field plays the role of tachyon field and also non--minimally coupled to the matter lagrangian. The model shows current universe acceleration and also phantom crossing in the future. Two cosmological tests are also performed to validate the model; the difference in the distance modulus and the model independent Cosmological Redshift Drift (CRD) test.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Turbulent dynamo with advective magnetic helicity flux

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    Many astrophysical bodies harbor magnetic fields that are thought to be sustained by a dynamo process. However, it has been argued that the production of large-scale magnetic fields by mean-field dynamo action is strongly suppressed at large magnetic Reynolds numbers owing to the conservation of magnetic helicity. This phenomenon is known as {\it catastrophic quenching}. Advection of magnetic fields by stellar and galactic winds toward the outer boundaries and away from the dynamo is expected to alleviate such quenching. Here we explore the relative roles played by advective and turbulent--diffusive fluxes of magnetic helicity in the dynamo. In particular, we study how the dynamo is affected by advection. We do this by performing direct numerical simulations of a turbulent dynamo of α2\alpha^2 type driven by forced turbulence in a Cartesian domain in the presence of a flow away from the equator where helicity changes sign. Our results indicate that in the presence of advection, the dynamo, otherwise stationary, becomes oscillatory. We confirm an earlier result for turbulent--diffusive magnetic helicity fluxes that for small magnetic Reynolds numbers (\Rm\lesssim 100...200, based on the wavenumber of the energy-carrying eddies) the magnetic helicity flux scales less strongly with magnetic Reynolds number (\Rm^{-1/2}) than the term describing magnetic helicity destruction by resistivity (\Rm^{-1}). Our new results now suggest that for larger \Rm the former becomes approximately independent of \Rm, while the latter falls off more slowly. We show for the first time that both for weak and stronger winds, the magnetic helicity flux term becomes comparable to the resistive term for \Rm\gtrsim 1000, which is necessary for alleviating catastrophic quenching.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Power-law corrections to entanglement entropy of horizons

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    We re-examine the idea that the origin of black-hole entropy may lie in the entanglement of quantum fields between inside and outside of the horizon. Motivated by the observation that certain modes of gravitational fluctuations in a black-hole background behave as scalar fields, we compute the entanglement entropy of such a field, by tracing over its degrees of freedom inside a sphere. We show that while this entropy is proportional to the area of the sphere when the field is in its ground state, a correction term proportional to a fractional power of area results when the field is in a superposition of ground and excited states. The area law is thus recovered for large areas. Further, we identify location of the degrees of freedom that give rise to the above entropy.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Cross helicity and turbulent magnetic diffusivity in the solar convection zone

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    In a density-stratified turbulent medium the cross helicity is considered as a result of the interaction of the velocity fluctuations and a large-scale magnetic field. By means of a quasilinear theory and by numerical simulations we find the cross helicity and the mean vertical magnetic field anti-correlated. In the high-conductivity limit the ratio of the helicity and the mean magnetic field equals the ratio of the magnetic eddy diffusivity and the (known) density scale height. The result can be used to predict that the cross helicity at the solar surface exceeds the value of 1 Gauss km/s. Its sign is anti-correlated with that of the radial mean magnetic field. Alternatively, we can use our result to determine the value of the turbulent magnetic diffusivity from observations of the cross helicity.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Solar Physic

    The 8Li Calibration Source for the Sudbury Neutrino Obervatory

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    A calibration source employing 8Li (t_1/2 = 0.838s) has been developed for use with the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO). This source creates a spectrum of beta particles with an energy range similar to that of the SNO 8B solar neutrino signal. The source is used to test the SNO detector's energy response, position reconstruction and data reduction algorithms. The 8Li isotope is created using a deuterium-tritium neutron generator in conjunction with a 11B target, and is carried to a decay chamber using a gas/aerosol transport system. The decay chamber detects prompt alpha particles by gas scintillation in coincidence with the beta particles which exit through a thin stainless steel wall. A description is given of the production, transport, and tagging techniques along with a discussion of the performance and application of the source.Comment: 11 pages plus 9 figures, Sumbitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods

    Magnetic helicity fluxes in interface and flux transport dynamos

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    Dynamos in the Sun and other bodies tend to produce magnetic fields that possess magnetic helicity of opposite sign at large and small scales, respectively. The build-up of magnetic helicity at small scales provides an important saturation mechanism. In order to understand the nature of the solar dynamo we need to understand the details of the saturation mechanism in spherical geometry. In particular, we want to understand the effects of magnetic helicity fluxes from turbulence and meridional circulation. We consider a model with just radial shear confined to a thin layer (tachocline) at the bottom of the convection zone. The kinetic alpha owing to helical turbulence is assumed to be localized in a region above the convection zone. The dynamical quenching formalism is used to describe the build-up of mean magnetic helicity in the model, which results in a magnetic alpha effect that feeds back on the kinetic alpha effect. In some cases we compare with results obtained using a simple algebraic alpha quenching formula. In agreement with earlier findings, the magnetic alpha effect in the dynamical alpha quenching formalism has the opposite sign compared with the kinetic alpha effect and leads to a catastrophic decrease of the saturation field strength with increasing magnetic Reynolds numbers. However, at high latitudes this quenching effect can lead to secondary dynamo waves that propagate poleward due to the opposite sign of alpha. Magnetic helicity fluxes both from turbulent mixing and from meridional circulation alleviate catastrophic quenching.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figures, submitted to A &
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