701 research outputs found

    Índice de vulnerabilidad social para la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México

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    El modelo de desarrollo neoliberal se caracteriza por la reducción en la intervención del Estado en las políticas de desarrollo social y apoyo a la población. Desde la década de los ochenta, las diversas políticas de ajuste que se desprenden del nuevo patrón de desarrollo, han generado que la población que presenta algún tipo de desigualdad social aumente, convirtiendo a los grupos que alguna vez tuvieron cierta estabilidad económica, en población vulnerable a no poder superar dicha condición. La propuesta de un índice de vulnerabilidad social aplicado en la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México permite identificar las zonas en donde habita la población más vulnerable o inerme frente a un sistema económico injusto y excluyente. La importancia de conocer donde se localiza la población vulnerable radica en que podría servir para impulsar iniciativas de política pública eficaces que potencialicen los recursos que poseen los habitantes. Por ello, el objetivo primordial de esta investigación es el desarrollo de un índice que permita medir la vulnerabilidad social de la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México, a partir de indicadores demográficos arrojados por el Censo de Población y Vivienda 2010 y presentar los resultados del índice en tres niveles diferentes de desagregación (municipal, AGEB y sección electoral). El índice está integrado por 14 indicadores procesados con el software IBM SPSS Stadistycs 21 mediante el método de “componentes principales” y estratificado por medio de la metodología de Dalenius y Hodges en Microsoft Excel 2013

    Algorithm to Compute a Minimal Length Basis of Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators

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    An algorithm to compute a minimal length basis of representative cocycles of cohomology generators for 2D images is proposed. We based the computations on combinatorial pyramids foreseeing its future extension to 3D objects. In our research we are looking for a more refined topological description of deformable 2D and 3D shapes, than they are the often used Betti numbers. We define contractions on the object edges toward the inner of the object until the boundaries touch each other, building an irregular pyramid with this purpose. We show the possible use of the algorithm seeking the minimal cocycles that connect the convex deficiencies on a human silhouette. We used minimality in the number of cocycle edges in the basis, which is a robust description to rotations and noise

    Single-molecule detection of α-Synuclein oligomers in Parkinson's disease patients using nanopores

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    α-Synuclein (α-Syn) is an intrinsically disordered protein whose aggregation in the brain has been significantly implicated in Parkinson's disease (PD). Beyond the brain, oligomers of α-Synuclein are also found in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood, where the analysis of these aggregates may provide diagnostic routes and enable a better understanding of disease mechanisms. However, detecting α-Syn in CSF and blood is challenging due to its heterogeneous protein size and shape, and low abundance in clinical samples. Nanopore technology offers a promising route for the detection of single proteins in solution; however, the method often lacks the necessary selectivity in complex biofluids, where multiple background biomolecules are present. We address these limitations by developing a strategy that combines nanopore-based sensing with molecular carriers that can specifically capture α-Syn oligomers with sizes of less than 20 nm. We demonstrate that α-Synuclein oligomers can be detected directly in clinical samples, with minimal sample processing, by their ion current characteristics and successfully utilize this technology to differentiate cohorts of PD patients from healthy controls. The measurements indicate that detecting α-Syn oligomers present in CSF may potentially provide valuable insights into the progression and monitoring of Parkinson's disease

    Reviews may overestimate the effectiveness of medicines for back pain: Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: Systematic-reviews of analgesics for low back pain generally include published data only. Obtaining data from unpublished trials is potentially important because they may impact effect sizes in meta-analyses. We determined whether including unpublished data from trial registries changes the effect sizes in meta-analyses of analgesics for low back pain. Study Design and Setting: Trial registries were searched for unpublished data that conformed to the inclusion criteria of n=5 individual source systematic-reviews. We reproduced the meta-analyses using data available from the original reviews then re-ran the same analyses with the addition of new unpublished data. Results: Sixteen completed, unpublished, trials were eligible for inclusion in four of the source reviews. Data were available for five trials. We updated the analyses for two of the source reviews. The addition of data from two trials reduced the effect size of muscle relaxants, compared to sham, for recent-onset low back pain from -21.71 (95%CI -28.23 to -15.19) to -2.34 (95%CI -3.34 to -1.34) on a 0-100 scale for pain intensity. The addition of data from three trials (one enriched design) reduced the effect size of opioid analgesics, compared to sham, for chronic low back pain from -10.10 (95%CI -12.81 to -7.39) to -9.31 (95%CI -11.51 to -7.11). The effect reduced in the subgroup of enriched design studies, from -12.40 (95%CI -16.90 to -7.91) to 11.34 (95%CI -15.36 to -7.32), and in the subgroup of non-enriched design studies; from -7.27 (95%CI -9.97 to -4.57) to -7.19 (95%CI -9.24 to -5.14). Conclusion: Systematic-reviews should include reports of unpublished trials. The result for muscle relaxants conflicts with the conclusion of the published review and recent international guidelines. Adding unpublished data strengthens the evidence that opioid analgesics have small effects on persistent low back pain and more clearly suggests these effects may not be clinically meaningful

    Systematic reviews that include only published data may overestimate the effectiveness of analgesic medicines for low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: Systematic reviews of analgesics for low back pain generally include published data only. Obtaining data from unpublished trials is potentially important because they may impact effect sizes in meta-analyses. We determined whether including unpublished data from trial registries changes the effect sizes in meta-analyses of analgesics for low back pain. Study Design and Setting: Trial registries were searched for unpublished data that conformed to the inclusion criteria of n = 5 individual source systematic reviews. We reproduced the meta-analyses using data available from the original reviews and then reran the same analyses with the addition of new unpublished data. Results: Sixteen completed, unpublished, trials were eligible for inclusion in four of the source reviews. Data were available for five trials. We updated the analyses for two of the source reviews. The addition of data from two trials reduced the effect size of muscle relaxants, compared with sham, for recent-onset low back pain from −21.71 (95% CI: −28.23 to −15.19) to −2.34 (95% CI: −3.34 to −1.34) on a 0–100 scale for pain intensity. The addition of data from three trials (one enriched design) reduced the effect size of opioid analgesics, compared with sham, for chronic low back pain from −10.10 (95% CI: −12.81 to −7.39) to −9.31 (95% CI: −11.51 to −7.11). The effect reduced in the subgroup of enriched design studies, from −12.40 (95% CI: −16.90 to −7.91) to −11.34 (95% CI: −15.36 to −7.32), and in the subgroup of nonenriched design studies, from −7.27 (95% CI: −9.97 to −4.57) to −7.19 (95% CI: −9.24 to −5.14). Conclusion: Systematic reviews should include reports of unpublished trials. The result for muscle relaxants conflicts with the conclusion of the published review and recent international guidelines. Adding unpublished data strengthens the evidence that opioid analgesics have small effects on persistent low back pain and more clearly suggests these effects may not be clinically meaningful

    Ultra-trace element characterization of the central Ottawa River basin using a rapid, flexible, and low-volume ICP-MS method

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    Ultra-trace (<1 ng g-1) rare earth elements and yttrium (REE+Y) and high field strength element (HFSE) geochemistry of freshwater can constrain element sources, aqueous processes in hydrologic catchments, and the signature of dissolved terrestrial fluxes to the oceans. This study details an adapted method capable of quantifying ≥38 elements (including all REE+Y, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Mo, W, Th, U) with minimal sample preparation in natural water aliquots as low as ≤2 mL. The method precision and accuracy are demonstrated using measurement of the National Research Council – Conseil national de recherches Canada (NRC-CNRC) river water certified reference material (CRM) SLRS-6 sampled from the Ottawa River (OR). Data from SLRS CRM are compared to those of new, filtered (HREE-enriched REE+Y patterns, small natural positive Y and Gd anomalies, and negative Eu and Ce anomalies. These REE+Y features are coherent downstream in the OR apart from amplification of Eu and Ce anomalies during REE removal/dilution. The OR samples capture a downstream decrease in sparingly soluble HFSE (Th, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf), presumably related to their colloid-particulate removal from the dissolved load, accompanied by crustal Zr/Hf (32.5 ± 5.1) and supercrustal Nb/Ta (25.1 ± 7.7) ratios. Subcrustal Th/U (0.17-0.96) and supercrustal Mo/W (12.0-74.5) ratios in all ORB waters indicate preferential release and aqueous solubility of U>Th and Mo>W, with the latter attributed primarily to preferential W adsorption on soil or upstream aquatic (oxy)(hydr)oxide surfaces

    The emergence of international food safety standards and guidelines: understanding the current landscape through a historical approach

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    Following the Second World War, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) teamed up to construct an International Codex Alimentarius (or 'food code') which emerged in 1963. The Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) was charged with the task of developing microbial hygiene standards, although it found itself embroiled in debate with the WHO over the nature these standards should take. The WHO was increasingly relying upon the input of biometricians and especially the International Commission on Microbial Specifications for Foods (ICMSF) which had developed statistical sampling plans for determining the microbial counts in the final end products. The CCFH, however, was initially more focused on a qualitative approach which looked at the entire food production system and developed codes of practice as well as more descriptive end-product specifications which the WHO argued were 'not scientifically correct'. Drawing upon historical archival material (correspondence and reports) from the WHO and FAO, this article examines this debate over microbial hygiene standards and suggests that there are many lessons from history which could shed light upon current debates and efforts in international food safety management systems and approaches

    Adapting cord blood collection and banking Standard Operating Procedures for HLA-homozygous induced Pluripotent Stem Cells production and banking for clinical application

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    In this article, we will discuss the main aspects to be considered to define standard operation procedures (SOPs) for the creation of an induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) bank using cord blood (CB)-or similar cell type-bank guidelines for clinical aims. To do this, we adapt the pre-existing SOP for CB banking that can be complementary for iPSCs. Some aspects of iPSC manufacturing and the particular nature of these cells call for special attention, such as the potential multiple applications of the cells, proper explanation to the donor for consent of use, the genomic stability and the risk of genetic privacy disclosure. Some aspects of the iPSC SOP are solidly established by CB banking procedures, other procedures have good consensus in the scientific and medical community, while others still need to be further debated and settled. Given the international sharing vocation of iPSC banking, there is an urgent need by scientists, clinicians and regulators internationally to harmonize standards and allow future sample interchange between many iPSC bank initiatives that are springing up worldwide

    Single molecule trapping and sensing using dual nanopores separated by a zeptoliter nanobridge

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    There is a growing realization, especially within the diagnostic and therapeutic community, that the amount of information enclosed in a single molecule can not only enable a better understanding of biophysical pathways, but also offer exceptional value for early stage biomarker detection of disease onset. To this end, numerous single molecule strategies have been proposed, and in terms of label-free routes, nanopore sensing has emerged as one of the most promising methods. However, being able to finely control molecular transport in terms of transport rate, resolution, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is essential to take full advantage of the technology benefits. Here we propose a novel solution to these challenges based on a method that allows biomolecules to be individually confined into a zeptoliter nanoscale droplet bridging two adjacent nanopores (nanobridge) with a 20 nm separation. Molecules that undergo confinement in the nanobridge are slowed down by up to 3 orders of magnitude compared to conventional nanopores. This leads to a dramatic improvement in the SNR, resolution, sensitivity, and limit of detection. The strategy implemented is universal and as highlighted in this manuscript can be used for the detection of dsDNA, RNA, ssDNA, and proteins