387 research outputs found

    Estandarización de un método para la conservación de cepas del laboratorio de microbiología de la Escuela de Química de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    La congelación es uno de los métodos a largo plazo más empleados para la conservación de microorganismos garantizando su estabilidad genética, viabilidad y pureza. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar los resultados de la conservación de las cepas microbianas Staphylococcus aureus y Escherichia coli por el método de congelación durante un periodo de dos meses y así, estandarizar un método para la conservación de cepas microbianas para el laboratorio de microbiología de la Escuela de Química. Para el crecimiento de las cepas se utilizó el medio de cultivo caldo de BHI y como sustancias crioprotectoras aceite mineral y glicerol. Las cepas estudiadas conservaron sus características propias con un elevado grado de pureza durante el tiempo evaluado. Tanto el aceite mineral como el glicerol resultaron ser buenas sustancias crioprotectoras. La conservación por congelación es un método de gran utilidad que garantiza la viabilidad y disponibilidad de las cepas para diversos estudios

    Comparison of Laser-Synthetized Nanographene-Based Electrodes for Flexible Supercapacitors

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    In this paper, we present a comparative study of a cost-effective method for the mass fabrication of electrodes to be used in thin-film flexible supercapacitors. This technique is based on the laser-synthesis of graphene-based nanomaterials, specifically, laser-induced graphene and reduced graphene oxide. The synthesis of these materials was performed using two different lasers: a CO2 laser with an infrared wavelength of λ = 10.6 µm and a UV laser (λ = 405 nm). After the optimization of the parameters of both lasers for this purpose, the performance of these materials as bare electrodes for flexible supercapacitors was studied in a comparative way. The experiments showed that the electrodes synthetized with the low-cost UV laser compete well in terms of specific capacitance with those obtained with the CO2 laser, while the best performance is provided by the rGO electrodes fabricated with the CO2 laser. It has also been demonstrated that the degree of reduction achieved with the UV laser for the rGO patterns was not enough to provide a good interaction electrode-electrolyte. Finally, we proved that the specific capacitance achieved with the presented supercapacitors can be improved by modifying the in-planar structure, without compromising their performance, which, together with their compatibility with doping-techniques and surface treatments processes, shows the potential of this technology for the fabrication of future high-performance and inexpensive flexible supercapacitors.Spanish Ministry of Universities FPU16/01451University of Granada PPJIB2019-05Spanish Ministry of Science/FEDER-EU TEC2017-89955-PMexican Government through Conacyt A1-S-3553

    Consideraciones en torno a la tecnología y su didáctica

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    En este artículo se exponen algunos de los desarrollos conceptuales que sustentan el proyecto “Diseño de propuestas de aula para la formación de maestros en el área de tecnología”, DTE-209-10, los cuales están relacionados con la noción de tecnología, los propósitos formativos en el campo de la tecnología, así como consideraciones en torno a la didáctica de la tecnología (dominios de representación y estilos de enseñanza/aprendizaje) y el papel que en ella cumplen la metacognición y la reflexión en la acción; finalmente, se presenta una propuesta didáctica que tiene como finalidad el desarrollo de habilidades para el diseño, simulación, medición, graficación y análisis de respuesta en frecuencia de un circuito de filtro, en el marco de un tercer curso de circuitos eléctricos

    Opioids and Ocular Surface Pathology: A Literature Review of New Treatments Horizons

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    This review discusses the role of opioids in the corneal surface and the different pathways and therapeutic methods of management. A literature review was performed using PubMed database. For the database search, the main searching words “opioid” and “topical opioid treatment” were used with the descriptors “cornea”, “ocular surface”, “neuropathic corneal pain”, “corneal sensitivity” and “naltrexone”; original scientific articles and reviews were included to achieve the purpose of the review. The endogenous opioid system has relevant functions in the organism, and in daily use, opioids are used as painkillers. However, these drugs may be employed for other indications as opioid pathways have a wide spectrum. The corneal surface for topical treatment is easily accessible, hence sparing the side effects of systemic opioids. Instillation of opioid antagonist substances, such as naltrexone, increases corneal healing rates and stimulates the division of corneal epithelium cells without deleterious effects. The natural modulation of endogenous opioids controls different forms of pain, including inflammatory and neuropathic pain, both in the ocular surface and in the central nervous system. There are diverse methods in controlling pain using opioids, especially in refractory forms. This review attempts to collect the literature about corneal surface and opioid pathways to provide an overview image and a possible direction of the news treatments

    Functional Neurogenomics: A New Approach to Study Cognitive Disability in Down Syndrome Brain

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    Functional neurogenomics is the interface between neurosciences knowledge and Omics sciences data. It characterizes, identifies, and analyzes expression of genes involved in the function of several structures of brain and cognition. Its major goal is to understand the main pathways of brain function, plasticity, and the etiopathogenesis of brain diseases. We have done an integrate analysis of global brain gene expression linked to cognitive disability in Down syndrome. It is a new approach to better understand the control of complex brain networks of gene expression involved in this syndrome. The objective of the chapter is to present computationally simulate data of global expression of 108 genes associated with cognitive disability and neuroplasticity from DNA microarray experiments of postmortem brain from normal controls and patients with Down syndrome. Some genes that were studied are involved in metabolic process and also promote hippocampal plasticity; interventions reawaken the neural plasticity may permit improved cognition. One of the striking findings was that some of the causes of dysregulation appear to result in the brain being trapped in an immature state of synaptic development. Understanding the functional neurogenomics of Down syndrome brain, emerge a new scenario to partially overcome cognitive disability through new prospective genomic therapies

    A ecologia das instituições educativas: ambiente, controle social e comportamento em colégios da Colômbia

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    According to studies of social control, there is a positive relationship between physical, and social disorder. In this study, we employ an onsite observation instrument of the environment to a set of schools in Colombia to estimate the relationship between the physical and social environment elements and the prevalence of non-traditional behaviors and interactions. Our results indicate that the more the signs of physical disorder, the more the number of non-traditional behaviors and interactions. However, we found less prevalence of these behaviors when there are better hygiene and less non-traditional behaviors outside schools.Según estudios de control social, existe una relación positiva entre las señales de desorden físico y social. En este estudio se utiliza un instrumento de observación directa del entorno en un grupo de colegios de Colombia para estimar la relación de los elementos del entorno físico y social y, la prevalencia de conductas e interacciones no convencionalesdentro de estos. Los resultados muestran que a mayores señales de desorden físico, mayor número de conductas e interacciones no convencionales. Sin embargo, se encontró una menor prevalencia de estos comportamientos en situaciones de mejor higiene y menos conductas no convencionales en el exterior del colegio.De acordo com estudos de controle social, existe uma relação positiva entre os sinais de desordem físico e social. Neste estudo, usamos um instrumento de observação direta do ambiente em um grupo de escolas colombianas para estimar a relação entre os elementos do ambiente físico e social e a prevalência de comportamentos e interações não convencionais dentro dos colégios. Nossos resultados mostram que quanto maiores os sinais de desordem físico, maior o número de comportamentos e interações não convencionais. No entanto, encontramos uma prevalência menor desses comportamentos devido a uma melhor higiene e menos comportamentos não convencionais fora da escola

    Perfil psicológico y neuropsicológico del niño con retardo mental

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    En la actualidad se gestan diferentes programas de integración e inclusión escolar que suponen una escuela estructurada sobre la base de la diversidad, pensada y organizada en función de las diferencias entre sus alumnos. Sin embargo encontramos que en realidad los niños y jóvenes con barreras para el aprendizaje son los que deben adaptarse a una escuela y sus demandas

    Teoría de la mente: una revisión acerca del desarrollo del concepto

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    The term “Theory of Mind” refers to a complex cognitive skill that allows an individual to attribute mental states to himself and others, is a system of knowledge that we infer beliefs, desires, feelings and thus achieve interpret, explain or understand, as if to predict and control the behavior of themselves and others. According to the goal of exposing the development of the term, addressing theoretical concept that proceeded and later to him, they have collaborated in a direct or indirect consolidation and development of this theoretical proposal. The theory of the mind has been the subject of considerable research effort and has become an important theoretical construct that led to a series of positions among which are: theory-theory, theory of innate modules, theories simulation, the social construction of the mind, neurobiological theories. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.El término “Teoría de la Mente” se refiere a una habilidad cognitiva compleja, que permite que un individuo atribuya estados mentales a sí mismo y a otros. Es un sistema de conocimientos que permite inferir creencias, deseos, sentimientos, y de esta manera conseguir interpretar, explicar o comprender los comportamientos propios y de otros, así como predecirlos y controlarlos. Para cumplir con el objetivo propuesto de exponer el desarrollo del término, se abordarán teóricos que precedieron el concepto y otros posteriores a su desarrollo.. Todos ellos han colaborado de manera directa o indirecta a la consolidación y desarrollo de esta propuesta teórica. La Teoría de la Mente ha sido objeto de un considerable esfuerzo de investigación y se ha convertido en un importante constructo teórico que ha dado lugar a una serie de posturas que la caracterizan, dentro de las cuales se encuentran: teoría-teoría; teorías de módulos innatos, teorías de simulación, la construcción social de la mente y teorías neurobiológicas. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales

    Efecto de una estrategia educativa participativa en el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de enfermería

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    Introduction: The training of the nurse has been passive and traditional hence the concern of teachers to refocus education in response to today’s context where the nurse is expected to assume a leading and participative role in patient care.Objective. To identify the degree of development of critical thinking in nursing students about the care of the obstetric patient following a participative educational strategy.Material and methods. Longitudinal iIntervention study in nursing students, which included a participatory educational strategy to develop critical thinking in the nursing process in a traditionally taught group. Critical thinking was assessed using 4 indicators in a purpose built instrument that was validated by expert methodological and disciplinary consensus (KR of 0.93). Non parametric statistical analysis using Mac Nemar.Results. When comparing the global ratings of both groups, there was a significant development in the participatory intervention group (p = 0.031).Conclusions. The participatory educational strategy favors development of complex cognitive skills such as critical thinkingIntroducción. La formación de la enfermera en México ha sido pasiva y tradicionalista, de ahí la preocupación de los docentes del área por  reorientar la educación  para dar respuesta al contexto que se vive actualmente, en donde se espera que la enfermera tenga un papel protagónico y participativo  en la atención de los pacientes. Objetivo. Identificar el grado de desarrollo del pensamiento crítico de la estudiante  de enfermería en el cuidado de la paciente obstétrica posterior a una estrategia educativa participativa. Material y métodos. Estudio de intervención, longitudinal en estudiantes de enfermería,  en el que se realizó una estrategia educativa participativa con la finalidad de desarrollar el pensamiento crítico en el proceso enfermero  y un grupo con enseñanza tradicional.  El pensamiento crítico se evaluó a través de 4 indicadores  en un instrumento elaborado ex profeso que fue validado por consenso de expertos metodológicos y disciplinares (K-R de 0.93). Análisis estadístico no paramétrico con Mac Nemar. Resultados. Al comparar las calificaciones globales de ambos grupos,  hubo un avance significativo en el grupo con intervención participativa (p= 0.031). Conclusiones.- La estrategia educativa participativa favorece el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas complejas como el pensamiento crítico

    Evaluation of Three Methods for CPR Training to Lifeguards: a Randomised Trial Using Traditional Procedures and New Technologies

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    [Abstract] Background and objectives: When the drowning timeline evolves and drowning occurs, the lifeguard tries to mitigate the event by applying the last link of the drowning survival chain with the aim of treating hypoxia. Quality CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and the training of lifeguards are the fundamental axes of drowning survival. Mobile applications and other feedback methods have emerged as strong methods for the learning and training of basic CPR in the last years so, in this study, a randomised clinical trial has been carried out to compare the traditional method as the use of apps or manikins with a feedback system as a method of training to improve the quality of resuscitation. Materials and Methods: The traditional training (TT), mobile phone applications (AP) and feedback manikins (FT) are compared. The three cohorts were subsequently evaluated through a manikin providing feedback, and a data report on the quality of the manoeuvres was obtained. Results: Significant differences were found between the traditional manikin and the manikin with real-time feedback regarding the percentage of compressions with correct depth (30.8% (30.4) vs. 68.2% (32.6); p = 0.042). Hand positioning, percentage correct chest recoil and quality of compressions exceeded 70% of correct performance in all groups with better percentages in the FT (TT vs. FT; p < 0.05). Conclusions: As a conclusion, feedback manikins are better learning tools than traditional models and apps as regards training chest compression. Ventilation values are low in all groups, but improve with the feedback manikin