371 research outputs found

    CITES : felinos salvajes : (convenio sobre el comercio internacional de especies amenazadas de fauna y flora silvestres) /

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    CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora = Conveni sobre el Comerç Internacional d'Espècies Amenaçades de Fauna i Flora Silvestre.Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Impact of the Filling Medium on the Colour and Sensory Characteristics of Canned European Eels (Anguilla anguilla L.)

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    [EN] The different vegetable oils used in canned fish as a filling medium have a preserving effect and contribute to the palatability of the product. In this study, the colour of European eels and the filling medium (sunflower oil, olive oil or spicy olive oil) was measured at different steps of the canning process. The sensorial characteristics of canned eels packed in the different oils were also evaluated. Colour scores (CieLab values) were higher in canned eels packed in sunflower and spicy olive oil than in canned eels packed in olive oil. The changes in colour parameters depended on the type of oil, the stage of the process and the storage time. Colour changes in canned eels packed in olive oil were highest during the sterilization process. Spicy olive oil was the filling medium in which the colour change was greatest, probably due to the migration of some of the spice components into the oil. Organoleptic properties were directly related to the type of oil used as the filling medium. The canned eels packed in sunflower oil were those awarded the highest scores in consumer tests, although the preferences varied depending on the age and gender of the consumersSIThis research was funded by Xunta de Galicia, Spain (CITACA Strategic Partnership), grant number ED431E 2018/0

    Effectiveness of Cognitive Interventions in Older Adults: A Review

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    Introduction: With older adults, cognitive intervention programs are most often used for preventing or reversing a decline in cognitive functions, but it has been recently noted that there are insufficient high-quality research studies that report the effects of cognitive intervention on the cognitive functioning of older adults. (2) Objective: To analyze the available evidence concerning the effect of cognitive interventions for improving or maintaining the general cognitive status of older adults who present different cognitive levels. (3) Method: a review of studies published between 2010 and 2019 using the following databases: PubMed, PsycINFO, Cochrane, Google Scholar, ProQuest and Medline. (4) Results: We selected 13 systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses. The results showed that the cognitive intervention programs improved general cognitive functioning and specific cognitive functions regardless of the initial cognitive level; that cognitive decline was slowed in older persons with dementia; and there was improvement in activities of daily living. Regarding duration of the results, benefits were maintained for periods of 2 months to 5 years. (5) Conclusion: Cognitive interventions have proven effective for maintaining and/or improving cognitive functioning in older adults regardless of their initial cognitive status. Even so, there are few studies that follow up these results to see whether they are maintained in the long term and whether there is transfer to other skills of daily life. However, we were able to observe in the present review how the participants’ cognitive level varied according to sociodemographic differences, and to identify which components of cognitive programs make them more effective. Based on the results found, we highlight the importance of designing cognitive intervention programs that meet these effectiveness criteria, in order to maximize the positive effects of such programs when working with a population of older adults.Ministry of Education, Government of Spain FPU15/0396

    Caregiver training: Evidence of its effectiveness for cognitive and functional improvement in older adults

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    Aims and objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess the benefits of a car-egiver training programme on the cognitive and functional status of older adults, and to compare the effects of this programme according to type of caregiver (professional vs. family caregiver).Background: Due to demographic changes that have resulted in an aging population, the role of caregiver of an older adult has become very important in recent years.Design and Methods: The sample was composed of 160 older adults: (a) 100 received care from caregivers who had taken the three- month training programme (treat-ment group), of which 60 were professional caregivers and 40 were family caregivers, and (b) 60 received care from caregivers who had not taken the programme (control group). In order to evaluate programme effects on cognitive and functional status, we used both direct measures answered by the older adults (MMSE, CAPE and EuroQol) and caregiver reports (Barthel and RMPBC). We used a quasi-experimental, pre- post design. We followed SQUIRE 2.0 guidelines for reporting.Results: The results showed that older adults who were cared for by caregivers that had participated in the training programme showed gains in quality of life and cog-nitive ability and maintenance of functional ability. Within the treatment group, al-though everyone significantly improved their scores, the older adults cared for by family caregivers improved in more of the cognitive sub-items than did their peers in the professional caregiver group.Conclusions: The data obtained show that a caregiver training programme based on cognitive stimulation produces cognitive, functional and health-related quality- of- life benefits in older adults. Furthermore, the caregivers reported increased satisfaction with their work.Relevance to clinical practice: The improvements obtained in the older adults and in caregivers show the relevance of this type of intervention when working in the clinical field of caregiving.Funding information This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education under Grant FPU15/03966. The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis and interpretation of the data; preparation, review or approval of the manuscript; or the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA

    Parental socialization styles as a predictor of suicidal ideation in high school students

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    Objective: To know if there is a significant difference between the types of maternal vs. paternal parental socialization and if they are predictors of suicidal ideation in students of  Ignacio Carrillo Franco (ICF) Preparatory School, May 2017.  Material and methods: Observational, transversal, prospective study. The studiend population was the high school students ICF. The parental socialization styles of both parents were measured using the ESPA-29 scale and the suicidal ideation (Roberts scale) of the students. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed using ANOVA and multiple linear regression with the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 program.  Results: There were 144 students, aged 15-17 (m16.31 ± SD 0.68). The maternal parental socialization style (Negligent vs Authoritarian Games-Howell m: 1.84, SD 0.57, Sig .011) shows significant difference vs paternal and maternal axes Acceptance/Implication (t: -2.85, Sig .005), Coercion/ Imposition (t 3.35, Sig .001), maternal dysplication (t 5.913, Sig .000) and paternal (t 3.343, Sig 0.001) are predictors of suicidal ideation.  Discussion: The mother plays the most important role in the suicidal ideation of adolescents; since according to their parental style they are the most predicted.  Key words: Styles of parental socialization, suicidal ideation, adolescents

    Order of maturation of the components of the working memory from childhood to emerging adulthood

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    The objective of this paper was to analyze the maturation order of WM components Phonological loop (PL), Visuo-spatial Sketchpad (VSS) and Central executive (CE), from childhood to emerging adulthood in subjects aged between 6 and 29 years, by means of Bonferroni comparisons between the direct scores of the different age groups. The WM direct scores were obtained with the Working Memory Test Battery for Children (WMTBC). Linear regressions between age and Z-scores of the direct scores of the three components of the WM were carried out. The results indicate that the different components of WM are linearly related to age, from 6 to 15 years old, replicating previously obtained results. ANOVA and Bonferroni-type comparisons show that there is a different order of maturation among the components that make up the WM, with the central executive being the component that matures later. A peculiar result was observed in the 16–17-year group for PL and CE. This group presents a significant difference with all the groups of lower age

    Virtual Reference in Seville University Library: A shared experience.

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    Los servicios de referencia en las bibliotecas universitarias están lejos de desaparecer y las tecnologías, en este caso las de la web social, están facilitando e impulsando una cada vez más demandada referencia virtual, con aplicaciones al alcance de todos. LibraryH3lp es un software en código abierto, que ha permitido a la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla establecer un servicio de referencia virtual que comparten sus 19 bibliotecas de área, para atender preguntas generales o especializadas temáticas , así como las dudas sobre el uso de su catálogo Fama. Se presenta una primera valoración del servicio que se pondrá en completa explotación en este curso académico 2009‐2010. Palabras clave: Referencia virtual, Bibliotecas universitarias, software en cóigo abierto, LibraryH3lp, Biblioteca de la Universidad de SevillaReference services in academic libraries are far from dead and technologies of the social web are facilitating and encouraging an ever-increasing demand for virtual reference with applications available to everyone. The open source software LibraryH3lp has enabled the Library of the University of Seville to establish a virtual reference service shared among 19 libraries to answer common and specialized questions and explain the use of the Fama library catalog. We present a first assessment of the service that will go live in the academic year 2009-2010

    Improved graphene blisters by ultrahigh pressure sealing

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To acces final work see “Improved Graphene Blisters by Ultrahigh Pressure Sealing”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12.33 (2020): 37750-37756, 10.1021/acsami.0c09765Graphene is a very attractive material for nanomechanical devices and membrane applications. Graphene blisters based on silicon oxide microcavities are a simple but relevant example of nanoactuators. A drawback of this experimental setup is that gas leakage through the graphene-SiO2 interface contributes significantly to the total leak rate. Here, we study the diffusion of air from pressurized graphene drumheads on SiO2 microcavities and propose a straightforward method to improve the already strong adhesion between graphene and the underlying SiO2 substrate, resulting in reduced leak rates. This is carried out by applying controlled and localized ultrahigh pressure (>10 GPa) with an atomic force microscopy diamond tip. With this procedure, we are able to significantly approach the graphene layer to the SiO2 surface around the drumheads, thus enhancing the interaction between them, allowing us to better seal the graphene-SiO2 interface, which is reflected in up to ∼4 times lower leakage rates. Our work opens an easy way to improve the performance of graphene as a gas membrane on a technological relevant substrate such as SiO2We acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the “Marı́ ́ a de Maeztu” Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (CEX2018- 000805-M), projects PID2019-106268GB, S2018/NMT-451, and FLAG-ERA JTC2017, and the Ramon Areces Foundation. G.L.-P. acknowledges financial support through the “Juan de la Cierva” Fellowship FJCI-2017-3237

    Effects of Extending Milk Replacer Feeding during the Fattening Period on the Behaviour and Welfare of Lambs: A Preliminary Study

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    There is a lack of information on the behavioural and welfare effects of sustaining artificial milk feeding in fattening lambs. Therefore, the present work aimed to study the effects of prolonged artificial milk feeding during fattening with a high concentrate diet on the behaviour of lambs. The behaviour of 16 non castrated male lambs of the Manchega sheep breed (eight lambs were in the group that were fed daily a bottle of milk, and the other eight were in the weaned group) was recorded with four fixed cameras just before bottle feeding (~8:30 a.m.) of the unweaned group till four hours later, every day for 7 weeks. The solid diet (pelleted concentrate plus cereal straw) and housing conditions were the same in both groups. Solid feeds were offered ad libitum. There were no differences between groups in time spent eating nor in drinking, playing, scratching and oral activity behaviours (p > 0.05), but resting episodes were longer in weaned lambs (p < 0.05). Weaned lambs presented a higher frequency of self-grooming behaviour (p < 0.05), while the unweaned group performed a higher frequency of interaction behaviour (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the behaviours of lambs that were fed daily a bottle of milk during the fattening period did not substantially differ from the weaned individuals