19 research outputs found

    Vapour phase soldering (VPS) technology: a review

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    Zaharia Eugenia. Morminte sarmatice descoperite la Cioinagi în 1949 (r. Tg. Bereşti, reg. Galaţi) / Découvertes de tombes sarmates à Cioinagi, en 1949. In: Materiale şi cercetări arheologice, N°6 1959. pp. 897-902

    A Review on Current eCall Systems for Autonomous Car Accident Detection

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    The aim of the paper is to give an overview on the existing eCall solutions for autonomous car accident detection. The requirements and expectations for such systems, considering both technological possibilities, legal regulatory criteria and market demands are discussed. Sensors utilized in e-call systems (crash sensing, systems for positional and velocity data, and communication solutions) are overviewed in the paper. Furthermore, the existing solutions for eCall devices are compared based on their level of autonomy, technical implementation and provided services

    Effect of different thermocouple constructions on heat-level vapour phase soldering profiles

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    To improve productivity and reach better quality in assembling, measurements and proper process controlling are necessary factors. This article focuses on the monitoring heat-level based Vapour Phase reflow Soldering (VPS), where - as it was found – different thermocouple constructions can affect the preset parameters of the oven and resulting soldering profiles significantly

    Az elmélet átültetése a gyakorlatba, avagy a hallgatói zsebműhold az űrben várakozáson felül teljesít: Theory put into practice or pocket-satellite constructed by students works over expectation

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    A pocket-satellite called SMOG-P was launched into space on December 6, 2019. It has been working excellently ever since. Its volume is eight times smaller than its predecessor. The size of SMOG-P is 5 x 5 x 5 cm3. The pocket-satellite is equipped with GaAs-based quantum-well solar cell. Of the satellites launched simultaneously, only ours is functional now. According to expert opinions, rival satellites failed in the process of the installation of the solar cell. In this paper, the satellite is shortly described and afterward we focus on the GaAs-based solar cells. Kivonat A SMOG-P nevű zsebműholdat 2019. december 6-án lőtték ki a világűrbe. Azóta is kifogástalanul működik. A zseb-műhold elődjéhez képest nyolcad akkora térfogatú. Mérete 5 x 5 x 5 cm3. A műholdra GaAs-alapú kvantumvölgyes napelem került. A műholdunkkal azonos időben kilőtt berendezések közül csak a miénk működik. A szakértők szerint a vetélytársak a napelem-installáláson buktak el. Jelen dolgozatunkban röviden bemutatjuk a műholdat majd a GaAs napelemre fókuszálunk