7,092 research outputs found

    Quarkyonic Matter and Chiral Spirals

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    The nuclear matter, deconfined quark matter, and Quarkyonic matter in low temperature region are classified based on the 1/Nc expansion. The chiral symmetry in the Quarkyonic matter is investigated by taking into account condensations of chiral particle-hole pairs. It is argued that the chiral symmetry and parity are locally violated by the formation of chiral spirals, < psibar exp(2 i mu z gamma^0 gamma^z) psi >. An extension to multiple chiral spirals is also briefly discussed.Comment: Prepared for Hot Quark 2010, 4 page

    Views of the Chiral Magnetic Effect

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    My personal views of the Chiral Magnetic Effect are presented, which starts with a story about how we came up with the electric-current formula and continues to unsettled subtleties in the formula. There are desirable features in the formula of the Chiral Magnetic Effect but some considerations would lead us to even more questions than elucidations. The interpretation of the produced current is indeed very non-trivial and it involves a lot of confusions that have not been resolved.Comment: 19 pages, no figure; typos corrected, references significantly updated, to appear in Lect. Notes Phys. "Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields" (Springer), edited by D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Ye

    Are Muslims the New Catholics? Europe’s Headscarf Laws in Comparative Historical Perspective

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    In this paper a biologically-inspired model for partly occluded patterns is proposed. The model is based on the hypothesis that in human visual system occluding patterns play a key role in recognition as well as in reconstructing internal representation for a pattern’s occluding parts. The proposed model is realized with a bidirectional hierarchical neural network. In this network top-down cues, generated by direct connections from the lower to higher levels of hierarchy, interact with the bottom-up information, generated from the un-occluded parts, to recognize occluded patterns. Moreover, positional cues of the occluded as well as occluding patterns, that are computed separately but in the same network, modulate the top-down and bottom-up processing to reconstruct the occluded patterns. Simulation results support the presented hypothesis as well as effectiveness of the model in providing a solution to recognition of occluded patterns. The behavior of the model is in accordance to the known human behavior on the occluded patterns

    Analyzing the Performance of Multilayer Neural Networks for Object Recognition

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    In the last two years, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved an impressive suite of results on standard recognition datasets and tasks. CNN-based features seem poised to quickly replace engineered representations, such as SIFT and HOG. However, compared to SIFT and HOG, we understand much less about the nature of the features learned by large CNNs. In this paper, we experimentally probe several aspects of CNN feature learning in an attempt to help practitioners gain useful, evidence-backed intuitions about how to apply CNNs to computer vision problems.Comment: Published in European Conference on Computer Vision 2014 (ECCV-2014

    Effective Model Approach to the Dense State of QCD Matter

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    The first-principle approach to the dense state of QCD matter, i.e. the lattice-QCD simulation at finite baryon density, is not under theoretical control for the moment. The effective model study based on QCD symmetries is a practical alternative. However the model parameters that are fixed by hadronic properties in the vacuum may have unknown dependence on the baryon chemical potential. We propose a new prescription to constrain the effective model parameters by the matching condition with the thermal Statistical Model. In the transitional region where thermal quantities blow up in the Statistical Model, deconfined quarks and gluons should smoothly take over the relevant degrees of freedom from hadrons and resonances. We use the Polyakov-loop coupled Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model as an effective description in the quark side and show how the matching condition is satisfied by a simple ansatz on the Polyakov loop potential. Our results favor a phase diagram with the chiral phase transition located at slightly higher temperature than deconfinement which stays close to the chemical freeze-out points.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; Talk at International Workshop on High Density Nuclear Matter, Cape Town, South Africa, April 6-9, 201

    α+α+t\alpha+\alpha+t cluster structures and Hoyle-analogue states in 11^{11}B

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    The structure of 3/23/2^{-} and 1/2+1/2^{+} states in 11^{11}B is investigated with an α+α+t\alpha+\alpha+t orthogonality condition model (OCM) based on the Gaussian expansion method. Full levels up to the 3/233/2^{-}_{3} and 1/22+1/2^{+}_2 states around the α+α+t\alpha+\alpha+t threshold (ExE_x=11.1 MeV) are reproduced consistently with the experimental energy levels. It is shown that the 3/233/2_{3}^{-} state located around the 7^{7}Li+α\alpha threshold has an α+α+t\alpha+\alpha+t cluster structure, whereas the 3/213/2_{1}^{-} and 3/223/2_{2}^{-} states have a shell-model-like compact structure. We found that the 3/233/2_{3}^{-} state does not possess an α\alpha-condensate-like nature similar to the 02+0^{+}_{2} state of 12^{12}C (Hoyle state) which has a dilute 3α3\alpha-condensate structure described by a (0Sα)3(0S_{\alpha})^3 configuration with about 7070\% probability, although the monopole transition strength of the former is as large as that of the latter. We discuss the reasons why the 3/233/2_{3}^{-} state does not have the condensate character. On the other hand, the 1/21+1/2^{+}_{1} state just below the 7^{7}Li+α\alpha threshold has a cluster structure which can be interpreted as a parity-doublet partner of the 3/233/2^{-}_3 state. We indicate that the 12.5612.56-MeV state (Jπ=1/22+J^{\pi}=1/2^{+}_{2}) just above the α+α+t\alpha+\alpha+t threshold observed in the 7^7Li(7^{7}Li,11^{11}B^*)tt reaction etc. is of the dilute-cluster-gas-like, and is a strong candidate for the Hoyle-analogue state which has a configuration of (0Sα)2(0St)(0S_{\alpha})^{2}(0S_{t}) with about 6565\% probability from the analyses of the single-cluster motions in 11^{11}B. The structure property of the 1/2+1/2^{+} resonant state is analyzed with the complex scaling method.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Surface vs. bulk Coulomb correlations in photoemission spectra of perovskites

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    Recent photoemission spectra of the perovskite series Srx_xCa1x_{1-x}VO3_3 revealed strong modifications associated with surface contributions. To study the effect of Coulomb correlations in the bulk and at the surface the quasi-particle spectra are evaluated using the dynamical mean field theory. It is shown that as a result of the reduced coordination number of surface atoms correlation effects are stronger at the surface than in the bulk, in agreement with experiment.Comment: 4 pages 3 figure

    Are You Tampering With My Data?

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    We propose a novel approach towards adversarial attacks on neural networks (NN), focusing on tampering the data used for training instead of generating attacks on trained models. Our network-agnostic method creates a backdoor during training which can be exploited at test time to force a neural network to exhibit abnormal behaviour. We demonstrate on two widely used datasets (CIFAR-10 and SVHN) that a universal modification of just one pixel per image for all the images of a class in the training set is enough to corrupt the training procedure of several state-of-the-art deep neural networks causing the networks to misclassify any images to which the modification is applied. Our aim is to bring to the attention of the machine learning community, the possibility that even learning-based methods that are personally trained on public datasets can be subject to attacks by a skillful adversary.Comment: 18 page

    Slope of the topological susceptibility at zero temperature and finite temperature in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

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    We estimate the slope of the topological susceptibility in the three flavour Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with the 't Hooft interaction. The results are consistent with the evaluation from the QCD sum rule in favour of the full topological susceptibility. We apply it to the Shore-Veneziano formula to find that it shows satisfactory agreement with the anomalous suppression of the flavour-singlet axial charge. The behaviour at finite temperature is also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.