8,356 research outputs found

    Spectrum of the Hermitian Wilson-Dirac Operator for a Uniform Magnetic Field in Two Dimensions

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    It is shown that the eigenvalue problem for the hermitian Wilson-Dirac operator of for a uniform magnetic field in two dimensions can be reduced to one-dimensional problem described by a relativistic analog of the Harper equation. An explicit formula for the secular equations is given in term of a set of polynomials. The spectrum exhibits a fractal structure in the infinite volume limit. An exact result concerning the index theorem for the overlap Dirac operator is obtained.Comment: 8 pages, latex, 3 eps figures, minor correction

    Spin fluctuations probed by NMR in paramagnetic spinel LiV2_2O4_4: a self-consistent renormalization theory

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    Low frequency spin fluctuation dynamics in paramagnetic spinel LiV2_2O4_4, a rare 3dd-electron heavy fermion system, is investigated. A parametrized self-consistent renormalization (SCR) theory of the dominant AFM spin fluctuations is developed and applied to describe temperature and pressure dependences of the low-TT nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 in this material. The experimental data for 1/T11/T_1 available down to 1\sim 1K are well reproduced by the SCR theory, showing the development of AFM spin fluctuations as the paramagnetic metal approaches a magnetic instability under the applied pressure. The low-TT upturn of 1/T1T1/T_1T detected below 0.6 K under the highest applied pressure of 4.74 GPa is explained as the nuclear spin relaxation effect due to the spin freezing of magnetic defects unavoidably present in the measured sample of LiV2_2O4_4.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Charmless Final State Interaction in B-> pi pi decays

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    We estimate effects of the final state interactions in B -> pi pi decays coming from rescattering of pi pi via exchange of rho, sigma, f_0 mesons. Then we include the rho rho rescattering via exchange of pi, omega, a_1 mesons and finally we consider contributions of the a_1 pi rescattering via exchange of rho. The absorptive parts of amplitudes for these processes are determined. In the case of pi^+ pi^- decay mode, due to model uncertainties, the calculated contribution is |M_A| =< 1.7 x 10^-8 GeV. This produces a small relative strong phase for the tree and color-suppressed B -> pi pi amplitudes consistent with the result of a recent phenomenological analysis based on the BaBar and Belle results for the B -> pi pi branching ratios and CP asymmetries.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    A Phase-Space Approach to Collisionless Stellar Systems Using a Particle Method

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    A particle method for reproducing the phase space of collisionless stellar systems is described. The key idea originates in Liouville's theorem which states that the distribution function (DF) at time t can be derived from tracing necessary orbits back to t=0. To make this procedure feasible, a self-consistent field (SCF) method for solving Poisson's equation is adopted to compute the orbits of arbitrary stars. As an example, for the violent relaxation of a uniform-density sphere, the phase-space evolution which the current method generates is compared to that obtained with a phase-space method for integrating the collisionless Boltzmann equation, on the assumption of spherical symmetry. Then, excellent agreement is found between the two methods if an optimal basis set for the SCF technique is chosen. Since this reproduction method requires only the functional form of initial DFs but needs no assumptions about symmetry of the system, the success in reproducing the phase-space evolution implies that there would be no need of directly solving the collisionless Boltzmann equation in order to access phase space even for systems without any special symmetries. The effects of basis sets used in SCF simulations on the reproduced phase space are also discussed.Comment: 16 pages w/4 embedded PS figures. Uses aaspp4.sty (AASLaTeX v4.0). To be published in ApJ, Oct. 1, 1997. This preprint is also available at http://www.sue.shiga-u.ac.jp/WWW/prof/hozumi/papers.htm

    DRINet for medical image segmentation

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have revolutionized medical image analysis over the past few years. The UNet architecture is one of the most well-known CNN architectures for semantic segmentation and has achieved remarkable successes in many different medical image segmentation applications. The U-Net architecture consists of standard convolution layers, pooling layers, and upsampling layers. These convolution layers learn representative features of input images and construct segmentations based on the features. However, the features learned by standard convolution layers are not distinctive when the differences among different categories are subtle in terms of intensity, location, shape, and size. In this paper, we propose a novel CNN architecture, called Dense-Res-Inception Net (DRINet), which addresses this challenging problem. The proposed DRINet consists of three blocks, namely a convolutional block with dense connections, a deconvolutional block with residual Inception modules, and an unpooling block. Our proposed architecture outperforms the U-Net in three different challenging applications, namely multi-class segmentation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) on brain CT images, multi-organ segmentation on abdominal CT images, multi-class brain tumour segmentation on MR images

    Comments on Closed Bianchi Models

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    We show several kinematical properties that are intrinsic to the Bianchi models with compact spatial sections. Especially, with spacelike hypersurfaces being closed, (A) no anisotropic expansion is allowed for Bianchi type V and VII(A\not=0), and (B) type IV and VI(A\not=0,1) does not exist. In order to show them, we put into geometric terms what is meant by spatial homogeneity and employ a mathematical result on 3-manifolds. We make clear the relation between the Bianchi type symmetry of space-time and spatial compactness, some part of which seem to be unnoticed in the literature. Especially, it is shown under what conditions class B Bianchi models do not possess compact spatial sections. Finally we briefly describe how this study is useful in investigating global dynamics in (3+1)-dimensional gravity.Comment: 14 pages with one table, KUCP-5

    Nonlinear Supersymmetry, Brane-bulk Interactions and Super-Higgs without Gravity

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    We derive the coupling of a hypermultiplet of N=2 global supersymmetry to the Dirac-Born-Infeld Maxwell theory with linear N=1 and a second nonlinear supersymmetry. At the level of global supersymmetry, this construction corresponds to the interaction with Maxwell brane fields of bulk hypermultiplets, such as the universal dilaton of type IIB strings compactified on a Calabi-Yau manifold. It displays in particular the active role of a four-form field. Constrained N=1 and N=2 superfields and the formulation of the hypermultiplet in its single-tensor version are used to derive the nonlinear realization, allowing a fully off-shell description. Exact results with explicit symmetries and supersymmetries are then obtained. The electric-magnetic dual version of the theory is also derived and the gauge structure of the interaction is exemplified with N=2 nonlinear QED of a charged hypermultiplet. Its Higgs phase describes a novel super-Higgs mechanism without gravity, where the goldstino is combined with half of the hypermultiplet into an N=1 massive vector multiplet.Comment: 42 page

    Hybridization Mechanism for Cohesion of Cd-based Quasicrystals

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    Cohesion mechanism of cubic approximant crystals of newly discovered binary quasicrystals, Cd6_6M (M=Yb and Ca), are studied theoretically. It is found that stabilization due to alloying is obtained if M is an element with low-lying unoccupied dd states. This leads to conclusion that the cohesion of the Cd-based compounds is due to the hybridization of the dd states of Yb and Ca with a wide spsp band. %unlike known stable quasicrystals without transition elements %such as Al-Li-Cu and Zn-Mg-RE (RE:rare earth). Although a diameter of the Fermi sphere coincides with the strong Bragg peaks for Cd-Yb and Cd-Ca, the Hume-Rothery mechanism does not play a principal role in the stability because neither distinct pseudogap nor stabilization due to alloying is obtained for isostructural Cd-Mg. In addition to the electronic origin, matching of the atomic size is very crucial for the quasicrystal formation of the Cd-based compounds. It is suggested that the glue atoms, which do not participate in the icosahedral cluster, play an important role in stabilization of the compound.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    LiV2O4: evidence for two-stage screening

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    LiV2O4, a frustrated mixed valent metal (d^1 d^2), is argued to undergo two spin-screening processes. The first quenches the effective spin to produce the spin 1/2 behavior seen below room temperature[1], while the second produces the heavy fermi liquid character seen at low temperatures[2]. We present here a preliminary discussion of a t-J model with strong Hund's coupling of the strongly correlated d-electrons. Valence fluctuations of the Hubbard operators (S = {1/2} 1) combined with the frustration of the underlying corner-shared tetrahedral vanadium lattice are the essential components of our model.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, accepted for proceedings of SCES'2001 Physica B, minor change