60 research outputs found

    Die RelativitÀt des Strukturbegriffs "peripherer Raum" in den Nachfolgestaaten der Sowjetunion

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    1959 von R. PREBISCH im Rahmen globaler Wirtschaftsraumerörterungen – IndustrielĂ€nder hier, ”EntwicklungslĂ€nder” dort – erstmals in der Geographie gebraucht, wurden die Begriffe ,Peripherie‘ und ,periphere RĂ€ume‘ vom Ende der 1960er Jahre an vor allem bei der Charakterisierung der wirtschaftsrĂ€umlichen VerhĂ€ltnisse eines Landes benutzt. Sie stehen in abstrahierender Ansprache den Begriffen ,Zentrum‘ und ,Ballungsraum‘ gegenĂŒber und damit fĂŒr lĂ€ndliche und andere von der Landesentwicklung vernachlĂ€ssigte ,Passiv‘-RĂ€ume. In jĂŒngerer Zeit tauchen diese Begriffe hĂ€ufig in Arbeiten zur Wirtschaftstransformation in den LĂ€ndern des östlichen Europa auf. Obwohl ihr Gebrauch dabei generell nicht zu VerstĂ€ndnisschwierigkeiten fĂŒhrt, empfiehlt es sich, bei Untersuchungen der VerhĂ€ltnisse in den Nachfolgestaaten der ehemaligen Sowjetunion die Besonderheit zu beachten, dass in sowjetischer Zeit auch Zentren und Ballungsgebiete Merkmale der Peripherie zwangslĂ€ufig angenommen haben. Durch diverse ideologisch bestimmte politische, ökonomische und administrative Maßnahmen entstanden RĂ€ume, die hier als ,relativ peripher‘ bezeichnet werden und deren Charaktreistika auch die gegenwĂ€rtigen Prozesse beeinflussen. In der Ukraine, die im vorliegenden Artikel als Beispiel dient, kam es unter anderem dazu, dass (1) selbst in StĂ€dten wie Kiew, Dnipropetrowsk oder Lwiw (Lemberg) infrastrukturelle und institutionelle Eigenentwicklungen nur eingeschrĂ€nkt möglich ware, dass (2) Industriegebiete wie das Donbass oder die Erdölfördergebiete in den Vorkarpaten und im Dnjeper-Tiefland technologisch und strukturell zurĂŒckbleiben mussten, dass (3) Industriezentren und -gebiete wegen bewusster unvollendeter Produktionszyklen in ihrer Bedeutung beschnitten wurden. Sie alle gerieten in die relative Peripherie und sind deshalb heute eine Ursache fĂŒr die wirt schaftliche Krise und die generellen Schwierigkeiten im Transformationsprozess in der Ukraine. Nur mit Hilfe neuartiger Initiativen und allmĂ€hlicher Modernisierung von Strukturen, Verfahren und Beziehungen (z.B. in Euroregionen) können die entstandenen Nachteile – Monostrukturen, Unterentwicklung, fehlende industrielle Endfertigung, geringe Anbindung – sowohl der relativen wie der wirklichen peripheren RĂ€ume ĂŒberwunden bzw. bis zu einem bestimmten Grad ĂŒberwunden werden

    Die ökologische Situation in der Ukraine und GrundsÀtze einer ökologischen Landesentwicklungspolitik

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    The marked deterioration of the state of the environment in the Uk raine in the course of the last twenty years and its increasingly negative affects on broad areas of the private and social life has lead to a close scientific connection between geography and ecology. In this context and at the same time as concrete, region-related examinations, theoretic studies have also been carried out. This lead to a differentiation and definition of a whole range of terms and research aspects, which will be elaborated on in the introductory phase. As a term with a particular importance for the characterisation of the geographic-ecological situation, the ecological safety will be given special, closer attention. The background for the widespread and deeply-rooted reduction in the ecological safety is formed by the large extent of population density, the high level of agricultural development, the intensive extraction of natural resources and rocks, the widespread employment of obsolete technology with high energy consumption and huge quantities of exhaust substances and the catastrophe from Chernobyl. The ecological situation is extremely critical -given conventional pollution- in the industrial areas of Krivoi Rog-Dnepropet rovsk, Donetsk, Lugansk-Lysytshansk and Cis-Carpathian, as well as in the agglomerations and/or urban centres of Kiev, Lvov (Lemberg), Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Odessa, Mariupol and Mikolayiv. In order to ensure improvements, it is necessary for the economy to be reformed, for fundamental technological changes to be made and for the social and intellectual recovery to be implemented. This design of life in the Ukrainian society to comply with ecological principles occurs at the same time and in the same contents as the international efforts for the long-term development of national economies

    Analysis of ancestral and functionally relevant CD5 variants in systemic lupus erythematosus patients

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    OBJECTIVE: CD5 plays a crucial role in autoimmunity and is a well-established genetic risk factor of developing RA. Recently, evidence of positive selection has been provided for the CD5 Pro224-Val471 haplotype in East Asian populations. The aim of the present work was to further analyze the functional relevance of non-synonymous CD5 polymorphisms conforming the ancestral and the newly derived haplotypes (Pro224-Ala471 and Pro224-Val471, respectively) as well as to investigate the potential role of CD5 on the development of SLE and/or SLE nephritis. METHODS: The CD5 SNPs rs2241002 (C/T; Pro224Leu) and rs2229177 (C/T; Ala471Val) were genotyped using TaqMan allelic discrimination assays in a total of 1,324 controls and 681 SLE patients of Spanish origin. In vitro analysis of CD3-mediated T cell proliferative and cytokine response profiles of healthy volunteers homozygous for the above mentioned CD5 haplotypes were also analyzed. RESULTS: T-cell proliferation and cytokine release were significantly increased showing a bias towards to a Th2 profile after CD3 cross-linking of peripheral mononuclear cells from healthy individuals homozygous for the ancestral Pro224-Ala471 (CC) haplotype, compared to the more recently derived Pro224-Val471 (CT). The same allelic combination was statistically associated with Lupus nephritis. CONCLUSION: The ancestral Ala471 CD5 allele confers lymphocyte hyper-responsiveness to TCR/CD3 cross-linking and is associated with nephritis in SLE patients

    Über gemeinsame Lote Windschiefer geraden in elliptischen RĂ€umen

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    Human Fip1 is a subunit of CPSF that binds to U-rich RNA elements and stimulates poly(A) polymerase

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    In mammals, polyadenylation of mRNA precursors (pre-mRNAs) by poly(A) polymerase (PAP) depends on cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF). CPSF is a multisubunit complex that binds to the canonical AAUAAA hexamer and to U-rich upstream sequence elements on the pre-mRNA, thereby stimulating the otherwise weakly active and nonspecific polymerase to elongate efficiently RNAs containing a poly(A) signal. Based on sequence similarity to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae polyadenylation factor Fip1p, we have identified human Fip1 (hFip1) and found that the protein is an integral subunit of CPSF. hFip1 interacts with PAP and has an arginine-rich RNA-binding motif that preferentially binds to U-rich sequence elements on the pre-mRNA. Recombinant hFip1 is sufficient to stimulate the in vitro polyadenylation activity of PAP in a U-rich element-dependent manner. hFip1, CPSF160 and PAP form a ternary complex in vitro, suggesting that hFip1 and CPSF160 act together in poly(A) site recognition and in cooperative recruitment of PAP to the RNA. These results show that hFip1 significantly contributes to CPSF-mediated stimulation of PAP activity

    Dokumentation zum Computer-Bestrahlungs-Planungsprogramm COMRAD-3DK

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    FORTRAN IVSIGLECopy held by FIZ Karlsruhe; available from UB/TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman
