481 research outputs found

    Lecanogaster gorgoniphila, a new species of clingfish (Teleostei: Gobiesocidae) from São Tomé and Principe, eastern Atlantic Ocean

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    The clingfish Lecanogaster gorgoniphila new species, an unusual species associated with gorgonians, is described on the basis of 7 specimens and colour photographs from São Tomé Island, São Tomé and Principe, eastern Atlantic Ocean. The species is small, probably not exceeding 28 mm total length; it is characterized by having 4-5 dorsal-fin rays, 3-4 anal-fin rays, 21-23 pectoral-fin rays, and 11-14 principal caudal-fin rays; 12-14 rakers on third gill arch, very small, partially fused; papillae in centre of pelvic disk forming a round patch; pelvic disc region B with 5-6 rows of papillae; head relatively short, its length 2.4-3.4 in SL, and relatively narrow, its width 4.5-7.4 in SL; colouration of head and body variable in life, usually dorsally reddish white, ventrally rose, with eight bright red bars with scattered white spots. The new species is compared with other species of the eastern Atlantic genera Lecanogaster and Diplecogaster; a key to the species of the genus Lecanogaster Briggs, 1957 is presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Apletodon gabonensis, a new species of clingfish (Teleostei: Gobiesocidae) from Gabon, eastern Atlantic Ocean

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    The clingfish Apletodon gabonensis sp. nov. is described on the basis of seven specimens and colour photographs from Gabon, eastern Atlantic Ocean. The species is small, apparently not exceeding 20 mm total length; it is characterized by having 5 dorsal-fin rays, 4-5 anal-fin rays, 25-27 pectoral-fin rays, head width in males 2.6-4.7 in SL, anus in males with urogenital papilla present but not pronounced; snout long, broad, anteriorly truncate in male, narrower and rather pointed in female; preorbital length 1.8-3.8 in head length; conspicuous maxillary barbel absent in both sexes; disc with 10-12 rows of papillae in region A, 5 rows of papillae in region B, and 5-7 rows of papillae in region C. The new species is compared with the other species of the genus; a key to the males of the 6 known species of the eastern Atlantic genus Apletodon is presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Callionymus madangensis, a new species of dragonet from Papua New Guinea, southwestern Pacific Ocean (Teleostei: Callionymidae)

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    A new species of dragonet, Callionymus madangensis from Madang, Papua New Guinea, is described on the basis of a single male specimen collected with a trawl in about 30–40 m depth near Madang. The new species is characterised within the subgenus Pseudocalliurichthys by a small branchial opening; head short (3.7 in SL); eye large (2.3 in head length); preopercular spine with a short, straight main tip, six to seven curved serrae on its dorsal margin and a strong antrorse spine at its base, ventral margin smooth, slightly concave; first dorsal fin much higher than second dorsal fin, with 4 spines, first spine with a long filament (male); second dorsal-fin distally straight, with 8 unbranched rays (last divided at base); anal fin with 7 unbranched rays (last divided at base); 17 pectoral-fin rays; caudal fin elongate, distally rounded, nearly symmetrical in male (upper rays not much shorter than lower rays); sides of head, membrane connecting pelvic fin pectoral fin, and body with small ocelli; first dorsal fin plain dark grey; second dorsal fin translucent, rays spotted; anal fin dark grey; lower margin of caudal fin dark grey, remainder with vertical rows of brown spots. The new species is compared with similar species. Revised keys to callionymid fish species of New Guinea, as well as of the subgenus Pseudocalliurichthys, are presented

    Unguitrema nigrum, a new genus and species of clingfish (Teleostei: Gobiesocidae) from Madang, Papua New Guinea

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    The clingfish Unguitrema nigrum gen. nov. et sp. nov. is described on the basis of two specimens from Madang Lagoon, Papua New Guinea. The species is very small, apparently not exceeding 12 mm total length. It is characterized by 9 dorsal-fin rays, 7–8 anal-fin rays, 22–23 pectoral-fin rays, and 12 principal caudal-fin rays; plain black colour without white stripes; a short head with head length 4.7–4.9 in SL; a narrow head with head width 7.5–8.5 in SL; a posteriorly situated anus, with the disc-to-anus distance 3.2–3.5 in SL; three rows of papillae distally on disc region B; and two central papillae clusters on disc region B with only two papillae each. The new genus is distinctive for unusual central short claw-like appendages within some papillae

    Protogrammus alboranensis n. sp. (Teleostei: Callionymidae), a new species of dragonet from the Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean Sea

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    Protogrammus alboranensis n. sp. is described on the basis of four specimens from the Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean Sea. It is characterized within the genus Protogrammus by a total of nine unbranched rays on the second dorsal fin, eight unbranched rays on the anal fin, a very small preopercular spine with an upcurved main tip and one point on the dorsal margin, which is lacking an antrorse spine at the base, the first and second spines of the first dorsal fin filamentous and much longer than the first ray of the second dorsal fin in males, the tip of the last ray of the second dorsal fin reaching beyond the caudal fin base in males, and the anal fin distally black in the males (translucent in females). A key to the species of Protogrammus is presented; the zoogeography of the species is discussed.En base a cuatro individuos recolectados en el mar de Alborán, mar Mediterráneo occidental, se describe Protogrammus alboranensis n. sp. Esta especie se caracteriza dentro del género Protogrammus por poseer un total de 9 radios no ramificados en la segunda aleta dorsal, 8 radios no ramificados en la aleta anal, una espina preopercular muy pequeña que carece de espina antrorsa en la base y que posee una punta principal curvada hacia arriba y otra en el margen dorsal, la primera y segunda espinas de la primera aleta dorsal son filamentosas y mucho más largas que el primer radio de la segunda aleta dorsal en el macho, la punta del último radio de la segunda aleta dorsal alcanza más allá de la base de la aleta caudal en el macho, y la aleta anal presenta un margen oscuro en machos (traslúcido en hembras). Se presenta una clave para las especies del género Protogrammus y se discute sobre su zoogeografía.Postprint1,006

    First record of the reticulated dragonet, Callionymus reticulatus Valenciennes, 1837 (Actinopterygii: Callionymiformes: Callionymidae), from the Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean

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    The reticulated dragonet, Callionymus reticulatus, was originally described based on a single specimen, the holotype from Malaga, Spain, south-western Mediterranean, probably collected before 1831. The holotype is now disintegrated; the specific characteristics are no longer discernible. The species was subsequently recorded from several north-eastern Atlantic localities (Western Sahara to central Norway), but missing in the Mediterranean. Specimens of C. reticulatus were observed and collected during two cruises in 2014 and 2016 in the Balearic Islands off Mallorca and Menorca. The collected specimens (8 females) have been deposited in the collection of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJ). All individuals of C. reticulatus were collected from beam trawl samples carried out during the DRAGONSAL0914 in September 2014, and during the MEDITS_ES05_16 bottom trawl survey in June 2016, on shelf and slope bottoms around the Balearic Islands. Both surveys used a ‘Jennings’ beam trawl to sample the epi-benthic communities, which was the main objective of the DRAGONSAL0914 and a complementary objective in the MEDITS_ES05_16. The ‘Jennings’ beam trawl has a 2 m horizontal opening, 0.5 m vertical opening and a 5 mm diamond mesh in the codend. Trawls had duration of 1 to 3 min of effective sampling (bottom time) at a speed of 2 knots. Catches were sorted out to species and standardized abundances of callionymid species (individuals per 500 m2) were obtained by calculating the sampled surface (distance covered × beam trawl horizontal opening). Callionymus reticulatus is recorded from the Balearic Islands for the first time; the specimens are described and illustrated. The new record confirms that the species is still extant in the Mediterranean. A key to Mediterranean callionymid fishes is provided to distinguish C. reticulatus from other species of the family in the area. The callionymid fish fauna of the Mediterranean now comprises 11 species, including three Lessepsian migrants originating from the Red SeaVersión del edito

    First record of the Alboran dragonet, Protogrammus alboranensis (Actinopterygii: Callionymiformes: Callionymidae), from the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean)

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    The Alboran dragonet, Protogrammus alboranensis Fricke, Ordines, Farias et García-Ruiz, 2016, was originally described based on four specimens from Alboran Island, Spain, south-western Mediterranean, collected in 2014 and 2015. This species was previously considered to be endemic to Alboran Island. A surprising new record of this rare species from the Balearic Islands is reported hereVersión del edito

    Freshwater fishes of Turkey; a revised and updated annotated checklist

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    The current status of the inland waters ichthyofauna of Turkey is revised, and an updated checklist of the freshwater fishes is presented. A total of 368 fish species live in the inland waters of Turkey. Among these, 3 species are globally extinct, 5 species are extinct in Turkey, 28 species are non-native and 153 species are considered as endemic to Turkey. We recognise pronounced species richness and a high degree of endemism of the Turkish ichthyofauna (41.58%). Orders with the largest numbers of species in the ichthyofauna of Turkey are the Cypriniformes 247 species), Perciformes (43 species), Salmoniformes (21 species), Cyprinodontiformes (15 species), Siluriformes (10 species), Acipenseriformes (8 species) and Clupeiformes (8 species). At the family level, the Cyprinidae has the greatest number of species (188 species; 51.1% of the total species), followed by the Nemacheilidae (39), Salmonidae (21 species), Cobitidae (20 species), Gobiidae (18 species) and Cyprinodontidea (14 species)

    Enneapterygius niue, a new species of triplefin from Niue and Samoa, southwestern Pacific Ocean (Teleostei: Tripterygiidae)

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    A new species of triplefin, Enneapterygius niue, is described on the basis of three specimens from Niue and Samoa. The new species is a medium-sized species of barred Enneapterygius, characterized by 13–15 spines in the second dorsal fin, 18–20 anal-fin soft rays, 14–19 + 16–20 lateral-line scales, 33–36 total lateral scale rows, eye diameter 94–128, preorbital 50–75, body depth 176–206, preanal fin length 483–538 (last four measures in thousandths of SL), sides of body with a pattern of two short and five complete bars, pectoral-fin base with a vertical dark bar, preorbital with an oblique dark band, dorsal fins pale except for a dusky base, anal fin dark grey in male and with four oblique brown bands in female, pelvic fins white, and caudal fin pale. The new species is compared with similar species. A revised key to the species of Enneapterygius in the Indo-Australian Archipelago and the western Pacific is presented
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