54 research outputs found

    Renewal theory for random variables with a heavy tailed distribution and finite variance

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    Let X-1, X-2,... X-n be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) non-negative random variables with a common distribution function (d.f.) F with unbounded support and EX12 < infinity. We show that for a large class of heavy tailed random variables with a finite variance the renewal function U satisfies U(x) - x/mu - mu(2)/2 mu(2) similar to -1/mu x integral(infinity)(x) integral(infinity)(s) (1 - F(u))duds as x -> infinity

    Renewal theory for random variables with a heavy tailed distribution and finite variance

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    In this paper we show for a large class of heavy tailed random variables a second order asymptotic result for the well-known renewal functio

    A Note on the Dual of an Unconstrained (Generalized) Geometric Programming Problem

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    In this note we show that the strong duality theorem of an unconstrained (generalized) geometric programming problem as defined by Peterson (cf.[1]) is actually a special case of a Lagrangian duality result. Contrary to [1] we also consider the case that the set C is compact and convex and in this case we do not need to assume the standard regularity condition

    Dominating Sets for Convex Functions with some Applications

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    A number of optimization methods require as a first step the construction of a dominating set (a set containing an optimal solution) enjoying properties such as compactness or convexity. In this note we address the problem of constructing dominating sets for problems whose objective is a componentwise nondecreasing function of (possibly an infinite number of) convex functions, and we show how to obtain a convex dominating set in terms of dominating sets of simpler problems. The applicability of the results obtained is illustrated with the statement of new localization results in the fields of Linear Regression and Location

    On Noncooperative Games and Minimax Theory

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    In this note we review some known minimax theorems with applications in game theory and show that these results form an equivalent chain which includes the strong separation result in finite dimensional spaces between two disjoint closed convex sets of which one is compact. By simplifying the proofs we intend to make the results more accessible to researchers not familiar with minimax or noncooperative game theory

    On Noncooperative Games, Minimax Theorems and Equilibrium Problems

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    In this chapter we give an overview on the theory of noncooperative games. In the first part we consider in detail for zero-sum (and constant-sum) noncooperative games under which necessary and sufficient conditions on the payoff function and different (extended) strategy sets for both players an equilibrium saddlepoint exists. This is done by using the most elementary proofs. One proof uses the separation result for disjoint convex sets, while the other proof uses linear programming duality and some elementary properties of compact sets. Also, for the most famous saddlepoint result given by Sion's minmax theorem an elementary proof using only the definition of connectedness is given. In the final part we consider n-person nonzero-sum noncooperative games and show by a simple application of the KKM lemma that a so-called Nash equilibrium point exists for compact strategy sets and concavity conditions on the payoff functions

    Lagrangian duality and cone convexlike functions

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    In this paper we will show that the closely K-convexlike vector-valued functions with K Rm a nonempty convex cone and related classes of vector-valued functions discussed in the literature arise naturally within the theory of biconjugate functions applied to the Lagrangian perturbation scheme in finite dimensional optimization. For these classes of vectorvalued functions an equivalent characterization of the dual objective function associated with the Lagrangian is derived by means of a dual representation of the relative interior of a convex cone. It turns out that these characterizations are strongly related to the closely convexlike and Ky-Fan convex bifunctions occurring within minimax problems. Also it is shown for a general class of finite dimensional optimization problems that strong Lagrangian duality holds in case a vector-valued function related to the functions in this optimization problem is closely K-convexlike and satisfies some additional regularity condition

    Introduction to Convex and Quasiconvex Analysis

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    In this paper which will appear as a chapter in the Handbook of Generalized Convexity we discuss the basic ideas of convex and quasiconvex analysis in finite dimensional Euclidean spaces. To illustrate the usefulness of this branch of mathematics also applications to optimization theory and noncooperative game theory are considered

    Introduction to Convex and Quasiconvex Analysis

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    In the first chapter of this book the basic results within convex and quasiconvex analysis are presented. In Section 2 we consider in detail the algebraic and topological properties of convex sets within Rn together with their primal and dual representations. In Section 3 we apply the results for convex sets to convex and quasiconvex functions and show how these results can be used to give primal and dual representations of the functions considered in this field. As such, most of the results are well-known with the exception of Subsection 3.4 dealing with dual representations of quasiconvex functions. In Section 3 we consider applications of convex analysis to noncooperative game and minimax theory, Lagrangian duality in optimization and the properties of positively homogeneous evenly quasiconvex functions. Among these result an elementary proof of the well-known Sion’s minimax theorem concerningquasiconvex-quasiconcave bifunctions is presented, thereby avoiding the less elementary fixed point arguments. Most of the results are proved in detail and the authors have tried to make these proofs as transparent as possible. Remember that convex analysis deals with the study of convex cones and convex sets and these objects are generalizations of linear subspaces and affine sets, thereby extending the field of linear algebra. Although some of the proofs are technical, it is possible to give a clear geometrical interpretation of the main ideas of convex analysis. Finally in Section 5 we list a short and probably incomplete overview on the history of convex and quasiconvex analysis

    The Level Set Method Of Joó And Its Use In Minimax Theory

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    In this paper we discuss the level set method of Joó and how to use it to give an elementary proof of the well-known Sion’s minimax result. Although this proof technique is initiated by Joó and based on the inter-section of upper level sets and a clever use of the topological notion of connectedness, it is not very well known and accessible for researchers in optimization. At the same time we simplified the original proof of Joó and give a more elementary proof of the celebrated Sion’s minimax theorem