1,476 research outputs found

    Slow nucleation rates in Chain Inflation with QCD Axions or Monodromy

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    The previous proposal (by two of us) of chain inflation with the QCD axion is shown to fail. The proposal involved a series of fast tunneling events, yet here it is shown that tunneling is too slow. We calculate the bubble nucleation rates for phase transitions in the thick wall limit, approximating the barrier by a triangle. A similar problem arises in realization of chain inflation in the string landscape that uses series of minima along the monodromy staircase around the conifold point. The basic problem is that the minima of the potential are too far apart to allow rapid enough tunneling in these two models. We entertain the possibility of overcoming this problem by modifying the gravity sector to a Brans-Dicke theory. However, one would need extremely small values for the Brans-Dicke parameter. Many successful alternatives exist, including other "axions" (with mass scales not set by QCD) or potentials with comparable heights and widths that do not suffer from the problem of slow tunneling and provide successful candidates for chain inflation.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Future Type Ia Supernova Data as Tests of Dark Energy from Modified Friedmann Equations

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    In the Cardassian model, dark energy density arises from modifications to the Friedmann equation, which becomes H^2 = g(\rhom), where g(\rhom) is a new function of the energy density. The universe is flat, matter dominated, and accelerating. The distance redshift relation predictions of generalized Cardassian models can be very different from generic quintessence models, and can be differentiated with data from upcoming pencil beam surveys of Type Ia Supernovae such as SNAP. We have found the interesting result that, once Ωm\Omega_m is known to 10% accuracy, SNAP will be able to determine the sign of the time dependence of the dark energy density. Knowledge of this sign (which is related to the weak energy condition) will provide a first discrimination between various cosmological models that fit the current observational data (cosmological constant, quintessence, Cardassian expansion). Further, we have performed Monte Carlo simulations to illustrate how well one can reproduce the form of the dark energy density with SNAP. To be concrete we study a class of two parameter (nn,qq) generalized Cardassian models that includes the original Cardassian model (parametrized by nn only) as a special case. Examples are given of MP Cardassian models that fit current supernovae and CMB data, and prospects for differentiating between MP Cardassian and other models in future data are discussed. We also note that some Cardassian models can satisfy the weak energy condition w>−1w>-1 even with a dark energy component that has an effective equation of state wX<−1w_X < -1.Comment: revised version accepted by Ap

    False Vacuum Chaotic Inflation: The New Paradigm?

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    Recent work is reported on inflation model building in the context of supergravity and superstrings, with special emphasis on False Vacuum (`Hybrid') Chaotic Inflation. Globally supersymmetric models do not survive in generic supergravity theories, but fairly simple conditions can be formulated which do ensure successful supergravity inflation. The conditions are met in some of the versions of supergravity that emerge from superstrings.Comment: 4 pages, LATEX, LANCASTER-TH 94-1

    Relational lattices via duality

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    The natural join and the inner union combine in different ways tables of a relational database. Tropashko [18] observed that these two operations are the meet and join in a class of lattices-called the relational lattices- and proposed lattice theory as an alternative algebraic approach to databases. Aiming at query optimization, Litak et al. [12] initiated the study of the equational theory of these lattices. We carry on with this project, making use of the duality theory developed in [16]. The contributions of this paper are as follows. Let A be a set of column's names and D be a set of cell values; we characterize the dual space of the relational lattice R(D, A) by means of a generalized ultrametric space, whose elements are the functions from A to D, with the P (A)-valued distance being the Hamming one but lifted to subsets of A. We use the dual space to present an equational axiomatization of these lattices that reflects the combinatorial properties of these generalized ultrametric spaces: symmetry and pairwise completeness. Finally, we argue that these equations correspond to combinatorial properties of the dual spaces of lattices, in a technical sense analogous of correspondence theory in modal logic. In particular, this leads to an exact characterization of the finite lattices satisfying these equations.Comment: Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science 2016, Apr 2016, Eindhoven, Netherland

    The cosmological BCS mechanism and the Big Bang Singularity

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    We provide a novel mechanism that resolves the Big Bang Singularity present in FRW space-times without the need for ghost fields. Building on the fact that a four-fermion interaction arises in General Relativity when fermions are covariantly coupled, we show that at early times the decrease in scale factor enhances the correlation between pairs of fermions. This enhancement leads to a BCS-like condensation of the fermions and opens a gap dynamically driving the Hubble parameter HH to zero and results in a non-singular bounce, at least in some special cases.Comment: replaced to match the journal versio

    Accretion process onto super-spinning objects

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    The accretion process onto spinning objects in Kerr spacetimes is studied with numerical simulations. Our results show that accretion onto compact objects with Kerr parameter (characterizing the spin) ∣a∣M|a| M is very different. In the super-spinning case, for ∣a∣|a| moderately larger than MM, the accretion onto the central object is extremely suppressed due to a repulsive force at short distance. The accreting matter cannot reach the central object, but instead is accumulated around it, forming a high density cloud that continues to grow. The radiation emitted in the accretion process will be harder and more intense than the one coming from standard black holes; e.g. γ\gamma-rays could be produced as seen in some observations. Gravitational collapse of this cloud might even give rise to violent bursts. As ∣a∣|a| increases, a larger amount of accreting matter reaches the central object and the growth of the cloud becomes less efficient. Our simulations find that a quasi-steady state of the accretion process exists for ∣a∣/M≳1.4|a|/M \gtrsim 1.4, independently of the mass accretion rate at large radii. For such high values of the Kerr parameter, the accreting matter forms a thin disk at very small radii. We provide some analytical arguments to strengthen the numerical results; in particular, we estimate the radius where the gravitational force changes from attractive to repulsive and the critical value ∣a∣/M≈1.4|a|/M \approx 1.4 separating the two qualitatively different regimes of accretion. We briefly discuss the observational signatures which could be used to look for such exotic objects in the Galaxy and/or in the Universe.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. v2: with explanation of the origin of the critical value |a|/M = 1.

    The Effects of the Sagittarius Dwarf Tidal Stream on Dark Matter Detectors

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    The Sagittarius dwarf tidal stream may be showering dark matter onto the solar neighborhood, which can change the results and interpretation of WIMP direct detection experiments. Stars in the stream may already have been detected in the solar neighborhood, and the dark matter in the stream is (0.3-25)% of the local density. Experiments should see an annually modulated steplike feature in the energy recoil spectrum that would be a smoking gun for WIMP detection. The total count rate in detectors is not a cosine curve in time and peaks at a different time of year than the standard case.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Replaced with version to appear in Physical Review Letter

    New results from DAMA/LIBRA

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    DAMA/LIBRA is running at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of the I.N.F.N.. Here the results obtained with a further exposure of 0.34 ton x yr are presented. They refer to two further annual cycles collected one before and one after the first DAMA/LIBRA upgrade occurred on September/October 2008. The cumulative exposure with those previously released by the former DAMA/NaI and by DAMA/LIBRA is now 1.17 ton x yr, corresponding to 13 annual cycles. The data further confirm the model independent evidence of the presence of Dark Matter (DM) particles in the galactic halo on the basis of the DM annual modulation signature (8.9 sigma C.L. for the cumulative exposure). In particular, with the cumulative exposure the modulation amplitude of the single-hit events in the (2 -- 6) keV energy interval measured in NaI(Tl) target is (0.0116 +- 0.0013) cpd/kg/keV; the measured phase is (146 +- 7) days and the measured period is (0.999 +- 0.002) yr, values well in agreement with those expected for the DM particles.Comment: presented at the Int. Conf. Beyond the Standard Models of Particle Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics (BEYOND 2010), 1-6 February 2010, Cape Town, South Afric

    First star formation with dark matter annihilation

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    We include an energy term based on Dark Matter (DM) self-annihilation during the cooling and subsequent collapse of the metal-free gas, in halos hosting the formation of the first stars in the Universe. We have found that the feedback induced on the chemistry of the cloud does modify the properties of the gas throughout the collapse. However, the modifications are not dramatic, and the typical Jeans mass within the halo is conserved throughout the collapse, for all the DM parameters we have considered. This result implies that the presence of Dark Matter annihilations does not substantially modify the Initial Mass Function of the First Stars, with respect to the standard case in which such additional energy term is not taken into account. We have also found that when the rate of energy produced by the DM annihilations and absorbed by the gas equals the chemical cooling (at densities yet far from the actual formation of a proto-stellar core) the structure does not halt its collapse, although that proceeds more slowly by a factor smaller than few per cent of the total collapse time.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables; replaced with published version after minor change
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