134 research outputs found

    La constante evolución del turismo: innovación, tecnología, nuevos productos y experiencias

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    An exploratory study on the motivations behind visiting the Holocaust Museum of Porto

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    This study aims to identify the reasons why people visit the Holocaust Museum of Porto (HMP) and if other variables (sociodemographic ones, visitors’ similarity with Jewish community members, their knowledge of dark tourism, and experience with other Holocaust-related destinations) also influence such motivators. A quantitative analytical, observational and case-control study was conducted based on a survey of 488 respondents who completed a self-administered questionnaire at the HMP. Statistical data analysis included descriptive statistics, an exploratory factor analysis, a confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity (through composite reliability and average variance extracted), and discriminant validity (through square roots of the AVE values). The findings reveal that visitors are drawn by factors such as novelty and knowledge-seeking and that the motives for visiting the museum differ according to their sociodemographic characteristics, visitors’ similarity with members of the Jewish community, and their knowledge of dark tourism and experience with other Holocaust-related destinations. Sociodemographic variables, previous practices related to the Holocaust and similarity have an impact on the drivers behind visiting dark places. These results contribute to dark tourism literature with an improved understanding of tourist behavior toward Holocaust memorial museums. In addition to filling a gap, it provides a comprehensive insight into the specific motivators behind visiting the HMP, possibly allowing this museum to better design tourist experiences, thus increasing the potential to attract more visitors and keep alive the memory of such atrocities that cannot be repeated

    El consumo audiovisual de los españoles y su posible uso como soporte publicitario de productos y marcas

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    In the society in which we live, the reward individuals have free time in which to unwind from your routine or work. As part of this time off, the audiovisual sector has occupied an important position, and audiovisual products such as feature films, series or music, those with higher consumption. Individuals show specialinterest in them, sometimes even create links or signs of empathy with them. Therefore, given such an interest on the part of individuals, the other sectors will have an opportunity to get noticed by those products, positioning their brands on them (brand placement). But not all of these products are suitable to advertise any brand, but you need to set preferences. Therefore, in this investigation, after surveying 482 Spanish viewers, presents results associated with a particular audiovisual product, audiovisual series. All this in order to help brands to choose what type of series placed.En la sociedad en la que vivimos, los individuos premian el disponer de tiempo libre en el que desconectar de su rutina o trabajo. Como parte de este tiempo de descanso, el sector audiovisual ha ocupado una importante posición, siendo productos audiovisuales como los largometrajes, las series o la música, los que presentan mayor consumo. Los individuos muestran especial interés en ellos, llegando a veces a crear vínculos o signos de empatía con los mismos. Por ello, ante tal interés por parte de los individuos, al resto de sectores se lespresenta la oportunidad de darse a conocer a través de dichos productos, posicionando sus marcas en ellos (brand placement). Pero no todos estos productos son adecuados para publicitar cualquier marca, sino que esnecesario establecer preferencias. Por ello, en la presente investigación, tras encuestar a 482 espectadores españoles, se exponen resultados vinculados con un producto audiovisual en concreto, las series audiovisuales. Todo ello con el objeto de ayudar a las marcas a elegir en qué tipo de series emplazarse

    Image and promotion of thermal destinations through its location in audiovisual series. The case of Ourense (Espãna), thermal capital

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    El turismo termal y el sector audiovisual, han evolucionado de modo favorable e independiente en los últimos años, convirtiéndose el primero en  un importante reclamo dentro del sector turístico -demandado tanto por sus propiedades médicas como por su faceta lúdica y de descanso-, y el segundo en un sector seguido por grandes masas a través de su variada oferta de productos: largometrajes, series de ficción, televisión interactiva o archivos multimedia, entre otros. A pesar de su trayectoria independiente, en los últimos años de un modo más o menos consciente, han aparecido colaboraciones entre dichos sectores que han dado lugar a resultados beneficiosos para ambos. Por ello, en el presente artículo se justifica la posibilidad de vincular el sector turístico termal y el sector audiovisual, estableciendo sinergias que potencien la promoción de destinos turísticos termales a través de su emplazamiento y visionado en productos del sector audiovisual, en especial en series de ficción. Como ejemplo de ello se mostrará el caso de Ourense, capital termal, ciudad visionada por miles de espectadores a través de dos series de ficción de alto reconocimiento (cada una de ellas en su ámbito de emisión), analizando cuál es la imagen que ha transmitido a través de dichos productos y el impacto que ha obtenido en la ciudad tras su emisión.The thermal tourism and the audiovisual sector, have evolved in a favourable and independent way in recent years, becoming the first in a major complaint in the tourism sector – defendant both for its medicinal properties and for its playful and resting side- and the second is a field followed by large masses through its wide range of products: films, fiction series, interactivity TV or multimedia files, among others. Despite its independent path, in recent years, have appeared collaborations between those sectors that have led to being beneficial results for both. Therefore, this article justifies the possibility of linking thermal tourism and audiovisual sector, establishing synergies to enhance the promotion of tourist destinations through its placement in audiovisual products, especially in films and fiction series. An example of this is the case of Ourense, thermal capital. It is a city envisioned by thousands of spectators through two high-drama series re-knowledge (each in its field emission), analyzing what is the image that has been transmitted through these products and the impact it has obtained in the city after its issuance

    Confirmatory analysis of the preference for hostels in the city of Oporto, Portugal

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar e confirmar as caraterísticas determinantes na escolha de hostels na cidade do Porto, em Portugal. Foi efetuado um inquérito que foi respondido por 208 hóspedes deste tipo de equipamento hoteleiro. Os hostels estão integrados num segmento low cost, tratando-se por isso de um local de hospedagem barato, para hóspedes que não procuram o luxo, sendo por isso associados a turismo de jovens mochileiros. A análise confirmatória efetuada apresenta oito fatores que estão na base da sua escolha e são: a segurança geral do hostel, a limpeza do hostel, o mobiliário básico do hostel, os serviços de apoio aos hóspedes, o design e ambiente, as externalidades positivas de localização, o convívio e entretenimento dos hóspedes e a segurança física objetiva dos hostels. Trata-se de uma análise confirmatória, onde os trinta e oito itens agrupados em oito fatores, são um forte contributo para o estudo do tema, devendo merecer a atenção por parte dos gestores destas unidades hoteleiras, dos investidores e do público em geral.Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar y confirmar las características que determinan la hora de elegir los albergues en Oporto, Portugal. Se realizó una encuesta a 208 huéspedes de este tipo de alojamiento. Los hostels están integrados en un segmento de bajo coste, considerándose alojamientos económicos, para huéspedes que no buscan lujo, asociándose al turismo de jóvenes mochileros. El análisis confirmatorio efectuado presenta ocho factores que forman la base de su elección y son: la seguridad general del hostel, la limpieza del hostel, el mobiliario básico del hostel, los servicios de apoyo a los huéspedes, el diseño y el ambiente, las externalidades positivas de la ubicación, la convivencia y el entretenimiento de los huéspedes y la seguridad física objetiva de los hostels. Se trata de un análisis confirmatorio, donde los treinta y ocho elementos agrupados en ocho factores contribuyen significativamente al estudio de la temática, debiendo captar la atención de los gestores de estas unidades hoteleras, de los inversores y del público en general.The objective of this paper is to analyse and to confirm the characteristics that determine the choice of hostels in the city of Oporto, Portugal. A survey was carried out among 208 guests of this kind of accommodation. Hostels form part of the low-cost segment. They are considered to be affordable lodging places for guests who do not seek luxury and therefore are associated with backpacking tourism. The confirmatory analysis identifies eight factors that form the basis of their choice, namely: the security of the hostel in general, its cleanliness, the hostel’s basic furniture, its support services to guests, the design and atmosphere, the positive externalities of location, conviviality and guest entertainment and the physical and objective safety of the hostel. It is a confirmatory analysis, whereby thirty-eight items grouped into eight factors make a considerable contribution to the study of the topic. Therefore, it should be of interest to managers of these types of accommodation, investors and the general public

    A New Challenge: The Content and the Accessibility on the Spanish Tourist Web

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolInternet converteuse nunha ferramenta básica hoxe en día, tanto a nivel laboral e relacional como de xestión. Se todo iso é centralizado na actividade turística, as posibilidades multiplícanse, actuando non só como unha ferramenta de información, senón tamén como xestor e como canle de contratación de produtos turísticos de diversa índole, ampliándose o segmento de mercado de referencia ao poder ofertar produtos máis concretos e específicos segundo as necesidades. Unha parte representativa destes novos beneficiarios son as persoas con discapacidade, con mobilidade-comunicación restrinxidas temporalmente e as persoas maiores que posúen as súas capacidades diminuídas e que, polo tanto, necesitan unha serie de adaptacións, de especificacións ou de modificacións en relación cos produtos turísticos que vaian consumir. De acordo con isto, formúlase o estudo das diferentes páxinas web oficiais de turismo das distintas comunidades autónomas de España, por ser o ente con maior representatividade dun conxunto de diversos destinos e produtos turísticos, mediante a análise do acceso aos contidos así como dos contidos sobre accesibilidade desas páxinas, tomando como referencia o plan de acción que se está executando a este respecto mediante a aplicación do Plan Nacional de Accesibilidade 2004-2012Internet se ha convertido en una herramienta básica hoy en día, tanto a nivel laboral y relacional como de gestión. Si todo ello es centralizado en la actividad turística, las posibilidades se multiplican, actuando no sólo como una herramienta de información, sino también como gestor y como canal de contratación de productos turísticos de diversa índole, ampliándose el segmento de mercado de referencia al poder ofertar productos más concretos y específicos según las necesidades. Una parte representativa de estos nuevos beneficiarios son las personas con discapacidad, con movilidad-comunicación restringidas temporalmente y las personas mayores que poseen sus capacidades disminuidas y que, por lo tanto, necesitan una serie de adaptaciones, de especificaciones o de modificaciones en relación con los productos turísticos que vayan a consumir. De acuerdo con esto, se formula el estudio de las diferentes páginas web oficiales de turismo de las distintas comunidades autónomas de España, por ser el ente con mayor representatividad de un conjunto de diversos destinos y productos turísticos, mediante el análisis del acceso a los contenidos así como de los contenidos sobre accesibilidad de esas páginas, tomando como referencia el plan de acción que se está ejecutando a este respecto mediante la aplicación del Plan Nacional de Accesibilidad 2004-2012The Internet has become a basic tool today, both labour and management relationships. If we speak about the tourism, the possibilities are lot. Internet can’t act only as an information tool but also as a channel manager and recruitment of diverse tourism products. I get to expand the segment of the market able to offer more specific products and according to specific needs. A part of these new beneficiaries are the disabled, temporarily restricted mobility and communication and the elderly people. They have depleted their capacity and therefore need a range of adjustments, specifications or changes related to tourism products to be consumed. It would be useful to the various official tourism websites of the different Autonomous Communities in Spain. They are the largest representative body with a diverse set of destinations and tourism products. Through analysis of access to the content and accessibility of the content of these pages. We reference to the action plan is being implemented with respect to the implementation of the National Plan of Accessibility 2004-2012S

    Tourist destination image formed by the cinema : Barcelona positioning through the feature film Vicky Cristina Barcelona

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    The image formed by the movie industry often represents an added value for certain destinations because it works as a real tool for promotion at an international level and as a factor that induces travel. The representations and images of tourist destinations developed through the mass media, such as cinema, television and literature play a truly significant role which influences in the process of vacation spot decision. These media are very influential in promoting, confirming and reinforcing images, opinions and the destination identity, and play an outstanding role in the image construction of tourist destinations. In other words, the way in which the destination is represented in films and television series can have an enormous influence worldwide in perpetuating a particular image and vision of the country. Barcelona as a destination, in recent years, has been positioning itself in a number of full‑length feature films to be internationally promoted. The latest cinematographic promotional action can be witnessed in the movie "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" (Woody Allen, 2008), which has contributed to placing this city strategically in the mind of the potential consumer. The present paper analyses the principal images film lovers have perceived in this destination through the film

    Disclosing homogeneity within heterogeneity: A segmentation of Spanish active tourism based on motivational pull factors

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    In the context of postmodern tourism, active tourism has acquired great importance. This type of travel fits the tastes of the new tourist, who seeks new and differentiated experiences that deliver a diverse range of sensations. The present works aims at in depth exploring the profile of active tourists, with emphasis on the reasons that lead them to seek this kind of experiences. Given the framework provided by the push and pull theory, the aim of this study is to identify groups with homogeneous features in the heterogeneous collective of active tourists. Factor and cluster analysis, focused on a scale of pull factors, are sequentially applied to data obtained through an online questionnaire. The results show that the Spanish market of active tourism can be segmented into three groups ("health, novelty and cultural heritage seekers, adventure and fun seekers and professionals and health seekers neutral to pull factors"), where the importance attributed to different pull factors varies according to each group's push motivations. Specifically, those who engage in active tourism motivated by keeping healthy and discovering new places or people are those who most value the cultural heritage of the destination; those who engage in it seeking new sensations are those who most value the possibilities of having fun in the destination; and those who do it for professional reasons are indifferent towards the attractions of the destination. Nevertheless, regardless of the groups to which they belong, active tourists prioritize the richness of the natural surroundings when choosing a destination. Management implications: A better understanding of its target market is vital for active tourism destinations: • In the case of rural destinations, the segment of health, novelty and cultural heritage seekers could be a good target to which to offer hiking circuits, promoted through specialized guidebooks and magazines, which include interesting heritage resources. • Urban destinations, especially coastal ones, could seek to attract the adventure and fun seekers segment through an offer of exciting and fun activities, whose promotion, preferably carried out through social networking sites, would highlight the possibilities of nightlife. • Every destination should prioritize the protection and improvement of the natural surroundings

    Hotel Practices in Disaster Crisis Management: The Case of Galicia

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolEste estudo avalía as medidas de xestión que os aloxamentos hoteleiros deben poñer en práctica nunha situación de crise orixinada por unha catástrofe, analizando a importancia e o nivel de utilización destas medidas na fase de recuperación. Para isto, realízase unha análise empírica mediante unha enquisa dirixida aos hoteis de Galicia de tres, catro e cinco estrelas. Suxírese que a redución de custos en partidas diferentes á prestación de servizo, a orientación ao mercado e o emprego de instrumentos web son prácticas importantes que cómpre considerar para facerlles fronte aos reveses da criseEste estudio evalúa las medidas de gestión que los alojamientos hoteleros deben poner en práctica en una situación de crisis originada por una catástrofe, analizando la importancia y el nivel de utilización de estas medidas en la fase de recuperación. Para ello, se realiza un análisis empírico mediante una encuesta dirigida a los hoteles de Galicia de tres, cuatro y cinco estrellas. Se sugiere que la reducción de costes en partidas diferentes a la prestación de servicio, la orientación al mercado y el empleo de instrumentos web son prácticas importantes que es necesario considerar para hacer frente a los reveses de la crisisThis study evaluates the management measures implemented by the hotel accommodation in a crisis caused by a disaster, analyzing the importance and the level of use of these measures in the recovery phase. Empirical analysis is conducted through a survey of three, four and five stars hotels in Galicia. It is suggested that cost-cutting in items other than the provision of service, the market orientation and the use of web tools are practices significant for facing business hardships in the crisisS

    Turismo y accesibilidad. Una visión global sobre la situación de España

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    The tourism is an activity of high relevance to for the financial profitability and the social profitability too. In base to this and to the importance that the new segments have on a mass market that need different products. We realizes a vision on the accessible tourism centered in the community of people with disability and in the beneficiaries direct, as the segment of main or senior, families, pregnant and people with capacities restricted temporarily. All this without forgetting neither the beneficiaries indirect, is to say, all people. We realize a theoretical and a global vision of the accessibility and his main components and repercussions in Spain and Europe. We try to show the relevance, the opportunities of market that generate and the characteristics and frocks of behavior of the Spanish tourists with disability.El turismo es una actividad de alta relevancia ya no solo a nivel de rentabilidad finan- ciera, sino también en relación a la rentabilidad social. En base a ello y a la importancia que los nuevos segmentos están a tener en un mercado tan masificado que demanda productos diferenciados de forma continua, se realiza una visión sobre el turismo accesible centrado en el colectivo de personas con discapacidad así como en los beneficiarios directos, como el segmento de mayores o sénior, familias, embarazadas y personas con capacidades restringidas temporalmente. Para ello, se realiza una contextualización teórica, así como una visión global de la accesibilidad y sus principales componentes y repercusiones en España y Europa, para mostrar, grosso modo, su relevancia, las oportunidades de mercado que se generan así como las características y hábitos de comportamiento de los turistas españoles con discapacidad