8,920 research outputs found

    Embodiment, sound and visualization : a multimodal perspective in music education

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    Recently, many studies have emphasized the role of body movements in processing, sharing and giving meaning to music. At the same time, neuroscience studies, suggest that different parts of the brain are integrated and activated by the same stimuli: sounds, for example, can be perceived by touch and can evoke imagery, energy, fluency and periodicity. This interaction of auditory, visual and motor senses can be found in the verbal descriptions of music and among children during their spontaneous games. The question to be asked is, if a more multisensory and embodied approach could redefine some of our assumptions regarding musical education. Recent research on embodiment and multimodal perception in instrumental teaching could suggest new directions in musical education. Can we consider the integration between the activities of body movement, listening, metaphor visualization, and singing, as more effective than a disembodied and fragmented approach for the process of musical understanding

    Quilting and Sharing: Promoting Lifelong Learning and Service to Others

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    Lynne Hall, an occupational therapist, educator, and quilter based in Kalamazoo, MI, provided the cover art for the Winter 2020 issue of The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy (OJOT). ā€œFour Patch Posyā€ is a 45ā€ x 55ā€ quilt made from cotton. In her 50th year of occupational therapy practice, Lynneā€™s philosophy is rooted in lifelong learning and service to others. The quilt aesthetic provides Lynne a creative medium to serve in her community. With her person-centered approach, Lynne facilitates human potential in the clients, students, and community members she serves. Success in both occupational therapy practice and quilting require a holistic understanding that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

    Local rank tests in a multivariate nonparametric relationship

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    Consider a multivariate nonparametric model where the unknown vector of functions depends on two sets of explanatory variables. For a fixed level of one set of explanatory variables, we provide consistent statistical tests, called local rank tests, to determine whether the multivariate relationship can be explained by a smaller number of functions. We also provide estimators for the smallest number of functions, called local rank, explaining the relationship. The local rank tests and the estimators of local rank are defined in terms of the eigenvalues of a kernel-based estimator of some matrix. The asymptotics of the eigenvalues is established by using the so-called Fujikoshi expansion along with some techniques of the theory of U-statistics. We present a simulation study which examines the small sample properties of local rank tests. We also apply the local rank tests and the local rank estimators to a demand system given by a newly constructed data set. This work can be viewed as a ā€œlocalā€ extension of the tests for a number of factors in a nonparametric relationship introduced by Stephen Donald.nonparametric relationship, local rank, local rank estimation, kernel smoothing, consistent tests, demand systems.

    Real algebraic surfaces with isolated singularities

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    Given a real algebraic surface S in RP3, we propose a constructive procedure to determine the topology of S and to compute non-trivial topological invariants for the pair (RP3, S) under the hypothesis that the real singularities of S are isolated. In particular, starting from an implicit equation of the surface, we compute the number of connected components of S, their Euler characteristics and the weighted 2-adjacency graph of the surface


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berawal dari adanya stereotip bahwa bela diri karate hanya cocok bagi anak laki-laki. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan self-concept siswa laki-laki dan perempuan yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler karate di sekolah dasar wilayah Kabupaten Sleman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Subyek dalam penelitian ini merupakan siswa sekolah dasar yang menjadi anggota ekstrakurikuler karate dari perguruan Lemkari (Lembaga Karate-do Indonesia) di wilayah Kabupaten Sleman. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 73 siswa dari 7 sekolah dasar di mana seluruh populasi merupakan subyek penelitian. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala konsep diri. Uji validitas menggunakan validitas isi melalui expert judgement dan korelasi product moment untuk melihat konsistensi item-total. Uji reliabilitas menggunakan Alpha Cronbach dengan koefisien alpha 0,866. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik independent t-test. Hasil dari penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan konsep diri yang signifikan antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler karate di sekolah dasar wilayah Kabupaten Sleman. Selain itu ditemukan pula bahwa rata-rata hitung self-concept siswa perempuan lebih tinggi dari siswa laki-laki; serta self-concept sebagian besar siswa masuk dalam kategori tinggi (64,38%) dan sisanya sebanyak 35,62% dalam kategori sedang. Kata kunci: konsep diri, ekstrakurikuler, karate, siswa sekolah dasa
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