16 research outputs found

    Destruido por el fuego, conservado a lo largo del tiempo : cultivos y madera de una estructura de la Edad del Bronce Final / Primera Edad del Hierro en Vila do Touro (Sabugal, Portugal)

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    Archaeological excavations at Vila do Touro uncovered a Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age occupation at the top of a prominent hill. It consisted of a structure built with perishable materials, supported by postholes, and a small subcircular storage facility made of stone. Abundant carbonized plant remains were visible throughout the excavation area during the field work suggesting a fire occurred prior to the abandonment of the place, sometime in the 9th century BC. Archaeobotanical sampling allowed the recovery of abundant wood charcoal as well as charred fruits and seeds. Analyses showed structures were built mostly out of wood from deciduous oak, although pine was also used. Evidence for growth suppression in oak wood suggests direct human management of wood resources, which agrees with other evidences from northern Iberia. Moreover, the storage facility was used to keep cereals, mostly naked wheat and common millet, but also barley. These were stored fully processed and ready for consumption. Faba beans were also recovered, outside the small storage facility. Results are similar to sites in northeast Portugal and the Central Meseta but contrast with hillforts from Atlantic areas where hulled wheats are staple crops, suggesting a West-East trend also reflected in environmental and cultural features.Las excavaciones arqueológicas en Vila do Touro detectaron una ocupación del Final de la Edad del Bronce/Primera Edad del Hierro en la destacada cumbre del monte. Se trataba de una estructura construida con materiales perecederos, sostenida por postes, y un pequeño espacio de almacenamiento sub-circular, construido en piedra. Durante el trabajo de campo se observaron abundantes restos de plantas carbonizadas en toda el área de excavación, lo que sugiere un incendio ocurrido antes del abandono del lugar, en algún momento del siglo IX a.C. El muestreo arqueobotánico permitió la recuperación de abundante madera carbonizada, así como de frutos y semillas carbonizadas. Los análisis mostraron que las estructuras se construyeron principalmente con madera de Quercus de tipo caducifolio, aunque también se usó pino. Evidencias de la supresión del crecimiento en la madera de esos árboles sugieren el manejo humano directo de los recursos de madera, lo que coincide con otras evidencias de la Península Ibérica septentrional. Además, el espacio de almacenamiento fue utilizado para guardar cereales, principalmente trigo desnudo y mijo común, pero también cebada. Estos fueron almacenados completamente procesados y listos para el consumo. También se recuperaron habas, fuera de la pequeña estructura de almacenamiento. Los resultados son similares a otros sitios del nordeste de Portugal y de la Meseta Central, pero contrastan con los poblados fortificados atlánticos donde el trigo vestido es de cultivo común. Estas diferencias entre los muestreos occidentales y orientales también reflejan las distintas características ambientales y culturales de esas zonas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Síntese, caracterização e avaliação antimicrobiana de 1,2,4-oxadiazóis derivados do ácido trans-3,4-(metilenodioxi)-cinâmico

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    Compounds containing heterocyclic ring systems are of great importance both medicinally and industrially. Five-membered 1,2,4-oxadiazole heterocycles have received considerable attention because of their unique bioisosteric properties and unusual wide spectrum of biological activities. In this study, a series of 2-(3-aryl-1,2,4-oxadiazol-5-yl)-trans-3,4-(methylenedioxy)-cinnamyl derivatives was synthesized and characterized, and in vitro experimental models were used to evaluate their antimicrobial activity. Synthesis, which involved microwave irradiation for 5 min, provided moderate yields of 1,2,4-oxadiazole (34–50%). Infrared (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR  and 13C NMR) spectroscopy were used to determine the structures of 1,2,4-oxadiazole. The disk diffusion method was used to test the antibacterial activity of the novel 1,2,4-oxadiazole derivatives against Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, and Bacillus subtilis) and Gram-negative (Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae) bacteria. The derivatives, 2-(3-m-toluyl-1,2,4-oxadiazol-5-yl)-3,4-(methylenedioxy)-cinnamyl and 2-(3-pyrimidyl-1,2,4-oxadiazol-5-yl)-3,4-(methylenedioxy)-cinnamyl exhibited a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 19.5 Î¼g mL−1 against S. aureus, and is four-fold more potent than the standard metronidazole (MIC =78 Î¼g mL−1).Os compostos que contêm sistemas de anéis heterocíclicos são de grande importância tanto na medicina quanto na indústria. O anel heterocíclico de 1,2,4-oxadiazol de cinco membros tem recebido atenção considerável por causa de suas propriedades bioisostéricas únicas e um espectro excepcionalmente amplo de atividades biológicas. Este estudo teve como objetivo a síntese, a caracterização e a avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana de uma série de 2-(3-aril-1,2,4-oxadiazol-5-il)-trans-3,4-(metilenodioxi)-cinamila usando modelos experimentais in vitro. A síntese dos 1,2,4-oxadiazóis foi desenvolvida, com duração de 5 min, usando irradiação de micro-ondas fornecendo os compostos em rendimentos moderados (34-50%). Suas estruturas foram determinadas usando espectroscopia de IV (Infravermelho), Resonância magnética nuclear de hidrogênio (RMN 1H) () eRessonancia magnética nuclear de carbono 13 (RMN 13C). As atividades antibacterianas dos novos derivados de 1,3,4-oxadiazóis foram testado contra Gram positivo (Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis e Staphylococcus aureus) e Gram negativo (Escherichia coli e Klebsiella pneumoniae) bactérias usando o método de difusão em disco. Os 2-(3-m-toluil-1,2,4-oxadiazol-5-il)-3,4-(metilenodioxi)-cinamila e o 2-(3-pirimidil-1,2,4-oxadiazol-5-il)-3,4-(metilenodioxi)- cinamila apresentaram resultados contra S. aureus, com valor de CIM de 19,5 μg mL-1 quatro vezes mais potente que o metronidazol padrão (CIM=78 μg mL-1).&nbsp

    Grupo de Trabalho de Arqueobotânica e Zooarqueologia : resultados da primeira reunião

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    Resultados da primeira reunião geral de investigadores das áreas científicas da Arqueobotânica e Zooarqueologia a trabalhar em Portugal, realizada em Outubro de 2014, no Museu Nacional de Arqueologia (Lisboa). Identificando um conjunto de dificuldades comuns às duas disciplinas, os presentes decidiram criar um grupo de trabalho informal para fomentar o diálogo profissional e com as instituições universitárias, a tutela (administração central e regional), as empresas e a comunidade arqueológica em geral.Results of the first general meeting of researchers in the fields of Archaeobotany and Zooarchaeology working in Portugal, which took place in October 2014 at the National Museum of Archaeology in Lisbon. Having identified a set of difficulties in common, participants at the meeting decided to set up an informal work group to encourage dialogue among professionals and with universities, central and regional authorities, companies and the archaeological community at large

    SIMBIO-SYS Near Earth Commissioning Phase: a step forward toward Mercury

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    On December 2018, the Near Earth Commissioning Phase (NECP) has been place forSIMBIO-SYS (Spectrometers and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory - SYStem), the suite part of the scientific payload of the BepiColombo ESA-JAXA mission. SIMBIO-SYS is composed of three channels: the high resolution camera (HRIC), the stereo camera (STC) and the Vis/NIR spectrometer (VIHI) . During the NECP the three channels have been operated properly. For the three channels were checked the operativity and the performance. The commanded operations allowed to verify all the instrument functionalities demonstrating that all SIMBIO-SYS channels and subsystems work nominally. During this phase we also validated the Ground Segment Equipment (GSE) and the data analysis tools developed by the team

    The SHiP experiment at the proposed CERN SPS Beam Dump Facility

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    The Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP) Collaboration has proposed a general-purpose experimental facility operating in beam-dump mode at the CERN SPS accelerator to search for light, feebly interacting particles. In the baseline configuration, the SHiP experiment incorporates two complementary detectors. The upstream detector is designed for recoil signatures of light dark matter (LDM) scattering and for neutrino physics, in particular with tau neutrinos. It consists of a spectrometer magnet housing a layered detector system with high-density LDM/neutrino target plates, emulsion-film technology and electronic high-precision tracking. The total detector target mass amounts to about eight tonnes. The downstream detector system aims at measuring visible decays of feebly interacting particles to both fully reconstructed final states and to partially reconstructed final states with neutrinos, in a nearly background-free environment. The detector consists of a 50 m long decay volume under vacuum followed by a spectrometer and particle identification system with a rectangular acceptance of 5 m in width and 10 m in height. Using the high-intensity beam of 400 GeV protons, the experiment aims at profiting from the 4 x 10(19) protons per year that are currently unexploited at the SPS, over a period of 5-10 years. This allows probing dark photons, dark scalars and pseudo-scalars, and heavy neutral leptons with GeV-scale masses in the direct searches at sensitivities that largely exceed those of existing and projected experiments. The sensitivity to light dark matter through scattering reaches well below the dark matter relic density limits in the range from a few MeV/c(2) up to 100 MeV-scale masses, and it will be possible to study tau neutrino interactions with unprecedented statistics. This paper describes the SHiP experiment baseline setup and the detector systems, together with performance results from prototypes in test beams, as it was prepared for the 2020 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. The expected detector performance from simulation is summarised at the end

    Enabling planetary science across light-years. Ariel Definition Study Report

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    Ariel, the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, was adopted as the fourth medium-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme to be launched in 2029. During its 4-year mission, Ariel will study what exoplanets are made of, how they formed and how they evolve, by surveying a diverse sample of about 1000 extrasolar planets, simultaneously in visible and infrared wavelengths. It is the first mission dedicated to measuring the chemical composition and thermal structures of hundreds of transiting exoplanets, enabling planetary science far beyond the boundaries of the Solar System. The payload consists of an off-axis Cassegrain telescope (primary mirror 1100 mm x 730 mm ellipse) and two separate instruments (FGS and AIRS) covering simultaneously 0.5-7.8 micron spectral range. The satellite is best placed into an L2 orbit to maximise the thermal stability and the field of regard. The payload module is passively cooled via a series of V-Groove radiators; the detectors for the AIRS are the only items that require active cooling via an active Ne JT cooler. The Ariel payload is developed by a consortium of more than 50 institutes from 16 ESA countries, which include the UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, and a NASA contribution

    A flora arqueológica da Quinta do Medal (Mogadouro) e a exploração de recursos vegetais durante os séculos XVIII/XIX no Vale do Sabor

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    Inserida no Plano de Salvaguarda Patrimonial do Aproveitamento Hidroeléctrico do Baixo Sabor, a escavação arqueológica da Quinta do Medal (EP 201) é uma das únicas desta intervenção cuja diacronia atinge a época contemporânea. A recolha de 26 amostras sedimentares com conteúdo arqueobotânico permitiu uma análise antracológica e carpológica do sítio que nos permite agora ajudar a recriar elementos do que poderia ser a realidade neste sítio nos séculos XVII-XIX. Os resultados desta análise são aqui apresentados.Inserted in the Patrimonial Safeguard Plan of the Hydroelectric Exploitation of the Lower Sabor, the archaeological site at the Quinta do Medal (EP 201) is one of the few sites of this project whose chronology spans the late-modern period. The archaeobotanical contents of 26 samples retrieved on-site allowed an anthracological and carpological analysis that was used to recreate elements of what might have been the reality at this site in the XVII-XIX centuries. The results of this analysis are presented here.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio