1,805 research outputs found

    Potential Use of Silver Nanoparticles as an Additive in Animal Feeding

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    Soberanía y legitimidad en el proceso de integración europea

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    [Resumen] Este artículo se puede dividir en tres partes. En la primera el autor expone una concepción moderna de los conceptos de soberanía y legitimidad. Con estas premisas, en la segunda parte, diserta sobre el proceso de integración europea, concluyendo que para preservar el principio de soberanía popular la Unión Europea no puede seguir desarrollándose por medios funcionalistas. En tercer y último lugar, también desde la defensa del principio democrático, se defiende la necesidad de comprender ciertos límites que los Tribunales Constitucionales de los Estados Miembros han opuesto a la primacía del Derecho Comunitario.[Abstract] This article is divided into three parts. In the first the author presents a modern understanding of the concepts of sovereignty and legitimacy. On this basis, in the second part, speaks about the process of European integration, concluding that to preserve the principle of popular sovereignty, the EU can not be further developed by functionalist means. Third and finally, also from the defense of the democratic principle, the author argue for the need to understand certain limits that the constitutional courts of the Member States have opposed to the primacy of European Community La

    Pobo, Estado, Nación

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    [Resumo] A miúdo, non só de forma coloquial, senón tamén en traballos científicos, vemos como estes tres termos se empregan de maneira indistinta ou nun sentido impropio. O obxectivo deste traballo é aclarar o significado e a evolución destes, de cara a sentar as bases dunha teoría política normativamente aceptable[Abstract] Very often, not only in colloquial speech but also in scientific works, we can see how these three terms are used interchangeably or in an improper sense. The aim of this paper is to clarify the meaning and evolution of them to lay the groundwork for a political theory normatively acceptabl

    Freezing Out the Mexican Cops: Bullying as Discrimination at the Police Workplace in Mexico City

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    Abstract: In recent years, bullying problems in public security or defense institutions have been studied. Such problems are associated with high stress situations, a large workload and pressure in hierarchical organisms that base their success on a rigid system of asymmetric power and authoritarian leadership style. The aim of the current study is to investigate (in-depth interviews and ethnographic work) the patterns of the victims' subjective cultural perception of a particular type of bullying called freezing out in the Mexico City police forces and the victim's strategies to avoid it, taking into account their ranks within the structure of the police organization. The key research question is the following: How is the bullying experience called "freezing out" culturally perceived by self-identified targets and how do the victims cope with it? In freezing, the superior officer simply leaves his subordinate without specific instructions (it is not isolation). This could manifest itself as a type of informal punishment or as a desire to exclude the individual from the institution's work production, temporarily or permanently. The present paper is a case study that analyzes the cultural perception of freezing as social discrimination in the Mexican police force

    Los límites a la reforma de la constitución

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    [RESUMEN] Comprender que toda Constitución es la obra de un poder constituyente soberano implica que todos los poderes por ella constituidos, incluido el poder de reforma, se encuentran esencialmente limitados en su ejercicio. Sostenemos que, en concreto, todo poder de reforma se haya limitado no sólo formalmente por el procedimiento establecido en la propia Norma Fundamental para su modificación sino, también, materialmente, aun cuando no figuren explícitamente cláusulas de intangibilidad en el propio texto constitucional[ABSTRACT]Understand that any Constitution is the result of a sovereign constituent power implies that all powers constituted by it, including the amend power, are essentially limited in its exercise. We argue that, in particular, all amend power has been limited not only formally by the procedure established for Constitution modification but also materially, even if not explicitly part intangibility clauses in the Constitutio

    Les Galeries Laietanes (1915-1958). Fragments per una trajectòria

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    Les Galeries Laietanes (Gran Via 613, Barcelona) van ser un dels espais culturals més versàtils i populars de la Barcelona de la primera meitat del segle XX. També un dels engranatges del sistema de l’art del segle XX, preludi de les col·leccions del Museu Nacional d’Art. L’article traça un recorregut panoràmic i sintètic de les seves activitats des de la seva posada en marxa el 1915 per Santiago Segura, mort el 1918, fins a la sevaclausura, el 1958.Resum: Las Galeries Laietanes (1915-1958). Fragmentos de una trayectoriaLas Galeries Laietanes (Gran Via 613, Barcelona) fueron uno de los espacios culturales más versátiles y populares de la Barcelona de la primera mitad del siglo XX. También fueron uno de los engranajes del sistema del arte de este siglo, preludio de las colecciones del Museu Nacional d’Art. El presente estudio traza un recorrido panorámico y sintético de sus actividades desde su puesta en marcha en 1915 por Santiago Segura, fallecido en 1918, hasta su clausura en 1958.Abstract: The Galeries Laietanes (1915-1958). Fragments of a trajectory. The Galeries Laietanes (Gran Via 613, Barcelona) were one of the most versatile and popular cultural areas of Barcelona in the first half of the 20th century. They were also one of the cogs in the art system of this century, a prelude to the collections of the Museu Nacional d’Art. This study traces a panoramic and synthetic tour of their activities from their launch in 1915 by Santiago Segura, who died in 1918, until their closure in 1958
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