1,485 research outputs found

    The Correlation of Narcissism and Hubristic Motivation of Student Personality

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    У статті розглянуто поняття «губристична мотивація», «прагнення до досконалості», «прагнення до переваги», «нарцисизм» у роботах зарубіжних та вітчизняних учених. Сучасні уявлення про нарцисизм як про універсальний та необхідний складник здорової самосвідомості, орієнтований на захист, заповнення та збереження структурної цілісності власного Я дають можливість розглядати цей феномен у його зв’язку з губристичними прагненнями особистості. Представлено методи дослідження губристичної мотивації та нарцисизму, а також результати дослідження взаємозв’язку між показниками нарцисизму та формами губристичної мотивації. Показано, що в студентському віці нарцисичні риси особистості виявляються в таких параметрах, як «очікування особливого ставлення» та «маніпулювання в міжособистісних стосунках». Для студентів характерні впевненість у тому, що до них повинно бути особливе ставлення з боку оточення; роздратування, коли їх очікування з приводу особливого ставлення до них оточення не реалізуються; студенти більшою мірою схильні використовувати інших людей для посилення власної соціальної позиції, досягнення цілей. Доведено, що губристичність нарцисичної особистості студента розкривається в прагненні до переваги, що пов’язано з такими нарцисичними рисами, як «потреба в постійній увазі та захопленні», «поглиненість фантазіями», «грандіозне почуття самозначущості», «надмірна зайнятість почуттям заздрощів», «маніпулювання в міжособистісних стосунках». Студенти, які виявлять прагнення до досконалості, також характеризуються такою нарцисичною рисою, як «потреба в постійній увазі та захопленні». In the article we examine terms hubristic motivation, striving for perfection, striving for superiority, narcissism, also views of foreign and native scientists to this problem. Research methods and of hubristic motivation and narcissism are given. Results of investigation of correlation between hubristic motivation and narcissism are shown. In the student’s age the traits of narcissistic personality are manifested in such settings as «Expectations of special treatment» and «Manipulation in interpersonal relationships». So the student is characterized by confidence in the fact that for them to be particularly relevant side environment irritation when their expectations about particular attitudes environment is not implemented. Students are more likely to use other people to enhance their own social position goals. Hubristic and narcissistic individual student disclosed in pursuit of advantages associated with narcissistic traits such as «The need for constant attention and admiration», «Immersion in fantasy», «Grandiose sense of self importance», «Deep feeling of envy», «Manipulation in interpersonal relationships». Students will express striving for perfection is also characterized by a narcissistic trait such as «The need for constant attention and admiration»

    On the Cartan Model of the Canonical Vector Bundles over Grassmannians

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    We give a representation of canonical vector bundles over Grassmannian manifolds as non-compact affine symmetric spaces as well as their Cartan model in the group of the Euclidean motions.Comment: 6 page

    Properties of high-temperature superconductors (HTS) and synthesis technology

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    The main results for the synthesis and study of superconducting high-temperature materials based on cuprates obtained by high-temperature synthesis are presented. The influence of the ratio of the primary components, time and exposure temperature on the output of the superconducting phase (Y123) in the composition was studied. It was found that the initial ratio of components, annealing temperature and aging time have a direct impact on the qualitative and quantitative formation of the conductive phase. The chemical, phase composition and morphology of the obtained samples were carefully studied. Optimal result (maximum conductive phase in Y-Ba-Cu-O system (Y123) size) at a temperature of 920°С with a retention time of 6 hours

    Диалектика культуры правосознания личности: аксиологический и институциональный аспект

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    The paper studies the dialectic of legal awareness and legal awareness of the person as two specific modalities of personal consciousness. Some aspects of justice in the context of contemporary institutional transformations. Substantiated the idea of justice that is the modality of self-consciousness due to her inner world, her inner personal developmentВ статье раскрывается диалектика культуры правового сознания в контексте эволюции системы ценностных ориентаций личности. Показаны особенности формирования правосознания в условиях современных институциональных трансформаций. Обоснована идея о том, что правосознание является модальностью самосознания личности и обусловлено ее внутренним миром, ее внутренним личностным развитие

    Effect graphite on magnesium diboride superconductivity synthesized by combustion method under argon pressure: Part II

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    There are many various techniques to synthesize the superconductors based on magnesium diboride. In this paper, we attempted to obtain a superconducting magnesium diboride in a way by using a High-Temperature Centrifuge and investigated how a centrifugal force can be effect on superconducting parameters of MgB2 during solid-state combustion. It was the first superconductor based on magnesium diboride synthesized under the influence of centrifugal force in the high temperature centrifuge during solid phase process. As a result of this research, we could determine that a centrifugal force do not impact considerably on the critical transition temperature of the MgB2 samples (stay at around 37,5 – 38 K). However, it was found that the value of a centrifugal force could effects on the critical current density (Jc) of the samples

    Effect graphite on magnesium diboride superconductivity synthesized by combustion method under argon pressure: Part I

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    Solid-state synthesis of a superconductor based on magnesium diboride doped by graphite microparticles (MgB2@C) at argon atmosphere has been described. The offered method allows the possibility to increase the critical current density of the studied samples at relatively low temperature in the inert environment. The superconducting characteristics of samples critical current density (Jc) and critical transition temperature (Tc) have been measured. The impact of the doping additives on superconducting characteristics of magnesium diboride has been analyzed. The results showed that the best optimal characteristics are for MgB2@3%C that reveals a good critical transition temperature 38,8 K and the higher critical current density 2,7 x 106 A / cm2 at 5 K

    Effect graphite on magnesium diboride superconductivity synthesized by combustion method under argon pressure: Part I

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    Solid-state synthesis of a superconductor based on magnesium diboride doped by graphite microparticles (MgB2@C) at argon atmosphere has been described. The offered method allows the possibility to increase the critical current density of the studied samples at relatively low temperature in the inert environment. The superconducting characteristics of samples critical current density (Jc) and critical transition temperature (Tc) have been measured. The impact of the doping additives on superconducting characteristics of magnesium diboride has been analyzed. The results showed that the best optimal characteristics are for MgB2@3%C that reveals a good critical transition temperature 38,8 K and the higher critical current density 2,7 x 106 A / cm2 at 5 K

    Risk-oriented approach to ecological safety management at oil refinery

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    The article considers place and role of the risk-oriented approach in environmental management at enterprises, describes mechanisms for use of risk assessment in environmental management processes and documents, tools for use of risk characteristics in development and implementation of programmes and plans for oil refineries.The study relevance is based on the need to improve the environmental management system of “Orsknefteorgsintez” in line with the plans to include risk-oriented approach in supervisory work, including state environmental supervision.The main goal of the work was development of approaches to risk-oriented environmental management at “Orsknefteorgsintez” based on the health risk assessment from environment pollution, followed by interpretation of gained data and appropriate management decisions.The research was conducted in two stages. The first stage included health risk levels determination resulted from air pollution by “Orsknefteorgsintez”. The results included hygienic studies of human health risk assessment from negative impact by “Orsknefteorgsintez” considering the implementation of the middle-term enterprise development program; and results of comparative analysis of human health risk levels prior to and after operational commissioning of reconstructed objects within the middle-term enterprise development program. The recommendation on human health risk management from the “Orsknefteorgsintez” production facilities (including control and monitoring) are based on the results of the first stage.Risk-oriented improves environmental management systems at enterprises, helps in interactions with government bodies, enhances management decisions in line with environmental legislation and increases environmental-economic investment efficiency

    Solitons on Branes

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    We examine the possibility that gauge field configurations on stacks of parallel Dp branes support topological solitons. We give an exhaustive list of possible soliton charges for p<7. We also discuss how configurations carrying the soliton charges can be constructed from intersecting branes.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures; v2: two references added, version to be published in Nucl.Phys.

    Exotic torus manifolds and equivariant smooth structures on quasitoric manifolds

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    In 2006 Masuda and Suh asked if two compact non-singular toric varieties having isomorphic cohomology rings are homeomorphic. In the first part of this paper we discuss this question for topological generalizations of toric varieties, so-called torus manifolds. For example we show that there are homotopy equivalent torus manifolds which are not homeomorphic. Moreover, we characterize those groups which appear as the fundamental groups of locally standard torus manifolds. In the second part we give a classification of quasitoric manifolds and certain six-dimensional torus manifolds up to equivariant diffeomorphism. In the third part we enumerate the number of conjugacy classes of tori in the diffeomorphism group of torus manifolds. For torus manifolds of dimension greater than six there are always infinitely many conjugacy classes. We give examples which show that this does not hold for six-dimensional torus manifolds.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, results about quasitoric manifolds adde