721 research outputs found

    Sweet Annie Moore

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    \u27Way Down In Borneo-o-o-o

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    VERSE 1Young Herman Von Bellow, a musical fellow,Played on a big cello each night;Sweet melodies rare, in a dance gardenwhere dancers danced ‘round and ‘round with delight.One night he saw dancing, a maid so entrancing,His heart caught on fire inside,And music so mellow he sawed on his cello,She waltzed up to him and she cried: CHORUSE Yip I Addy I Ay , I Ay!E Yip I Addy I Ay!I don’t care what becomes of me,When you play me that sweet melody.E Yip I Addy I Ay , I Ay!My heart wants to holler “hurray!”Sing of joy, sing of bliss,Home was never like this,Yip I Addy I Ay!Ay! VERSE 2Now, some kind of music makes me sick and you sick,And some kind is “puffickly” grand;But the tune that Von Bellow tore off his cello,was that “”I’d leave home for you,” brand.So look not Spring Valley, to welcome home Sally,Who went to New York for the ride;For the night that Von Bello cut loose on his cello,She tore up her ticker and cried: CHORUS VERSE 3Now, music, it’s known, has a charm all its own,And Von Bello he gurgled with glee;“Here’s where I win a wife and a partner for life,”As he coaxed out a chord up in G.He played and she tarried, that night they “got” married,But even before break of day,Poor sleepy Von Bello, heard his new wife yell oh,“For goodness sake, wake up and play! CHORU


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    Illustration of woman in white dress and hat dancing while man in suit plays cello; Photograph of Blanche Ringhttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/cht-sheet-music/7452/thumbnail.jp

    Exploring the Neural Basis of Cognitive Reserve

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    There is epidemiologic and imaging evidence for the presence of cognitive reserve, but the neurophysiologic substrate of CR has not been established. In order to test the hypothesis that CR is related to aspects of neural processing, we used fMRI to image 19 healthy young adults while they performed a nonverbal recognition test. There were two task conditions. A low demand condition required encoding and recognition of single items and a titrated demand condition required the subject to encode and then recognize a larger list of items, with the study list size for each subject adjusted prior to scanning such that recognition accuracy was 75%. We hypothesized that individual differences in cognitive reserve are related to changes in neural activity as subjects moved from the low to the titrated demand task. To test this, we examined the correlation between subjects' fMRI activation and NART scores. This analysis was implemented voxel-wise in a whole brain fMRI dataset. During both the study and test phases of the recognition memory task we noted areas where, across subjects, there were significant positive and negative correlations between change in activation from low to titrated demand and the NART score. These correlations support our hypothesis that neural processing differs across individuals as a function of CR. This differential processing may help explain individual differences in capacity, and may underlie reserve against age-related or other pathologic changes

    Legal Institutions for the Allocation of Water and Their Impact on Coal Conversion Operations in Kentucky

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    The conversion of coal into other types of fuel through gasification and liquefaction has been proposed as a means of coping with America\u27s increasing energy needs. Coal conversion plants require large quantities of water for cooling purposes and for use as a raw material. There are three types of water allocation presently used in the United States, riparianism, prior appropriation, and administrative permit systems. The common law riparian system is undesirable because under it water rights are insecure and subject to locational use restrictions. Prior appropriation is better, but the permanent water right created under this system results in excessive rigidity. A system of administrative regulation by means of a consumptive use permit system offers the best allocation framework for both coal conversion facilities and other water users as well. Kentucky presently has such a system of administrative allocation. However, this legislation could be improved by (1) clarifying the planning functions of the Department for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and the Water Resources Authority; (2) expanding the scope of the consumptive use permit system by removing most of the exempted use categories; (3) adopting beneficial use as the basis upon which consumptive use permits will be granted; (4) imposing a durational limit on water use permits and delineating renewal procedures; (5) adopting a scheme for both voluntary and involuntary transfers of water rights; and (6) specifying more explicit provision for dealing with temporary water shortages. Finally, it should be noted that the federal government has an important role with respect to navigation, water resources development, and water pollution control. Federal powers in these areas may impose some constraints on state allocation policies, although major conflicts can be avoided if proper coordination among state and federal officials is maintained

    Changes in toxins, intracellular and dissolved free amino acids of the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum in response to changes in inorganic nutrients and salinity

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    19 pĂĄginas, 7 figuras, 2 tablas.The paralytic shellfish poison prducing dinoflagellate Gymnodiniun catemrum was subjected to changes in salinity, phosphate, ammonium and nitrate using continuous culture and batch culture methods. In contrast with other algae, this species showed very slow changes in the concentration of intracellular amino acids, in the Gln:Glu ratio, and, in contrast with Alrsandnum spp., only slow changes in toxin content, during such events as N-feeding of Ndeprived cells or during nutrient deprivation. This organism was found to be very susceptible to disturbance; maximum growth rates around 0.25–0.3 day–1 with a minimum C:N mass ratio of 5.5, were attained when cultures were only disturbed by sampling once a day. P-deprived cells were larger (twice the usual C content of 4 ng C cell–1 and volume of 20 pl). The content of free amino acids was always low (5% of cell-N), with low contributions made by arginine (the precursor for paralytic shellfish toxins). Cells growing using ammonium had the lowest C:N ratios and the highest proportion of intracellular amino acids as arginine. The toxin profile (equal mole ratios of dcSTX, GTX5, dcGT2/3 C1 and C2, and half those values for C3 and C4) was stable and the toxin concentration varied between 0.2 and 1 mM STX equivalents (highest when ammonium was not limiting, lowest in P-deprived cells, though as the latter were larger toxin per cell was not so variable). Decreased salinity did not result in increases in toxin content. Significant amounts of amino acids (mainly serine and glycine, with a total often exceeding 4 ”M) accumulated in the growth medium during batch growth even though the cultures were not bacteria free.This work was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (UK) through grants to K.J.F. and a studentship to E.H J. We also acknowledge funding received from the Spanish CICYT: projects MAR95-1791 to B.R. and ALI95- 1012-C05-01 to J.M.F.; the IEO-ESF grant to M.I.R., and the scholarship from Xunta de Galicia which funded M.I.R.'s visit to Swansea.Peer reviewe
