11 research outputs found

    Capitulo 2. Ciencias Naturales y Ciencias Básicas, Ingeniería y Tecnología

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    La diseminación de la Levitación Magnética, a pesar de lo antiguo de su tecnología, ha sido limitada. Debido a sus inconvenientes prácticos de implementación, su uso es bastante restringido, comparado con otras tecnologías (SCMaglev japonés, Transrapid alemán, o productos comerciales para ocio y entretenimiento). Con el boom de las tecnologías limpias y amigables con el medio ambiente y en concordancia con los objetivos del milenio, es pertinente plantearse el objetivo de optimizar el proceso de Levitación Magnética para generar un aprovechamiento de las ventajas de esta tecnología a nivel mecánico, eléctrico, y ambiental.  Actualmente la UNAD adelanta un proyecto de investigación cuyo objetivo es generar un modelo físico matemático de levitación magnética para aplicaciones en ingeniería. De este proyecto se ha derivado una primera revisión sistemática de los principios físicos y los modelos vigentes en Levitación Magnética

    Nuevas perspectivas en el manejo del paciente polínico

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    Asma de panadero. Nuestra experiencia

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    Assisted dissipation of a mix of pahs in contaminated soils. Effect of soil type and availability enhancers (Póster)

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    Póster nº 32 presentado en el IX Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2022) “O solo, recurso estratégico para uma sociedade sustentável” 22 a 24 de junho de 2022Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are very stable compounds, that show a low degradability and high persistence in the environment, being considered priority pollutants. PAHs can be grouped in Low Molecular Weight PAHs (LMW, 2‐3 rings) and High Molecular Weight PAHs (HMW, 4 or more rings), showing different properties. LMW PAHs are easier to be dissipated from soils by volatilization or biodegradation, contrary to HMW PAHs, which are more recalcitrant to microbial attack. This different behavior affects the capacity to remediate PAHs polluted soils. In order to increase their bioavailability for soil microorganisms, extractants and solubilizing agents are used, and non‐toxic solubility enhancers such as cyclodextrins (CDs) and biosurfactants (BSs) have been increasingly used in the last years.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under the research project CTM2017‐82472‐C2‐1‐R (AEI/FEDER, UE).N

    Una propuesta de clasificación de las reacciones idiosincrásicas

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    Antecedentes: La provocación oral a simple ciego y controlada con placebo (POSCCP) es el método de elección para diagnosticar las reacciones idiosincrásicas a los AINE. Objetivos: Describir y clasificar, a través de la POSCCP, una población de pacientes con reacciones a los AINE. Métodos: Se incluyó a 216 pacientes con reacciones a los AINE en un protocolo de POSCCP diseñado previamente. Ciento sesenta y siete mostraron una POSCCP positiva. Los 49 restantes exhibieron una reacción anafilactoide, que contraindicó el uso del AINE implicado durante la POSCCP. A los pacientes se les clasificó siguiendo tres criterios: el tipo de reacción durante la POSCCP, el patrón de reactividad entre los AINE y la enfermedad concomitante asociada. Resultados: Se identificaron 6 tipos de reacciones: tipo 1 (asma con o sin reacción nasocular, 17 pacientes); tipo 2 (reacción nasocular, 8 pacientes); tipo 3 (urticaria/angioedema, 116 pacientes); tipo 4 (exantema no urticarial, 8 pacientes); tipo 5 (urticaria/ angioedema con reacción nasocular, asma o ambas, 15 pacientes) y tipo 6 (reacción anafilactoide, 52 pacientes). Los tipos 1, 2, 4 y 5 mostraron un patrón de reactividad múltiple y los tipos 1, 2 y 5 se asociaron a rinitis, asma bronquial o ambas. En el tipo 3 se identificaron cuatro formas clínicas: la 3a (11 pacientes con un patrón selectivo); la 3b (27 sujetos con un patrón múltiple); la 3c (46 sujetos con angioedema periorbitario, atópicos y con un patrón múltiple); y la 3d (32 pacientes con urticaria crónica). En el tipo 6 se identificaron dos formas clínicas: la 6 a (en 50 pacientes), de tipo selectivo; y la 6b (en 2 pacientes) con un patrón múltiple. Conclusiones: Las reacciones a los AINE son un conjunto heterogéneo de síndromes con unas características clínicas y biológicas muy definidas. Se propone una nueva clasificación clínica de estas reacciones

    Assisted biodegradation of PAHs polluted soils using cyclodextrins and rhamnolipids

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    Comunicación presentada en el 9th Iberoamerican Congress on Contamination and Environmental Toxicology (CICTA 2021), celebrado en Blumenau (Brasil), del 29 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre de 2021N

    Dissipation of a mix of priority PAHs in soils by using availability enhancers. Effect of aging and pollutant interactions

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    12 páginas.- 5 figuras.- 5 tablas.- referencias.- Supplementary data to this article can be found online a https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155744 .- Part of special issue: SI: CICTA2021 Conference: Environmental Monitoring, Risk Assessment and Remediation Studies in Iberoamerica Edited by Eduardo Alves de Almeida, Rosa Freitas, Gisela Aragão Umbuzeiro, Julian BlascoA remediation strategy using three non-toxic availability enhancers (two cyclodextrins and a rhamnolipid biosurfactant) was applied to various soils artificially contaminated with a mix of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) considered priority pollutants at two levels of contamination: only with 7 low molecular weight PAHs (LMW PAHs, 5 with 3-ring and 2 with 4-ring - fluoranthene and pyrene) or with 14 PAHs (from 3 to 6 rings). Natural attenuation of PAHs in all soils showed degradation capacity for the LMW PAHs, with a final content of LMW PAHs <5% of their initial concentration. Conversely, the rest of PAHs (high molecular weight PAHs, HMW) remained in the soils (61% - 83.5%), indicating abiotic dissipation of HMW PAHs due to formation of non-extractable residues in soils. The influence of the presence of HMW PAHs on the degradation of the 7 LMW PAHs was also tested, showing a general decrease in the time to obtain 50% dissipation (DT50), statistically significant for acenaphthene, acenaphthylene and fluorene. Availability enhancers showed different effects on PAHs dissipation. 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP) decreased DT50 of some of the lighter PAHs, whereas the rhamnolipid (RL) caused a slight DT50 increase due to its initial toxicity on native soil microorganisms, but showing later high degradation rate for LMW PAHs. On the contrary, randomly methylated-β-cyclodextrin (RAMEB) slowed down PAHs degradation due to its high adsorption onto soil surface, blocking the desorption of PAHs from the soils. The high number of experimental factors not studied simultaneously before (soil type, co-contamination, availability enhancers and incubation time) allowed to conduct a statistical analysis which supported the conclusions reached. Principal Component Analysis separated the studied PAHs in 3 groups, in relation with their molecular weight and Kow. The first principal component was related with LMW PAHs, and separate the inefficient RAMEB from the other availability enhancers.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under the research project CTM2017-82472-C2-1-R (AEI/FEDER, UE).Peer reviewe

    Assisted dissipation of a mix of PAHs in contaminated soils: effect of soil type and availability enhancers

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    5 páginas.- 3 figuras.- 2 tablas[EN]: A remediation strategy using three non-toxic availability enhancers (two cyclodextrins and a rhamnolipid biosurfactant) was applied to various soils artificially contaminated with a mix of 14 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) considered priority pollutants (from 3 to 6 rings). The high number of experimental factors (soil type, availability enhancers and incubation time) allowed to conduct a multivariate statistical analysis. Principal Component Analysis separated the studied PAHs in 3 groups, in relation with their molecular weight and Kow. The first principal component (PC1) was related with lower molecular weight PAHs, those with lower Kow and that have shown a high dissipation rate with final negligible contents. In this way, PC1 was related with the PAHs dissipated during the remediation process, and accordingly, the effect of incubation time was significantly associated to PC1, with decreasing values whereas time increases. Even more, this component was able to clearly separate the RAMEB (ramdomized methyl-β-cyclodextrin) from the other availability enhancers used. Otherwise, the second principal component was correlated with the higher molecular weight PAHs (5 and 6 rings) and was able to separate soils with different characteristics. The third principal component grouped two PAHs with intermediate molecular weight and more erratic dissipation pattern[ES]: A varios suelos contaminados artificialmente con una mezcla de 14 hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (PAHs) considerados contaminantes prioritarios (de 3 a 6 anillos) se les aplicó una estrategia de recuperación utilizando tres compuestos no tóxicos que aumentan su disponibilidad (dos ciclodextrinas y un biosurfactante ramnolípido). El elevado número de factores experimentales (tipo de suelo, potenciadores de la disponibilidad y tiempo de incubación), y contaminantes permitió realizar un análisis estadístico multivariante. El análisis de componentes principales separó los PAHs estudiados en 3 grupos, en relación con su peso molecular y Kow. El primer componente principal (PC1), se relacionó con los PAHs de menor peso molecular, aquellos con menor Kow y los que habían mostrado una alta tasa de disipación con muy bajos contenidos finales. De este modo, PC1 se relacionó con los PAHs disipados durante el proceso de recuperación, y, en consecuencia, el efecto del tiempo de incubación se asoció significativamente a PC1 con valores decrecientes conforme aumenta el tiempo. Además, este componente fue capaz de separar claramente la RAMEB (β-ciclodextrina aleatoriamene metilada) de los otros compuestos utilizados para aumentar la disponibilidad. Por otra parte, el segundo componente principal se correlacionó con los PAHs de mayor peso molecular (5 y 6 anillos) y fue capaz de separar suelos con características diferentes. El tercer componente principal agrupó a dos PAHs de peso molecular intermedio y con un patrón de disipación más erráticoThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under the research project CTM2017-82472-C2-1-R (AEI/FEDER, UE).Peer reviewe

    Role of HDL function and LDL atherogenicity on cardiovascular risk: A comprehensive examination

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    Background: High-density lipoprotein (HDL) functionality and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) atherogenic traits can describe the role of both particles on cardiovascular diseases more accurately than HDL- or LDL-cholesterol levels. However, it is unclear how these lipoprotein properties are particularly affected by different cardiovascular risk factors. Objective: To determine which lipoprotein properties are associated with greater cardiovascular risk scores and each cardiovascular risk factor. Methods: In two cross-sectional baseline samples of PREDIMED trial volunteers, we assessed the associations of HDL functionality (N = 296) and LDL atherogenicity traits (N = 210) with: 1) the 10-year predicted coronary risk (according to the Framingham-REGICOR score), and 2) classical cardiovascular risk factors. Results: Greater cardiovascular risk scores were associated with low cholesterol efflux values; oxidized, triglyceride-rich, small HDL particles; and small LDLs with low resistance against oxidation (P-trend<0.05, all). After adjusting for the rest of risk factors; 1) type-2 diabetic individuals presented smaller and more oxidized LDLs (P<0.026, all); 2) dyslipidemic participants had smaller HDLs with an impaired capacity to metabolize cholesterol (P<0.035, all); 3) high body mass index values were associated to lower HDL and LDL size and a lower HDL capacity to esterify cholesterol (P<0.037, all); 4) men presented a greater HDL oxidation and lower HDL vasodilatory capacity (P<0.046, all); and 5) greater ages were related to small, oxidized, cytotoxic LDL particles (P<0.037, all). Conclusions: Dysfunctional HDL and atherogenic LDL particles are present in high cardiovascular risk patients. Dyslipidemia and male sex are predominantly linked to HDL dysfunctionality, whilst diabetes and advanced age are associated with LDL atherogenicity

    Role of HDL function and LDL atherogenicity on cardiovascular risk: A comprehensive examination

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    Background: High-density lipoprotein (HDL) functionality and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) atherogenic traits can describe the role of both particles on cardiovascular diseases more accurately than HDL- or LDL-cholesterol levels. However, it is unclear how these lipoprotein properties are particularly affected by different cardiovascular risk factors. Objective: To determine which lipoprotein properties are associated with greater cardiovascular risk scores and each cardiovascular risk factor. Methods: In two cross-sectional baseline samples of PREDIMED trial volunteers, we assessed the associations of HDL functionality (N = 296) and LDL atherogenicity traits (N = 210) with: 1) the 10-year predicted coronary risk (according to the Framingham-REGICOR score), and 2) classical cardiovascular risk factors. Results: Greater cardiovascular risk scores were associated with low cholesterol efflux values; oxidized, triglyceride-rich, small HDL particles; and small LDLs with low resistance against oxidation (P-trend<0.05, all). After adjusting for the rest of risk factors; 1) type-2 diabetic individuals presented smaller and more oxidized LDLs (P<0.026, all); 2) dyslipidemic participants had smaller HDLs with an impaired capacity to metabolize cholesterol (P<0.035, all); 3) high body mass index values were associated to lower HDL and LDL size and a lower HDL capacity to esterify cholesterol (P<0.037, all); 4) men presented a greater HDL oxidation and lower HDL vasodilatory capacity (P<0.046, all); and 5) greater ages were related to small, oxidized, cytotoxic LDL particles (P<0.037, all). Conclusions: Dysfunctional HDL and atherogenic LDL particles are present in high cardiovascular risk patients. Dyslipidemia and male sex are predominantly linked to HDL dysfunctionality, whilst diabetes and advanced age are associated with LDL atherogenicity