1,661 research outputs found

    A Narrative Review of Protective Factors that Predict Enculturation Processes for Latinx Individuals in the U.S.

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    A Narrative Review of Protective Factors that Predict Enculturation Processes for Latinx Individuals in the U.S. Jane Sun, Dept. of Psychology, Jennifer Rodriguez, Alanna Cason, Yessica Flores, Karl Villareal, Arlenis Santana, Dept. of Psychology Graduate Student, & Chloe Walker, Dept. of Psychology Graduate Student, with Dr. Chelsea D. Williams, Dept. of Psychology According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the rise of immigration led the Latinx community to experience the largest population growth amongst all ethnic-racial groups (Sanchez et al., 2012). Enculturation is the process of preserving heritage cultural values while enduring the influence of the current, surrounding culture (Schwartz et al., 2013). Enculturation is a subcomponent in the broad spectrum of acculturation, the process through which the introduction of two differing cultures induces cultural changes (Rodriguez et al., 2002). While current research has focused on the protective factors involved in the acculturative process, minimal research has centered on the protective factors in enculturation amongst the Latinx community. The aim of the current narrative review was to identify the protective factors (e.g., language, values, generational differences, group membership) associated with enculturation of Latinx U.S. citizens. Implications will discuss the promotion of social awareness within the Latinx community.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1333/thumbnail.jp

    A New Destination for “The Flying Bus”? The Implications of Orlando-Rican Migration for Luis Rafael Sánchez’s “La guagua aérea”

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    Puerto Rican author Luis Rafael Sánchez’s “La guagua aérea” explores the duality, hybridity, and fluidity of US-Puerto Rican identity through the frequent travel of migrants between New York City (the traditional destination city for Puerto Rican migrants) and the island. In recent years, however, the “flying bus” has adopted a new number one destination: Central Florida. The Orlando metropolitan area has surpassed New York as the primary locus of Puerto Rican migration on the US mainland. Given that migrants on the “flying bus” have a new primary destination and now tend to remain settled in Central Florida versus returning to the island, this essay will use an interdisciplinary approach to Sánchez’s fiction in order to demonstrate that the author’s metaphor for a fluid Puerto Rican identity no longer adequately explains the realities presented by the demographic and migratory shift to the Orlando area. This study also explores the differences between the recent Puerto Rico–Orlando migration and the previous waves of migration, calling into question the traditional revolving door migratory paradigm illustrated by Sánchez

    Domesticated Cats as a Source of Environmental Contamination with Toxocara cati and Other Soil-Transmitted Helmminth Eggs in Urban Area, Manila-Philiphines

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    Toxocariasis and soil-transmitted helminthiases are the most prevalent parasitic zoonoses affecting humans and animals that cause environmental contamination.  Toxocara and other soil-transmitted helminth eggs in animal feces are the primary sources of soil-transmitted helminthiases transmission in the environment particularly in urban areas. These parasite eggs constitute a source of infection for both definitive and paratenic hosts. Avian and rodents, that can be paratenic hosts of these parasites, are a significant source of food for cats in urban settings. Stray cats and dogs also consume leftover food or receive frequent feedings from locals that increases the chance of acquiring soil-transmitted helminth infections. Despite the risks that these soil-transmitted helminths have, studies and information regarding their zoonotic potential is very limited to date. This study aimed to determine the relationship between cat feces and the environmental contamination of residential soils with Toxocara cati and other soil-transmitted helminth eggs. A total of 50 samples were collected in selected urban residences in Malate, Manila. Stool samples were processed using Formol-Ether Concentration Technique while optimized sugar flotation technique was used for the soil samples then both were subjected to microscopy. The overall infection rate was 76% and the contamination rate was 52%. Toxocara cati was the most prevalent zoonotic parasite identified in 48% of stool and 44% of soil samples followed by Ascaris spp. with 32% in stools and 16% in soil samples. Trichuris spp. with 24% and hookworm with 16% were also detected in stool samples but were absent in soil samples. The presence of Toxocara cati and Ascaris spp. eggs in feces and their environmental contamination might be accounted to their durable and highly resistant eggs as well as the as the Philippines as a tropical country which may induce optimal conditions for Toxocara spp. and other soil-transmitted helminth eggs’ development and survival. &nbsp

    Using CONFIG for Simulation of Operation of Water Recovery Subsystems for Advanced Control Software Evaluation

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    A hybrid discrete/continuous simulation tool, CONFIG, has been developed to support evaluation of the operability life support systems. CON FIG simulates operations scenarios in which flows and pressures change continuously while system reconfigurations occur as discrete events. In simulations, intelligent control software can interact dynamically with hardware system models. CONFIG simulations have been used to evaluate control software and intelligent agents for automating life support systems operations. A CON FIG model of an advanced biological water recovery system has been developed to interact with intelligent control software that is being used in a water system test at NASA Johnson Space Cente

    La inadecuada protección de la escena del crimen y su implicancia en la individualización del autor en los delitos de homicidio por PAF, en la 2da Fiscalía Provincial Penal Corporativa de San Martín - Tarapoto entre los años 2012 y 2014

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    Un delito es un comportamiento por propia voluntad o por imprudencia, implica una violación de las normas vigentes, se desarrolla en una escena del crimen, es aquella porción de espacio donde se materializo el acto susceptible de revelarse por vestigios objetivamente constatables, es la fuente por excelencia de los indicios perseguibles inmediatamente capaces de posibilitar el esclarecimiento del hecho, el estudio del lugar de los hechos es fuente básica de información y fundamento legal para la recolección de pruebas. Desde un primer momento, el investigador o autoridad competente debe actuar con ética, profesionalismo y conforme a la ley; aportar siempre las pruebas en forma legítima para evitar nulidades posteriores y tener presente que la protección del sitio del suceso es esencial para evitar para un correcto resultado en el proceso. La delimitación de la escena es desde el principio lo más importante, significa determinar el escenario del delito, por ejemplo: con cintas amarillas, el aislamiento es para evitar que la escena del crimen sea alterada, también es muy importante la evaluación de la escena del delito ya que determinará el tipo de documentación necesaria es decir fotografías, videos, bosquejos, mediciones, notas etcétera, se debe priorizar la recolección de evidencias a los efectos de prevenir su pérdida, destrucción y contaminación. En los delitos contra la vida y más precisamente en los delitos de Homicidio, cometidos por armar de fuego hablamos del Cotejo Pericial que es el estudio de los proyectiles y vainas dubitadas con la confrontación con material indubitado, lo que se buscan son los restos De Deflagración De Pólvora, que permite que se realice el análisis químico de diversos objetos que se encuentra entre los componentes fijos de la pólvora y del fulminante. Los hechos delictuosos en los cuales intervienen armas de fuego requieren siempre peritajes criminalísticas de orden químico, para que sea posible responder a varias cuestiones por ejemplo para comprobar la existencia de restos de pólvora deflagrada en las manos de una persona, ya sea víctima (un suicida) o posible victimario, establecer la distancia probable de disparos sobre ropas y precisar el tiempo transcurrido desde que se efectuara el último disparo., y los Restos de deflagración en ropas , se deben extremar las precauciones, para evitar eventuales pérdidas de material de deflagración. Aparecen impregnadas con sangre, deben secarse al aire antes de enviarlas al laboratorio, para evitar alteraciones degradativas y desarrollo de microfauna perjudicial, como ocurre si se envuelven húmedas, no doblar las ropas impregnadas con sangre o líquidos en general, ya que pueden producirse, por simple contacto, adhesiones indeseables que por tratamiento manual pueden provocar significativas pérdidas que limiten y aun anulen la posibilidad de obtener una respuesta efectiva

    Developing a Sustainable Food Security Program for an Urban Coastal City

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    Local urban coastal cities are most vulnerable to the impacts brought about by climate change. Very little attention, however, had been given to the role of coastal cities, including Navotas City, to the achievement of food security in urban centers like Metro Manila. A unified plan of action and a sustainable food security program are imperative given the unpredictability of climate change and the growing urban populations, which result in an increasing demand for a sustainable source of nutritious and affordable food. This study looked into developing a sustainable food security program designed to mitigate the impacts brought about by climate change on food availability, access, utilization, and stability; and how these affect Navotas City’s food security. Data from literature reviews and agency reports were validated by key informant interviews and focus group discussions to achieve the aforementioned objective

    Ser Aluno e Paciente: Um Novo Olhar Sobre o Acesso Pedagógico Hospitalar

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    O estudo busca discutir sobre as atividades de ensino e aprendizagem prática, de apoio pedagógico lúdico ao paciente, garantindo seu desenvolvimento e contribuindo para a sua reinserção e adaptação no ambiente escolar após a alta. Atividade é desenvolvida no o Serviço de Hemato-Oncologia do HUSM no Centro de Tratamento da Criança com Câncer (CTCriaC), que dispõe de equipe, constituída de médicos, profissionais de enfermagem, nutricionista e psicóloga e fisioterapeuta, é a unidade de internação de crianças e adultos jovens (0 a 20 anos) com leucemias, tumores sólidos e distúrbios hematológicos, que realiza assistência multiprofissional no diagnóstico, tratamento, manutenção e cuidados paliativos, com o objetivo de melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes, reinserindo-os na vida social (escola, família, lazer, etc.). Através das ações, permite aperfeiçoar a aprendizagem complementar dos acadêmicos, por meio de atividades prático-teóricas de forma lúdica, realizadas junto aos pacientes do Serviço de CTcriaC, viabilizando assim, mais uma forma de aprendizado complementar aos licenciados. As práticas relacionadas às vivências extracurriculares no setor, viabilizam o acesso dos alunos permitem que os mesmos adquiram conhecimentos complementares sobre ações pedagógicas desenvolvidas no ambiente hospitalar em prol do processo de aprendizagem da criança hospitalizada possibilitando que ela não perca o vínculo com a instituição escolar que frequenta, contribuindo, portanto, para a formação dos alunos e as ações pedagógicas desenvolvidas no ambiente hospitalar, em prol do processo de aprendizagem da criança hospitalizada possibilita que ela não perca o vínculo com a instituição escolar que frequenta

    Prvi dokaz invazije pasa lutalica na Filipinima protozoonom Babesia gibsoni pomoću imunokromatografskog testa.

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    A total of 46 stray dogs in an impounding facility comprising 17 males and 29 females were diagnosed using the Babesia gibsoni P50 truncated antigen immunochromatographic test (P50t-ICT). Thirteen dogs (28.0%) were serologically positive. There was no cross-reactivity with serum samples from Babesia canis (= B. vogeli)-infected dogs and none of the ICT strips showed invalid results, which reinforce the sensitivity and specificity of the P50t antigen and the reliability and accuracy of the P50t-ICT. Thirty-seven (80.4%) dogs had mixed tick infestations principally of the genus Rhipicephalus and Boophilus. From 11 seropositive and 20 seronegative dogs a total of 80 Rhipicephalus ticks were pooled. Among the 33 seronegative dogs, 48.5% had infestation with Rhipicephalus sp. only, 12.1% with Boophilus sp. only, 12.1% with mixed Rhipicephalus sp. and Boophilus sp., and 19.6% were un-infested. This paper documents the first account of serological detection of B. gibsoni in stray dogs and their infestation mainly with Rhipicephalus sp. suggestive of their role as putative key vectors of B. gibsoni in Philippine stray dogs.Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se imunokromatografskim testom (P50t-ICT) dokazala prisutnost protozoona Babesia gibsoni u pasa lutalica na Filipinima. Ukupno je bilo pretraženo 46 pasa, 17 mužjaka i 29 ženki, na prisutnost antigena p50 protozoona Babesia gibsoni. Trinaest pasa (28%) bilo je serološki pozitivno. Nije ustanovljen nijedan slučaj križne reaktivnosti s uzorcima seruma pasa prirodno invadiranima protozoonom Babesia canis (Babesia vogeli). Test se pokazao prikladnim, osjetljivim, specifičnim, pouzdanim i točnim. U 37 pasa (80,4%) dokazane su mješovite infestacije krpeljima rodova Rhipicephalus i Boophilus. Na 11 serološki pozitivnih i 20 serološki negativnih pasa pronađeno je ukupno 80 krpelja iz roda Rhipicephalus. Od 33 serološki negativna psa krpelji roda Rhipicephalus dokazani su u 48,5%, roda Boophilus u 12,1%, a jedna mješovita infestacija vrstama tih rodova dokazana je također u 12,1% pasa. U 27,3% pasa krpelji nisu dokazani. Ovaj rad prvi put prikazuje mogućnost serološkoga dokaza infekcije vrstom B. gibsoni u pasa lutalica i njihovu infestaciju pretežito krpeljima roda Rhipicephalus kao ključnih prijenosnika B. gibsoni u pasa lutalica na Filipinim

    Aalenian to Cenomanian Radiolaria of the Bermeja Complex (Puerto Rico) and Pacific origin of radiolarites on the Caribbean Plate

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    The study of the radiolarian ribbon chert is a key in determining the origins of associated Mesozoic oceanic terranes and may help to achieve a general agreement regarding the basic principles on the evolution of the Caribbean Plate. The Bermeja Complex of Puerto Rico, which contains serpentinized peridotite, altered basalt, amphibolite, and chert (Mariquita Chert Formation), is one of these crucial oceanic terranes. The radiolarian biochronology presented in this work is mainly based by correlation on the biozonations of Baumgartner et al. (1995) and O'Dogherty (1994) and indicates an early Middle Jurassic to early Late Cretaceous (late Bajocian-early Callovian to late early Albian-early middle Cenomanian) age. The illustrated assemblages contain about 120 species, of which one is new (Pantanellium karinae), and belonging to about 50 genera. A review of the previous radiolarian published works on the Mariquita Chert Formation and the results of this study suggest that this formation ranges in age from Middle Jurassic to early Late Cretaceous (late Aalenian to early-middle Cenomanian) and also reveal a possible feature of the Bermeja Complex, which is the younging of radiolarian cherts from north to south, evoking a polarity of accretion. On the basis of a currently exhaustive inventory of the radiolarite facies s.s. on the Caribbean Plate, a re-examination of the regional distribution of Middle Jurassic sediments associated with oceanic crust, and a paleoceanographic argumentation on the water currents, we come to the conclusion that the radiolarite and associated Mesozoic oceanic terranes of the Caribbean Plate are of Pacific origin. Eventually, a discussion on the origin of the cherts of the Mariquita Formation illustrated by Middle Jurassic to middle Cretaceous geodynamic models of the Pacific and Caribbean realms bring up the possibility that the rocks of the Bermeja Complex are remnants of two different ocean