14 research outputs found

    Tuna (Mo Luna) dan Relevansinya Terhadap Pembelajaran IPS

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    Tuna (Mo luna) is one of the traditions of Gorontalo People. Tuna (Mo luna) in Indonesian which means circumcision is an activity of removing some of the skin at the end that covers the head of the male genitals. This research uses literature study and interview methods. The results of the study show that the purpose of the circumcision tradition is not only to obey with religious orders, but also to prevent dirt from accumulating in the male genitals. Related to religious orders, the majority of Gorontalo People embrace Islam so that this tradition continues to be sustainable today. In carrying out the Tuna tradition (Mo luna) there are character values such as mutual cooperation and social interaction in it. This is in line with the material in social studies learning. In the matter of national cultural diversity in Elementary School Social Studies can be instilled Tuna (Mo Luna) values in students


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    The purpose of this study to analyze (1) The influence differences of the use of group investigation and think pair share metods toward history learning achievement (2) The influence differences of the students high and low metakognition toward history learning achievement (3) The influence of interaction between learning methods and students metakognition toward history learning achievement. The population in this study is the students of class XI Social of SMA Negeri in Ponorogo Regency. The Samples of research was the XI Social of SMAN 1 Jetis as control class and the XI Social of SMAN 1 Sampung as experiment class. The sampling technique employed was Multi Stage Cluster Random Sampling. The research method use in this study is an experimental method with 2x2 factorial design. The data obtained from the analysis of the use of group investigation and think pair share metods, students metakognition and history learning achievement is analyzed using two-way Anava at significance level α = 0,05. THe results of this study are: (1) There are differences in the influence of the use of group investigation and think pair share metods toward history learning achievement. The result of Anava test showed Fhitung 5,024 > Ftabel 4,00. Students learning achievement of history using group investigation method is better than student lerning achievement of history using think pair share. Achievement of history using group investigation obtains an average (mean=75,46) and achievement of history using think pair share obtains an average (mean=67,67). (2)There are differentces in the influence of students high and low metakognition toward history learning achievement. The result of Anava test showed Fhitung 4,910 > Ftabel 4,00. Achievement of students learning history with high metakognition is better than with achievement of students learning history with low metakognition. At the hight metakognition obtains an average (mean=75,27) while low metakognition obtains an average (mean=67,62). (3) There is no influence in interaction of learning methods and students metakognition. The result of Anava test showed Fhitung 0,318 < Ftabel 4,00. Keywords: Learning Method, Student Metakognition, History Learning Achievemen


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    Tunjungrejo is one of the unique village located in the region of Lumajang. The uniqueness of the village Tunjungrejo saw in the presence of the religion believed by locals that Protestant religion. The uniqueness of the others is their house of worship, namely East Java Christian Church (GKJW). In its development, Protestant Christianity in Tunjungrejo is the role Brontodiwirjo. Brontodiwirjo as forest loggers Tunjungrejo is also a teacher of the gospel in this region. Along Tunjungrejo forest clearing, many newcomers who are Christians and non-Christians. To maintain the existence of Protestant Christianity, Brontodiwirjo as forest loggers Tunjungrejo apply the rule that people who want to settle in the region Tunjungrejo be Protestant. From this Tunjungrejo society formed by the belief in one religion. As a result of the continued development of the Protestant Christian church, he built a house of worship that is GKJW Tunjungrejo

    Virtual Field Trips: Alternatif Pembelajaran IPS pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Adanya pandemi Covid 19 berdampak pada berbagai sektor bidang kehidupan manusia salah satunya adalah bidang pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, keberlangsungan pendidikan harus diperhatiakan secara serius agar siswa tetap belajar meskipun dalam masa pandemi Covid 19. Salah satu terobosan agar siswa tetap belajar yaitu dengan menggunakan gawai yang terkoneksi dengan iternet atau sering disebut dengan pembelajaran online. Dalam pembelajaran online melalui virtual field trips atau karyawisata virtual guru dan siswa dapat mengakses berbagai informasi salah satunya mengenai materi pembelajaran berbasis nilai-nilai tradisi kebo-keboan dalam pembelajaran IPS yang termasuk tema 1. indahnya kebersamaan, subtema keberagaman budaya bangsaku di kelas IV sekolah dasar. Desain implementasi pembelajaran IPS berbasis nilai-nilai tradisi kebo-keboan melalui karyawisata virtual diharapkan dapat mempermudah guru menyampaikan materi pembelajaran berbasis budaya lokal kepada siswa, karena tahap-tahap pembelajaran sudah diuraikan secara jelas dan sistematis

    Pengaruh Metakognitif Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Negeri Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    This research aims to determine how much influence metacognitive has on student learning outcomes in junior high school social studies subjects in Banyuwangi Regency. This research uses a quantitative research method which includes observation, interviewing teachers and students, and distributing questionnaires to students. The results showed that a thitung of 24,042 was obtained. At degrees of freedom (df) = n – 2 = 90 – 2 = 88, then the ttabel values at the 95% confidence level are -1.987 and 1.987. Because &nbsp;thitung &gt;&nbsp;ttabel , then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that at the 95% level of confidence, metacognitive variables have a significant effect on student learning outcomes

    Taman Siswa: Pemikiran Ki Hajar Dewantara Dalam Tinjauan Historis

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    This study aims to explore the history of the Taman Siswa, the development of Taman Siswa and how the government reacted at that time. This study uses historical research methods with several steps, namely: heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. The research results show that: (1). Taman Siswa was founded by Suwardi Suryaningrat or Ki Hajar Dewantara. Taman Siswa plays a role in fostering a sense of Indonesian nationalism. In its educational process Taman Siswa adheres to three mottoes, namely: Ing Ngarso Sung Tuladha, Ing Madyo Mangun Karso and Tut Wuri Handayani; (2). The development of Taman Siswa began with the formation of Taman Kanak-Kanak, Taman Anak, Taman Muda, Taman Dewasa, Taman Madya, Taman Guru to Taman Masyarakat; (3). The Dutch colonial government’s reaction to the emergence and development of Taman Siswa turned out to be that the colonial government was trying to obstruct the development of Taman Siswa, but Ki Hajar Dewantara was against it. One of the results of Ki Hajar Dewantara’s struggle was that starting in 1938 all civil servants who sent their children to school, both in subsidized public schools and in private schools, had the same right to child support

    Nilai-Nilai Karakter dalam Cerita Rakyat Banyuwangi Serta Relevansinya Terhadap Pembelajaran Sejarah

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    Dalam pembelajaran sejarah kita mengenal istilah tradisi lisan. Tradisi lisan dapat kita temukan salah satunya melalui cerita rakyat. Cerita rakyat yang tergolong dalam tradisi lisan atau bisa disebut juga dengan folklor merupakan pesan verbal yang disampaikan secara turun-temurun dan dari generasi ke generasi. Cerita rakyat Banyuwangi merupakan salah satu cerita rakyat yang ada di Indonesia yang memilki nilai-nilai karakter yang patut kita teladani. Dalam cerita rakyat Banyuwangi yang berjudul Asal–usul Banyuwangi, Mas Ayu Melok dan Joko Wulur banyak nilai karakter yang dapat kita jadikan materi dalam pembelajaran sejarah. Hal ini dapat menjadikan salah satu cara untuk melestarikan cerita rakyat Banyuwangi dibidang pendidikan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan studi literatur. Penelitian studi literatur berkenaan dengan pengumpulan sumber pustaka, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan yang disesuaikan dengan judul penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan mempelajari cerita rakyat siswa dapat membedakan cerita rakyat yang tergolong mitos, legenda atau dongeng. Nilai-nilai karakter yang didapat dalam cerita rakyat Banyuwangi terbagi menjadi dua kategori yakni karakter positif dan karakter negatif. Nilai Karakter positif diantaranya: kerja keras, tanggung jawab, pengabdian, jujur, adil, dermawan, religius, bijaksana, gotong royong. Sedangkan nilai karakter negatif yaitu  mudah terpengaruh, iri, pemberontak, serakah, malas dan acuh tak acuh.


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    Abstrak: Tujuan penulisan artikel ini yakni untuk membuat inovasi model pembelajaran sejarah pada mata kuliah Sejarah Indonesia Masa Hindu dan Buddha sehingga tujuan pembelajaran dapat tercapai. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada lima prinsip andragogi yakni (1) adanya identifikasi kebutuhan; (2) materi yang menarik, (3) berbasis masalah, (4) memanfaatkan sumber belajar, (5) belajar yang bermakna. Lima prinsip andragogi bisa memunculkan inovasi dalam pembelajaran yakni disebut dengan model Historical Based Learning. Dalam model Historical Based Learning ada tujuh langkah dalam pembelajarannya yakni; (1) menentukan materi, (2) membentuk kelompok, (3) heuristic, (4) kritik, (5) interpretasi, (6) historiografi, (7) evaluasi.Abstract: The purpose of writing this article is to create an innovative historical learning model in the course of Indonesian History of the Hindu and Buddhist Period so that learning objectives can be achieved. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Data were obtained from interviews, observations and documentation. The results showed that there are five principles of andragogy, namely (1) identification of needs; (2) interesting material, (3) problem-based, (4) utilizing learning resources, (5) meaningful learning. The five principles of andragogy can lead to innovation in learning, which is called the Historical Based Learning model. In the Historical Based Learning model there are seven steps in learning, namely; (1) determining the material, (2) forming groups, (3) heuristic, (4) criticism, (5) interpretation, (6) historiography, (7) evaluation

    The Digital Literacy Instruments for University Students

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    Nowadays in the digital era, obtaining information is a very easy task, however, critical thinking from many university students in reality are still lacking and they have a high plagiarism level. This problem can be solved if the students have a digital literacy ability. The purpose of this research is creating a digital literacy instrument for students. The method applied in this research was R&D (Research and Development) research method with RDR (Research, Development, and Research) model. Subject of this study were two (2) expert lecturers in their field and collaborated with 30 students as test subjects. The method of data collection was questionnaires and interview, whereas the data analysis technique applied in this research was qualitative analysis with product moment correlation technique. The result of this research showed the content validity from the digital literacy coefficient of the students was 1, 00 which interpreted as a very high validity value. While the result of reliability test calculation showed r11 value was 0.88 which means the instrument is reliable since reliability coefficient value obtained a number greater than 0.60. Therefore, it can be concluded the digital literacy instrument from this research can be used to evaluate the students’ digital literacy ability. The implication of digital literacy instrument usage hopefully can help students to improve the quality of their learning process

    Banyuwangi Rebound: A Tourism Potrait at the Eastern Tip of Java Island

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has made tourism industry suffered from sharp decline due to massively reduced tourists demand which also accompanied by implementation of government policy of Large Scale Social Restriction (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar/PSBB). It also affected Banyuwangi Regency where number of tourists were decreased and weakened its tourism industry, where in some areas many tourism industries dwindling and at some extent drove several tourism industries went out of business. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to find out of how Banyuwangi Regency able to revive its tourism industry in the new normal era. This study aimed to analyse on how Banyuwangi Rebound maximizes its natural and cultural tourism potentials to develop its tourism industry. Research method applied in this study was a qualitative method. The result of the study showed that by geographical perspective, the location of Banyuwangi Regency supports these areas to have many interesting natural potentials such as Ijen Crater (Kawah Ijen) and Red Island (Pulau Merah). Not only that, the local people or natives of Banyuwangi Regency known as the Using tribe also have unique cultures including Seblang, Gandrung Dance, and Kebo-keboan. Banyuwangi Rebound packages many unique and interesting natural also attractive tourism potentials into one tourism attraction and be integrated to the Banyuwangi Festival Calendar and the Banyuwangitourism app so that it can attract tourists to visit Banyuwangi Regency as their tourism destination