54 research outputs found


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    Smallholder oil palm estate in Jambi Province is growing. Some indicators are land development, production, and employment. Smallholder oil palm estate can be a major driver of the economy so that the country can move other economic sectors, such as trade, transport, electricity and gas, manufacture small industrial and other sectors, which in turn increases the income of the village as a whole. This study aimed to determine (1) the development of oil palm estate seen from land, production, and employment in the province of Jambi (2) Impact of smallholder oil palm estate against Gross Regional Domestic Product Villages in Jambi Province. The research method used in this study is a survey method. This method of research was done deductively, by conducting an analysis of the object. Data were collected from primary sources and secondary sources. The development of oil palm plantations quantitatively analyzed descriptively. To determine whether the development of oil palm plantations had such an impact is determined by the formula LQ (Location Quotient) and the magnitude of the impact made by Formula ME (multiplier effect). To determine the value of LQ and ME the sample villages can be determined that a major driver of the sector (Prime mover sector) in the village economy. These results indicate that oil palm plantations have grown rapidly both views of land, production, and employment. Oil palm plantations have an impact on the income of the people of the village, where 9 of 20 samples villages have values LQ>1 with the average ME value was 1.4107, which means that any increase in palm oil revenue amounted toRp1, -it will be able to increase the income of the region village as a whole amounted to1.4107times. The impact is especially true of the sub-sectors of trade, transport sub-sector, and electricity and gas sub-sector. The impact is small relative to the manufacturing sector

    Evaluasi Perkerasan Jalan Menurut Metode Bina Marga dan PCI (Pavement Condition Index) Serta penanganannya. (Studi Kasus : Jl. Ks Tubun, Kota Tegal)

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    Yanuar, Esa, 2020. Evaluasi Perkerasan Jalan Menggunakan Metode Bina Marga dan Metode PCI (Pavement Condition Index) Serta Penanganannya (Studi Kasus : Jl. Ks Tubun Kota Tegal). Jalan KS Tubun, Kota Tegal ini merupakan salah satu jalan Provinsi yang ada di kota Tegal dan merupakan salah satu jalan yang menghubungkan akses-akses umum. Kondisi jalan saaat ini mengalami kerusakan adalah butiran lepas (ravelling), kegemukan (blending) dan Tambalan (Patching). Kerusakan tersebut terjadi karena sistem drainase, gaya rem roda traffic light. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi perkerasan dengan menggunakan nilai Pavement Condition Index (PCI) pada ruas jalan KS Tubun, Kota Tegal persentase tertinggi sebesar sebesar 40% pada ratting sempurna (excellent), 30% pada ratting baik ( good), 20% pada ratting buruk (poor) dan 10 % pada ratting sedang (fair). Berdasarkan keseluruhan unit segmen yang diteliti sebanyak 20 segmen pada ruas jalan KS Tubun, Kota Tegal dari hasil analisis terlihat bahwa kerusakan yang terjadi dikategorikan sedang, karena ada sebagain jalan mengalami kondisi jalan yang baik 70% dan sebagaian jalan hampir dari 30% jalan tersebut dalam kondisi buruk dimana mengalami kerusakan yang cukup parah pada lapis perkerasan lenturnya. Diketahui total nilai density yang mendominasi ruas jalan KS Tubun, Kota Tegal adalah Jenis kerusakan yang mendominasi pada ruas jalan tersebut adalah tambalan (Patching). Dan untuk program pemeliharaan menurut metode Binamarga (1990) pada ruas jalan KS Tubun, Kota Tegal perlu dilakukan perbaikan rutin. Dengan presentase perbaikan rutin (100%), diketahui persentase terbesar terdapat pada perbaikan rutin dengan nilai 100 %, sehingga dapat disimpulkan program pemeliharaan yang harus dilakukan pada ruas jalan KS Tubun, Kota Tegal adalah pemeliharaan secara rutin guna menunjang kinerja ruas jalan tersebut. Karena bila tidak dilakukan program pemeliharaan rutin, jalan tersebut keadaannya akan semakin rusak parah. Kata Kunci: PCI, Binamarga (1990), KS Tubun, Kota Tegal

    Literasi informasi generasi x, y, dan z dalam penyusunan karya tulis ilmiah Universitas Diponegoro

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    Diponegoro University (UNDIP)’s vision is “Diponegoro University Becoming a Superior Research University," which implies that every academician at UNDIP requires improving research through scientific papers. Scientific writing is a work that the author must account for morally or intellectually. Consequently, it needs to conduct observation, planning, directed search, finding information, using information, and evaluating information through information literacy. This study aimed to determine the information literacy generation x, y, and z in the preparation of scientific papers at UNDIP. The research used a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The data collection technique used deep interview and observation. The analysis showed that information literacy had an essential role for generation x, y, and z in the preparation of scientific papers. Information literacy activities are a form of one's accountability when dealing with information for the needs of scientific writing. The three generations conducted information literacy activities during the scientific paper preparation. This can be seen from the activities carried out, namely the identification of scientific information needs, scientific information retrieval, scientific information utilization, and scientific information communication. In the current era of technological development, generation x, y, and z, which have unique characteristics in the preparation of scientific papers. Hence, information literacy is used as a standard. Each generation have skill information literacy so must account scientific writing have been written

    Manajemen Pemerintah Dalam Penanganan dan Pengelolaan Sampah

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    Pasar yaitu tempat bertemunya penjual dan pembeli dengan ditandai adanya interaksi jual-beli masalahumum yang sering ditemukan di pasar tradisional adalah penumpukan sampa, bau sampah disekitar pasar,dan pengelolaan sampah oleh pengelola pasar yang dinilai masih belum optimal. Maksud dari penelitianini untuk mengetahui manajemen penananganan dan pengelolaan sampah di Pasar Induk Cibitung.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik mengumpulkan datayang digunakan yaitu wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan triangulasi. Hasil dari penelitianmanajemen penanganan dan pengelolaan sampah di Pasar Induk ini masih menggunakan metode yangkonvensional yaitu kumpul – angkut – buang. Pihak pengelola pasar belum memiliki inovasi serta progreskerja dalam mengelola sampah pasar. Walaupun dengan metode konvensional yang meliputi, kumpul –angkut – buang, kondisi di lapangan, sampah masih sering menumpuk dan tercecer di area pasar sertamenimbulkan bau yang menyengat. Hal temuan lain di lapangan adalah keberadaan TPS hanya ada satu,yang muatannya tidak sebanding dengan volume produksi sampah yangberakibat pada penumpukansampah karena sudah melebihi batas muatan tampungserta bau sampah yang sangat menyengat.Sedangkan hal yang perlu ditingkatkan adalah melakukan pertambahan waktu untuk pengangkutansampah, agar sampah tidak terlalu menumpuk.The market is a meeting place for sellers and buyers, marked by the interaction of buying and selling.Common problems that are often found in traditional markets are the accumulation of garbage, the smellof garbage around the market, and waste management by market managers who are considered notoptimal. The purpose of this study was to determine the management of handling and management ofwaste in Cibitung Main Market. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Thedata collection techniques used in this study were interviews, observation, documentation, andtriangulation. The results of this research on waste management and management in the Central Marketstill use conventional methods, namely collect - transport - throw away. The market manager does notyet have innovation and work progress in managing market waste. Even with the conventional methodwhich includes collect - transport - throw away, conditions in the field, garbage often piles up and isscattered in the market area and causes a strong odor. Another finding in the field is that there is onlyone TPS, whose load is not proportional to the volume of waste production which results in theaccumulation of garbage because it has exceeded the capacity limit and the smell of garbage is verystrong. While the thing that needs to be improved is to increase time for transporting waste, so that thegarbage does not accumulate too much


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    This researchaims aims to (1) to find out the description of the condition of the KUD that is still active in Sungai Bahar and South Bahar Subdistricts, Muaro Jambi Regency South Bahar. (2) Knowing the effect of business volume, number of members and own capital on the acquisition of the remaining operating results in KUD in Sungai Bahar and South Bahar Districts. The object of research is KUD which is still active in conducting Annual Member Meetings and has a business unit other than marketing Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB), savings and loans. This research was conducted from September to October 2017. The data used is secondary data obtained directly from cooperatives through books, archives related to Business Remaining for 5 years from 2012 to 2016 and from the UMKM Department and the Muaro Regency Industry and Trade Cooperative Service Jambi and other related literature. KUDs taken as samples are KUD ​​Mekar Sari, KUD Tandan Buah Segar, KUD Selikur Makmur, KUD Sumber Makmur, KUD Sri Rejeki and KUD Dwi Jaya on the consideration that the six KUDs are still active in conducting Annual Member Meetings and have other business units besides marketing FFB and savings and Loan. The results showed that (1) KUDs that were still active in Sungai Bahar Subdistrict were 5 KUDs from 11 existing KUDs and 5 KUDs that were still active in the South Bahar District of the 7 KUDs that were available. KUDs that are no longer active are caused by no longer routinely performing RATs, misappropriation of cooperative funds and declining member participation due to internal conflicts with members of the cooperative management. (2) From the results of multiple linear analysis, the business volume variable does not significantly affect the acquisition of operating results with value. probability of 0.2296 means that it is greater than the real level of 0.05, this is due to the high level of credit of members in the cooperative and not paying credit debt on time and the amount that has been determined, the variable number of members and own capital together have a real effect regarding the acquisition of operating results with a probability value of 0.0002 and 0.0003, respectively

    Model Fungsi Produktivitas dan Risiko Produksi Usaha Tani Padi Sawah Di Kabupaten Kerinci

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis: Respon produksi, fungsi risiko produksi. Lokus penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Keliling Danau kabupaten Kerinci.  Desa sampel terdiri dari Desa Desa Semerap, Desa Pulau Tengah, dan Desa Lempur Danau. Ukuran populasi ada sebanyak 1.576 petani. Ukuran sampel mengunakan Metode Slovin dan diperoleh sampel sebanyak 91 petani. Penarikan sampel mengunakan dengan Metode Simple Random Sampling dengan mengunakan tabel acak. Metode analisis data mengunakan fungsi produksi Coob-Douglass dan fungsi risiko produksi Just and Pope. Hasil estimasi presisi model fungsi produksi actual Adj. R2 = 0,92357.  Presisi model fungsi produksi optimal Adj R2= 0,93635 skala produksi Ya; Ɛβi=0,6782 artinya decreasing of return to scale. Skala produski potensial (Yopt); Ɛβi=1,5127. Faktor determinan respon produksi ditentukan pupuk Urea, pupuk Organik dan luas lahan. Presisi model fungsi risiko Adj.R2 =9,543. Input produksi benih dan tenaga kerja tergolong risk increasing factor sedangkan luas lahan, pupuk Urea, pupuk SP36, pupuk KCl, pupuk Organik, dan Pestisida tergolong risk reducing factor. TE= 0,6356 <0,7 tergolong rendah, peluang peningkatan produksi sebesar 36,44 %. Peningkatan produksi dan mengurangi risiko produksi dapat dilakukan dengan alokasi input produksi optimal. Faktor social ekonomi berpengaruh terhadap meningkatnya inefisiensi teknis tetapi tidak signifikan

    Analisis Respon Petani terhadap Sosialisasi Rencana Pembangunan Kebun Kelapa Sawit Pola Kemitraan oleh PT. Kirana Sekernan Desa Lubuk Ruso Kecamatan Pemayung Kabupaten Batang Hari

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    Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bentuk dan materi sosialisasi yang telah dilakukan oleh PT. Kirana Sekernan terhadap calon petani mitra , mendeskripsikan respon calon petani mitra atas sosialisasi yang telah dilakukan oleh PT. Kirana Sekernan dan mengungkapkan makna pola kemitraan yang ideal perspektif petani mitra (plasma) dalam rencana aktivitas bermitra dengan PT. Kirana Sekernan untuk pembangunan kelapa sawit di lokasi kajian. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan penggabungan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini ditempuh model dominant-lest dominan design, dengan pendekatan kualitatif sebagai pendekatan utama (qualitative dominant) dan pendekatan kuantitatif sebagai pendekatan pendukung (quantitative- less dominant). Hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi bahwa dalam rangka pembangunan kebun kelapa sawit pola kemitraan, Perusahaan telah melakukan sosialisasi kepada calon petani mitra di Desa Lubuk Ruso. Materi sosialisasi terkait dengan rencana pembangunan perkebunan kelapa sawit yaitu bentuk kongkrit pola kerja sama antara Perusahaan dengan pemilik lahan, serta mencari kesepakatan-kesepakatan yang saling menguntungkan kedua belah pihak. Tahap awal sosialisasi yaitu tahun 2008 pola kemitraan yang ditawarkan kepada masyarakat melalui koperasi, dengan cara masyarakat menyerahkan lahan untuk dibangunkan kebun oleh Perusahaan, dengan pola pembagian lahan 40 : 60 (40 % lahan untuk perkebunan inti dan 60 % untuk plasma). Pada tahun 2009 pola ini mengalami Perubahan menjadi 50 : 50. Perubahan pola kemitraan yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan tanpa melalui proses “dialog” bersama masyarakat menyebabkan respon calon petani mitra terhadap sosialisasi rencana pembangunan kebun kelapa sawit oleh PT. Kirana Sekernan menjadi negatif

    Online Learning: Strategies to Improve Critical Thinking Skills on PAI Learning In School

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    This study aims to explain the implementation of online learning and teacher strategies in improving students' critical thinking skills in PAI subjects at SMPN 1 Sumbergempol Tulungagung and SMPN 3 Tulungagung. The research method is qualitative. The research approach is phenomenological. The type of research is field research. The research design was a multi-site study. Data were obtained by in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The research data is then organized into categories, described into units, synthesized, arranged into patterns, selected priority data, and made conclusions so that they are easy to understand. The results showed that WhatsApp, Telegram, Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet, One Drive, Google Form, and Microsoft Office 365 teachers were integrated. The strategy used by the teacher is to design learning and implementation of learning that directs critical thinking. The teacher sharpens thinking levels from C1, C2,3 to C4, C5, C6. The task given is to find material from the internet and analyze it. Students will use critical, analytical, comparative, selective and creative reasoning


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    This study aims to determine the factors that affect Indonesia's natural rubber exports to the United States (before and after the monetary crisis). The objects of this research are world rubber prices, Indonesian rupiah exchange rates, Indonesian natural rubber production, synthetic rubber prices and exports in the previous year period. The data used in this study are secondary data obtained from the official website. Data analysis uses regression analysis of the Error Correction Model (ECM) in the long run and short run. The results showed that the factors that significantly affected Indonesia's natural rubber exports to the United States in the long run before the monetary crisis were world rubber prices (X1), the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate (X3), and the volume of natural rubber exports of the previous period (X5). Factors that significantly affected Indonesia's natural rubber exports to the United States in the short term before the monetary crisis were world rubber prices (X1), synthetic rubber prices (X4), and the volume of exports of natural rubber in the previous period (X5). Factors that significantly affect Indonesia's natural rubber exports to the United States in the long term after the monetary crisis are world rubber prices (X1), Indonesian natural rubber production (X3), and synthetic rubber prices (X4). Factors that significantly affected Indonesia's natural rubber exports to the United States in the short term after the monetary crisis were world rubber prices (X1), synthetic rubber prices (X4), and export volumes of natural rubber in the previous period (X5)