511 research outputs found

    Hydroxylation of a hederagenin derived saponin by a Xylareaceous fungus found in fruits of Sapindus saponaria

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    During our screening of tropical plants for endophyte microorganisms, a Xylareaceous fungus was found living on the internal part of Sapindus saponaria fruits. The fruits of S. saponaria accumulate great amounts of triterpenoidal and sesquiterpenoidal saponins. The saponin 3-O-(β-D-xylopyranosyl)-(1→3)-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)-α-L-arabinopyranosyl-hederagenin was isolated using chromatographic methods, after alkaline hydrolysis of the crude extract obtained from S. saponaria fruits and added to the culture medium used to grows the fungus. A new saponin was isolated from this experiment by preparative scale HPLC and characterized as a 22α-hydroxy derivative. The structure of this hydroxylated saponin was elucidated based on interpretation of MS/MS data and NMR spectra

    Hydroponic forage of corn and millet grown on different organic substrates

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the production and nutritive value of the hydroponic forage of corn and pearl millet grown in different organic substrates. It was carried out in a completely randomized design in 2 x 3 factorial scheme with four replications. The grasses used were corn and pearl millet and sugarcane bagasse, chopped elephant grass and chopped Brachiaria grass as substrates. The harvest was carried out 15 days after sowing, with seed density of 2 kg/m², irrigated with water and commercial nutrient solution. The productive parameters and chemical composition of the hydroponic forage were evaluated. The use of sugarcane bagasse substrate resulted in a greater production of total dry mass for corn among the other treatments, which reflected in better efficiency in the production parameters. As for substrates composed of chopped grass, lower values ​​of neutral detergent fiber were identified in both corn and pearl millet. The substrates and grass species affect the evaluated parameters, in which the use of sugarcane bagasse resulted in greater total production of dry mass using corn. The substrates based on chopped grass reflected in biomass with reduced fiber content, high levels of digestible nutrients, in addition to high protein content

    Cytotoxic and antibacterial activity of chichá gum hydrogel associated with nerolidol

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    Chichá gum is a polysaccharide from the Sterculia striata plant, with a chemical structure composed of hydroxyl groups, which favor the formation of hydrogels, enabling the association with other materials to improve their biological properties and as drug delivery systems. Hydrogels were produced from chichá gum associated with nerolidol in concentrations of 1 and 2%, cytotoxicity was evaluated against Artemia salina. The hydrogels were tested against the strains Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, by the direct contact test. the material showed no toxic activity and an antibacterial effect was observed with 83.6% growth inhibition with the use of the hydrogel with 2% nerolidol. It concludes that the materials produced have the potential to be used in the future as products with good antibacterial properties.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impacto dos inibidores de SGLT2 na qualidade de vida em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca: revisão sistemática

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    A insuficiência cardíaca é uma das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade global, afetando cerca de 2 milhões de pessoas no Brasil anualmente. Os inibidores de SGLT2 surgem como uma opção terapêutica promissora para essa condição, devido à sua eficácia e capacidade de reduzir eventos adversos. Esta revisão sistemática com meta-análise investigou a eficácia desses medicamentos na qualidade de vida de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, independentemente da presença de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 ou fração de ejeção. O objetivo foi avaliar o impacto dos inibidores de SGLT2, considerando sua relevância emergente no tratamento da condição. Seguindo o protocolo PRISMA 2020, foram incluídos estudos publicados entre 2019 e 2024 no PubMed, com texto completo gratuito, usando os descritores 'SGLT2 inhibitors', 'heart failure' e 'hospitalization' no DeCS, com o operador booleano 'AND'. Dos 21.677 participantes, 10.840 (≅ 50,01%) receberam inibidores de SGLT2, resultando 1.444 eventos adversos (≅ 13,32%). No grupo placebo, com 10.837 participantes (≅ 49,99%), ocorreram 1.939 casos de desfechos (≅ 17,89%). A análise de risco relativo mostrou uma redução significativa nos eventos adversos no grupo de intervenção (RR: 0,74, IC 95% 0,70-0,79, p<0,01). Conclui-se que os inibidores de SGLT2 podem beneficiar pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, independentemente da presença de diabetes ou fração de ejeção

    Antibacterial and healing effect of chicha gum hydrogel (sterculia striata) with nerolidol

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    Chicha gum is a natural polymer obtained from the Sterculia striata plant. The hydroxyl groups of its structure have a chemical affinity to form hydrogels, which favors the association with biologically active molecules, such as nerolidol. This association improves the biological properties and allows the material to be used in drug delivery systems. Chicha gum hydrogels associated with nerolidol were produced at two concentrations: 0.01 and 0.02 g mL−1. Then, the hydrogels were characterized by thermogravimetry (TG), Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and rheological analysis. The antibacterial activity was tested against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The cytotoxicity was evaluated against Artemia salina. Finally, an in vivo healing assay was carried out. The infrared characterization indicated that interactions were formed during the gel reticulation. This implies the presence of nerolidol in the regions at 3100–3550 cm−1. The rheological properties changed with an increasing concentration of nerolidol, which resulted in less viscous materials. An antibacterial 83.6% growth inhibition effect was observed using the hydrogel with 0.02 g mL−1 nerolidol. The in vivo healing assay showed the practical activity of the hydrogels in the wound treatment, as the materials promoted efficient re-epithelialization. Therefore, it was concluded that the chicha hydrogels have the potential to be used as wound-healing products.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vulnerability in adolescence: a case report of attempted abortion and sexual violence

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    Background: Abortion, even when provided by law in cases of sexual violence, continues to be practiced in an insecure way, since women who suffer violence are not reported or guarded by social, institutional or age vulnerability, as in adolescence. Objective: Describe the clinical consequences of unsafe abortion, report this experience as well as sexual violence in situations of social and age vulnerability. Methods: It is a clinical case report, with the consent of the patient, in the year 2016, of a 16-year-old female adolescent with a personal history of sexual violence by an intimate aggressor. Admitted to the health service with diagnosis of acute abdomen and induced abortion using antibiotic therapy. Results: Laboratory tests revealed altered C reactive protein and presence of leukocytosis, ultrasound showed heterogenic mass, computed tomography showed presence of cylindrical foreign body in vaginal cavity, surgical interventions, sepsis, clinical complications (pulmonary thromboembolism) and prolonged hospitalization. Conclusion: The history of violence portrayed in this study reveals an attempt of abortion with self harm, revealing negative clinical repercussions and the health problems of the adolescent. This person has committed an abortion that does not fit into the abortion criteria provided by law. It also revealed the need for further discussion on the topic, highlighting health promotion practices against unsafe abortion

    Percepção do bem-estar e da qualidade de vida em acadêmicos do curso de Educação Física

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    Objetivo: o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o perfil de estilo de vida de acadêmicos do curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física em uma Instituição particular de ensino superior. Metodos: foram avaliados 100 acadêmicos de ambos os sexos, através do questionário Pentáculo do Bem-Estar. Resultados e discussão: pôde ser constatada a presença de afirmações que declararam comportamentos com predominância de índices positivos em todos os itens, muito embora, também tenham sido encontrados alguns índices considerados regulares e para o resultado positivo do grupo, não prevaleceu em nenhum componente o índice negativo. Portanto, sugere-se que o perfil do estilo de vida dos acadêmicos investigados está, mesmo com poucas ressalvas, referente há alguns poucos índices regulares, em conformidade com o que preconiza a literatura, já que obtiveram a prevalência de índices positivos em todos os componentes. Considerações finais: diante do que foi tratado neste trabalho, sugere-se ao público alvo que adote meios para estarem sempre em busca do índice de estilo de vida positivo, assim como, a Instituição onde foi realizada a pesquisa, a realização de ações de conscientização e de incentivo para uma melhora do estilo de vida de seus acadêmicos
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