2,430 research outputs found

    Papel do médico dentista na cessação tabágica

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    Objetivo: Elucidar os Médicos Dentistas sobre o seu papel no processo de cessação tabágica, relembrar as opções terapêuticas disponíveis e aumentar e melhorar a prestação de cuidados de saúde, nomeadamente nesta área, tendo em vista a promoção da saúde e a prevenção da doença. Metodologia: Para alcançar os objetivos deste trabalho foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica de artigos publicados em revistas científicas e disponíveis em bases de dados eletrónicas. Foram utilizados termos de pesquisa considerados relevantes para o tema e, ainda, estipulados critérios de inclusão e de exclusão para a seleção dos mesmos. Foram adicionalmente consultados diversos sítios eletrónicos e documentos de entidades com responsabilidade nacional na área da Saúde Pública. Tópico abordado: O Médico Dentista é muitas vezes, pela sua posição privilegiada, o primeiro a detetar os sinais de um hábito tabágico. Com todos os materiais ao seu dispor, tanto de natureza farmacológica quer informativa, pode realizar uma intervenção consistente de modo a contribuir para o aumento da qualidade de vida dos seus pacientes.Objective: Elucidate the Dentists about their role in the smoking cessation process, recall the available therapeutic options and increase and improve the delivery of health care, especially in this area of smoking, with the aim to promote health and preventing disease. Methods: In order to achieve the objectives of this work, a bibliographical research of articles was carried out, published in scientific journals and available in electronic databases. Research terms considered relevant to the theme were used, and inclusion and exclusion criteria were stipulated. Several electronic sites and documents of entities with national responsibility in the Public Health area were also consulted. Topic covered: The Dentist is often, by its privileged position, the first to detect the signs of a smoking habit. With all the materials at their disposal, both pharmacological and informative, they can perform a consistent intervention in order to contribute to the increase of the quality of life of the patients

    A model for the simulation of macroalgal population dynamics and productivity

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    A mathematical model to simulate the population dynamics and productivity of macroalgae is described. The model calculates the biomass variation of a population divided into size-classes. Biomass variation in each class is estimated from the mass balance of carbon fixation, carbon release and demographic processes such as mortality and frond breakage. The transitions between the different classes are calculated in biomass and density units as a function of algal growth. Growth is computed from biomass variations using an allometric relationship between weight and length. Gross and net primary productivity is calculated from biomass production and losses over the period of simulation. The model allows the simulation of different harvesting strategies of commercially important species. The cutting size and harvesting period may be changed in order to optimise the calculated yields. The model was used with the agarophyte Gelidium sesquipedale (Clem.) Born. et Thur. This species was chosen because of its economic importance as a the main raw material for the agar industry. Net primary productivity calculated with it and from biomass variations over a yearly period, gave similar results. The results obtained suggest that biomass dynamics and productivity are more sensitive to the light extinction coefficient than to the initial biomass conditions for the model. Model results also suggest that biomass losses due to respiration and exudation are comparable to those resulting from mortality and frond breakage. During winter, a significant part of the simulated population has a negative net productivity. The importance of considering different parameters in the productivity light relationships in order to account for their seasonal variability is demonstrated with the model results. The model was implemented following an object oriented programming approach. The programming methodology allows a fast adaptation of the model to other species without major software development

    Who's afraid of humour

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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020Contribution to the Scrapbook for the 10th anniversary of the European Journal of Humour Researchpublishersversionpublishe

    The use of transfer pricing for smart contracts in a blockchain system for the National Health Service: A systematic literature review

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    Este trabalho é parte de um projeto investigação-ação composto por três fases, onde o objetivo final é a criação de um modelo de blockchain que suporte smart-contracts capazes de gerir a troca de serviços de imagiologia no sistema nacional de saúde português. A primeira fase consiste na revisão da literatura sobre blockchain e no método de custeio baseado em atividade e tempo (TDABC), de forma a identificar as atuais áreas de investigação e viabilidade do modelo de custo. A segunda fase consiste na criação de um modelo de preços de transferência após análise dos custos com base no método TDABC. A terceira fase consiste na criação de um modelo de blockchain, onde o smart-contract irá operar na gestão de serviços de imagiologia dentro do sistema de saúde nacional português. O primeiro grande objetivo deste trabalho é em perceber em que áreas de negócio pode a tecnologia de blockchain ter impacto, bem como vantagens e limitações. O segundo grande objetivo é descobrir o potencial do TDABC como metodologia de custeio nos serviços de saúde. Durante esta primeira fase do projeto concluímos que a tecnologia blockchain tem potencial para ser usada, entre outros, no setor de saúde. Fomos também capazes de identificar vantagens e desvantagens bem como limitações que têm de ser resolvidas. A revisão da literatura sobre o TDABC permite-nos concluir que a metodologia tem potencial para superar metodologias convencionais de cálculos de custo no sistema de saúde bem como na identificação e mapeamento dos processos.This work is part of a major action-research project with three main phases, where the final goal is the creation of a blockchain capable of supporting smart-contracts that manage the exchange of imaging services in the Portuguese National Health Service. The first phase consists of a systematic literature review of the literature on time-driven activity based costing (TDABC) and Blockchain. The second consists in the development of a transfer price system based on a TDABC methodology, designed for a bottom up approach to cost measurement. The third phase consists in creating a blockchain model, where the smart contract for imaging services exchange, would operate within the Portuguese National Health Service. The first big objective of this work is to find out in which fields of business can blockchain have a big impact, as well as potential advantages and limitations of the technology. The second big objective is understanding the potential for TDABC to outperform traditional cost accounting methodologies in the healthcare sector. During this first phase we found that blockchain can benefit, among others, the healthcare industry and some barriers that can limit or delay its use. On the topic of TDABC we found that it showed great promise in its uses within healthcare to measure costs, identify and map procedures, which is an important goal when dealing with complex systems

    Influence of temperature on the sorption-desorption curves of earth-based materials and consequences on their hygrothermal behaviour

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    There has been a rising interest by the building sector in using passive solutions to regulate the indoor relative humidity, since humidity levels can directly affect the health and comfort of the occupants. Earth based materials are known for their ability to regulate the relative humidity and improve indoor comfort. Another motivation is the potential to reduce the energy consumption of air conditioning systems. The assessment of the hygrothermal transfers within earthen walls/plasters has been the focus of many researchers, but the proper modelling and coupling of these characteristics for unconventional materials like earthen walls and plasters still is a major scientific and technical challenge. The main objective of this dissertation consists in first to check the validity of steady state material characteristics obtained through standard procedures. Furthermore, validate different assumptions and the reliability of the different methods to determine the precision of the experimental test results. The second objective is to analyse the influence of temperature on those characteristics and their consequences on the hygrothermal behaviour. For that purpose, two types of porous hygroscopic materials are studied: compressed earth samples and earth plasters with the addition of organic natural fibres. Results showed a high variability due to experimental set ups and conditions. However the influence of temperature on the sorption and transfer properties could be determined. An analysis of the results based on thermodynamics gave surface characteristics and the heat involved in the adsorption and condensation process of the materials used

    Application of lean thinking approach to an internal service system of a utilities company

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    An ineffective and inefficient provision of internal services has impacts on the performance and sustainability of organisations. The current research aims at verifying if effectiveness and efficiency gains result from the application of a systematic lean approach to the internal services of a utilities company. Lean thinking is the conceptual framework considered for such purpose. The methodology serving such intents is based on a case study developed at the markets division of a utilities company with business on the power and gas markets. The information that sustains this research was collected through direct observation and informal interviewing of the staff of the markets division, as well as of its internal customers. The lean thinking systematic approach encompasses the application of lean tools. In this regard, process activity mapping is employed, as well as other lean tools, like problem solving, kaizen blitz events, kanban, or work standardisation. Three processes concurring to the provision of internal services are studied: market risk hedging, database parameterisation for financial derivatives register, and CO2 emission allowances stock calculation. The assessment of such processes within a lean thinking tools framework and their customer value and waste identification are followed by the implementation of improved versions of such processes. Results indicate that effectiveness gains are achievable and carry real impacts in terms of value for the internal customer, an aspect sparsely developed on previous research. In terms of efficiency impacts, lead time is reduced 74%, 97% and 89% for each process, respectively, whilst personnel participation is reduced 7%, 20% and 57%.Uma inefectiva e ineficiente prestação de serviços internos gera impacto na performance e sustentabilidade das organizações. A presente investigação visa verificar se a aplicação sistemática da perspectiva lean thinking aos serviços internos de uma empresa do sector das utilities resulta em ganhos de efectividade e eficiência. A metodologia que serve o propósito da presente investigação é sustentada por um caso de estudo levado a cabo na unidade de mercados de uma empresa do sector energético. Toda a informação obtida foi recolhida a partir de observação directa, ou de entrevistas informais dos colaboradores da unidade de mercados, bem como dos clientes internos da mesma. A perspectiva lean thinking considerou a aplicação de ferramentas lean, nomeadamente process activity mapping, problem solving, eventos kaizen blitz, kanban, e estandardização de actividades. Três processos que concorrem para a prestação de serviços internos são estudados: cobertura de risco de mercado, parametrização de base de dados para registo de derivados financeiros, e cálculo do stock de licenças de emissão de CO2. A avaliação de tais processos numa perspectiva de aplicação de ferramentas lean thinking, bem como a identificação do desperdício e do valor dos serviços na perspectiva dos clientes internos, é seguida da implementação de versões melhoradas dos mesmos processos. Os resultados da investigação indicam que impactos positivos de efectividade são possíveis, originando ganhos de valor para o cliente interno, aspecto parcamente abordado em investigações anteriores. Em termos de eficiência, o lead time dos processos foi reduzido em 74%, 97% e 89% para cada um dos mesmos, enquanto que a participação dos colaboradores for reduzida em 7%, 20% e 57%