2,301 research outputs found

    Aventuras y desventuras de la educación en el Reino de Psicolandia : el supuesto respaldo cientifico del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

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    En este trabajo se valora críticamente el discurso que arropa las últimas reformas educativas de la enseñanza superior europea y española. Se lo presenta como un discurso que intenta justificar tecnocientíficamente una de las más importantes prácticas de subjetivación actuales -la educativa- recurriendo a una determinada definición de la psicología que deja en un segundo plano el hecho de la pluralidad irreductible de las prácticas y saberes psicológicos. Se hace, así, una valoración crítica conjugada de -por un lado- el uso retórico de los saberes psicopedagógicos como respaldo científico (indiscutible) de las reformas, y -por otro lado- de la asunción de que existe una disciplia bien definida (la psicología) unificada, asentada científicamente y en la cual cabe buscar ese respaldo. La crítica toma en consideración, además, el escenario sociocultural actual de la globalización y el neoliberalismo como contexto en que cobra sentido, dentro de la ideología del emprendedorismo, dicho uso de la psicología como garante científico de la reforma de la enseñanza. Se hace especial hincapié en el fomento de la subjetividad ligado a esa ideología, que exige individuos dotados de flexibilidad, capacidad de autorregulación y responsabilidad total sobre su destino.This paper critically assesses the discourse that justifies the latest educational reforms in European and Spanish higher education. It is presented as a technoscientific discourse that attempts to support one of the most important current practices of subjectivity -the educational one- using a particular definition of psychology that forget the fact of the irreducible plurality of psychological practices and knowledges. This paper aims thus to make a double critical assessment. On the one hand, about the rhetorical use of psycopedagogic knowledge as scientific (indisputable) support for the reforms. On the other hand, about the assumption that there is a well definite discipline (Psychology) which is unified, scientifically established and able to offer that support. The paper consider also the current socio-cultural scenario of globalization and neoliberalism as a context that makes sense, within the ideology of entrepreneurship, such use of Psychology as a scientific guarantor of education reform. Special emphasis is placed on the promotion of subjectivity linked to that ideology, which requires individuals gifted with flexibility, self-monitoring skills and full responsibility for their fate

    Mechanochemical treatment in high-shear thermokinetic mixer as an alternative for tire recycling

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    This publication highlights the use of a high-speed thermokinetic mixer as an alternative to recycling ground tire rubber (GTR) using mechanochemical treatment. The GTR initially had a gelled fraction of 80% and presented a reduction of up to 50% of gel fraction in the most intensive condition (5145 rpm, n2 ). The processing condition at the lowest speed (2564 rpm, n1 ) resulted in greater selectivity in chain scission (K~1). However, in the most intense processing condition (10 min to n2 ), more significant degradation was observed via random scission, reduction in the glass transition temperature, Tg (11 ◦C), increase in the soluble polymeric fraction, and a more significant reduction in the density of bonds occurs. The artificial neural network could describe and correlate the thermal degradation profile with the processing conditions and the physicochemical characteristics of the GTR. The n2 velocity resulted in the formation of particles with a smoother and more continuous surface, which is related to the increase in the amount of soluble phase. The approach presented here represents an alternative to the mechanochemical treatment since it can reduce the crosslink density with selectivity and in short times (1–3 min)

    Modified tannin extracted from black wattle tree as an environmentally friendly antifouling pigment

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    The use of modified black wattle tannin as an antifouling pigment is reported in this work. A mixture of tannin adsorbed in activated carbon (soluble fraction of tannin) and low soluble fraction of tannin was used as an antifouling pigment. The soluble rosin resin was used as a paint matrix. C-13 NMR analysis confirm the modification of black wattle tannin through the cleavage of tannin interflavonoid bonds. FTIR spectra indicate the presence of tannin in the formulated antifouling coating even after 7 months of its exposure in a marine environment. Water contact angle analysis shows the hydrophilic characteristic of the tannin antifouling coating surface. Immersion tests at Badalona Port in the Mediterranean Sea shows the high antifouling efficiency of the TAN coating, comparable to commercial paint, until 7 months. The use of a natural black wattle tannin, without its complexation with metals, can eliminate the release of metals and other toxic biocides to the marine environment. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    A molecular dynamics study on glucose molecular recognition by a non-enzymatic selective sensor based on a conducting polymer

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    Poly(hydroxymethyl-3,4-ethylendioxythiophene) (PHMeDOT), a very electroactive polythiophene derivative bearing a dioxane ring fused onto the thiophene ring and an exocyclic hydroxymethyl substituent, is able to electrocatalyze the oxidation of glucose in the presence of interferents (e.g. dopamine, uric acid and ascorbic acid) without the assistance of an enzymatic catalyst. In this work, after demonstrating that the chronoamperometric response of such polythiophene derivatives allows discrimination of glucose from fructose, the PHMeDOT¿sugar recognition mechanism has been investigated using atomistic computer simulations. More specifically, molecular dynamics simulations were conducted on model systems formed by a steel surface covered with a nanometric film of PHMeDOT, which was immersed in an aqueous environment with a few explicit sugar molecules (i.e. glucose or fructose). Analyses of the trajectories indicate that glucose interacts with PHMeDOT forming a well-defined network of specific hydrogen bonds. More specifically, glucose prefers to interact as a hydrogen bonding donor using the hydroxyl group tether to the main sugar ring, while PHMeDOT acts as the hydrogen bonding acceptor. Interestingly, (glucose)O–H¿O(PHMeDOT) interactions involve, as hydrogen bonding acceptors, not only the oxygen atoms of the dioxane ring but also the oxygen atom of the exocyclic hydroxymethyl substituent, which is a differential trend with respect to the other polythiophene derivatives that do not exhibit sensing ability. In contrast, fructose does not present such well-defined patterns of specific interactions, especially those that are distinctive because of the exocyclic hydroxymethyl substituent, making the experimental observations understandable.Postprint (author's final draft

    Effect of the incorporation of micro and nanocellulose particles on the anticorrosive properties of epoxy coatings applied on carbon steel

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    Polymeric coatings may act as a physical barrier between the aggressive ions and the metal substrate. However, prolonged exposure may cause damage to the polymer coating, leading to a continuous reduction of the barrier effect and consequently loss of the corrosion protection. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APS), cellulose and polyaniline emeraldine-salt (PAni ES) in an epoxy coating on the corrosion protection of mild steel. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and cellulose nanowhiskers (CNW) functionalized or not with PAni ES were used and compared. The coating properties were investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), salt spray test and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The surface of the carbon steel, after 1000 h of exposure, did not present evidence of superficial corrosion. Polymer coatings using CNW and PAni ES showed improved corrosion protection properties even after 90 days of immersion in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution. The greatest increase in the corrosion resistance of the coating was found by EIS for the epoxy coating reinforced with CNW functionalized with PAni ES, revealing a synergistic effect of the electroactivity of a conducting polymer and nanosized cellulose particles

    Using conducting polymers as active agents for marine antifouling paints

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    Antifouling coatings were prepared with paints containing polyaniline (PAni) and derivatives as active pigment, and evaluated by antifouling performance on metallic or polyvinyl chloride substrates. The paints, PAni and its derivatives were characterized by FT-IR spectrophotometry, thermogravimetric analysis, electrical conductivity and scanning electron microscopy. Coatings were also characterized by salt spray, leaching and erosion tests. Antifouling coatings’ performance was evaluated by immersion tests in a marine environment or in fresh water. Paints containing PAni-ES, PAni/DBSA and SPAN, and a co-biocide PyZn, showed antifouling performance similar to a commercial antifouling paint

    Application of Polymeric Nanocomposites and Carbon Fiber Composites in the Production of Natural Gas Reservoirs

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    This research work is about the experimental analysis of the mechanical behavior of reservoirs for storage of compressed natural gas (CNG) consisting of a nanopolymeric liner coated with carbon fiber preimpregnated with epoxy resin applied by filament winding (FW). It addresses technical solutions adopted to optimize the reservoir as reinforcement with fiber, the process of healing and thermal analysis, as well as the hydrostatic testing to verify its resistance to the pressure required for CNG storage. Different nanoclays were incorporated to the polymer aiming to increase the strength of the liner and to reduce the thickness of its wall and the final weight of the reservoir as well as decreasing gas permeability. The obtained results were the basis for proposing an adaptation of the equation traditionally used for the dimensioning of the wall thickness of metallic pressure vessels to determine the number of layers needed to endure any internal pressure to which the reservoir is subjected. They indicate that the used methodology enables the production of pressure vessels for the storage of CNG, according to the ISO 11439:2013 Standard
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