174 research outputs found

    Joyce’s heirs. Joyce’s imprint on recent global literatures

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    166 p.The figure of James Joyce is intangible, an almost all-encompassing figure whose height and breadth bypasses countries, continents and even time constraints and limitations. Many writers have confessed to their being indebted to his works and readings, as have many scholars over the years. However, not everything said about Joyce has always been praising; his contemporary D.H. Lawrence is known to have criticised him on the basis of his Biblical references or his journalistic-indebted narrative, which he defined as “old and hard-worked staleness, masquerading as the all-new”. Many more writers have, however, found inspiration in Joyce’s narratives and stories than not. Admirers and detractors aside, it is clear that Joyce’s figure is larger than life. Almost as a reversed parallelism to D.H. Lawrence’s criticism, Joyce can be pronounced a figure of almost Biblical proportions. One may like him or despise him; however, no one is left indifferent by it. This lofty, academic assertion has its more mundane mirror image in the widespread myth that all Dubliners, upon entering a conversation of literary dimensions, will firmly state their own opinions on the Dubliner’s work, even discuss some of his passages, only to later acknowledge (perhaps in the intimacy of one of those public houses Joyce himself so well depicted) that they have not read the book at all. This, rather than taking away literary value form Joyce’s work, proves how all-encompassing and ever-arching his work can be. Discussed alike by highranking academics and Dublin taxi drivers, Joyce’s oeuvre is an ever-continuing metaphor of life and its essence at the core of the city which he left but always inhabited

    Development and psychometric properties of an instrument for the Assessment of Sexual Behaviour and Knowledge of people with Intellectual Disability

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    Background This paper presents psychometric properties of an instrument for the Assessment of Sexual Behaviour and Knowledge of people with Intellectual Disability (ASBKID), other‐reported by professionals who are in daily contact with them. Methods and procedures Assessments of 236 individuals with intellectual disability were obtained from 100 professionals. Results Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a four‐factor structure: concern about the user's inappropriate or uninhibited sexual behaviour; perception of the user's knowledge about privacy and social norms; perception of the user's knowledge about sexuality; and concerns about the user's sexuality. A multi‐group CFA was also conducted in men and women, confirming the adequacy of this four‐factor structure by gender. The reliability of the factors ranged from 0.74 to 0.92. Conclusions The psychometric results obtained support the use of the ASBKID as a valid and reliable measure for the assessment of sexual behaviour and knowledge in both men and women with intellectual disability

    Factors associated with condom use in vaginal intercourse among Spanish adults with intellectual disability: Proposal for an explanatory model

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    Background: The prevention of HIV or other STIs in people with intellectual disabilities (ID) is a rarely studied subject even though this population group is at the same risk of infection as the general population. Aims: The present study aims to conduct a descriptive analysis of sexual behaviours and condom use frequency in Spanish men and women with intellectual disabilities and identify the combi- nation of variables that best explain condom use in vaginal intercourse. Methods and procedures: The sample consisted of 253 people (56.1 % male and 43.9 % female) aged between 20 and 64 years (M = 38.52; SD = 10.48). Participants completed the Sexuality Questionnaire for People with Intellectual Disabilities and the Sexual Abuse Risk Screening Scale. Outcomes and results: The percentage of consistent condom use is 27.7 % for vaginal intercourse. Lack of knowledge about body boundaries constitutes a risk factor contributing to risky sexual behaviour. Knowledge of HIV-transmitting fluids and perceived self-efficacy are protective fac- tors. The proposed model explains between 35.5 % and 46.6 % of the variance. Conclusions and implications: The results highlight the importance of considering the judgements people make about their ability to perform preventive behaviour and the provision of information on sexuality adapted to cognitive abilities to minimise the engagement in risky behaviours

    Academic Perfectionism, Psychological Well-Being, and Suicidal Ideation in College Students

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    High levels of perfectionism in college students can compromise their academic performance and psychological well-being. This study aims to analyze the implication of perfectionism in psychological well-being and suicidal ideation in the last year. A total of 1.287 students from different degrees reported their academic performance in the previous academic year and completed questionnaires on academic perfectionism, psychological well-being, and suicidal thoughts in the last year. In both men and women, academic perfectionism correlates positively with academic performance and negatively with the different dimensions of psychological well-being. Likewise, both the average grade in the previous year (β = 0.364) and the level of demand of the degree (β = −0.461) are mediating variables between perfectionism and psychological well-being. Furthermore, the interaction between perfectionism and academic performance is related positively to psychological well-being, but not to with suicidal ideation. So, the relation between suicidal ideation and perfectionism is positive (OR = 1.075), but this is negative with academic performance (OR = 0.900), although both variables show a mild predictive capacity. These findings suggest that the levels of perfectionism are associated differently with the mental health of students, since if perfectionism is effective (high academic performance), psychological well-being is high, although in our results, this interaction is not as important for suicidal thoughts

    Joyce’s heirs. Joyce’s imprint on recent global literatures

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    166 p.The figure of James Joyce is intangible, an almost all-encompassing figure whose height and breadth bypasses countries, continents and even time constraints and limitations. Many writers have confessed to their being indebted to his works and readings, as have many scholars over the years. However, not everything said about Joyce has always been praising; his contemporary D.H. Lawrence is known to have criticised him on the basis of his Biblical references or his journalistic-indebted narrative, which he defined as “old and hard-worked staleness, masquerading as the all-new”. Many more writers have, however, found inspiration in Joyce’s narratives and stories than not. Admirers and detractors aside, it is clear that Joyce’s figure is larger than life. Almost as a reversed parallelism to D.H. Lawrence’s criticism, Joyce can be pronounced a figure of almost Biblical proportions. One may like him or despise him; however, no one is left indifferent by it. This lofty, academic assertion has its more mundane mirror image in the widespread myth that all Dubliners, upon entering a conversation of literary dimensions, will firmly state their own opinions on the Dubliner’s work, even discuss some of his passages, only to later acknowledge (perhaps in the intimacy of one of those public houses Joyce himself so well depicted) that they have not read the book at all. This, rather than taking away literary value form Joyce’s work, proves how all-encompassing and ever-arching his work can be. Discussed alike by highranking academics and Dublin taxi drivers, Joyce’s oeuvre is an ever-continuing metaphor of life and its essence at the core of the city which he left but always inhabited

    People with intellectual disabilities' sexuality from three different perspectives: Parents, professionals, and themselves

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    Background A positive conception of sexuality among people with intellectual disabilities is crucial and relies on several social and interpersonal contexts. The goal of this study is to analyse the interaction and impact of three different contextual groups: individuals with intellectual disabilities, their parents, and professionals working with them. Methods Survey data were collected from 330 people with intellectual disabilities attending occupational centres in eastern Spain, 330 parents, and 100 professionals. Results Correlation and variance analyses of dyad-level data show significant differences among the three groups in all variables. Professionals perceived people with intellectual disabilities to have higher knowledge of socio-sexual norms than people with intellectual disabilities actually appear to be, but they are also more concerned about aspects related to this area of people with intellectual disabilities. Compared to people with intellectual disabilities and professionals, parents perceived people with intellectual disabilities to have lower sexual knowledge. Conclusions Our study demonstrates inconsistent perceived knowledge of people with intellectual disabilities' socio-sexual norms and sexual knowledge among the three groups, leading to disparate levels of concern regarding people with intellectual disabilities sexuality. Thus, the need to collect information from different perspectives for more accurate reporting and the critical need for sex education programs that involve the target population, but also parents and professionals who frequently interact with people with intellectual disabilities are highlighted

    Identificación mediante la huella del pabellón auricular

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    Desarrollo del actual protocolo para el tratamiento de huellas de oreja y análisis tanto de la técnica como de la validez jurídica actual de la identificación por este métodoUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Comparación entre las actitudes de las personas con discapacidad intelectual hacia la conducta sexual y las de sus padres

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    Traditionally, people with intellectual disabilities have been deprived of the right to express their opinion, dismissing their ability to reflect and making their greater dependence on reference adults prevail. In this sense, although there is an increasing awareness of the rights of these people, the prejudices of parents towards the sexuality of this group are still present. For this reason, we propose to analyse the attitudes towards sexual behaviour of people with intellectual disabilities held by both the people who make up this group and their parents. To do this, a brief scale of attitudes towards sexual behaviour was administered to a sample of 360 people with mild or moderate intellectual disabilities between 19 and 55 years old and 100 parents between 28 and 83 years old. The results reveal that people with intellectual disabilities have significantly more liberal attitudes than their parents towards the behaviours of kissing, caressing (t = 2.423; p = .016) or engaging in sexual practices without penetration (t = 2.009; p = .045), but not towards the practice of vaginal intercourse against which both groups show similar attitudes (t = .252; p = .802). These results reflect not only the importance of taking into account the attitudes about sexuality of people with disabilities when developing affective-sexual education programs adapted to their characteristics, but also the value of providing the necessary knowledge and skills to parents.Tradicionalmente, las personascon discapacidad intelectual han sido privadas del derecho aexpresarsu opinión, desestimando su capacidad de reflexión y haciendo prevalecer su mayor dependencia de los adultos de referencia. En este sentido, aunque cada vez hay una mayor conciencia de los derechos de estas personas, siguen presentes los prejuicios de sus padres hacia la sexualidad de este colectivo. Por este motivo, nos proponemos analizar las actitudes hacia la conducta sexual de las personas con discapacidad intelectual que detentan tanto las personas que integran este colectivo como sus padres. Para ello, se administró una escala breve de actitudes hacia la conducta sexual a una muestra de 360 personas con discapacidad intelectual leve o moderada de entre 19 y 55 años y a 100 padres de entre 28 y 83 años. Los resultados revelan que las personas con discapacidad intelectual presentan actitudes significativamente más liberales que sus padres hacia las conductas de besarse, acariciarse (t = 2.423; p = .016) o realizar prácticas sexuales sin penetración (t = 2.009; p = .045), pero no hacia la práctica del coito vaginal frente a la que ambos colectivos muestran actitudes semejantes (t = .252; p = .802). Estos resultados reflejan no solo la importancia de tener en cuenta las actitudes sobre sexualidad de las personas con discapacidad a la hora de elaborar programas de educación afectivo-sexual adaptados a sus características, sino también el valor de proporcionar los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios a los padres

    Actitudes hacia la sexualidad de las personas con discapacidad intelectual: ¿difiere la población general de las propias personas con discapacidad intelectual?

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    An essential aspect to guarantee the quality of life in people with Intellectual Disabilities (PDI) is sexual health. Despite the fact that attention has been increased in recent years on this issue, it is decisive to know if there are prejudices that can affect healthy development. The objective of this study has been to compare the attitudes towards sexuality of PDI that they have with those of the general population (PPG). For this, a total of 100 PDI (50% men and 50% women), from 19 to 55 years old, completed the Sexual Perception Scale, and 454 PPG (39.4% men and 60.6% women), between 20-82 years old, completed the Attitude Scale for Sexuality in People with Intellectual Disabilities (ASEXDI). 71.1% of the PPG show moderate attitudes towards thes exuality of PDI, 18.7%, liberaland 10.1% conservative attitudes. Both groups differ in tolerance to caresses, being higher in the PPG group (68.28% consider it very acceptable, compared to 22.78% of PDI). In contrast, penetrative sexual relations between PDI are slightly better valued by PDI than between PPG, although in both cases they are conservative attitudes (15% of PDI consider it not at all acceptable, compared to 37.89% of the PPG). However, the PPG tends to consider the competences of PDI for the correct use of condoms in a more positive way. The results allow to conclude that the PPG shows a moderate tolerance towards the expression of sexuality of this group, with the exception of the penetration practice towards which they show some prevention. The positive attitude of PDI towards this practice together with their low perception of competence in condom use justifies the need for adapted affective-sexual education programs.Un aspecto esencial para garantizar la calidad de vida en las personas con Discapacidad Intelectual (PDI) es la salud sexual. Pese a que en los últimos años se ha aumentado la atención en esta cuestión, es determinante conocer si existen prejuicios que pueden afectar al desarrollo saludable. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido comparar las actitudes hacia la sexualidad de las PDI que tienen ellas mismas con las que tiene la población general (PPG). Para ello un total de 100 PDI (50% hombres y 50% mujeres), de 19 a 55 años completaron la Escala de Percepción Sexual, y 454 PPG (39.4% hombres y 60.6% mujeres), de entre 20-82 años completaron la Escala de Actitudes para la Sexualidad en Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual (ASEXDI). El 71.1% de las PPG presenta unas actitudes moderadas hacia la sexualidad de las PDI, el 18.7%, actitudes liberales y 10.1% conservadoras. Ambos grupos difieren en la tolerancia a las caricias siendo superior en el grupo de PPG (68.28% lo considera muy aceptable, frente al 22.78% de las PDI). Por el contrario, las relaciones sexuales con penetración entre PDI están ligeramente mejor valoradas por las PDI que entre la PG, aunque en ambos casos son actitudes conservadoras (el 15% de las PDI lo considera nada aceptable en absoluto, frente al 37.89% de la PG). Sin embargo, la PG tiendeaconsiderar deforma más positivalascompetencias delas PDI parael uso correcto del preservativo. Los resultados permiten concluir que la PG muestra una tolerancia moderada hacia la expresión de la sexualidad de este colectivo, con la excepción de la práctica de penetración hacia la que muestran cierta prevención. La actitud positiva de los PDI hacia esta práctica unida a su baja percepción de competencia en el uso del preservativo justifica la necesidad de programas de educación afectivo-sexual adaptados