3,606 research outputs found

    Internet of Things and Their Coming Perspectives: A Real Options Approach

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    Internet of things is developing at a dizzying rate, and companies are forced to implement it in order to maintain their operational efficiency. The high flexibility inherent to these technologies makes it necessary to apply an appropriate measure, which properly assesses risks and rewards. Real options methodology is available as a tool which fits the conditions, both economic and strategic, under which investment in internet of things technologies is developed. The contribution of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, it offers an adequate tool to assess the strategic value of investment in internet of things technologies. On the other hand, it tries to raise awareness among managers of internet of things technologies because of their potential to contribute to economic and social progress. The results of the research described in this paper highlight the importance of taking action as quickly as possible if companies want to obtain the best possible performance. In order to enhance the understanding of internet of things technologies investment, this paper provides a methodology to assess the implementation of internet of things technologies by using the real options approach; in particular, the option to expand has been proposed for use in the decision-making process

    A beyond mean field study of Bose gases in a double-well potential with a Feshbach resonance

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    The Bose-Hubbard model coupled to a Feshbach resonance is studied. Quantum phase transitions are analyzed within a beyond mean field framework in order to get finite size corrections to the simple mean field approach. Analytical results for the ground state energy and the first few energy gaps are presented

    Colloidal Synthesis of Gold Semishells

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    This work describes a novel and scalable colloid chemistry strategy to fabricate gold semishells based on the selective growth of gold on Janus silica particles (500 nm in diameter) partly functionalized with amino groups. The modulation of the geometry of the Janus silica particles allows us to tune the final morphology of the gold semishells. This method also provides a route to fabricating hollow gold semishells through etching of the silica cores with hydrofluoric acid. The optical properties were characterized by visible near-infrared (vis-NIR) spectroscopy and compared with simulations performed using the boundary element method (BEM). These revealed that the main optical features are located beyond the NIR region because of the large core size

    Dinámicas de gentrificación en metrópolis de la cultura: aproximación comparada a las estrategias de Madrid y Buenos Aires

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    Este trabajo explora los cambios que acontecen actualmente en las dinámicas de regeneración urbana de las grandes metrópolis contemporáneas que apuestan por modelos de economía urbana incorporados a la globalización. El peso de la producción cultural y de las industria creativas se acompaña de nuevos personajes y estilos de vida directamente vinculados a la “nueva economía”, innovadora y social, cuyos movimientos representan hoy la piedra de toque de las dinámicas urbanas que afectan a las áreas centrales. Proponemos analizar estas dinámicas a partir de los casos de Madrid y Buenos Aires en función de tres factores detectados: la rehabilitación del patrimonio urbano, las políticas de lugar de la economía del conocimiento, y la transformación comercial de los mercados tradicionales y el comercio de proximidad. Sostenemos que estos tres vectores refuerzan los procesos de renovación urbana desplazando la frontera de la gentrificación a nuevos marcos de actuación y límites territoriales.This paper explores the changes taking place today in urban regeneration dynamics of the big metropolis that are committed to contemporary urban economic models incorporated in globalization. The weight of the cultural and creative industry comes together with new characters and lifestyles directly linked to the innovative and social "new economy", whose movements today represent the touchstone of urban dynamics affecting central areas. We propose to analyze these dynamics from the cases of Madrid and Buenos Aires, in terms of three identified factors: the policies for rehabilitation of urban heritage, the policies for placing knowledge economy, and commercial transformation of traditional markets and local shops. We argue that these three vectors reinforce urban renewal processes moving the border of gentrification towards new frameworks and territorial frontiers.Peer Reviewe

    Improvement of water supply in Cariño

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    [Resumen:] Se plantea una propuesta de mejora del abastecimiento del municipio de Cariño, siguiendo el Plan Auga realizado por el organismo Augas de Galicia. Tras un estudio detallado y consulta con el organismo encargado del abastecimiento del municipio nos encontramos dos sistemas de tratamiento de agua potable, uno principal, que capta el agua del río Lourido, y uno secundario, cuyo suministro proviene de dos pequeños ríos situados en la parte norte del pueblo de Cariño. Los problemas de abastecimiento surgen debido al crecimiento poblacional en las épocas estivales, donde nos encontramos una insuficiente capacidad de tratamiento, problemas de cantidad de agua, insuficiente abastecimiento en algunas zonas altas (A Pedra y Figueiroa) e insuficiente volumen de regulación. Tras un análisis exhaustivo de las alternativas planteadas, para solucionar los problemas descritos anteriormente, se ha tomado como elección óptima la basada en el desuso de las infraestructuras actuales, buscando una nueva captación en el Río Mera, garantizando así el suministro de agua, para ello se propondrá la construcción de una nueva ETAP y un nuevo depósito en las inmediaciones de la nueva captación con la capacidad de tratamiento y volumen de regulación necesarios para abastecer a todo el municipio de Cariño y a las parroquias de Veiga y Ponte de Mera situadas en el municipio de Ortigueira. El transporte de agua se realizará mediante una conducción. Dicha conducción alternará tres bombeos con tramos por gravedad, el trazado se ha definido desde el nuevo depósito de Ponte de Mera hasta el depósito de regulación de Castro, donde a partir de ese punto se empleará el sistema de abastecimiento actual.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ETSECCP). Tecnoloxía da Enxeñaría Civil. Curso 2015/201

    Number conserving particle-hole RPA for superfluid nuclei

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    TheAuthor(s) - .Published by Elsevier B.V. "This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Funded by SCOAP"We present a number conserving particle-hole RPA theory for collective excitations in the transition from normal to superfluid nuclei. The method derives from an RPA theory developed long ago in quantum chemistry using antisymmetric geminal powers, or equivalently number projected HFB states, as reference states. We show within a minimal model of pairing plus monopole interactions that the number conserving particle-hole RPA excitations evolve smoothly across the superfluid phase transition close to the exact results, contrary to particle-hole RPA in the normal phase and quasiparticle RPA in the superfluid phase that require a change of basis at the broken symmetry point. The new formalism can be applied in a straightforward manner to study particle-hole excitations on top of a number projected HFB state.Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía (Spain) FQM-160 and FQM-370Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF), ref. SOMM17/6105/UGRMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the ERDF under Projects No. FIS2015-63770-P, FIS2017-88410-P and PGC2018-094180-B-I00CEAFMC and Universidad de Huelva High Performance Computer (HPC@UHU) funded by FEDER/MINECO project UNHU-15CE-284

    Number conserving particle-hole RPA for superfluid nuclei

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    TheAuthor(s) - .Published by Elsevier B.V. "This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Funded by SCOAP"We present a number conserving particle-hole RPA theory for collective excitations in the transition from normal to superfluid nuclei. The method derives from an RPA theory developed long ago in quantum chemistry using antisymmetric geminal powers, or equivalently number projected HFB states, as reference states. We show within a minimal model of pairing plus monopole interactions that the number conserving particle-hole RPA excitations evolve smoothly across the superfluid phase transition close to the exact results, contrary to particle-hole RPA in the normal phase and quasiparticle RPA in the superfluid phase that require a change of basis at the broken symmetry point. The new formalism can be applied in a straightforward manner to study particle-hole excitations on top of a number projected HFB state.Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía (Spain) FQM-160 and FQM-370Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF), ref. SOMM17/6105/UGRMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the ERDF under Projects No. FIS2015-63770-P, FIS2017-88410-P and PGC2018-094180-B-I00CEAFMC and Universidad de Huelva High Performance Computer (HPC@UHU) funded by FEDER/MINECO project UNHU-15CE-284

    Connection between decoherence and excited state quantum phase transitions

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    In this work we explore the relationship between an excited state quantum phase transition (ESQPT) and the phenomenon of quantum decoherence. For this purpose, we study how the decoherence is affected by the presence of a continuous ESQPT in the environment. This one is modeled as a two level boson system described by a Lipkin Hamiltonian. We will show that the decoherence of the system is maximal when the environment undergoes a continuous ESQPT

    Conceptualizing a framework for cyber-physical systems of systems development and deployment

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    ABSTRACT Cyber-physical systems (CPS) refer to the next generation of embedded ICT systems that are interconnected, collaborative and that provide users and businesses with a wide range of smart applications and services. Software in CPS applications ranges from small systems to large systems, aka. Systems of Systems (SoS), such as smart grids and cities. CPSoS require managing massive amounts of data, being aware of their emerging behavior, and scaling out to progressively evolve and add new systems. Cloud computing supports processing and storing massive amounts of data, hosting and delivering services, and configuring selfprovisioned resources. Therefore, cloud computing is the natural candidate to solve CPSoS needs. However, the diversity of platforms and the low-level cloud programming models make difficult to find a common solution for the development and deployment of CPSoS. This paper presents the architectural foundations of a cloud-centric framework for automating the development and deployment of CPSoS service applications to converge towards a common open service platform for CPSoS applications. This framework relies on the well-known qualities of the microservices architecture style, the autonomic computing paradigm, and the model-driven software development approach. Its implementation and validation is on-going at two European and national projects