1,534 research outputs found

    Short-term effects of nitrogen deposition on soil microbial biomass in Calluna heathlands NW Spain: critical loads

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    We evaluate the short-term effects of different N deposition loads on nutrient dynamic of soil microbial biomass in Cantabrian heathlands. A surplus of 10 kg N ha-1 yr-1 above N background deposition was required to increase soil microbial biomass N content in old Calluna heathlands, while a surplus of 20 kg N ha-1 yr-1 was required in young ones. The increase of atmospheric N deposition showed no change in soil microbial biomass C content. This caused a decrease in C:N ratio with the highest N deposition loads, being linked to a bacterial biomass dominance against fungal dominance

    Perspectiva cualitativa y cuantitativa del autoconcepto físico y la imagen corporal de los diferentes profesionales de la actividad física y del deporte

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    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar, desde un enfoque mixto cuantitativo-cualitativo, de qué manera el autoconcepto físico y la imagen corporal determinan el desarrollo de la identidad de los profesionales de la actividad física y el deporte: entrenadores personales, monitores, maestros y profesores de Educación Física. 481 personas cumplimentaron on-line un cuestionario de autoconcepto físico y 18 de ellas fueron entrevistadas en profundidad. Los resultados cuantitativos mostraron que existen diferencias significativas en la imagen corporal, la competencia deportiva, la condición física o la competencia física general entre estos grupos y la población general, aunque no entre ellos; a nivel global hubo diferencias significativas a favor de los varones en todas ellas. Los resultados cualitativos se analizaron en torno a tres temas: los rasgos físicos identitarios de la profesión, el vínculo entre la imagen corporal y la profesión y la relación entre la cultura del consumo, la imagen corporal y la profesión. Mostraron que hay diferencias entre los profesionales del fitness y los docentes, ya que para los primeros la imagen corporal es un rasgo identitario mucho más fuerte que depende de ellos, pero también de factores externos a ellos y que son muy dependientes de la cultura del consumo.The main goal of this study was to assess, from a mixed quantitative-qualitative perspective, how physical self-concept and body image determine the identity development of the sport and physical activity professionals: personal trainers, coaches, and physical education teachers (primary and secondary education). 481 individuals completed and on-line questionnaire on physical self-concept and 18 of them were interviewed. Quantitative results showed that there are significant differences regarding body image, sport competence, physical conditioning and global physical competence among these groups and general population, but not among them; globally, significant differences favoured males in all variables. Quantitative results were analyzed around three themes: identity traits of the profession, link between body image and the profession, and the connection between the consumer culture, body image and profession. They showed differences between fitness professionals and teachers; for the first ones, body image is a strong indentify trait that depends on them, but also on external factors to them, and they are very dependent of the consumer culture.O objetivo do estudo foi analisar, desde uma perspectiva mixta quantitativa e qualitativa, de que maneira o autoconceito físico e a imagem do corpo determinam o desenvolvimento da identidade dos profissionais da atividade física e desporto: instrutores pessoais, treinadores, professores de educação física. Questionários on-line de autoconceito físico foram preenchidos por 481 pessoas e com 18 delas foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade. Os resultados quantitativos mostraram que existem diferenças significativas quanto à imagem corporal, à competência esportiva, aptidão física ou competência física geral entre estes grupos e a população em geral, porém não entre eles mesmos; globalmente houve diferenças significativas em favor dos homens em todas elas. Os resultados qualitativos foram analisados ao redor de três temas: as características físicas identitárias da profissão, o vínculo entre a imagem corporal e a profissão e a relação entre cultura de consumo, imagem corporal e a profissão. Eles mostraram que existem diferenças entre profissionais de fitness e professores, porque para os primeiros a imagem do corpo é um traço de identidade muito mais forte que depende de sí mesmos, mas também de fatores que lhe são externos e que são muito dependentes da cultura de consumo

    Proyecto de climatización y producción de ACS de un centro deportivo

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    El objeto del presente trabajo de fin de grado es el diseño para la posterior construcción y puesta en servicio de la instalación de climatización y producción de agua caliente sanitaria de un centro deportivo. Incluye los sistemas de generación de calor y frío, la red de distribución de agua fría y caliente, los equipos terminales y la instalación térmica de preparación de agua caliente sanitaria.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.EUP). Enxeñaría eléctrica. Curso 2013/201

    Investment in public transport projects in cities: What do citizens think about it?

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    In recent years, important public transport infrastructures projects have been carried out in Andalusia (Spain), some of them having an important impact on life in the metropolitan areas. Nevertheless, no studies have been done to know the citizens’ opinion concerning these projects. This article presents an analysis about the citizens’ perception on this matter, based on a 2015 survey with a sample of 1,200 individuals living in the Andalusian capital cities. Citizens’ perceptions about public transport infrastructures are analyzed, based on citizens’ mobility preferences, on their opinion about transport infrastructures’ social impact and about their adequation to the city they live in. Results indicate that people living in cities which already have underground have a larger preference for underground means of transport than those who live in cities that only have transit on surface. In addition, it is proved that light rail is the most unpopular transport mode among citizens.Agencia de Obra Pública de Andalucía y Unión Europea a través de "Herramienta para la evaluación previa de infraestructuras de transporte público" con código GGI3003IDIE con la colaboración de la Universidad de Granada y el Departamento de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad de Granada

    Short-term effects of nitrogen deposition on soil microbial biomass in Calluna heathlands NW Spain: critical loads

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    [EN] We evaluate the short-term effects of different N deposition loads on nutrient dynamic of soil microbial biomass in Cantabrian heathlands. A surplus of 10 kg N ha-1 yr-1 above N background deposition was required to increase soil microbial biomass N content in old Calluna heathlands, while a surplus of 20 kg N ha-1 yr-1 was required in young ones. The increase of atmospheric N deposition showed no change in soil microbial biomass C content. This caused a decrease in C:N ratio with the highest N deposition loads, being linked to a bacterial biomass dominance against fungal dominanceS

    The role of prescribed fire in the provision of regulating ecosystem services of Spanish heathlands

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    We provide a synthesis of evidence of the effects of burning and N deposition on the provision of regulating ecosystem services of Cantabrian heathlands (NW Spain). We quantified carbon sequestration in litter, above and belowground biomass, root and soil compartments in heathlands after burning and burning plus N fertilization

    Barriers to Online Second-Hand Purchase Behavior

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1108/MIP-03-2023-0093[Abstract] Introduction: The second-hand online market has experienced a rapid growth due to the great penetration of the internet. However, although previous studies examine the consumer purchase behaviour in second-hand stores, the great majority focuses on offline shopping, and little is known about the barriers that consumers experience in the online second-hand market. Purpose: In this context, the aim of the present research is to examine what factors determine that consumers restrain from shopping used products through the internet. So, this research aims to analyse what makes consumers prevent from shopping second-hand products online. Methodology: For this purpose, we propose and empirically test a conceptual model of the barriers towards online second-hand shopping behaviour. Drawing on a sample of 405 consumers data was analyzed through Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Findings: Our findings reveal that contamination effects and the lack of trust towards the online store, followed by the low perceived product reliability and the poor product perceived quality prevent consumers from shopping used products online. Conversely, consumer embarrassment for shopping second-hand products and the purchase uncertainty do not influence consumers’ second-hand shopping behaviour. Value: This study contributes to the marketing literature on second-hand shopping, being an attempt to explore the factors that prevent consumers from purchasing used products through the internet

    Plant and vegetation functional responses to cumulative high nitrogen deposition in rear-edge heathlands

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    P. 980-990Elevated atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition is a major driver of change, altering the structure/functioning of nutrient-poor Calluna vulgaris-heathlands over Europe. These effects amply proven for north-western/central heathlands may, however, vary across the ecosystem's distribution, especially at the range limits, as heathlands are highly vulnerable to land-use changes combined with present climate change. This is an often overlooked and greatly understudied aspect of the ecology of heathlands facing global change. We investigated the effects of five N-fertilisation treatments simulating a range of N deposition rates (0, 10, 20, and 50 kg N ha−1 yr−1 for 1 year; and 56 kg N ha−1 yr−1 for 9 years) on the Calluna-plants, the plant functional groups, species composition and richness of two life-cycle stages (building/young- and mature-phase) of Calluna-heathlands at their rear-edge limit. Our findings revealed a dose-related response of the shoot length and number of flowers of young and mature Calluna-plants to the addition of N, adhering to the findings from other heathland locations. However, cumulative high-N loading reduced the annual growth and flowering of young plants, showing early signs of N saturation. The different plant functional groups showed contrasting responses to the cumulative addition of N: annual/perennial forbs and annual graminoids increased with quite low values; perennial graminoids were rather abundant in young heathlands but only slightly augmented in mature ones; while bryophytes and lichens strongly declined at the two heathland life-cycle stages. Meanwhile there were no significant N-driven changes in plant species composition and richness. Our results demonstrated that Calluna-heathlands at their low-latitude distribution limit are moderately resistant to cumulative high-N loading. As north-western/central European heathlands under high-N inputs broadly experienced the loss of plant diversity and pronounced changes in plant species dominance, rear-edge locations may be of critical importance to unravel the mechanisms of heathland resilience to future global change.S

    Mixed reality implementation for navigation systems in mobile devices

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Desarrollo de Videojuegos, Facultad de Informática UCM, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, Curso 2019/2020.La realidad mixta (MR por sus siglas en inglés) ha crecido en los últimos años y ha aumentado su alcance gracias a la accesibilidad de la población a teléfonos móviles. Esta tecnología se basa en la interacción del mundo digital con el mundo físico. Este trabajo de fin de grado plantea el desarrollo de una aplicación de navegación con rutas a través de un entorno de realidad mixta. Durante el proyecto se estudian las distintas tecnologías de realidad mixta, así como la realidad aumentada y virtual debido a su conexión con esta. Del mismo modo, se ha investigado sobre los distintos servicios de búsqueda de rutas por coordenadas. Estos en su mayoría ofrecen funcionalidades como búsqueda de caminos entre varios puntos, la posición del dispositivo en coordenadas GPS o las distintas rutas que puede tomar una persona para llegar a un destino. Estas últimas dependiendo de tráfico u otras variables. Gracias a esta documentación se han desarrollado dos aplicaciones principales. Por una parte, una aplicación que hace uso de la librería ARCore para generar un efecto de oclusión. Con esta aplicación se buscaba generar un entorno de realidad mixta. Por otra parte, una aplicación de navegación utilizando Mapbox. En este caso se crea una ruta desde la ubicación del dispositivo a un destino elegido por el usuario. Esta ruta incluye elementos virtuales para guiar al usuario.Mixed reality technology (MR) has developed in the very last years and has increasded its popularity thanks to population’s accesibility to mobile devices. This technology is based on the interaction between the digital and the physical world. This final project presents the development of a navigation application, with routes via a mixed reality environment. Among this project, different mixed reality technologies are studied, as well as both the technologies of augmented and virtual reality, because of the link between those three. In the same way, different route searching services by geographic coordinates have been also studied. Most of them offer different functionalities like path searching between several points, device location in GPS coordinates or the different routes for a person to reach a destination, these last ones depending on traffic or other variables. Thanks to this information, two main apps have been developed. On one hand, it was created an app that uses the ARcore library to create an effect of occlusion. The aim of this app is to generate a mixed reality environment. On the other hand, it was created a navigation app making use of Mapbox. In this case, a route is created from the device location to a destination chosen by the app user. This last route includes virtual elements to guide the user.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu