37 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Plausible Range of N2O Biosignatures on Exo-Earths: An Integrated Biogeochemical, Photochemical, and Spectral Modeling Approach

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    Nitrous oxide (N2O) -- a product of microbial nitrogen metabolism -- is a compelling exoplanet biosignature gas with distinctive spectral features in the near- and mid-infrared, and only minor abiotic sources on Earth. Previous investigations of N2O as a biosignature have examined scenarios using Earthlike N2O mixing ratios or surface fluxes, or those inferred from Earth's geologic record. However, biological fluxes of N2O could be substantially higher, due to a lack of metal catalysts or if the last step of the denitrification metabolism that yields N2 from N2O had never evolved. Here, we use a global biogeochemical model coupled with photochemical and spectral models to systematically quantify the limits of plausible N2O abundances and spectral detectability for Earth analogs orbiting main-sequence (FGKM) stars. We examine N2O buildup over a range of oxygen conditions (1%-100% present atmospheric level) and N2O fluxes (0.01-100 teramole per year; Tmol = 10^12 mole) that are compatible with Earth's history. We find that N2O fluxes of 10 [100] Tmol yr1^{-1} would lead to maximum N2O abundances of ~5 [50] ppm for Earth-Sun analogs, 90 [1600] ppm for Earths around late K dwarfs, and 30 [300] ppm for an Earthlike TRAPPIST-1e. We simulate emission and transmission spectra for intermediate and maximum N2O concentrations that are relevant to current and future space-based telescopes. We calculate the detectability of N2O spectral features for high-flux scenarios for TRAPPIST-1e with JWST. We review potential false positives, including chemodenitrification and abiotic production via stellar activity, and identify key spectral and contextual discriminants to confirm or refute the biogenicity of the observed N2O.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures; ApJ, 937, 10

    CAMEMBERT: A Mini-Neptunes GCM Intercomparison, Protocol Version 1.0. A CUISINES Model Intercomparison Project

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    With an increased focus on the observing and modelling of mini-Neptunes, there comes a need to better understand the tools we use to model their atmospheres. In this paper, we present the protocol for the CAMEMBERT (Comparing Atmospheric Models of Extrasolar Mini-neptunes Building and Envisioning Retrievals and Transits) project, an intercomparison of general circulation models (GCMs) used by the exoplanetary science community to simulate the atmospheres of mini-Neptunes. We focus on two targets well studied both observationally and theoretically with planned JWST Cycle 1 observations: the warm GJ~1214b and the cooler K2-18b. For each target, we consider a temperature-forced case, a clear sky dual-grey radiative transfer case, and a clear sky multi band radiative transfer case, covering a range of complexities and configurations where we know differences exist between GCMs in the literature. This paper presents all the details necessary to participate in the intercomparison, with the intention of presenting the results in future papers. Currently, there are eight GCMs participating (ExoCAM, Exo-FMS, FMS PCM, Generic PCM, MITgcm, RM-GCM, THOR, and the UM), and membership in the project remains open. Those interested in participating are invited to contact the authors.Comment: Accepted to PS

    The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs, Wolf 1069 b: Earth-mass planet in the habitable zone of a nearby, very low-mass star

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    We present the discovery of an Earth-mass planet (Mbsini=1.26±0.21MM_b\sin i = 1.26\pm0.21M_\oplus) on a 15.6d orbit of a relatively nearby (dd\sim9.6pc) and low-mass (0.167±0.011M0.167\pm0.011 M_\odot) M5.0V star, Wolf 1069. Sitting at a separation of 0.0672±0.00140.0672\pm0.0014au away from the host star puts Wolf 1069b in the habitable zone (HZ), receiving an incident flux of S=0.652±0.029SS=0.652\pm0.029S_\oplus. The planetary signal was detected using telluric-corrected radial-velocity (RV) data from the CARMENES spectrograph, amounting to a total of 262 spectroscopic observations covering almost four years. There are additional long-period signals in the RVs, one of which we attribute to the stellar rotation period. This is possible thanks to our photometric analysis including new, well-sampled monitoring campaigns undergone with the OSN and TJO facilities that supplement archival photometry (i.e., from MEarth and SuperWASP), and this yielded an updated rotational period range of Prot=150170P_{rot}=150-170d, with a likely value at 169.33.6+3.7169.3^{+3.7}_{-3.6}d. The stellar activity indicators provided by the CARMENES spectra likewise demonstrate evidence for the slow rotation period, though not as accurately due to possible factors such as signal aliasing or spot evolution. Our detectability limits indicate that additional planets more massive than one Earth mass with orbital periods of less than 10 days can be ruled out, suggesting that perhaps Wolf 1069 b had a violent formation history. This planet is also the 6th closest Earth-mass planet situated in the conservative HZ, after Proxima Centauri b, GJ 1061d, Teegarden's Star c, and GJ 1002 b and c. Despite not transiting, Wolf 1069b is nonetheless a very promising target for future three-dimensional climate models to investigate various habitability cases as well as for sub-ms1^{-1} RV campaigns to search for potential inner sub-Earth-mass planets in order to test planet formation theories.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figure

    Impact of Clouds and Hazes on the Simulated JWST Transmission Spectra of Habitable Zone Planets in the TRAPPIST-1 System

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    The TRAPPIST-1 system, consisting of an ultra-cool host star having seven known Earth-size planets will be a prime target for atmospheric characterization with JWST. However, the detectability of atmospheric molecular species may be severely impacted by the presence of clouds and/or hazes. In this work, we perform 3-D General Circulation Model (GCM) simulations with the LMD Generic model supplemented by 1-D photochemistry simulations at the terminator with the Atmos model to simulate several possible atmospheres for TRAPPIST-1e, 1f and 1g: 1) modern Earth, 2) Archean Earth, and 3) CO2-rich atmospheres. JWST synthetic transit spectra were computed using the GSFC Planetary Spectrum Generator (PSG). We find that TRAPPIST-1e, 1f and 1g atmospheres, with clouds and/or hazes, could be detected using JWST's NIRSpec prism from the CO2 absorption line at 4.3 um in less than 15 transits at 3 sigma or less than 35 transits at 5 sigma. However, our analysis suggests that other gases would require hundreds (or thousands) of transits to be detectable. We also find that H2O, mostly confined in the lower atmosphere, is very challenging to detect for these planets or similar systems if the planets' atmospheres are not in a moist greenhouse state. This result demonstrates that the use of GCMs, self-consistently taking into account the effect of clouds and sub-saturation, is crucial to evaluate the detectability of atmospheric molecules of interest as well as for interpreting future detections in a more global (and thus robust and relevant) approach.Comment: 36 pages, 19 figure

    V444 Cygni X-ray and polarimetric variability: radiative and coriolis forces shape the wind collision region

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    We present results from a study of the eclipsing, colliding-wind binary V444 Cyg that uses a combination of X-ray and optical spectropolarimetric methods to describe the 3D nature of the shock and wind structure within the system. We have created the most complete X-ray light curve of V444 Cyg to date using 40 ks of new data from Swift, and 200 ks of new and archived XMM-Newton observations. In addition, we have characterized the intrinsic, polarimetric phase-dependent behavior of the strongest optical emission lines using data obtained with the University of Wisconsin's Half-Wave Spectropolarimeter. We have detected evidence of the Coriolis distortion of the wind-wind collision in the X-ray regime, which manifests itself through asymmetric behavior around the eclipses in the system's X-ray light curves. The large opening angle of the X-ray emitting region, as well as its location (i.e. the WN wind does not collide with the O star, but rather its wind) are evidence of radiative braking/inhibition occurring within the system. Additionally, the polarimetric results show evidence of the cavity the wind-wind collision region carves out of the Wolf-Rayet star's wind

    The First Habitable-Zone Earth-Sized Planet From TESS. I. Validation Of The TOI-700 System

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    We present the discovery and validation of a three-planet system orbiting the nearby (31.1 pc) M2 dwarf star TOI-700 (TIC 150428135). TOI-700 lies in the TESS continuous viewing zone in the Southern Ecliptic Hemisphere; observations spanning 11 sectors reveal three planets with radii ranging from 1 R⊕ to 2.6 R⊕ and orbital periods ranging from 9.98 to 37.43 days. Ground-based follow-up combined with diagnostic vetting and validation tests enables us to rule out common astrophysical false-positive scenarios and validate the system of planets. The outermost planet, TOI-700 d, has a radius of 1.19 ± 0.11 R⊕ and resides within a conservative estimate of the host star\u27s habitable zone, where it receives a flux from its star that is approximately 86% of Earth\u27s insolation. In contrast to some other low-mass stars that host Earth-sized planets in their habitable zones, TOI-700 exhibits low levels of stellar activity, presenting a valuable opportunity to study potentially rocky planets over a wide range of conditions affecting atmospheric escape. While atmospheric characterization of TOI-700 d with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will be challenging, the larger sub-Neptune, TOI-700 c (R = 2.63 R⊕), will be an excellent target for JWST and future space-based observatories. TESS is scheduled to once again observe the Southern Hemisphere, and it will monitor TOI-700 for an additional 11 sectors in its extended mission. These observations should allow further constraints on the known planet parameters and searches for additional planets and transit timing variations in the system

    Future Exoplanet Research: Science Questions and How to Address Them

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    Started approximately in the late 1980s, exoplanetology has up to now unveiled the main gross bulk characteristics of planets and planetary systems. In the future it will benefit from more and more large telescopes and advanced space missions. These instruments will dramatically improve their performance in terms of photometric precision, detection speed, multipixel imaging, high-resolution spectroscopy, allowing to go much deeper in the knowledge of planets. Here we outline some science questions which should go beyond these standard improvements and how to address them. Our prejudice is that one is never too speculative: experience shows that the speculative predictions initially not accepted by the community have been confirmed several years later (like spectrophotometry of transits or circumbinary planets).Comment: Invited review, accepte