324 research outputs found

    Effects of coagulating enzyme types (commercial calf rennet, Aspergillus niger var. awamori as recombinant chymosin and rhizomucor miehei as microbial rennet) on the chemical and sensory characteristics of white pickled cheese

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    The possibilities of using recombinant chymosin as an alternative coagulant to commercial calf rennet in the production of white pickled cheese was investigated. For this purpose, white pickled cheese produced by using commercial calf rennet, recombinant chymosin (Aspergillus niger var. awamori) and microbial rennet (Rhizomucor miehei) were compared in terms of their chemical and organoleptic properties. The cheese samples were stored in brine containing 12% salt at 4±1°C for 60 days. In the study, which was carried out in duplicate, pH, titratable acidity, dry matter, fat, fat-in-dry matter, protein, salt, nitrogeneous compounds (water sobuble nitrogen (WSN), ripening index (RI), non-protein nitrogen (NPN), electrophoretic and organoleptic properties of the cheese samples were determined at 1, 15, 30 and 60 days of storage. According to the results, the effects of enzyme type on the titratable acidity, dry matter, salt, nitrogeneous compounds and all sensory properties, except for the odour was significant (p<0.05). At the end of storage, the titratable acidity, salt, WSN, RI, NPN values and sensory scores of the cheeses increased, while the pH, fat, total nitrogen (TN), protein, b- and as1-casein contents of cheeses decreased compared to initial values.Keywords: White pickled cheese, calf rennet, recombinant chymosin, microbial rennet.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(37), pp. 5588-559

    Corporate reputation of non-profit organisations: Kızılay case

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    Günümüz rekabet koşullarında öne çıkmak ve varlığını sürdürebilmek için arzu edilen bir itibara sahip olmak firmalar için oldukça önemlidir. Bu durum kar amacı güden kurumlar için geçerli olduğu kadar kar amacı gütmeyen kurumlar (KAGK) için de geçerlidir. Kar amacı güden kuruluşların oluşturdukları olumlu bir itibar mali açıdan kar sağlarken; KAGK’lar için iyi bir itibar, faaliyetlerini sürdürebilmeleri için gerekli olan bağış, yardım ve gönüllülerin katılımlarının sağlanması açısından önemlidir. 1876 yılından beri faaliyetlerini sürdüren Kızılay, Türkiye’de afet ve sosyal yardım konularında aktif olan, kar amacı gütmeyen bir kurumdur. Bu çalışmanın amacı Eskişehir evreninde, Kızılay’ın algılanan kurumsal itibarını ortaya koymaktır. Bu doğrultuda Baygül (2008) ile Sarstedt ve Schloderer’in (2010) çalışmalarındaki kurumsal itibar ölçekleri esas alınarak elde edilen 32 maddelik Likert ölçeğinden yararlanılmıştır. Veri toplama yöntemi olarak anket kullanılmış ve kota örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilen 200 kişiye uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları Kızılay’ın kurumsal itibarı üzerinde etkili olan beş faktör olduğunu ortaya koymuştur (Yetkinlik, toplumsal sorumluluk, kurum performansı, çekicilik ve bağışyardım- gönüllülük). Sonuçlar Kızılay’ın toplumsal sorumluluk taşıyan bir kurum olarak algılandığını ancak diğer taraftan Kızılay’ın çekici bulunmadığını göstermektedir. Özellikle de bağışlanan paraların iyi amaçlar için kullanılıp kullanılmadığı konusunda şüpheler bulunmaktadır.In today’s competitive environment, it is quite important for companies to have a desirable reputation to become prominent and survive. This is also true for nonprofit corporations as well as profit-oriented companies. While positive reputation established by profitoriented company returns profit financially, a good reputation for nonprofit organizations is important in terms of donations, aid and participation of volunteers to continue its operations. Kızılay, which has been continued its operations since 1876, is an active nonprofit corporation in the field of disasters and social aid. The aim of the study is to reveal perceived reputation of Kızılay in Eskişehir population. In this direction, a 32 item Likert corporate reputation scale which is driven from Baygül’s (2008) and Sarstedt and Schloderer’s (2010) studies was drawn on. Survey was used as a data acquisition method and conducted to 200 people who were chosen using quota sampling method. Research results reveal that there are five factors which are effective on Kızılay’s reputation (Competence, social responsibility, corporate performance, Attractiveness and donation-helpvolunteering). Results show that Kızılay is perceived as a socially responsible corporation; but, on the other hand Kızılay is not found attractive. Particularly, there are doubts about if the donated money is spent for good purposes

    Analyse of Febrile Neutropenia Attacks in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

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    Febrile neutropenia (FN) is the most important cause of morbidity and mortality during treatment in childhood with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The aim of this retrospective study was to assess clinical features, outcomes, treatment modalities, documented infection rates, and frequency of isolation of specific organisms from ALL patients treated by our Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology using Berlin-Frankfurt-Munich (BFM) protocols. In this study 132 children diagnosed with ALL and treated according to the ALL-BFM 2009 protocol at Kayseri City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology between July 2015 and May 2022 were enrolled and evaluated for episodes of FN during intensive chemotherapy. Treatment characteristics, the presence of relapse, duration of neutropenia, culture results, the choice and duration of antibiotics, and disease prognosis were retrospectively assessed using patient records. In 132 acute leukemia cases, 278 episodes of FN were observed aged 1.1 and 17.8 years (mean 7.1±4.9 years) in a male to female ratio of 1.5:1. Infection focus could be documented in 66 episodes (23.7%); pulmonary infections in 23 patients (34.8%), gastrointestinal tract infections in 20 patients (30.3%), in 10 patients urinary tract infections (15.1%), derma¬otological and soft tissue infections in 2 patients (3%). The causative infectious agent could be demonstrated in 92 (33%) episodes. The most common site of isolation was blood (86/92, 30.9%). While the most frequently identified bacterial infectious agents were Gram-positive bacteria (56 isolates, 20.1%), Gram-negative bacteria were identified in 28 isolates (n=10%). Fungal growth was detected in 6 (2.1%) patients and polymicrobial growth was detected in 3 (1.1%) patients. Of the 132 patients, 4 (3%) died due to infection 2 died during induction, and 2 died during reinduction phases. Centers should evaluate their results to identify changing epidemiological patterns and to treat FN early and efficiently

    Knowledge Level of Medical, Pharmacy and Nursing Students About Vaccination and Vaccine Safety

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    DergiPark: 762682tmsjAims: This study aims to determine the knowledge level of medical, pharmacy, and nursing students at Trakya University regar- ding vaccination and vaccine safety. Methods: A questionnaire comprised of 8 questions was completed by 383 students in Feb- ruary 2020. Out of 383 participants, there were 143 medical, 95 pharmacy, and 145 nursing students. The relation of knowledge level with gender, faculty, and the grade were evaluated using the Chi-Square test. Results: Out of 383 students 19.9% stated that they had no knowledge about national childhood vaccination schedule of Turkey, 14.6% thought vaccines cause autism, 83.7% stated that they do not regularly get vaccines recommended for adults, and 68.6% did not have the proper answer to the question of where vaccination can be applied. Conclusion: Vaccines and vaccine safety concerns health care students closely, yet these students have insufficient knowledge about vaccines. As a solution to this problem, more time can be spared for vaccination and vaccine safety subjects in the curriculum of these faculties

    Dokunsay Sayı Tabletlerinin Okul Öncesi Çocuklarının Aritmetik Becerileri Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı algısal ve kavramsal sanbil yetileri referans alınarak hazırlanan DokunSay sayı tabletlerinin okul öncesi 48-60 ay dönemi çocuklarının aritmetik becerilerinin gelişimi üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Çalışmanın katılımcılarını bir özel anaokuluna devam eden 20 okul öncesi çocuk oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma ön test, son test kontrol grupsuz yarı deneysel bir desenle yürütülmüştür. Veriler 21 sorudan oluşan bir ölçme aracı ile toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde bağımlı örneklem t-testi sonuçlarından ve yüzdelik hesaplamalardan faydalanılmıştır. Çocukların ön test ve son test puanları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmuştur. Çocukların bir gruptaki nesne sayısını bulmayı ve iki grubu azlık çokluk yönünden karşılaştırmayı kolaylıkla yapabildikleri ancak önceki-sonraki sayıyı bulma işlemlerinde güçlük yaşadıkları tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda DokunSay matematik öğretim materyallerinin okul öncesi dönemi çocuklarının aritmetik becerilerinin gelişiminde etkili olduğu söylenebilir

    Mutation profile of the patients diagnosed with myeloid neoplasia tested with next generation sequencing and clinical implications

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    Aim: To analyze the distribution of gene mutations in myeloid neoplasias, based on next generating sequencing technology (NGS) and evaluate their clinical implications and impact on the risk stratification. Materials and Methods: 67 bone marrow samples which belong to 48 different patients who were diagnosed with myeloid neoplasia and tested with 30 gene myeloid panel by NGS in our center were evaluated retrospectively. Distribution of genomic alterations and clinical implications were compared in different groups. Results: Samples were separated into different groups according to the diagnostic categories. Most common diagnosis was acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with the rate of 58.3%. FLT3 mutation was the most common mutation in AML and whole population. After the incorporation of the NGS results into the prognostic classification in newly diagnosed AML group, 47.1% of the patients were up-staged or down-staged according to the European Leukemia Network (ELN) risk stratification system. Conclusion: Analyzing the mutation profiles with NGS in myeloid neoplasias has an important and remarkable effect on diagnosis and management of this group of diseases

    Serum Paraoxonase, Arylesterase, and GlutathioneS-Transferase Activities and Oxidative Stress Levels in Patients with Mushroom Poisoning

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    OBJECTIVES: Consumption of toxic species of mushrooms may have detrimental effects and increase oxidative stress. Paraoxonase, arylesterase and glutathione-S-transferase are antioxidants that resist oxidative stress. In this study, we analyzed the changes in these enzymes during intoxication due to mushrooms. METHODS: The study enrolled 49 adult patients with a diagnosis of mushroom poisoning according to clinical findings and 49 healthy volunteers as the control group. The patients with mild clinical findings were hospitalized due to the possibility that the patient had also eaten the mushrooms and due to clinical findings in the late period, which could be fatal. Paraoxonase, arylesterase, and glutathione-S-transferase concentrations, as well as total antioxidant and oxidant status, were determined in the 49 patients and 49 healthy volunteers by taking blood samples in the emergency department. RESULTS: While paraoxonase, arylesterase, and total antioxidant status were significantly decreased in the patient group (po0.05), glutathione-S-transferase, total oxidant status and the oxidative stress index were significantly higher (po0.05). There was a positive correlation between the hospitalization time and the oxidative stress index (r=0.752, po0.001), whereas a negative correlation was found with glutathione-S-transferase (r=-0.420, p=0.003). CONCLUSION: We observed a significant decrease in paraoxonase and arylesterase and an increase in glutathione-S-transferase and oxidative stress indexes in patients with mushroom poisoning, indicating that these patients had an oxidative status. In particular, a low total antioxidant status and high oxidative stress index may gain importance in terms of the assessment of hospitalization duration

    Mushroom poisoning: retrospective analysis of 294 cases

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to present special clinical and laboratory features of 294 cases of mushroom poisoning. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this retrospective study, 294 patients admitted to the Pediatric and Adult Emergency, Internal Medicine and ICU Departments of Cumhuriyet University Hospital were investigated. RESULTS: Of 294 patients between the ages of 3 and 72 (28.97 ± 19.32), 173 were female, 121 were male and 90 were under the age of 16 years. One hundred seventy-three patients (58.8%) had consumed the mushrooms in the early summer. The onset of mushroom toxicity symptoms was divided into early (within 6 h after ingestion) and delayed (6 h to 20 d). Two hundred eighty-eight patients (97.9%) and six (2.1%) patients had early and delayed toxicity symptoms, respectively. The onset of symptoms was within two hours for 101 patients (34.3%). The most common first-noticed symptoms were in the gastrointestinal system. The patients were discharged within one to ten days. Three patients suffering from poisoning caused by wild mushrooms died from fulminant hepatic failure. CONCLUSION: Education of the public about the consumption of mushrooms and education of health personnel working in health centers regarding early treatment and transfer to hospitals with appropriate facilities are important for decreasing the mortality

    Evaluation of forensic cases admitted to Cumhuriyet University hospital

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    AMAÇ: Bu çalışmada; adli olguların demografik özellikleri ile adli olgu profilinin ortaya çıkarılması yanı sıra; hekimlerin adli rapor düzenleme aşamasında standardizasyonunun sağlanmasının adli tıp uygulamaları ve yargılama aşamasındaki öneminin vurgulanması amaçlandı. GEREÇ ve YÖNTEM: Bu çalışma; 01.01.2006-31.12.2006 tarihleri arasında Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Adli TıpAnabilim Dalı'na adli rapor düzenlenmesi için adli makamlardan gönderilen olguların hastane dosyaları ile adli raporlarının retrospektif olarak incelenmesiyle yapılmıstır. Olguların tıbbi ve adli kayıtları; cinsiyet, yaş, olay türü, olay tarihi, olay yeri, gönderilen makam, yaralanan vücut bölgesi, tedavi olduğu servis, zehirlenme ve cinsel saldırı yönünden, ayrıca adli rapordaki sonuç raporları yönünden değerlendirilerek benzer çalışmalarla karşılastırıldı. BULGULAR: 1,296 olgunun %76.8'i erkekti. Olguların çoğunlukla genç ve orta yaş grubunda olduğu belirlendi. Adli olguların özellikle ağustos ayında (%10.9) daha yoğun olduğu ve çoğunlukla acil serviste (%29.9) tanı ve tedavi sonrası taburcu edildikleri saptandı.Yaşamsal tehlikeye neden olacak yaralanma oranı ise %17.4 olarak tespit edildi. Yaralanmaların en sık (%44.6) baş-boyun bölgesinde olduğu, %30.8 ile trafik kazalarının adli olguların önemli bir kısmını olusşturduğu gözlendi. SONUÇ: Hekim güvenliği ve hasta mağduriyetinin önlenmesi açısından adli olguların özellikle raporlama aşamasının daha özenli yapılması için mezuniyet sonrası adli tıp eğitimi ve adli tıp uzmanları ile koordineli çalışma gereklidir.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to reveal demographic properties and profile of forensic cases in addition to emphasize the importance of forensic report standardization in forensic medical practises and judicial process. MATERIALS and METHODS: This study, were reviewed retrospectively hospital files and forensic reports of cases who have been sent to Cumhuriyet University Medical Faculty Department of Forensic Medicine from by judicial authorities for organizing the forensic reports between the dates 01.01.2006-31.12.2006. The medical and judicial data that were evaluated according to gender, age, event type, event date, event location, sent to the authorities, injuring the body regions, the treatment services, intoxication, sexual assaults and also the results of forensic reports were compared with similar studies. RESULTS: Among 1.296 patients 76.8% were men. Most of the cases were young and middle aged group. Forensic cases were higher in number especially in August (10.9%) and discharged following diagnosis and treatment in emergency services (29.9%). Injuries with vital severity were identified as 17.4%. Injuries were most frequent (44.6%) at head-neck region and a significant ratio of forensic cases were caused by traffic accidents (%30.8). CONCLUSION: As a conclusion; to protect physcian and patients' rights, to control forensic reports more carefully, a coordinated study with forensic medical specialists is required during post graduation education of forensics

    A comparison between a combination of letrozole and clomiphene citrate versus gonadotropins for ovulation induction in infertile patients with clomiphene citrateresistant polycystic ovary syndrome — a retrospective study

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare a combination treatment with CC plus letrozole versus gonadotropinsin CC-resistant polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients with regard to ovulation and clinical pregnancy rate.Material and methods: One hundred sixteen CC-resistant infertile PCOS patients were evaluated retrospectively. The patientswere divided into two groups. Group 1 (n = 73) received CC plus letrozole, and Group 2 (n = 43) received gonadotropins.Results: The ovulation rate in Group 1 was 65/73 (89%), the pregnancy rate was 13/73 (18%), the twin foetuses rate was1/73 (1.3%) and the miscarriage rate was 2/73 (2.7%). In Group 2, the ovulation rate was 41/43 (95%), and the pregnancyrate was 8/43 (19%) the rate of the twin foetuses was 1/43 (2.3%) and the miscarriage rate was 1/43 (2.3%). There was nostatistically significant difference in the ovulation (p = 0.25), pregnancy (p = 0.91), twin foetuses (p = 0.89) and miscarriagep = 0.89) rates between two groups.Conclusions: This new drug combination suggests that it may be a lower cost, lower risk alternative treatment that increasesthe rate of ovulation. Larger randomized clinical trials are needed to provide information on live birth rates of thiscombination