95 research outputs found

    Development of hydro - cultural cut flowers growing

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    Closed, circulation system hydroponics satisfies the strictest environmental protection regulations, environmentally friendly, nutriments do not contaminate soil water and there is no need for soil sterilization, no chemicals pollutes environment. It is well mechanised and controlled and optimal conditions for the plant are provided. Thus, yield increases. It is saving nutriment and water. By considering these facts we can say that there is a better timing, better programmed then chemo culture. As for the cut flowers we found that stem yield in hydroponics is about the same than that is in traditional soil mix and chemo culture. Flower quality is however better due to the more balanced nutriment supply. This is especially true for the vase-endurance Processing data by phytomonitor enables to develop an optimal nutriment supply, a cost saving and environmentally friendly technology

    The hydroculture of Euphorbia pulcherrima willd.

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    Euphorbia pulcherrima is getting more popular. Its decorative upper leaf rosettes are colourful (red, pink, white This is typically a short day plant. It is a water demanding plant, so it can be used in hydroponics. This growing method is getting more importance in our days, because closed-cycle system satisfies the strictest environmental requirements. The growing was taking place in two growing houses, the French Filclair plastic house and Prmeur-1 German glass house.The purpose of the research was to compare varieties and the effect of the two growing houses. According to our findings the height of 'Freedom Red' – as a medium growth variety- exceeded that of 'Cortez Red' and 'Cortez White' varieties. The number of laves of 'Cortez White' variety exceeded the two other varieties. As for the diameter of the rosettes 'Freedom Red' variety had the best quality, as these were the biggest. By comparing the two growing houses (Filclair plastic and Primeu-1) we found that growing houses did not influence the quality (height, number of leaves, diameter of upper leaves) of the flowers at any of the 3 varieties

    Developments in Hungary in Staffing Practices - Results of Two Consecutive Cranet Surveys

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    Management of human resources, the same as other fields of management, has altered significantly in Hungary since the democratic transformation and in many respects it is still changing. This paper – while describing the specific Hungarian staffing practice and its alterations – makes a comparison of the characteristics of the Hungarian samples of two Cranet surveys. Based on these, we outline the ratio of similarity between the Hungarian and the global (or that of the 32 countries participating in the network) HR practice and the features of HR practices of (6 network member) countries from the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region.Human Resource Management, staffing, Hungary, Cranet

    "Mostantól a festészet halott"

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    Konvergenciák és divergenciák az emberi erőforrás menedzsmentben Magyarországon és Európában = Convergences and divergences in Hungarian and European Human Resource Management

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    A pécsi Emberi Erőforrás Menedzsment Kutatóműhely (Vezetés Szervezés Tanszék) korábbi eredményei után ez a kutatás nemzetközi környezetben valósult meg. Csatlakozva a Cranfield Network (CranNet) kutató csoporthoz, 32 ország empirikus adatait vizsgálhattuk. Ezen adatbázison az összehasonlító HRM koncepciója alapján erős statisztikai támogatottsággal állapítottuk meg, hogy mennyire mutat konvergens illetve divergens képet a hazai, a kelet-közép-európai és a teljes minta HR gyakorlata. A megállapítás lényege, hogy jól elkülöníthetők a kategóriák, továbbá azok a jellemzők, amelyek a közszférát elválasztják a versenyszférától. A hazai HRM alkalmazások változó jellege a vizsgált funkciókban hozzájárul a versenyképesség növeléséhez és a külső és belső változásokhoz való alkalmazkodáshoz. A kutatási eredményeinket több nemzetközi konferencián és számos külföldi publikációval validáltuk. | After the previous results of the Human Resource Management Research Unit (Department of Organization and Leadership) of the University of Pécs, this research was implemented in an international environment. Cooperating with Cranfield Network (CraNet) research team, we had the opportunity to analyze the empirical data of 32 countries. Based on the conception of comparative HRM with strong statistical support we concluded how much the HR practice of Hungary, Eastern-Central Europe and the total sample is convergent or divergent. The point of the conclusion is that these categories and characteristics which separates the public sector and the competitive sector can be acutely determined. Changing nature of domestic HRM applications contributes to the increase in competitiveness and adaptation to the internal and external changes within the examined functions. Our research results have been validated with several international conferences and publications

    The hydroculture of Euphorbia pulcherrima willd.

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    Euphorbia pulcherrima is getting more popular. Its decorative upper leaf rosettes are colourful (red, pink, white This is typically a short day plant. It is a water demanding plant, so it can be used in hydroponics. This growing method is getting more importance in our days, because closed-cycle system satisfies the strictest environmental requirements. The growing was taking place in two growing houses, the French Filclair plastic house and Prmeur-1 German glass house.The purpose of the research was to compare varieties and the effect of the two growing houses. According to our findings the height of 'Freedom Red' – as a medium growth variety- exceeded that of 'Cortez Red' and 'Cortez White' varieties. The number of laves of 'Cortez White' variety exceeded the two other varieties. As for the diameter of the rosettes 'Freedom Red' variety had the best quality, as these were the biggest. By comparing the two growing houses (Filclair plastic and Primeu-1) we found that growing houses did not influence the quality (height, number of leaves, diameter of upper leaves) of the flowers at any of the 3 varieties
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